mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:48:21 +00:00
llama.com can now load weights that use the new file format which was introduced a few weeks ago. Note that, unlike llama.cpp, we will keep support for old file formats in our tool so you don't need to convert your weights when the upstream project makes breaking changes. Please note that using ggjt v3 does make avx2 inference go 5% faster for me.
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// -*- c; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
// clang-format off
// GGML Tensor Library
// This documentation is still a work in progress.
// If you wish some specific topics to be covered, feel free to drop a comment:
// https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/40
// ## Overview
// This library implements:
// - a set of tensor operations
// - automatic differentiation
// - basic optimization algorithms
// The aim of this library is to provide a minimalistic approach for various machine learning tasks. This includes,
// but is not limited to, the following:
// - linear regression
// - support vector machines
// - neural networks
// The library allows the user to define a certain function using the available tensor operations. This function
// definition is represented internally via a computation graph. Each tensor operation in the function definition
// corresponds to a node in the graph. Having the computation graph defined, the user can choose to compute the
// function's value and/or its gradient with respect to the input variables. Optionally, the function can be optimized
// using one of the available optimization algorithms.
// For example, here we define the function: f(x) = a*x^2 + b
// {
// struct ggml_init_params params = {
// .mem_size = 16*1024*1024,
// .mem_buffer = NULL,
// };
// // memory allocation happens here
// struct ggml_context * ctx = ggml_init(params);
// struct ggml_tensor * x = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 1);
// ggml_set_param(ctx, x); // x is an input variable
// struct ggml_tensor * a = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 1);
// struct ggml_tensor * b = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 1);
// struct ggml_tensor * x2 = ggml_mul(ctx, x, x);
// struct ggml_tensor * f = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul(ctx, a, x2), b);
// ...
// }
// Notice that the function definition above does not involve any actual computation. The computation is performed only
// when the user explicitly requests it. For example, to compute the function's value at x = 2.0:
// {
// ...
// struct ggml_cgraph gf = ggml_build_forward(f);
// // set the input variable and parameter values
// ggml_set_f32(x, 2.0f);
// ggml_set_f32(a, 3.0f);
// ggml_set_f32(b, 4.0f);
// ggml_graph_compute(ctx0, &gf);
// printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0));
// ...
// }
// The actual computation is performed in the ggml_graph_compute() function.
// The ggml_new_tensor_...() functions create new tensors. They are allocated in the memory buffer provided to the
// ggml_init() function. You have to be careful not to exceed the memory buffer size. Therefore, you have to know
// in advance how much memory you need for your computation. Alternatively, you can allocate a large enough memory
// and after defining the computation graph, call the ggml_used_mem() function to find out how much memory was
// actually needed.
// The ggml_set_param() function marks a tensor as an input variable. This is used by the automatic
// differentiation and optimization algorithms.
// The described approach allows to define the function graph once and then compute its forward or backward graphs
// multiple times. All computations will use the same memory buffer allocated in the ggml_init() function. This way
// the user can avoid the memory allocation overhead at runtime.
// The library supports multi-dimensional tensors - up to 4 dimensions. The FP16 and FP32 data types are first class
// citizens, but in theory the library can be extended to support FP8 and integer data types.
// Each tensor operation produces a new tensor. Initially the library was envisioned to support only the use of unary
// and binary operations. Most of the available operations fall into one of these two categories. With time, it became
// clear that the library needs to support more complex operations. The way to support these operations is not clear
// yet, but a few examples are demonstrated in the following operations:
// - ggml_permute()
// - ggml_conv_1d_1s()
// - ggml_conv_1d_2s()
// For each tensor operator, the library implements a forward and backward computation function. The forward function
// computes the output tensor value given the input tensor values. The backward function computes the adjoint of the
// input tensors given the adjoint of the output tensor. For a detailed explanation of what this means, take a
// calculus class, or watch the following video:
// What is Automatic Differentiation?
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG_nF1awSSY
// ## Tensor data (struct ggml_tensor)
// The tensors are stored in memory via the ggml_tensor struct. The structure provides information about the size of
// the tensor, the data type, and the memory buffer where the tensor data is stored. Additionally, it contains
// pointers to the "source" tensors - i.e. the tensors that were used to compute the current tensor. For example:
// {
// struct ggml_tensor * c = ggml_add(ctx, a, b);
// assert(c->src[0] == a);
// assert(c->src[1] == b);
// }
// The multi-dimensional tensors are stored in row-major order. The ggml_tensor struct contains fields for the
// number of elements in each dimension ("ne") as well as the number of bytes ("nb", a.k.a. stride). This allows
// to store tensors that are not contiguous in memory, which is useful for operations such as transposition and
// permutation. All tensor operations have to take the stride into account and not assume that the tensor is
// contiguous in memory.
// The data of the tensor is accessed via the "data" pointer. For example:
// {
// struct ggml_tensor * a = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 2, 3);
// // a[1, 2] = 1.0f;
// *(float *) ((char *) a->data + 2*a->nb[1] + 1*a->nb[0]) = 1.0f;
// // a[2, 0] = 2.0f;
// *(float *) ((char *) a->data + 0*a->nb[1] + 2*a->nb[0]) = 2.0f;
// ...
// }
// Alternatively, there are helper functions, such as ggml_get_f32_1d() and ggml_set_f32_1d() that can be used.
// ## The matrix multiplication operator (ggml_mul_mat)
// ## Multi-threading
// ## Overview of ggml.c
// ## SIMD optimizations
// ## Debugging ggml
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
# ifdef GGML_BUILD
# define GGML_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define GGML_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else
# define GGML_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# endif
# define GGML_API
#define GGML_FILE_MAGIC 0x67676d6c // "ggml"
#define GGML_QNT_VERSION 2 // bump this on quantization format changes
#define GGML_QNT_VERSION_FACTOR 1000 // do not change this
#define GGML_MAX_DIMS 4
#define GGML_MAX_NODES 4096
#define GGML_MAX_PARAMS 256
#define GGML_MAX_OPT 4
#define GGML_MAX_NAME 32
#define GGML_ASSERT(x) \
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "GGML_ASSERT: %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
abort(); \
} \
} while (0)
struct ggml_object;
struct ggml_context;
enum ggml_type {
GGML_TYPE_F32 = 0,
GGML_TYPE_F16 = 1,
GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 = 2,
GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 = 3,
GGML_TYPE_Q4_2 = 4,
// GGML_TYPE_Q4_3 (5) support has been removed
GGML_TYPE_Q5_0 = 6,
GGML_TYPE_Q5_1 = 7,
GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 = 8,
GGML_TYPE_Q8_1 = 9,
enum ggml_backend {
// model file types
enum ggml_ftype {
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_F16 = 1, // except 1d tensors
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_0 = 2, // except 1d tensors
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_1 = 3, // except 1d tensors
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_1_SOME_F16 = 4, // tok_embeddings.weight and output.weight are F16
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_2 = 5, // except 1d tensors
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q8_0 = 7, // except 1d tensors
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q5_0 = 8, // except 1d tensors
GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q5_1 = 9, // except 1d tensors
// available tensor operations:
enum ggml_op {
GGML_OP_NORM, // normalize
// ggml object
struct ggml_object {
size_t offs;
size_t size;
struct ggml_object * next;
char padding[8];
static const size_t GGML_OBJECT_SIZE = sizeof(struct ggml_object);
// n-dimensional tensor
struct ggml_tensor {
enum ggml_type type;
enum ggml_backend backend;
int n_dims;
int64_t ne[GGML_MAX_DIMS]; // number of elements
size_t nb[GGML_MAX_DIMS]; // stride in bytes:
// nb[0] = sizeof(type)
// nb[1] = nb[0] * ne[0] + padding
// nb[i] = nb[i-1] * ne[i-1]
// compute data
enum ggml_op op;
bool is_param;
struct ggml_tensor * grad;
struct ggml_tensor * src0;
struct ggml_tensor * src1;
struct ggml_tensor * opt[GGML_MAX_OPT];
// thread scheduling
int n_tasks;
// performance
int perf_runs;
int64_t perf_cycles;
int64_t perf_time_us;
void * data;
char name[GGML_MAX_NAME];
char padding[16];
static const size_t GGML_TENSOR_SIZE = sizeof(struct ggml_tensor);
// computation graph
struct ggml_cgraph {
int n_nodes;
int n_leafs;
int n_threads;
size_t work_size;
struct ggml_tensor * work;
struct ggml_tensor * nodes[GGML_MAX_NODES];
struct ggml_tensor * grads[GGML_MAX_NODES];
struct ggml_tensor * leafs[GGML_MAX_NODES];
// performance
int perf_runs;
int64_t perf_cycles;
int64_t perf_time_us;
// scratch buffer
struct ggml_scratch {
size_t offs;
size_t size;
void * data;
struct ggml_init_params {
// memory pool
size_t mem_size; // bytes
void * mem_buffer; // if NULL, memory will be allocated internally
bool no_alloc; // don't allocate memory for the tensor data
// compatibilty
// TODO(jart): These should be associated with each tensor.
