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synced 2025-03-18 23:04:14 +00:00
- Remove most __ASSEMBLER__ __LINKER__ ifdefs - Rename libc/intrin/bits.h to libc/serialize.h - Block pthread cancelation in fchmodat() polyfill - Remove `clang-format off` statements in third_party
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#include "libc/nt/struct/drawtextparams.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/paintstruct.h"
#include "libc/nt/struct/rect.h"
#include "libc/nt/thunk/msabi.h"
│ cosmopolitan § new technology » cpu graphics ─╬─│┼
int64_t BeginPaint(int64_t hWnd, struct NtPaintStruct *lpPaint);
int32_t EndPaint(int64_t hWnd, const struct NtPaintStruct *lpPaint);
int32_t BitBlt(int64_t hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int64_t hdcSrc,
int x1, int y1, uint32_t rop);
int32_t GetClientRect(int64_t hWnd, struct NtRect *lpRect);
int32_t GetWindowRect(int64_t hWnd, struct NtRect *lpRect);
int32_t SetBkMode(int64_t hdc, int mode);
uint32_t SetTextColor(int64_t hdc, uint32_t color);
uint32_t SetTextAlign(int64_t hdc, uint32_t align);
int32_t SetTextJustification(int64_t hdc, int extra, int count);
int32_t DrawText(int64_t hdc, const char16_t *lpchText, int cchText,
struct NtRect *lprc, uint32_t format);
int32_t DrawTextEx(int64_t hdc, char16_t *lpchText, int cchText,
struct NtRect *lprc, uint32_t format,
struct NtDrawTextParams *lpdtp);
int32_t FillRect(int64_t hDC, const struct NtRect *lpRC, int64_t hBrush);
uint32_t GetPixel(int64_t hdc, int x, int y);
uint32_t SetPixel(int64_t hdc, int x, int y, uint32_t color);
bool32 RedrawWindow(int64_t hWnd, const struct NtRect *opt_lprcUpdate,
int64_t opt_hrgnUpdate, uint32_t rdwFlags);
int64_t CreateCompatibleDC(int64_t hdc);
int64_t CreateCompatibleBitmap(int64_t hdc, int cx, int cy);
int64_t SelectObject(int64_t hdc, int64_t h);
bool32 DeleteObject(int64_t ho);
bool32 DeleteDC(int64_t hdc);
int SaveDC(int64_t hdc);
bool32 RestoreDC(int64_t hdc, int nSavedDC);
#if ShouldUseMsabiAttribute()
#include "libc/nt/thunk/paint.inc"
#endif /* ShouldUseMsabiAttribute() */