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synced 2025-03-23 01:04:15 +00:00
- Every unit test now passes on Apple Silicon. The final piece of this puzzle was porting our POSIX threads cancelation support, since that works differently on ARM64 XNU vs. AMD64. Our semaphore support on Apple Silicon is also superior now compared to AMD64, thanks to the grand central dispatch library which lets *NSYNC locks go faster. - The Cosmopolitan runtime is now more stable, particularly on Windows. To do this, thread local storage is mandatory at all runtime levels, and the innermost packages of the C library is no longer being built using ASAN. TLS is being bootstrapped with a 128-byte TIB during the process startup phase, and then later on the runtime re-allocates it either statically or dynamically to support code using _Thread_local. fork() and execve() now do a better job cooperating with threads. We can now check how much stack memory is left in the process or thread when functions like kprintf() / execve() etc. call alloca(), so that ENOMEM can be raised, reduce a buffer size, or just print a warning. - POSIX signal emulation is now implemented the same way kernels do it with pthread_kill() and raise(). Any thread can interrupt any other thread, regardless of what it's doing. If it's blocked on read/write then the killer thread will cancel its i/o operation so that EINTR can be returned in the mark thread immediately. If it's doing a tight CPU bound operation, then that's also interrupted by the signal delivery. Signal delivery works now by suspending a thread and pushing context data structures onto its stack, and redirecting its execution to a trampoline function, which calls SetThreadContext(GetCurrentThread()) when it's done. - We're now doing a better job managing locks and handles. On NetBSD we now close semaphore file descriptors in forked children. Semaphores on Windows can now be canceled immediately, which means mutexes/condition variables will now go faster. Apple Silicon semaphores can be canceled too. We're now using Apple's pthread_yield() funciton. Apple _nocancel syscalls are now used on XNU when appropriate to ensure pthread_cancel requests aren't lost. The MbedTLS library has been updated to support POSIX thread cancelations. See tool/build/runitd.c for an example of how it can be used for production multi-threaded tls servers. Handles on Windows now leak less often across processes. All i/o operations on Windows are now overlapped, which means file pointers can no longer be inherited across dup() and fork() for the time being. - We now spawn a thread on Windows to deliver SIGCHLD and wakeup wait4() which means, for example, that posix_spawn() now goes 3x faster. POSIX spawn is also now more correct. Like Musl, it's now able to report the failure code of execve() via a pipe although our approach favors using shared memory to do that on systems that have a true vfork() function. - We now spawn a thread to deliver SIGALRM to threads when setitimer() is used. This enables the most precise wakeups the OS makes possible. - The Cosmopolitan runtime now uses less memory. On NetBSD for example, it turned out the kernel would actually commit the PT_GNU_STACK size which caused RSS to be 6mb for every process. Now it's down to ~4kb. On Apple Silicon, we reduce the mandatory upstream thread size to the smallest possible size to reduce the memory overhead of Cosmo threads. The examples directory has a program called greenbean which can spawn a web server on Linux with 10,000 worker threads and have the memory usage of the process be ~77mb. The 1024 byte overhead of POSIX-style thread-local storage is now optional; it won't be allocated until the pthread_setspecific/getspecific functions are called. On Windows, the threads that get spawned which are internal to the libc implementation use reserve rather than commit memory, which shaves a few hundred kb. - sigaltstack() is now supported on Windows, however it's currently not able to be used to handle stack overflows, since crash signals are still generated by WIN32. However the crash handler will still switch to the alt stack, which is helpful in environments with tiny threads. - Test binaries are now smaller. Many of the mandatory dependencies of the test runner have been removed. This ensures many programs can do a better job only linking the the thing they're testing. This caused the test binaries for LIBC_FMT for example, to decrease from 200kb to 50kb - long double is no longer used in the implementation details of libc, except in the APIs that define it. The old code that used long double for time (instead of struct timespec) has now been thoroughly removed. - ShowCrashReports() is now much tinier in MODE=tiny. Instead of doing backtraces itself, it'll just print a command you can run on the shell using our new `cosmoaddr2line` program to view the backtrace. - Crash report signal handling now works in a much better way. Instead of terminating the process, it now relies on SA_RESETHAND so that the default SIG_IGN behavior can terminate the process if necessary. - Our pledge() functionality has now been fully ported to AARCH64 Linux.
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Executable file
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Executable file
/usr/bin/env echo ' -*-mode:sh;indent-tabs-mode:nil;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8-*-│
│vi: set net ft=sh ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi│
╚────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────'>/dev/null #*/
. libc/nt/codegen.sh