GGML_API void ggjt_v3(void);
GGML_API void ggjt_v2(void);
GGML_API void ggjt_v1(void);
// misc
GGML_API void ggml_time_init(void); // call this once at the beginning of the program
GGML_API int64_t ggml_time_ms(void);
GGML_API int64_t ggml_time_us(void);
GGML_API int64_t ggml_cycles(void);
GGML_API int64_t ggml_cycles_per_ms(void);
GGML_API void ggml_print_object (const struct ggml_object * obj);
GGML_API void ggml_print_objects(const struct ggml_context * ctx);
GGML_API int64_t ggml_nelements(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API size_t ggml_nbytes (const struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API int ggml_blck_size (enum ggml_type type);
GGML_API size_t ggml_type_size (enum ggml_type type); // size in bytes for all elements in a block
GGML_API float ggml_type_sizef(enum ggml_type type); // ggml_type_size()/ggml_blck_size() as float
GGML_API const char * ggml_type_name(enum ggml_type type);
GGML_API const char * ggml_op_name (enum ggml_op op);
GGML_API size_t ggml_element_size(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API bool ggml_is_quantized(enum ggml_type type);
// TODO: temporary until model loading of ggml examples is refactored
GGML_API enum ggml_type ggml_ftype_to_ggml_type(enum ggml_ftype ftype);
// use this to compute the memory overhead of a tensor
GGML_API size_t ggml_tensor_overhead(void);
// main
GGML_API struct ggml_context * ggml_init(struct ggml_init_params params);
GGML_API void ggml_free(struct ggml_context * ctx);
GGML_API size_t ggml_used_mem(const struct ggml_context * ctx);
GGML_API size_t ggml_set_scratch (struct ggml_context * ctx, struct ggml_scratch scratch);
GGML_API void ggml_set_no_alloc(struct ggml_context * ctx, bool no_alloc);
GGML_API void * ggml_get_mem_buffer(struct ggml_context * ctx);
GGML_API size_t ggml_get_mem_size (struct ggml_context * ctx);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_tensor(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
enum ggml_type type,
int n_dims,
const int64_t *ne);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_tensor_1d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
enum ggml_type type,
int64_t ne0);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_tensor_2d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
enum ggml_type type,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_tensor_3d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
enum ggml_type type,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
int64_t ne2);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_tensor_4d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
enum ggml_type type,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
int64_t ne2,
int64_t ne3);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_i32(struct ggml_context * ctx, int32_t value);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_new_f32(struct ggml_context * ctx, float value);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_dup_tensor (struct ggml_context * ctx, const struct ggml_tensor * src);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_view_tensor(struct ggml_context * ctx, const struct ggml_tensor * src);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_get_tensor(struct ggml_context * ctx, const char * name);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_zero(struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_i32 (struct ggml_tensor * tensor, int32_t value);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_f32 (struct ggml_tensor * tensor, float value);
GGML_API int32_t ggml_get_i32_1d(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor, int i);
GGML_API void ggml_set_i32_1d(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor, int i, int32_t value);
GGML_API float ggml_get_f32_1d(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor, int i);
GGML_API void ggml_set_f32_1d(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor, int i, float value);
GGML_API void * ggml_get_data (const struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API float * ggml_get_data_f32(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API const char * ggml_get_name(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API void ggml_set_name(struct ggml_tensor * tensor, const char * name);
// operations on tensors with backpropagation
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_dup(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_add(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_add_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_add1(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_acc(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t nb1,
size_t nb2,
size_t nb3,
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_acc_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t nb1,
size_t nb2,
size_t nb3,
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_sub(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_mul(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_div(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_sqr(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_sqrt(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_log(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_log_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// return scalar
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_sum(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// sums along rows, with input shape [a,b,c,d] return shape [1,b,c,d]
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_sum_rows(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// mean along rows
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_mean(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// if a is the same shape as b, and a is not parameter, return a
// otherwise, return a new tensor: repeat(a) to fit in b
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_repeat(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_abs(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_sgn(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_neg(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_step(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_relu(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// TODO: double-check this computation is correct
