mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 21:08:44 +00:00
- Remove most __ASSEMBLER__ __LINKER__ ifdefs - Rename libc/intrin/bits.h to libc/serialize.h - Block pthread cancelation in fchmodat() polyfill - Remove `clang-format off` statements in third_party
193 lines
5.8 KiB
193 lines
5.8 KiB
/* $Copyright: $
* Copyright (c) 1996 - 2023 by Steve Baker (ice@mama.indstate.edu)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "libc/sysv/consts/s.h"
#include "third_party/tree/tree.h"
extern bool dflag, lflag, pflag, sflag, Fflag, aflag, fflag, uflag, gflag;
extern bool Dflag, inodeflag, devflag, Rflag, cflag, hflag, siflag, duflag;
extern bool noindent, force_color, xdev, nolinks, noreport;
extern const int ifmt[];
extern const char fmt[], *ftype[];
extern FILE *outfile;
extern int Level, *dirs, maxdirs, errors;
extern char *endcode;
/* JSON code courtesy of Florian Sesser <fs@it-agenten.com>
{"type": "directory", "name": "name", "mode": "0777", "user": "user", "group": "group", "inode": ###, "dev": ####, "time": "00:00 00-00-0000", "info": "<file comment>", "contents": [
{"type": "link", "name": "name", "target": "name", "info": "...", "contents": [... if link is followed, otherwise this is empty.]}
{"type": "file", "name": "name", "mode": "0777", "size": ###, "group": "group", "inode": ###, "dev": ###, "time": "00:00 00-00-0000", "info": "..."}
{"type": "socket", "name": "", "info": "...", "error": "some error" ...}
{"type": "block", "name": "" ...},
{"type": "char", "name": "" ...},
{"type": "fifo", "name": "" ...},
{"type": "door", "name": "" ...},
{"type": "port", "name": "" ...}
{"type": "report", "size": ###, "files": ###, "directories": ###}
* JSON encoded strings are not HTML/XML strings:
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259#section-7
* FIXME: Still not UTF-8
void json_encode(FILE *fd, char *s)
char *ctrl = "0-------btn-fr------------------";
for(;*s;s++) {
if ((unsigned char)*s < 32) {
if (ctrl[(unsigned char)*s] != '-') fprintf(fd, "\\%c", ctrl[(unsigned char)*s]);
else fprintf(fd, "\\u%04x", (unsigned char)*s);
} else if (*s == '"' || *s == '\\') fprintf(fd, "\\%c", *s);
else fprintf(fd, "%c", *s);
void json_indent(int maxlevel)
int i;
fprintf(outfile, " ");
for(i=0; i<maxlevel; i++)
fprintf(outfile, " ");
void json_fillinfo(struct _info *ent)
#ifdef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
if (inodeflag) fprintf(outfile,",\"inode\":%lld",(long long)ent->inode);
if (inodeflag) fprintf(outfile,",\"inode\":%ld",(long int)ent->inode);
if (devflag) fprintf(outfile, ",\"dev\":%d", (int)ent->dev);
#ifdef __EMX__
if (pflag) fprintf(outfile, ",\"mode\":\"%04o\",\"prot\":\"%s\"",ent->attr, prot(ent->attr));
if (pflag) fprintf(outfile, ",\"mode\":\"%04o\",\"prot\":\"%s\"", ent->mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO|S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX), prot(ent->mode));
if (uflag) fprintf(outfile, ",\"user\":\"%s\"", uidtoname(ent->uid));
if (gflag) fprintf(outfile, ",\"group\":\"%s\"", gidtoname(ent->gid));
if (sflag) {
if (hflag || siflag) {
char nbuf[64];
int i;
for(i=0; isspace(nbuf[i]); i++); /* trim() hack */
fprintf(outfile, ",\"size\":\"%s\"", nbuf+i);
} else
fprintf(outfile, ",\"size\":%lld", (long long int)ent->size);
if (Dflag) fprintf(outfile, ",\"time\":\"%s\"", do_date(cflag? ent->ctime : ent->mtime));
void json_intro(void)
extern char *_nl;
fprintf(outfile, "[%s", noindent? "" : _nl);
void json_outtro(void)
extern char *_nl;
fprintf(outfile, "%s]\n", noindent? "" : _nl);
int json_printinfo(char *dirname, struct _info *file, int level)
mode_t mt;
int t;
if (!noindent) json_indent(level);
if (file != NULL) {
if (file->lnk) mt = file->mode & S_IFMT;
else mt = file->mode & S_IFMT;
} else mt = 0;
if (ifmt[t] == mt) break;
fprintf(outfile,"{\"type\":\"%s\"", ftype[t]);
return 0;
int json_printfile(char *dirname, char *filename, struct _info *file, int descend)
int i;
fprintf(outfile, ",\"name\":\"");
json_encode(outfile, filename);
if (file && file->comment) {
fprintf(outfile, ",\"info\":\"");
for(i=0; file->comment[i]; i++) {
json_encode(outfile, file->comment[i]);
if (file->comment[i+1]) fprintf(outfile, "\\n");
fprintf(outfile, "\"");
if (file && file->lnk) {
fprintf(outfile, ",\"target\":\"");
json_encode(outfile, file->lnk);
if (file) json_fillinfo(file);
if (file && file->err) fprintf(outfile, ",\"error\": \"%s\"", file->err);
if (!descend) fputc('}',outfile);
else fprintf(outfile, ",\"contents\":[");
return descend;
int json_error(char *error)
fprintf(outfile,"{\"error\": \"%s\"}%s",error, noindent?"":"\n");
return 0;
void json_newline(struct _info *file, int level, int postdir, int needcomma)
extern char *_nl;
fprintf(outfile, "%s%s", needcomma? "," : "", _nl);
void json_close(struct _info *file, int level, int needcomma)
if (!noindent) json_indent(level);
fprintf(outfile,"]}%s%s", needcomma? ",":"", noindent? "":"\n");
void json_report(struct totals tot)
fprintf(outfile, ",%s{\"type\":\"report\"",noindent?"":"\n ");
if (duflag) fprintf(outfile,",\"size\":%lld", (long long int)tot.size);
fprintf(outfile,",\"directories\":%ld", tot.dirs);
if (!dflag) fprintf(outfile,",\"files\":%ld", tot.files);
fprintf(outfile, "}");