# The New Technology API
# » so many sections
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp '' CloseHandle kernel32 1
imp '' CreateDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp '' CreateFileA kernel32 7
imp '' CreateFileMappingNumaW kernel32 7
imp '' CreateFileMappingW kernel32 6
imp '' CreateFileW kernel32 7
imp '' CreateNamedPipeW kernel32 8
imp '' CreatePipe kernel32 4
imp '' CreateProcessW kernel32 10
imp '' CreateSymbolicLinkW kernel32 3
imp '' CreateThread kernel32 6
imp '' DeleteFileW kernel32 1
imp '' DeviceIoControl kernel32 8
imp '' FindClose kernel32 1
imp '' FindFirstFileW kernel32 2
imp '' FindNextFileW kernel32 2
imp '' FlushFileBuffers kernel32 1
imp '' FlushViewOfFile kernel32 2
imp '' GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent kernel32 2
imp '' GetExitCodeProcess kernel32 2
imp '' GetFileAttributesW kernel32 1
imp '' LockFileEx kernel32 6
imp '' MapViewOfFileEx kernel32 6
imp '' MapViewOfFileExNuma kernel32 7
imp '' MoveFileExW kernel32 3
imp '' OpenProcess kernel32 3
imp '' ReOpenFile kernel32 4 # TODO(jart): 6.2 and higher
imp '' RemoveDirectoryW kernel32 1
imp '' SetCurrentDirectoryW kernel32 1
imp '' TerminateProcess kernel32 2
imp '' UnlockFileEx kernel32 5
imp '' UnmapViewOfFile kernel32 1
imp '' VirtualProtect kernel32 4
imp '' WaitForMultipleObjects kernel32 4
imp '' WaitForSingleObject kernel32 2
imp 'AcquireSRWLockExclusive' AcquireSRWLockExclusive kernel32 1
imp 'AcquireSRWLockShared' AcquireSRWLockShared kernel32 1
imp 'AddVectoredContinueHandler' AddVectoredContinueHandler kernel32 2
imp 'AddVectoredExceptionHandler' AddVectoredExceptionHandler kernel32 2
imp 'AllocConsole' AllocConsole kernel32 0
imp 'AttachConsole' AttachConsole kernel32 1
imp 'CallNamedPipe' CallNamedPipeW kernel32 7
imp 'CallNamedPipeA' CallNamedPipeA kernel32 7
imp 'CancelIo' CancelIo kernel32 1
imp 'CancelIoEx' CancelIoEx kernel32 2
imp 'CancelSynchronousIo' CancelSynchronousIo kernel32 1
imp 'CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent' CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent kernel32 2
imp 'ClearCommBreak' ClearCommBreak kernel32 1
imp 'ConnectNamedPipe' ConnectNamedPipe kernel32 2
imp 'ContinueDebugEvent' ContinueDebugEvent kernel32 3
imp 'CopyFile' CopyFileW kernel32 3
imp 'CreateEvent' CreateEventW kernel32 4
imp 'CreateEventEx' CreateEventExW kernel32 4
imp 'CreateHardLink' CreateHardLinkW kernel32 3
imp 'CreateIoCompletionPort' CreateIoCompletionPort kernel32 4
imp 'CreateSemaphore' CreateSemaphoreW kernel32 4
imp 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot' CreateToolhelp32Snapshot kernel32 2
imp 'CreateWaitableTimer' CreateWaitableTimerW kernel32 3
imp 'CreateWaitableTimerEx' CreateWaitableTimerExW kernel32 4
imp 'DebugActiveProcess' DebugActiveProcess kernel32 1
imp 'DebugActiveProcessStop' DebugActiveProcessStop kernel32 1
imp 'DebugBreakProcess' DebugBreakProcess kernel32 1
imp 'DeleteCriticalSection' DeleteCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'DeleteProcThreadAttributeList' DeleteProcThreadAttributeList kernel32 1
imp 'DisconnectNamedPipe' DisconnectNamedPipe kernel32 1
imp 'DuplicateHandle' DuplicateHandle kernel32 7
imp 'EnterCriticalSection' EnterCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'ExitProcess' ExitProcess kernel32 1 # a.k.a. RtlExitUserProcess
imp 'ExitThread' ExitThread kernel32 1
imp 'FatalExit' FatalExit kernel32 1
imp 'FillConsoleOutputAttribute' FillConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 5
imp 'FillConsoleOutputCharacter' FillConsoleOutputCharacterW kernel32 5
imp 'FindFirstFileEx' FindFirstFileExW kernel32 6
imp 'FindFirstVolume' FindFirstVolumeW kernel32 2
imp 'FindNextVolume' FindNextVolumeW kernel32 3
imp 'FindVolumeClose' FindVolumeClose kernel32 1
imp 'FlushConsoleInputBuffer' FlushConsoleInputBuffer kernel32 1
imp 'FormatMessage' FormatMessageW kernel32 7
imp 'FreeConsole' FreeConsole kernel32 0
imp 'FreeEnvironmentStrings' FreeEnvironmentStringsW kernel32 1
imp 'FreeLibrary' FreeLibrary kernel32 1
imp 'FreeResource' FreeResource kernel32 1
imp 'GetCommandLine' GetCommandLineW kernel32 0
imp 'GetCompressedFileSize' GetCompressedFileSizeW kernel32 2
imp 'GetComputerNameEx' GetComputerNameExW kernel32 3
imp 'GetConsoleCP' GetConsoleCP kernel32 0
imp 'GetConsoleCursorInfo' GetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleMode' GetConsoleMode kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleOutputCP' GetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 0
imp 'GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo' GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx' GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleSelectionInfo' GetConsoleSelectionInfo kernel32 1
imp 'GetConsoleTitle' GetConsoleTitleW kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleWindow' GetConsoleWindow kernel32 0
imp 'GetCurrentDirectory' GetCurrentDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp 'GetCurrentProcessId' GetCurrentProcessId kernel32 0
imp 'GetCurrentThread' GetCurrentThread kernel32 0
imp 'GetCurrentThreadId' GetCurrentThreadId kernel32 0
imp 'GetEnvironmentStrings' GetEnvironmentStringsW kernel32 1
imp 'GetEnvironmentVariable' GetEnvironmentVariableW kernel32 3
imp 'GetExitCodeThread' GetExitCodeThread kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileAttributesEx' GetFileAttributesExW kernel32 3
imp 'GetFileInformationByHandle' GetFileInformationByHandle kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileInformationByHandleEx' GetFileInformationByHandleEx kernel32 4
imp 'GetFileSize' GetFileSize kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileSizeEx' GetFileSizeEx kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileTime' GetFileTime kernel32 4