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_gelu(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_silu(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// a - x
// b - dy
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_silu_back(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// normalize along rows
// TODO: eps is hardcoded to 1e-5 for now
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_norm(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_rms_norm(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// a - x
// b - dy
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_rms_norm_back(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// A: m rows, n columns
// B: p rows, n columns (i.e. we transpose it internally)
// result is m columns, p rows
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_mul_mat(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// operations on tensors without backpropagation
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_scale(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// in-place, returns view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_scale_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// b -> view(a,offset,nb1,nb2,3), return modified a
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t nb1,
size_t nb2,
size_t nb3,
size_t offset);
// b -> view(a,offset,nb1,nb2,3), return view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t nb1,
size_t nb2,
size_t nb3,
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_1d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_1d_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t offset);
// b -> view(a,offset,nb1,nb2,3), return modified a
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_2d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t nb1,
size_t offset);
// b -> view(a,offset,nb1,nb2,3), return view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_set_2d_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
size_t nb1,
size_t offset);
// a -> b, return view(b)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_cpy(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// make contiguous
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_cont(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// return view(a), b specifies the new shape
// TODO: when we start computing gradient, make a copy instead of view
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_reshape(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
// return view(a)
// TODO: when we start computing gradient, make a copy instead of view
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_reshape_1d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_reshape_2d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1);
// return view(a)
// TODO: when we start computing gradient, make a copy instead of view
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_reshape_3d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
int64_t ne2);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_reshape_4d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
int64_t ne2,
int64_t ne3);
// offset in bytes
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_view_1d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_view_2d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
size_t nb1, // row stride in bytes
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_view_3d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
int64_t ne2,
size_t nb1, // row stride in bytes
size_t nb2, // slice stride in bytes
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_view_4d(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int64_t ne0,
int64_t ne1,
int64_t ne2,
int64_t ne3,
size_t nb1, // row stride in bytes
size_t nb2, // slice stride in bytes
size_t nb3,
size_t offset);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_permute(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int axis0,
int axis1,
int axis2,
int axis3);
// alias for ggml_permute(ctx, a, 1, 0, 2, 3)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_transpose(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_get_rows(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_get_rows_back(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
struct ggml_tensor * c);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_diag(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// set elements above the diagonal to -INF
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_diag_mask_inf(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past);
// in-place, returns view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_diag_mask_inf_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past);
// set elements above the diagonal to 0
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_diag_mask_zero(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past);
// in-place, returns view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_diag_mask_zero_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_soft_max(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// in-place, returns view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_soft_max_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a);
// rotary position embedding
// if mode & 1 == 1, skip n_past elements
// if mode & 2 == 1, GPT-NeoX style
// TODO: avoid creating a new tensor every time
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_rope(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past,
int n_dims,
int mode);
// in-place, returns view(a)
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_rope_inplace(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past,
int n_dims,
int mode);
// rotary position embedding backward, i.e compute dx from dy
// a - dy
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_rope_back(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past,
int n_dims,
int mode);
// alibi position embedding
// in-place, returns view(a)
struct ggml_tensor * ggml_alibi(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
int n_past,
int n_head,
float bias_max);
// clamp
// in-place, returns view(a)
struct ggml_tensor * ggml_clamp(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
float min,
float max);
// padding = 1
// TODO: we don't support extra parameters for now
// that's why we are hard-coding the stride, padding, and dilation
// not great ..
