mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:48:21 +00:00
llama.com can now load weights that use the new file format which was introduced a few weeks ago. Note that, unlike llama.cpp, we will keep support for old file formats in our tool so you don't need to convert your weights when the upstream project makes breaking changes. Please note that using ggjt v3 does make avx2 inference go 5% faster for me.
398 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
398 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
// -*- c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
#ifndef LLAMA_UTIL_H
#define LLAMA_UTIL_H
#include "libc/calls/struct/rlimit.h"
#include "libc/dce.h"
#include "libc/fmt/fmt.h"
#include "libc/runtime/sysconf.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/madv.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/map.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/prot.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/rlimit.h"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cerrno"
#include "third_party/libcxx/climits"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstdarg"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstdint"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstdio"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstdlib"
#include "third_party/libcxx/cstring"
#include "third_party/libcxx/string"
#include "third_party/libcxx/vector"
// clang-format off
// Internal header to be included only by llama.cpp.
// Contains wrappers around OS interfaces.
#define LLAMA_ASSERT(x) \
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "LLAMA_ASSERT: %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
abort(); \
} \
} while (0)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#ifdef __MINGW32__
__attribute__((__format__(__gnu_printf__, 1, 2)))
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)))
static void Die(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va);
fputc('\n', stderr);
static inline bool is_integer_str(const char *s) {
if (*s == '-') ++s;
if (!*s) return false;
while (isdigit(*s)) ++s;
return !*s;
struct llama_file {
// use FILE * so we don't have to re-open the file to mmap
FILE * fp;
size_t size;
llama_file(const char * fname, const char * mode) {
fp = std::fopen(fname, mode);
if (fp == NULL) {
Die("failed to open %s: %s", fname, std::strerror(errno));
seek(0, SEEK_END);
size = tell();
seek(0, SEEK_SET);
size_t tell() const {
#ifdef _WIN32
__int64 ret = _ftelli64(fp);
long ret = std::ftell(fp);
LLAMA_ASSERT(ret != -1); // this really shouldn't fail
return (size_t) ret;
void seek(size_t offset, int whence) {
#ifdef _WIN32
int ret = _fseeki64(fp, (__int64) offset, whence);
int ret = std::fseek(fp, (long) offset, whence);
LLAMA_ASSERT(ret == 0); // same
void read_raw(void * ptr, size_t size) {
if (size == 0) {
errno = 0;
std::size_t ret = std::fread(ptr, size, 1, fp);
if (ferror(fp)) {
Die("read error: %s", strerror(errno));
if (ret != 1) {
Die("unexpectedly reached end of file");
std::uint32_t read_u32() {
std::uint32_t ret;
read_raw(&ret, sizeof(ret));
return ret;
std::string read_string(std::uint32_t len) {
std::vector<char> chars(len);
read_raw(chars.data(), len);
return std::string(chars.data(), len);
void write_raw(const void * ptr, size_t size) {
if (size == 0) {
errno = 0;
size_t ret = std::fwrite(ptr, size, 1, fp);
if (ret != 1) {
Die("write error: %s", strerror(errno));
void write_u32(std::uint32_t val) {
write_raw(&val, sizeof(val));
~llama_file() {
if (fp) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
static std::string llama_format_win_err(DWORD err) {
LPSTR buf;
if (!size) {
return "FormatMessageA failed";
std::string ret(buf, size);
return ret;
struct llama_mmap {
void * addr;
size_t size;
llama_mmap(const llama_mmap &) = delete;
static constexpr bool SUPPORTED = true;
llama_mmap(struct llama_file * file, bool prefetch = true) {
size = file->size;
int fd = fileno(file->fp);
int flags = MAP_SHARED;
#ifdef __linux__
flags |= MAP_POPULATE;
addr = mmap(NULL, file->size, PROT_READ, flags, fd, 0);
if (addr == MAP_FAILED) {
Die("mmap failed: %s", strerror(errno));
if (prefetch && !IsWindows()) {
// Advise the kernel to preload the mapped memory
if (madvise(addr, file->size, MADV_WILLNEED)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: madvise(.., MADV_WILLNEED) failed: %s\n",
~llama_mmap() {
munmap(addr, size);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
static constexpr bool SUPPORTED = true;
llama_mmap(struct llama_file * file, bool prefetch = true) {
size = file->size;
HANDLE hFile = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(_fileno(file->fp));
HANDLE hMapping = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
DWORD error = GetLastError();
if (hMapping == NULL) {
Die("CreateFileMappingA failed: %s", llama_format_win_err(error).c_str());
addr = MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
error = GetLastError();
if (addr == NULL) {
Die("MapViewOfFile failed: %s", llama_format_win_err(error).c_str());
if (prefetch) {
// Advise the kernel to preload the mapped memory
range.VirtualAddress = addr;
range.NumberOfBytes = (SIZE_T)size;
if (!PrefetchVirtualMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), 1, &range, 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: PrefetchVirtualMemory failed: %s\n",
#pragma message("warning: You are building for pre-Windows 8; prefetch not supported")
#endif // _WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8
~llama_mmap() {
if (!UnmapViewOfFile(addr)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: UnmapViewOfFile failed: %s\n",
static constexpr bool SUPPORTED = false;
llama_mmap(struct llama_file *) {
Die("mmap not supported");
// Represents some region of memory being locked using mlock or VirtualLock;
// will automatically unlock on destruction.
struct llama_mlock {
void * addr = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
bool failed_already = false;
llama_mlock() {}
llama_mlock(const llama_mlock &) = delete;
~llama_mlock() {
if (size) {
raw_unlock(addr, size);
void init(void * addr) {
LLAMA_ASSERT(this->addr == NULL && this->size == 0);
this->addr = addr;
void grow_to(size_t target_size) {
if (failed_already) {
size_t granularity = lock_granularity();
target_size = (target_size + granularity - 1) & ~(granularity - 1);
if (target_size > size) {
if (raw_lock((uint8_t *) addr + size, target_size - size)) {
size = target_size;
} else {
failed_already = true;
static constexpr bool SUPPORTED = true;
size_t lock_granularity() {
return (size_t) sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
#ifdef __APPLE__
"Try increasing the sysctl values 'vm.user_wire_limit' and 'vm.global_user_wire_limit' and/or " \
"decreasing 'vm.global_no_user_wire_amount'. Also try increasing RLIMIT_MLOCK (ulimit -l).\n"
"Try increasing RLIMIT_MLOCK ('ulimit -l' as root).\n"
bool raw_lock(const void * addr, size_t size) {
if (!mlock(addr, size)) {
return true;
} else {
char* errmsg = std::strerror(errno);
bool suggest = (errno == ENOMEM);
// Check if the resource limit is fine after all
struct rlimit lock_limit;
if (suggest && getrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &lock_limit))
suggest = false;
if (suggest && (lock_limit.rlim_max > lock_limit.rlim_cur + size))
suggest = false;
fprintf(stderr, "warning: failed to mlock %zu-byte buffer (after previously locking %zu bytes): %s\n%s",
size, this->size, errmsg, suggest ? MLOCK_SUGGESTION : "");
return false;
void raw_unlock(void * addr, size_t size) {
if (munlock(addr, size)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: failed to munlock buffer: %s\n", std::strerror(errno));
#elif defined(_WIN32)
static constexpr bool SUPPORTED = true;
size_t lock_granularity() {
return (size_t) si.dwPageSize;
bool raw_lock(void * addr, size_t size) {
for (int tries = 1; ; tries++) {
if (VirtualLock(addr, size)) {
return true;
if (tries == 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: failed to VirtualLock %zu-byte buffer (after previously locking %zu bytes): %s\n",
size, this->size, llama_format_win_err(GetLastError()).c_str());
return false;
// It failed but this was only the first try; increase the working
// set size and try again.
SIZE_T min_ws_size, max_ws_size;
if (!GetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), &min_ws_size, &max_ws_size)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: GetProcessWorkingSetSize failed: %s\n",
return false;
// Per MSDN: "The maximum number of pages that a process can lock
// is equal to the number of pages in its minimum working set minus
// a small overhead."
// Hopefully a megabyte is enough overhead:
size_t increment = size + 1048576;
// The minimum must be <= the maximum, so we need to increase both:
min_ws_size += increment;
max_ws_size += increment;
if (!SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), min_ws_size, max_ws_size)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: SetProcessWorkingSetSize failed: %s\n",
return false;
void raw_unlock(void * addr, size_t size) {
if (!VirtualUnlock(addr, size)) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: failed to VirtualUnlock buffer: %s\n",
static constexpr bool SUPPORTED = false;
void raw_lock(const void * addr, size_t size) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: mlock not supported on this system\n");
void raw_unlock(const void * addr, size_t size) {}
// Replacement for std::vector<uint8_t> that doesn't require zero-initialization.
struct llama_buffer {
uint8_t * addr = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
void resize(size_t size) {
addr = (uint8_t *)memalign(32, size); // [jart] always avx align
this->size = size;
~llama_buffer() {