imp 'GetFileType' GetFileType kernel32 1
imp 'GetFinalPathNameByHandle' GetFinalPathNameByHandleW kernel32 4
imp 'GetFullPathName' GetFullPathNameW kernel32 4
imp 'GetHandleInformation' GetHandleInformation kernel32 2
imp 'GetLargestConsoleWindowSize' GetLargestConsoleWindowSize kernel32 1
imp 'GetLastError' GetLastError kernel32 0
imp 'GetLogicalDrives' GetLogicalDrives kernel32 0
imp 'GetMaximumProcessorCount' GetMaximumProcessorCount kernel32 1 # Windows 7+
imp 'GetModuleFileName' GetModuleFileNameW kernel32 3
imp 'GetModuleHandle' GetModuleHandleA kernel32 1
imp 'GetModuleHandleEx' GetModuleHandleExW kernel32 3
imp 'GetModuleHandleW' GetModuleHandleW kernel32 1
imp 'GetNamedPipeInfo' GetNamedPipeInfo kernel32 5
imp 'GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents' GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents kernel32 2
imp 'GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons' GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons kernel32 1
imp 'GetOverlappedResult' GetOverlappedResult kernel32 4
imp 'GetOverlappedResultEx' GetOverlappedResultEx kernel32 5
imp 'GetPriorityClass' GetPriorityClass kernel32 1
imp 'GetProcAddress' GetProcAddress kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessAffinityMask' GetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 3
imp 'GetProcessHandleCount' GetProcessHandleCount kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessHeap' GetProcessHeap kernel32 0
imp 'GetProcessHeaps' GetProcessHeaps kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessId' GetProcessId kernel32 1
imp 'GetProcessIdOfThread' GetProcessIdOfThread kernel32 1
imp 'GetProcessInformation' GetProcessInformation kernel32 4
imp 'GetProcessIoCounters' GetProcessIoCounters kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessPriorityBoost' GetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessTimes' GetProcessTimes kernel32 5
imp 'GetProcessWorkingSetSize' GetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 3
imp 'GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx' GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx kernel32 4
imp 'GetQueuedCompletionStatus' GetQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 5
imp 'GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx' GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx kernel32 6
imp 'GetStartupInfo' GetStartupInfoW kernel32 1
imp 'GetStdHandle' GetStdHandle kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemDirectory' GetSystemDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp 'GetSystemDirectoryA' GetSystemDirectoryA kernel32 2
imp 'GetSystemInfo' GetSystemInfo kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTime' GetSystemTime kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTimeAdjustment' GetSystemTimeAdjustment kernel32 3
imp 'GetSystemTimeAsFileTime' GetSystemTimeAsFileTime kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime' GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTimes' GetSystemTimes kernel32 3
imp 'GetTempPath' GetTempPathW kernel32 2
imp 'GetTempPathA' GetTempPathA kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadContext' GetThreadContext kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadIOPendingFlag' GetThreadIOPendingFlag kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadId' GetThreadId kernel32 1
imp 'GetThreadPriority' GetThreadPriority kernel32 1
imp 'GetThreadPriorityBoost' GetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadTimes' GetThreadTimes kernel32 5
imp 'GetTickCount64' GetTickCount64 kernel32 0
imp 'GetVersionEx' GetVersionExW kernel32 1
imp 'GetVolumeInformationByHandle' GetVolumeInformationByHandleW kernel32 8
imp 'GetVolumePathName' GetVolumePathNameW kernel32 3
imp 'GetWindowsDirectory' GetWindowsDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp 'GetWindowsDirectoryA' GetWindowsDirectoryA kernel32 2
imp 'GlobalAlloc' GlobalAlloc kernel32 2
imp 'GlobalFree' GlobalFree kernel32 1
imp 'GlobalMemoryStatusEx' GlobalMemoryStatusEx kernel32 1
imp 'HeapAlloc' HeapAlloc kernel32 3
imp 'HeapCompact' HeapCompact kernel32 2
imp 'HeapCreate' HeapCreate kernel32 3
imp 'HeapDestroy' HeapDestroy kernel32 1
imp 'HeapFree' HeapFree kernel32 3
imp 'HeapReAlloc' HeapReAlloc kernel32 4
imp 'InitializeContext' InitializeContext kernel32 4 # Windows 7+
imp 'InitializeCriticalSection' InitializeCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount' InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount kernel32 2
imp 'InitializeProcThreadAttributeList' InitializeProcThreadAttributeList kernel32 4
imp 'InitializeSRWLock' InitializeSRWLock kernel32 1
imp 'LeaveCriticalSection' LeaveCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'LoadLibrary' LoadLibraryW kernel32 1
imp 'LoadLibraryEx' LoadLibraryExW kernel32 3
imp 'LoadResource' LoadResource kernel32 2
imp 'LocalFree' LocalFree kernel32 1
imp 'LockFile' LockFile kernel32 5
imp 'LockResource' LockResource kernel32 1
imp 'MoveFile' MoveFileW kernel32 2
imp 'MultiByteToWideChar' MultiByteToWideChar kernel32 6
imp 'OfferVirtualMemory' OfferVirtualMemory kernel32 3
imp 'OpenThread' OpenThread kernel32 3
imp 'PeekConsoleInput' PeekConsoleInputW kernel32 4
imp 'PeekNamedPipe' PeekNamedPipe kernel32 6
imp 'PostQueuedCompletionStatus' PostQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 4
imp 'PrefetchVirtualMemory' PrefetchVirtualMemory kernel32 4
imp 'Process32First' Process32FirstW kernel32 2
imp 'Process32Next' Process32NextW kernel32 2
imp 'PulseEvent' PulseEvent kernel32 1
imp 'PurgeComm' PurgeComm kernel32 2