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_conv_1d_1s(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_conv_1d_2s(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_flash_attn(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * q,
struct ggml_tensor * k,
struct ggml_tensor * v,
bool masked);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_flash_ff(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b0,
struct ggml_tensor * b1,
struct ggml_tensor * c0,
struct ggml_tensor * c1);
// Mapping operations
typedef void (*ggml_unary_op_f32_t)(const int, float *, const float *);
typedef void (*ggml_binary_op_f32_t)(const int, float *, const float *, const float *);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_map_unary_f32(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
ggml_unary_op_f32_t fun);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_map_binary_f32(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * a,
struct ggml_tensor * b,
ggml_binary_op_f32_t fun);
// automatic differentiation
GGML_API void ggml_set_param(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API void ggml_build_forward_expand(struct ggml_cgraph * cgraph, struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API struct ggml_cgraph ggml_build_forward (struct ggml_tensor * tensor);
GGML_API struct ggml_cgraph ggml_build_backward(struct ggml_context * ctx, struct ggml_cgraph * gf, bool keep);
GGML_API void ggml_graph_compute(struct ggml_context * ctx, struct ggml_cgraph * cgraph);
GGML_API void ggml_graph_reset (struct ggml_cgraph * cgraph);
GGML_API struct ggml_tensor * ggml_graph_get_tensor(struct ggml_cgraph * cgraph, const char * name);
GGML_API void ggml_graph_export(const struct ggml_cgraph * cgraph, const char * fname);
GGML_API struct ggml_cgraph ggml_graph_import(const char * fname, struct ggml_context ** ctx_data, struct ggml_context ** ctx_eval);
// print info and performance information for the graph
GGML_API void ggml_graph_print(const struct ggml_cgraph * cgraph);
// dump the graph into a file using the dot format
GGML_API void ggml_graph_dump_dot(const struct ggml_cgraph * gb, const struct ggml_cgraph * gf, const char * filename);
// optimization
// optimization methods
enum ggml_opt_type {
// linesearch methods
enum ggml_linesearch {
// optimization return values
enum ggml_opt_result {
// optimization parameters
// see ggml.c (ggml_opt_default_params) for default values
struct ggml_opt_params {
enum ggml_opt_type type;
int n_threads;
// delta-based convergence test
// if past == 0 - disabled
// if past > 0:
// stop if |f(x) - f(x_past)| < delta * max(1, |f(x)|)
int past;
float delta;
// maximum number of iterations without improvement
// if 0 - disabled
// if > 0:
// assume convergence if no cost improvement in this number of iterations
int max_no_improvement;
bool print_forward_graph;
bool print_backward_graph;
// ADAM parameters
struct {
int n_iter;
float alpha; // learning rate
float beta1;
float beta2;
float eps; // epsilon for numerical stability
float eps_f; // epsilon for convergence test
float eps_g; // epsilon for convergence test
} adam;
// LBFGS parameters
struct {
int m; // number of corrections to approximate the inv. Hessian
int n_iter;
int max_linesearch;
float eps; // convergence tolerance
float ftol; // line search tolerance
float wolfe;
float min_step;
float max_step;
enum ggml_linesearch linesearch;
} lbfgs;
GGML_API struct ggml_opt_params ggml_opt_default_params(enum ggml_opt_type type);
// optimize the function defined by the tensor f
GGML_API enum ggml_opt_result ggml_opt(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_opt_params params,
struct ggml_tensor * f);
// quantization
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_chunk(enum ggml_type type, const float * src, void * dst, int start, int n, int64_t * hist);
// NOTE: These quant APIs will always use the newest version (even if ggjt_v1() was called)
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_q4_0(const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_q4_1(const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_q4_2(const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_q5_0(const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_q5_1(const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
GGML_API size_t ggml_quantize_q8_0(const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
// system info
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_avx (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_avx2 (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_avx512 (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_avx512_vbmi(void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_avx512_vnni(void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_fma (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_neon (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_arm_fma (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_f16c (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_fp16_va (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_wasm_simd (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_blas (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_cublas (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_clblast (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_gpublas (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_sse3 (void);
GGML_API int ggml_cpu_has_vsx (void);
// Internal types and functions exposed for tests and benchmarks
#ifdef __cplusplus
// restrict not standard in C++
#define GGML_RESTRICT restrict
typedef void (*dequantize_row_q_t)(const void * GGML_RESTRICT x, float * GGML_RESTRICT y, int k);
typedef void (*quantize_row_q_t) (const float * GGML_RESTRICT x, void * GGML_RESTRICT y, int k);
typedef size_t quantize_chunk_f (const float * src, void * dst, int n, int k, int64_t * hist);
typedef void (*vec_dot_q_t) (const int n, float * GGML_RESTRICT s, const void * GGML_RESTRICT x, const void * GGML_RESTRICT y);
typedef struct {
dequantize_row_q_t dequantize_row_q;
quantize_row_q_t quantize_row_q;
quantize_row_q_t quantize_row_q_reference;
quantize_row_q_t quantize_row_q_dot;
vec_dot_q_t vec_dot_q;
enum ggml_type vec_dot_type;
} quantize_fns_t;
quantize_fns_t ggml_internal_get_quantize_fn(size_t i);
extern const int *GGML_BLCK_SIZE;
extern const size_t *GGML_TYPE_SIZE;
extern const bool *GGML_IS_QUANTIZED;
extern const char *const *GGML_TYPE_NAME;
extern const quantize_fns_t *quantize_fns;
extern const quantize_chunk_f *const *GGML_QUANTIZE_CHUNK;
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */