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Cosmopolitan Toolchain
This toolchain can be used to compile executables that run on Linux / MacOS / Windows / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NetBSD for both the x86_64 and AARCH64 architectures. In addition to letting you create portable binaries, your toolchain is itself comprised of portable binaries, enabling you to have a consistent development environment that lets you reach a broader audience from the platform(s) of your choosing.
What's Included
This toolchain bundles GCC 11.2.0, Cosmopolitan Libc, LLVM LIBCXX, and
LLVM compiler-rt. Additional libraries were provided by Musl Libc, and
the venerable BSDs OSes. This lets you benefit from the awesome modern
GCC compiler with the strongest GPL barrier possible. The preprocessor
advertises cross compilers as both __COSMOCC__
whereas cosmocc
additionally defines __FATCOSMOCC__
The cosmocc
compiler is designed to generate deterministic output
across platforms. With this release we've confirmed that hello world
binary output is identical on Linux x86+Arm, MacOS x86+Arm, FreeBSD,
OpenBSD, and Windows. Please note that users who need reproducible
builds may also want to look into explicitly defining environment
variables like LC_ALL=C
, in addition to
undefining macros such as -U__DATE__
and -U__TIME__
Getting Started
Once your toolchain has been extracted, you can compile hello world:
bin/cosmocc -o hello hello.c # creates multi-os multi-arch binary
The cosmocc
program is shorthand for unknown-unknown-cosmo-cc
For advanced builds it's possible to use x86_64-unknown-cosmo-cc
separately and then join the results together
with the provided apelink
program. Lastly, the x86_64-linux-cosmo-cc
and aarch64-linux-cosmo-cc
toolchain is the actual physical compiler,
but it's not intended to be called directly. Both cross compilers are
aliases for the cosmocc
script, which is a thin wrapper around the
Linux toolchain.
Your toolchain uses relative paths so it doesn't need to be installed to
any particular system folder, and it needn't be added to your $PATH
There's no external dependencies required to use this toolchain, other
than the UNIX shell.
It's recommended that you install APE loader systemwide, rather than
depending on the APE shell script to self-extract a user's own version.
Apple M1 users should compile cc -o ape bin/ape-m1.c
and move ape
. All other platforms use /usr/bin/ape
as the
canonical path. Linux and BSD users can simply copy bin/ape.elf
. MacOS x86-64 users will want bin/ape.macho
. On Linux,
it's also a good idea to have APE Loader registered with binfmt_misc.
sudo sh -c "echo ':APE:M::MZqFpD::/usr/bin/ape:' >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register"
sudo sh -c "echo ':APE-jart:M::jartsr::/usr/bin/ape:' >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register"
sudo sh -c "echo ':qemu-aarch64:M::\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\xb7\x00:\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfe\xff\xff\xff:/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64:CF' >/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register"
Qemu-user is recommended since it's what we've had the most success with when cross-compiling fat binaries for popular autoconf-based open source projects. However APE and Cosmo don't depend on it being there.
If you ever need to convert your APE binaries to the platform native
format, this toolchain provides an assimilate
program which does just
that. Some example use cases would be (1) setuid support, (2) making GDB
less hairy, and (3) code signing. By default, assimilate will choose the
format used by the host system; however it's also possible to explicitly
convert APE programs to any architectures / OS combination. For further
details on usage, run the assimilate -h
If you use zsh and have trouble running APE programs try sh -c ./prog
or simply upgrade to zsh 5.9+ (since we patched it two years ago). The
same is the case for Python subprocess
, old versions of fish, etc.
On Apple Silicon, aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc
produces ELF binaries. If
you build a hello world program, then you need to say ape ./hello
run it. Note this isn't an issue for cosmocc
which will wrap the ELF
program in a shell script that'll compile your APE loader automatically
as needed. This also isn't an issue if your login shell was built using
Cosmopolitan Libc, e.g. https://cosmo.zip/pub/cosmos/bin/bash because
Cosmo's execve()
implementation will seamlessly launch ELF files via
your APE Loader.
On Windows, you need a shell in order to run the shell script wrappers
from this toolchain. It's recommended that you download Cosmos binaries
to set up your POSIX userspace. https://cosmo.zip/pub/cosmos/bin/dash
could be your C:\bin\sh
shell (which in Cosmo-speak is /c/bin/sh
The cosmocc shell scripts also depend on programs like mkdir
, less
, and kill
which are available in Cosmos.
When cosmocc
is run in preprocessor-only mode, it'll use the x86_64
Linux toolchain with macros like __x86_64__
and __k8__
This might confuse software that's using the C preprocessor to generate
tricked-out assembly instructions. It's not possible to build these
kinds of codebases using cosmocc
which is just a convenient wrapper
around the cross compilers, which would be a better choice to use in
this type of circumstance.
This toolchain is based on GCC. It's been modified too. We wrote a 2kLOC
patch which gives the C language the ability to switch (errno) { case EINVAL: ... }
in cases where constants like EINVAL
are linkable
symbols. Your code will be rewritten in such cases to use a series of if
statements instead, so that Cosmopolitan Libc's system constants will
work as expected. Our modifications to GNU GCC are published under the
ISC license at https://github.com/ahgamut/gcc/tree/portcosmo-11.2. The
binaries you see here were first published at
https://github.com/ahgamut/superconfigure/releases/tag/z0.0.18 which
is regularly updated.
Your Cosmopolitan toolchain is based off Free Software such as GNU GCC.
You have many freedoms to use and modify this software, as described by
the LICENSE files contained within this directory. The software you make
using this toolchain will not be encumbered by the GPL, because we don't
include any GPL licensed headers or runtime libraries. All Cosmopolitan
Libc runtime libraries are exclusively under permissive notice licenses,
e.g. ISC, MIT, BSD, etc. There are many copyright notices with the names
of people who've helped build your toolchain. You have an obligation to
distribute those notices along with your binaries. Cosmopolitan makes
that easy. Your C library is configured to use .ident
directives to
ensure the relevant notices are automatically embedded within your
binaries. You can view them using tools like less <bin/foo
For further questions and inquiries regarding this toolchain, feel free to contact Justine Tunney jtunney@gmail.com.
See Also
- https://cosmo.zip/ for downloadable binaries built with cosmocc
- https://github.com/ahgamut/superconfigure/ for cosmocc build recipes