imp 'QueryPerformanceCounter' QueryPerformanceCounter kernel32 1
imp 'QueryPerformanceFrequency' QueryPerformanceFrequency kernel32 1
imp 'ReadConsole' ReadConsoleW kernel32 5
imp 'ReadConsoleInput' ReadConsoleInputW kernel32 4
imp 'ReadConsoleOutput' ReadConsoleOutputW kernel32 5
imp 'ReadConsoleOutputAttribute' ReadConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 5
imp 'ReadConsoleOutputCharacter' ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW kernel32 5
imp 'ReadFile' ReadFile kernel32 5
imp 'ReadFileEx' ReadFileEx kernel32 5
imp 'ReadFileScatter' ReadFileScatter kernel32 5
imp 'RegisterWaitForSingleObject' RegisterWaitForSingleObject kernel32 6
imp 'ReleaseMutex' ReleaseMutex kernel32 1
imp 'ReleaseSRWLockExclusive' ReleaseSRWLockExclusive kernel32 1
imp 'ReleaseSRWLockShared' ReleaseSRWLockShared kernel32 1
imp 'ReleaseSemaphore' ReleaseSemaphore kernel32 3
imp 'RemoveVectoredContinueHandler' RemoveVectoredContinueHandler kernel32 1
imp 'RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler' RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler kernel32 1
imp 'ResetEvent' ResetEvent kernel32 1
imp 'ResumeThread' ResumeThread kernel32 1
imp 'SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer' SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer kernel32 1 # TODO(jart): 6.2 and higher
imp 'SetConsoleCP' SetConsoleCP kernel32 1 # TODO(jart): 6.2 and higher
imp 'SetConsoleCtrlHandler' SetConsoleCtrlHandler kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleCursorInfo' SetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleCursorPosition' SetConsoleCursorPosition kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleMode' SetConsoleMode kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleOutputCP' SetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 1
imp 'SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx' SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleScreenBufferSize' SetConsoleScreenBufferSize kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleTitle' SetConsoleTitleW kernel32 1
imp 'SetConsoleWindowInfo' SetConsoleWindowInfo kernel32 3
imp 'SetCriticalSectionSpinCount' SetCriticalSectionSpinCount kernel32 2
imp 'SetDefaultDllDirectories' SetDefaultDllDirectories kernel32 1 # Windows 8+, KB2533623 on Windows 7
imp 'SetEndOfFile' SetEndOfFile kernel32 1
imp 'SetEnvironmentVariable' SetEnvironmentVariableW kernel32 2
imp 'SetErrorMode' SetErrorMode kernel32 1
imp 'SetEvent' SetEvent kernel32 1
imp 'SetFileAttributes' SetFileAttributesW kernel32 2
imp 'SetFileCompletionNotificationModes' SetFileCompletionNotificationModes kernel32 2
imp 'SetFilePointerEx' SetFilePointerEx kernel32 4
imp 'SetFileTime' SetFileTime kernel32 4
imp 'SetFileValidData' SetFileValidData kernel32 2
imp 'SetHandleCount' SetHandleCount kernel32 1
imp 'SetHandleInformation' SetHandleInformation kernel32 3
imp 'SetLastError' SetLastError kernel32 1
imp 'SetNamedPipeHandleState' SetNamedPipeHandleState kernel32 4
imp 'SetPriorityClass' SetPriorityClass kernel32 2
imp 'SetProcessAffinityMask' SetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 2
imp 'SetProcessPriorityBoost' SetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'SetProcessWorkingSetSize' SetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 3
imp 'SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx' SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx kernel32 4
imp 'SetStdHandle' SetStdHandle kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadAffinityMask' SetThreadAffinityMask kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadContext' SetThreadContext kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadPriority' SetThreadPriority kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadPriorityBoost' SetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'SetUnhandledExceptionFilter' SetUnhandledExceptionFilter kernel32 1
imp 'SetWaitableTimer' SetWaitableTimer kernel32 6
imp 'Sleep' Sleep kernel32 1
imp 'SleepEx' SleepEx kernel32 2
imp 'SuspendThread' SuspendThread kernel32 1
imp 'SystemTimeToFileTime' SystemTimeToFileTime kernel32 2
imp 'TerminateThread' TerminateThread kernel32 2
imp 'TlsAlloc' TlsAlloc kernel32 0
imp 'TlsFree' TlsFree kernel32 1
imp 'TlsGetValue' TlsGetValue kernel32 1
imp 'TlsSetValue' TlsSetValue kernel32 2
imp 'TransactNamedPipe' TransactNamedPipe kernel32 7
imp 'TransmitCommChar' TransmitCommChar kernel32 2
imp 'TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive' TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive kernel32 1
imp 'TryAcquireSRWLockShared' TryAcquireSRWLockShared kernel32 1
imp 'TryEnterCriticalSection' TryEnterCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'UnlockFile' UnlockFile kernel32 5
imp 'UnmapViewOfFile2' UnmapViewOfFile2 kernel32 2
imp 'UnmapViewOfFileEx' UnmapViewOfFileEx kernel32 3
imp 'UpdateProcThreadAttribute' UpdateProcThreadAttribute kernel32 7
imp 'VirtualAlloc' VirtualAlloc kernel32 4
imp 'VirtualAllocEx' VirtualAllocEx kernel32 5
imp 'VirtualFree' VirtualFree kernel32 3
imp 'VirtualLock' VirtualLock kernel32 2
imp 'VirtualQuery' VirtualQuery kernel32 3
imp 'VirtualUnlock' VirtualUnlock kernel32 2
imp 'WaitForMultipleObjectsEx' WaitForMultipleObjectsEx kernel32 5
imp 'WaitForSingleObjectEx' WaitForSingleObjectEx kernel32 3
imp 'WideCharToMultiByte' WideCharToMultiByte kernel32 8
imp 'WriteConsole' WriteConsoleW kernel32 5
imp 'WriteConsoleInput' WriteConsoleInputW kernel32 4
imp 'WriteConsoleOutputAttribute' WriteConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 5
imp 'WriteConsoleOutputCharacter' WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW kernel32 5
imp 'WriteFile' WriteFile kernel32 5
imp 'WriteFileEx' WriteFileEx kernel32 5
imp 'WriteFileGather' WriteFileGather kernel32 5
# Name Actual DLL Hint Arity
imp 'AccessCheck' AccessCheck advapi32 8
imp 'AdjustTokenPrivileges' AdjustTokenPrivileges advapi32 6
imp 'CreateProcessAsUser' CreateProcessAsUserW advapi32 11
imp 'DeregisterEventSource' DeregisterEventSource advapi32 1
imp 'DuplicateToken' DuplicateToken advapi32 3
imp 'DuplicateTokenEx' DuplicateTokenEx advapi32 6
imp 'GetFileSecurity' GetFileSecurityW advapi32 5
imp 'GetUserName' GetUserNameW advapi32 2
imp 'ImpersonateSelf' ImpersonateSelf advapi32 1
imp 'InitiateShutdown' InitiateShutdownW advapi32 5
imp 'LookupPrivilegeValue' LookupPrivilegeValueW advapi32 3
imp 'MapGenericMask' MapGenericMask advapi32 2
imp 'OpenProcessToken' OpenProcessToken advapi32 3
imp 'OpenThreadToken' OpenThreadToken advapi32 4
imp 'RegCloseKey' RegCloseKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegConnectRegistry' RegConnectRegistryW advapi32 3
imp 'RegCreateKey' RegCreateKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegCreateKeyEx' RegCreateKeyExW advapi32 9
imp 'RegDeleteKey' RegDeleteKeyW advapi32 2
imp 'RegDeleteKeyEx' RegDeleteKeyExW advapi32 4
imp 'RegDeleteTree' RegDeleteTreeW advapi32 2
imp 'RegDeleteValue' RegDeleteValueW advapi32 2
imp 'RegDisablePredefinedCache' RegDisablePredefinedCache advapi32 1
imp 'RegDisableReflectionKey' RegDisableReflectionKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegEnableReflectionKey' RegEnableReflectionKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegEnumKey' RegEnumKeyW advapi32 4
imp 'RegEnumKeyEx' RegEnumKeyExW advapi32 8
imp 'RegEnumValue' RegEnumValueW advapi32 8
imp 'RegFlushKey' RegFlushKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegGetKeySecurity' RegGetKeySecurity advapi32 4
imp 'RegGetValue' RegGetValueW advapi32 7
imp 'RegLoadKey' RegLoadKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegNotifyChangeKeyValue' RegNotifyChangeKeyValue advapi32 5
imp 'RegOpenCurrentUser' RegOpenCurrentUser advapi32 2
imp 'RegOpenKeyEx' RegOpenKeyExW advapi32 5
imp 'RegOpenUserClassesRoot' RegOpenUserClassesRoot advapi32 4
imp 'RegOverridePredefKey' RegOverridePredefKey advapi32 2
imp 'RegQueryInfoKey' RegQueryInfoKeyW advapi32 12
imp 'RegQueryMultipleValues' RegQueryMultipleValuesW advapi32 5
imp 'RegQueryReflectionKey' RegQueryReflectionKey advapi32 2
imp 'RegQueryValue' RegQueryValueW advapi32 4
imp 'RegQueryValueEx' RegQueryValueExW advapi32 6
imp 'RegReplaceKey' RegReplaceKeyW advapi32 4
imp 'RegRestoreKey' RegRestoreKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegSaveKey' RegSaveKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegSetKeySecurity' RegSetKeySecurity advapi32 3
imp 'RegSetValue' RegSetValueW advapi32 5
imp 'RegSetValueEx' RegSetValueExW advapi32 6
imp 'RegUnLoadKey' RegUnLoadKeyW advapi32 2
imp 'RegisterEventSource' RegisterEventSourceW advapi32 2
imp 'ReportEvent' ReportEventW advapi32 9
imp 'ReportEventA' ReportEventA advapi32 9
imp 'RevertToSelf' RevertToSelf advapi32 0
imp 'RtlGenRandom' SystemFunction036 advapi32 2
imp 'TraceSetInformation' TraceSetInformation advapi32 # Windows 7+
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'AdjustWindowRect' AdjustWindowRect user32 3
imp 'AnimateWindow' AnimateWindow user32 3
imp 'AppendMenuA' AppendMenuA user32 4
imp 'AppendMenu' AppendMenuW user32 4
imp 'BeginPaint' BeginPaint user32 2
imp 'BringWindowToTop' BringWindowToTop user32 1
imp 'CallNextHookEx' CallNextHookEx user32 4
imp 'CloseWindow' CloseWindow user32 1
imp 'CreateIconIndirect' CreateIconIndirect user32 1
imp 'CreateMenu' CreateMenu user32 0
imp 'CreatePopupMenu' CreatePopupMenu user32 0
imp 'CreateWindowEx' CreateWindowExW user32 12
imp 'DefWindowProc' DefWindowProcW user32 4
imp 'DeleteMenu' DeleteMenu user32 3
imp 'DestroyIcon' DestroyIcon user32 1
imp 'DestroyMenu' DestroyMenu user32 1
imp 'DestroyWindow' DestroyWindow user32 1
imp 'DispatchMessage' DispatchMessageW user32 1
imp 'DrawText' DrawTextW user32 5
imp 'DrawTextEx' DrawTextExW user32 6
imp 'EndPaint' EndPaint user32 2
imp 'EnumChildWindows' EnumChildWindows user32 3
imp 'FillRect' FillRect user32 3
imp 'FindWindow' FindWindowW user32 2
imp 'FindWindowEx' FindWindowExW user32 4
imp 'GetClientRect' GetClientRect user32 2
imp 'GetCursor' GetCursor user32 0
imp 'GetCursorPos' GetCursorPos user32 1
imp 'GetDC' GetDC user32 1
imp 'GetDesktopWindow' GetDesktopWindow user32 0
imp 'GetKeyState' GetKeyState user32 1
imp 'GetKeyboardLayout' GetKeyboardLayout user32 1
imp 'GetMenu' GetMenu user32 1
imp 'GetMessage' GetMessageW user32 4
imp 'GetParent' GetParent user32 1
imp 'GetShellWindow' GetShellWindow user32 0
imp 'GetSystemMenu' GetSystemMenu user32 2
imp 'GetWindow' GetWindow user32 2
imp 'GetWindowPlacement' GetWindowPlacement user32 2
imp 'GetWindowRect' GetWindowRect user32 2
imp 'GetWindowText' GetWindowTextW user32 3
imp 'InsertMenu' InsertMenuW user32 5
imp 'InvalidateRect' InvalidateRect user32 3
imp 'IsChild' IsChild user32 2
imp 'IsIconic' IsIconic user32 1
imp 'IsMenu' IsMenu user32 1
imp 'IsWindow' IsWindow user32 1
imp 'IsWindowVisible' IsWindowVisible user32 1
imp 'IsZoomed' IsZoomed user32 1
imp 'KillTimer' KillTimer user32 2
imp 'LoadCursor' LoadCursorW user32 2
imp 'LoadIcon' LoadIconW user32 2
imp 'LoadImage' LoadImageW user32 6
imp 'MapVirtualKeyEx' MapVirtualKeyExW user32 3
imp 'MessageBox' MessageBoxW user32 4
imp 'MessageBoxEx' MessageBoxExW user32 5
imp 'MoveWindow' MoveWindow user32 6
imp 'PeekMessage' PeekMessageW user32 5
imp 'PostQuitMessage' PostQuitMessage user32 1
imp 'RedrawWindow' RedrawWindow user32 4
imp 'RegisterClass' RegisterClassW user32 1
imp 'RegisterClassEx' RegisterClassExW user32 1
imp 'ReleaseCapture' ReleaseCapture user32 0
imp 'ReleaseDC' ReleaseDC user32 2
imp 'SendMessage' SendMessageW user32 4
imp 'SetCapture' SetCapture user32 1
imp 'SetClassLong' SetClassLongW user32 3
imp 'SetCursor' SetCursor user32 1
imp 'SetParent' SetParent user32 2
imp 'SetTimer' SetTimer user32 4
imp 'SetWindowLong' SetWindowLongW user32 3
imp 'SetWindowPlacement' SetWindowPlacement user32 2
imp 'SetWindowPos' SetWindowPos user32 7
imp 'SetWindowText' SetWindowTextW user32 2
imp 'SetWindowsHook' SetWindowsHookW user32 2
imp 'SetWindowsHookEx' SetWindowsHookExW user32 4
imp 'ShowCaret' ShowCaret user32 1
imp 'ShowCursor' ShowCursor user32 1
imp 'ShowWindow' ShowWindow user32 2
imp 'TrackPopupMenu' TrackPopupMenu user32 7
imp 'TranslateMessage' TranslateMessage user32 1
imp 'UnhookWindowsHook' UnhookWindowsHook user32 2
imp 'UnhookWindowsHookEx' UnhookWindowsHookEx user32 1
imp 'UpdateWindow' UpdateWindow user32 1
imp 'WaitForInputIdle' WaitForInputIdle user32 2
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'BitBlt' BitBlt gdi32 9
imp 'ChoosePixelFormat' ChoosePixelFormat gdi32 2
imp 'CreateBitmap' CreateBitmap gdi32 5
imp 'CreateCompatibleBitmap' CreateCompatibleBitmap gdi32 3
imp 'CreateCompatibleDC' CreateCompatibleDC gdi32 1
imp 'CreateDIBSection' CreateDIBSection gdi32 6
imp 'CreateRectRgn' CreateRectRgn gdi32 4
imp 'DeleteDC' DeleteDC gdi32 1
imp 'DeleteObject' DeleteObject gdi32 1
imp 'GetPixel' GetPixel gdi32 3
imp 'RestoreDC' RestoreDC gdi32 2
imp 'SaveDC' SaveDC gdi32 1
imp 'SelectObject' SelectObject gdi32 2
imp 'SetBkMode' SetBkMode gdi32 2
imp 'SetPixel' SetPixel gdi32 4
imp 'SetPixelFormat' SetPixelFormat gdi32 3
imp 'SetTextAlign' SetTextAlign gdi32 2
imp 'SetTextColor' SetTextColor gdi32 2
imp 'SetTextJustification' SetTextJustification gdi32 3
imp 'SwapBuffers' SwapBuffers gdi32 1
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'ChooseColor' ChooseColorW comdlg32 1
imp 'ChooseFont' ChooseFontW comdlg32 1
imp 'GetFileTitle' GetFileTitleW comdlg32 3
imp 'GetOpenFileName' GetOpenFileNameW comdlg32 1
imp 'GetSaveFileName' GetSaveFileNameW comdlg32 1
imp 'PrintDlg' PrintDlgW comdlg32 1
imp 'ReplaceText' ReplaceTextW comdlg32 1
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'AcceptEx' AcceptEx MsWSock 8
imp 'DisconnectEx' DisconnectEx MsWSock 4
imp 'GetAcceptExSockaddrs' GetAcceptExSockaddrs MsWSock 8
imp 'TransmitFile' TransmitFile MsWSock 7
imp 'WSARecvEx' WSARecvEx MsWSock 4
# WS2_32.DLL
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp '' WSAGetOverlappedResult ws2_32 5
imp '' WSARecv ws2_32 7
imp '' WSARecvFrom ws2_32 9
imp '' WSAWaitForMultipleEvents ws2_32 5
imp '' accept ws2_32 3 # we're using WSAAccept()
imp '' bind ws2_32 3
imp '' closesocket ws2_32 1
imp '' getpeername ws2_32 3
imp '' getsockname ws2_32 3
imp '' getsockopt ws2_32 5
imp '' ioctlsocket ws2_32 3
imp '' listen ws2_32 2
imp '' recv ws2_32 4 # we're using WSARecvFrom()
imp '' recvfrom ws2_32 6 # we're using WSARecvFrom()
imp '' select ws2_32 5
imp '' send ws2_32 4 # we're using WSASendTo()
imp '' sendto ws2_32 6 # we're using WSASendTo()
imp '' setsockopt ws2_32 5
imp '' shutdown ws2_32 2
imp '' socket ws2_32 3
imp '' socket ws2_32 3
imp 'FreeAddrInfo' FreeAddrInfoW ws2_32 1
imp 'FreeAddrInfoEx' FreeAddrInfoExW ws2_32 1
imp 'GetAddrInfo' GetAddrInfoW ws2_32 4
imp 'GetAddrInfoEx' GetAddrInfoExW ws2_32 10
imp 'GetAddrInfoExCancel' GetAddrInfoExCancel ws2_32 1
imp 'GetAddrInfoExOverlappedResult' GetAddrInfoExOverlappedResult ws2_32 1
imp 'GetHostName' GetHostNameW ws2_32 2
imp 'GetNameInfo' GetNameInfoW ws2_32 7
imp 'SetAddrInfoEx' SetAddrInfoExW ws2_32 12
imp 'WSAAccept' WSAAccept ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAddressToString' WSAAddressToStringW ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr' WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr ws2_32 7
imp 'WSAAsyncGetHostByName' WSAAsyncGetHostByName ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAsyncGetProtoByName' WSAAsyncGetProtoByName ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber' WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber ws2_32 5
imp 'WSACleanup' WSACleanup ws2_32 0
imp 'WSACloseEvent' WSACloseEvent ws2_32 1
imp 'WSAConnect' WSAConnect ws2_32 7
imp 'WSAConnectByList' WSAConnectByList ws2_32 8
imp 'WSAConnectByName' WSAConnectByNameW ws2_32 9
imp 'WSACreateEvent' WSACreateEvent ws2_32 0
imp 'WSADuplicateSocket' WSADuplicateSocketW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders' WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW ws2_32 2
imp 'WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx' WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExW ws2_32 2
imp 'WSAEnumNetworkEvents' WSAEnumNetworkEvents ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAEnumProtocols' WSAEnumProtocolsW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAEventSelect' WSAEventSelect ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAGetLastError' WSAGetLastError ws2_32 0
imp 'WSAGetQOSByName' WSAGetQOSByName ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAGetServiceClassInfo' WSAGetServiceClassInfoW ws2_32 4
imp 'WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId' WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAInstallServiceClass' WSAInstallServiceClassW ws2_32 1
imp 'WSAIoctl' WSAIoctl ws2_32 9
imp 'WSAJoinLeaf' WSAJoinLeaf ws2_32 8
imp 'WSALookupServiceBegin' WSALookupServiceBeginW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSALookupServiceEnd' WSALookupServiceEnd ws2_32 1
imp 'WSALookupServiceNext' WSALookupServiceNextW ws2_32 4
imp 'WSANSPIoctl' WSANSPIoctl ws2_32 8
imp 'WSAPoll' WSAPoll ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAProviderConfigChange' WSAProviderConfigChange ws2_32 3
imp 'WSARecvDisconnect' WSARecvDisconnect ws2_32 2
imp 'WSARemoveServiceClass' WSARemoveServiceClass ws2_32 1
imp 'WSAResetEvent' WSAResetEvent ws2_32 1
imp 'WSASend' WSASend ws2_32 7
imp 'WSASendDisconnect' WSASendDisconnect ws2_32 2
imp 'WSASendMsg' WSASendMsg ws2_32 6
imp 'WSASendTo' WSASendTo ws2_32 9
imp 'WSASetEvent' WSASetEvent ws2_32 1
imp 'WSASetLastError' WSASetLastError ws2_32 1
imp 'WSASetService' WSASetServiceW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSASocket' WSASocketW ws2_32 6
imp 'WSAStartup' WSAStartup ws2_32 2
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'AddIPAddress' AddIPAddress iphlpapi 5
imp 'AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack' AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack iphlpapi 5
imp 'AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack' AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack iphlpapi 5
imp 'CancelIPChangeNotify' CancelIPChangeNotify iphlpapi 1
imp 'CaptureInterfaceHardwareCrossTimestamp' CaptureInterfaceHardwareCrossTimestamp iphlpapi 2
imp 'CreateIpForwardEntry' CreateIpForwardEntry iphlpapi 1
imp 'FlushIpNetTable' FlushIpNetTable iphlpapi 1
imp 'GetAdapterIndex' GetAdapterIndex iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetAdapterOrderMap' GetAdapterOrderMap iphlpapi 0
imp 'GetAdaptersAddresses' GetAdaptersAddresses iphlpapi 5
imp 'GetAdaptersInfo' GetAdaptersInfo iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetBestInterface' GetBestInterface iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetBestInterfaceEx' GetBestInterfaceEx iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetBestRoute' GetBestRoute iphlpapi 3
imp 'GetNumberOfInterfaces' GetNumberOfInterfaces iphlpapi 1
imp 'GetTcpTable' GetTcpTable iphlpapi 3
imp 'GetTcpTable2' GetTcpTable2 iphlpapi 3
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'SetSuspendState' SetSuspendState PowrProf 3
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'PdhAddEnglishCounter' PdhAddEnglishCounterW pdh 4 # Adds the specified language-neutral counter to the query.
imp 'PdhCollectQueryDataEx' PdhCollectQueryDataEx pdh 3 # Uses a separate thread to collect the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query. The function then signals the application-defined event and waits the specified time interval before returning.
imp 'PdhGetFormattedCounterValue' PdhGetFormattedCounterValue pdh 4 # Computes a displayable value for the specified counter.
imp 'PdhOpenQuery' PdhOpenQueryW pdh 3 # Creates a new query that is used to manage the collection of performance data. To use handles to data sources, use the PdhOpenQueryH function.
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'GetProcessImageFileName' GetProcessImageFileNameW psapi 3
imp 'GetProcessMemoryInfo' GetProcessMemoryInfo psapi 3
# API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0.dll (Windows 8+)
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'WaitOnAddress' WaitOnAddress API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0 4
imp 'WakeByAddressAll' WakeByAddressAll API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0 1
imp 'WakeByAddressSingle' WakeByAddressSingle API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0 1
# “The functions and structures in [for these APIs] are internal to
# the operating system and subject to change from one release of
# Windows to the next, and possibly even between service packs for
# each release.” ──Quoth MSDN
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'CsrClientCallServer' CsrClientCallServer ntdll 4
imp 'LdrGetDllHandle' LdrGetDllHandle ntdll 4
imp 'LdrGetProcedureAddress' LdrGetProcedureAddress ntdll 4
imp 'LdrLoadDll' LdrLoadDll ntdll 4
imp 'LdrUnloadDll' LdrUnloadDll ntdll 1
imp 'NtAllocateVirtualMemory' NtAllocateVirtualMemory ntdll 6
imp 'NtCallbackReturn' NtCallbackReturn ntdll 3
imp 'NtCancelIoFile' NtCancelIoFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtCancelIoFileEx' NtCancelIoFileEx ntdll 3
imp 'NtClearEvent' NtClearEvent ntdll 1
imp 'NtClose' NtClose ntdll 1
imp 'NtContinue' NtContinue ntdll 2
imp 'NtCreateDirectoryObject' NtCreateDirectoryObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtCreateEvent' NtCreateEvent ntdll 5
imp 'NtCreateFile' NtCreateFile ntdll 11
imp 'NtCreateIoCompletion' NtCreateIoCompletion ntdll 4
imp 'NtCreateKey' NtCreateKey ntdll 7
imp 'NtCreateKeyedEvent' NtCreateKeyedEvent ntdll 4
imp 'NtCreateNamedPipeFile' NtCreateNamedPipeFile ntdll 14
imp 'NtCreateProcess' NtCreateProcess ntdll 8
imp 'NtCreateProfile' NtCreateProfile ntdll 9
imp 'NtCreateSection' NtCreateSection ntdll 7
imp 'NtCreateThread' NtCreateThread ntdll 8
imp 'NtCreateTimer' NtCreateTimer ntdll 4
imp 'NtDelayExecution' NtDelayExecution ntdll 2
imp 'NtDeleteFile' NtDeleteFile ntdll 1
imp 'NtDeleteKey' NtDeleteKey ntdll 1
imp 'NtDeviceIoControlFile' NtDeviceIoControlFile ntdll 10
imp 'NtDuplicateObject' NtDuplicateObject ntdll 7
imp 'NtEnumerateKey' NtEnumerateKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtEnumerateValueKey' NtEnumerateValueKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtFlushBuffersFile' NtFlushBuffersFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtFlushInstructionCache' NtFlushInstructionCache ntdll 3
imp 'NtFlushKey' NtFlushKey ntdll 1
imp 'NtFlushVirtualMemory' NtFlushVirtualMemory ntdll 4
imp 'NtFreeVirtualMemory' NtFreeVirtualMemory ntdll 4
imp 'NtFsControlFile' NtFsControlFile ntdll 10
imp 'NtGetContextThread' NtGetContextThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtMapViewOfSection' NtMapViewOfSection ntdll 10
imp 'NtOpenDirectoryObject' NtOpenDirectoryObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenFile' NtOpenFile ntdll 6
imp 'NtOpenKey' NtOpenKey ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenProcess' NtOpenProcess ntdll 4
imp 'NtOpenProcessToken' NtOpenProcessToken ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenSection' NtOpenSection ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject' NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenThread' NtOpenThread ntdll 4
imp 'NtOpenThreadToken' NtOpenThreadToken ntdll 4
imp 'NtProtectVirtualMemory' NtProtectVirtualMemory ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryAttributesFile' NtQueryAttributesFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtQueryDirectoryFile' NtQueryDirectoryFile ntdll 11
imp 'NtQueryFullAttributesFile' NtQueryFullAttributesFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtQueryInformationFile' NtQueryInformationFile ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationJobObject' NtQueryInformationJobObject ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationProcess' NtQueryInformationProcess ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationThread' NtQueryInformationThread ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationToken' NtQueryInformationToken ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryIntervalProfile' NtQueryIntervalProfile ntdll 2
imp 'NtQueryObject' NtQueryObject ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryPerformanceCounter' NtQueryPerformanceCounter ntdll 2
imp 'NtQuerySection' NtQuerySection ntdll 5
imp 'NtQuerySecurityObject' NtQuerySecurityObject ntdll 5
imp 'NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject' NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtQuerySystemInformation' NtQuerySystemInformation ntdll 4
imp 'NtQuerySystemTime' NtQuerySystemTime ntdll 1
imp 'NtQueryValueKey' NtQueryValueKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtQueryVirtualMemory' NtQueryVirtualMemory ntdll 6
imp 'NtQueryVolumeInformationFile' NtQueryVolumeInformationFile ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueueApcThread' NtQueueApcThread ntdll 5
imp 'NtRaiseException' NtRaiseException ntdll 3
imp 'NtRaiseHardError' NtRaiseHardError ntdll 6
imp 'NtReadFile' NtReadFile ntdll 9
imp 'NtReadVirtualMemory' NtReadVirtualMemory ntdll 5
imp 'NtReleaseKeyedEvent' NtReleaseKeyedEvent ntdll 4
imp 'NtResumeThread' NtResumeThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetContextThread' NtSetContextThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetEvent' NtSetEvent ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetInformationFile' NtSetInformationFile ntdll 5
imp 'NtSetInformationThread' NtSetInformationThread ntdll 4
imp 'NtSetIntervalProfile' NtSetIntervalProfile ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetTimer' NtSetTimer ntdll 7
imp 'NtSetValueKey' NtSetValueKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject' NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject ntdll 4
imp 'NtStartProfile' NtStartProfile ntdll 1
imp 'NtStopProfile' NtStopProfile ntdll 1
imp 'NtSuspendThread' NtSuspendThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtTerminateProcess' NtTerminateProcess ntdll 2
imp 'NtTerminateThread' NtTerminateThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtTestAlert' NtTestAlert ntdll 0
imp 'NtUnmapViewOfSection' NtUnmapViewOfSection ntdll 2
imp 'NtWaitForKeyedEvent' NtWaitForKeyedEvent ntdll 4
imp 'NtWaitForSingleObject' NtWaitForSingleObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtWriteFile' NtWriteFile ntdll 9
imp 'NtWriteVirtualMemory' NtWriteVirtualMemory ntdll 5
imp 'NtYieldExecution' NtYieldExecution ntdll 0
imp 'RtlAllocateHeap' RtlAllocateHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlCloneUserProcess' RtlCloneUserProcess ntdll 5
imp 'RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString' RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString ntdll 3
imp 'RtlCreateHeap' RtlCreateHeap ntdll 6
imp 'RtlCreateProcessParameters' RtlCreateProcessParameters ntdll 10
imp 'RtlDeleteCriticalSection' RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlDestroyHeap' RtlDestroyHeap ntdll 1
imp 'RtlDestroyProcessParameters' RtlDestroyProcessParameters ntdll 1
imp 'RtlEnterCriticalSection' RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlFreeHeap' RtlFreeHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlFreeUnicodeString' RtlFreeUnicodeString ntdll 1
imp 'RtlGetProcessHeaps' RtlGetProcessHeaps ntdll 2
imp 'RtlInitUnicodeString' RtlInitUnicodeString ntdll 2
imp 'RtlInitializeCriticalSection' RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlLeaveCriticalSection' RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlLockHeap' RtlLockHeap ntdll 1
imp 'RtlNtStatusToDosError' RtlNtStatusToDosError ntdll 1
imp 'RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable' RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable ntdll 3
imp 'RtlReAllocateHeap' RtlReAllocateHeap ntdll 4
imp 'RtlSizeHeap' RtlSizeHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlTryEnterCriticalSection' RtlTryEnterCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlUnlockHeap' RtlUnlockHeap ntdll 1
imp 'RtlValidateHeap' RtlValidateHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlWalkHeap' RtlWalkHeap ntdll 2
imp 'ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame' ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame ntdll 2