Justine Tunney 1753b669cf Have redbean show zip listing as default / handler
If an "index.lua" or "index.html" doesn't exist in zip file or the
filesystem, and no redirects have been defined for it either, then
redbean will render a listing of the zip central directory content
only if the request uri points to the root path.
2021-03-29 01:22:49 -07:00

132 lines
4.5 KiB

#include "libc/alg/alg.h"
#include "libc/time/struct/tm.h"
#define kHttpGet 0
#define kHttpHead 1
#define kHttpPost 2
#define kHttpPut 3
#define kHttpDelete 4
#define kHttpOptions 5
#define kHttpConnect 6
#define kHttpTrace 7
#define kHttpCopy 8
#define kHttpLock 9
#define kHttpMerge 10
#define kHttpMkcol 11
#define kHttpMove 12
#define kHttpNotify 13
#define kHttpPatch 14
#define kHttpReport 15
#define kHttpUnlock 16
#define kHttpAccept 0
#define kHttpAcceptCharset 1
#define kHttpAcceptEncoding 2
#define kHttpAcceptLanguage 3
#define kHttpAge 4
#define kHttpAllow 5
#define kHttpAuthorization 6
#define kHttpCacheControl 7
#define kHttpChunked 8
#define kHttpClose 9
#define kHttpConnection 10
#define kHttpContentBase 11
#define kHttpContentEncoding 12
#define kHttpContentLanguage 13
#define kHttpContentLength 14
#define kHttpContentLocation 15
#define kHttpContentMd5 16
#define kHttpContentRange 17
#define kHttpContentType 18
#define kHttpDate 19
#define kHttpEtag 20
#define kHttpExpires 21
#define kHttpFrom 22
#define kHttpHost 23
#define kHttpIfMatch 24
#define kHttpIfModifiedSince 25
#define kHttpIfNoneMatch 26
#define kHttpIfRange 27
#define kHttpIfUnmodifiedSince 28
#define kHttpKeepAlive 29
#define kHttpMaxForwards 30
#define kHttpPragma 31
#define kHttpProxyAuthenticate 32
#define kHttpProxyAuthorization 33
#define kHttpProxyConnection 34
#define kHttpRange 35
#define kHttpReferer 36
#define kHttpTransferEncoding 37
#define kHttpUpgrade 38
#define kHttpUserAgent 39
#define kHttpVia 40
#define kHttpLocation 41
#define kHttpPublic 42
#define kHttpRetryAfter 43
#define kHttpServer 44
#define kHttpVary 45
#define kHttpWarning 46
#define kHttpWwwAuthenticate 47
#define kHttpLastModified 48
#define kHttpCookie 49
#define kHttpTrailer 50
#define kHttpTe 51
#define kHttpDnt 52
#define kHttpExpect 53
#define kHttpContentDisposition 54
#define kHttpContentDescription 55
#define kHttpOrigin 56
#define kHttpUpgradeInsecureRequests 57
#define kHttpHeadersMax 58
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
struct HttpRequestSlice {
short a, b;
struct HttpRequest {
int i, t, a, method;
struct HttpRequestSlice k;
struct HttpRequestSlice uri;
struct HttpRequestSlice version;
struct HttpRequestSlice scratch;
struct HttpRequestSlice headers[kHttpHeadersMax];
struct HttpRequestHeaders {
size_t n;
struct HttpRequestHeader {
struct HttpRequestSlice k;
struct HttpRequestSlice v;
} * p;
} xheaders;
extern const char kHttpMethod[17][8];
int GetHttpHeader(const char *, size_t);
int GetHttpMethod(const char *, size_t);
void InitHttpRequest(struct HttpRequest *);
void DestroyHttpRequest(struct HttpRequest *);
int ParseHttpRequest(struct HttpRequest *, const char *, size_t);
int NegotiateHttpRequest(int, const char *, uint32_t *, char *, uint32_t *,
uint32_t *, bool, long double);
ssize_t ParseContentLength(const char *, size_t);
char *FormatHttpDateTime(char[hasatleast 30], struct tm *);
bool ParseHttpRange(const char *, size_t, long, long *, long *);
unsigned ParseHttpVersion(const char *, size_t);
int64_t ParseHttpDateTime(const char *, size_t);
const char *GetHttpReason(int);
const char *GetHttpHeaderName(int);
char *DecodeLatin1(const char *, size_t, size_t *);
bool IsValidHttpToken(const char *, size_t);
char *EncodeHttpHeaderValue(const char *, size_t, size_t *);
char *VisualizeControlCodes(const char *, size_t, size_t *);
char *IndentLines(const char *, size_t, size_t *, size_t);
bool IsAcceptableHttpRequestPath(const char *, size_t);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */