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synced 2025-03-26 02:27:59 +00:00
1015 lines
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1015 lines
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/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
│ vi: set et ft=c ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi │
│ Copyright 2024 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney │
│ │
│ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for │
│ any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the │
│ above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. │
│ │
#include "libc/calls/calls.h"
#include "libc/calls/internal.h"
#include "libc/calls/syscall-sysv.internal.h"
#include "libc/dce.h"
#include "libc/errno.h"
#include "libc/intrin/atomic.h"
#include "libc/intrin/describebacktrace.h"
#include "libc/intrin/describeflags.h"
#include "libc/intrin/directmap.h"
#include "libc/intrin/kprintf.h"
#include "libc/intrin/maps.h"
#include "libc/intrin/strace.h"
#include "libc/intrin/tree.h"
#include "libc/intrin/weaken.h"
#include "libc/limits.h"
#include "libc/macros.h"
#include "libc/nt/memory.h"
#include "libc/nt/runtime.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "libc/runtime/zipos.internal.h"
#include "libc/stdckdint.h"
#include "libc/stdio/sysparam.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/map.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/mremap.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/o.h"
#include "libc/sysv/consts/prot.h"
#include "libc/sysv/errfuns.h"
#include "libc/thread/lock.h"
#include "libc/thread/tls.h"
#define MMDEBUG 0
#define MAX_SIZE 0x0ff800000000ul
#define MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE_linux 0x100000
#define PGUP(x) (((x) + __pagesize - 1) & -__pagesize)
#define GRUP(x) (((x) + __gransize - 1) & -__gransize)
#define MASQUE 0x00fffffffffffff8
#define PTR(x) ((uintptr_t)(x) & MASQUE)
#define TAG(x) ROL((uintptr_t)(x) & ~MASQUE, 8)
#define ABA(p, t) ((uintptr_t)(p) | (ROR((uintptr_t)(t), 8) & ~MASQUE))
#define ROL(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (64 - (n))))
#define ROR(x, n) (((x) >> (n)) | ((x) << (64 - (n))))
#define ASSERT(x) (void)0
#define ASSERT(x) \
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
char bt[160]; \
struct StackFrame *bp = __builtin_frame_address(0); \
kprintf("%!s:%d: assertion failed: %!s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
kprintf("bt %!s\n", _DescribeBacktrace(bt, bp)); \
__print_maps(0); \
__builtin_trap(); \
} \
} while (0)
int __maps_compare(const struct Tree *ra, const struct Tree *rb) {
const struct Map *a = (const struct Map *)MAP_TREE_CONTAINER(ra);
const struct Map *b = (const struct Map *)MAP_TREE_CONTAINER(rb);
return (a->addr > b->addr) - (a->addr < b->addr);
privileged optimizespeed struct Map *__maps_floor(const char *addr) {
struct Tree *node;
if ((node = tree_floor(__maps.maps, addr, __maps_search)))
return MAP_TREE_CONTAINER(node);
return 0;
static bool __maps_overlaps(const char *addr, size_t size) {
struct Map *map, *floor = __maps_floor(addr);
for (map = floor; map && map->addr <= addr + size; map = __maps_next(map))
if (MAX(addr, map->addr) <
MIN(addr + PGUP(size), map->addr + PGUP(map->size)))
return true;
return false;
void __maps_check(void) {
size_t maps = 0;
size_t pages = 0;
static unsigned mono;
unsigned id = ++mono;
for (struct Map *map = __maps_first(); map; map = __maps_next(map)) {
ASSERT(map->addr != MAP_FAILED);
ASSERT(map->visited != id);
map->visited = id;
pages += (map->size + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
maps += 1;
struct Map *next;
if ((next = __maps_next(map))) {
ASSERT(map->addr < next->addr);
ASSERT(MAX(map->addr, next->addr) >=
MIN(map->addr + PGUP(map->size), next->addr + PGUP(next->size)));
ASSERT(maps = __maps.count);
ASSERT(pages == __maps.pages);
static int __muntrack(char *addr, size_t size, struct Map **deleted,
struct Map **untracked, struct Map temp[2]) {
int rc = 0;
size_t ti = 0;
struct Map *map;
struct Map *next;
struct Map *floor;
size = PGUP(size);
floor = __maps_floor(addr);
for (map = floor; map && map->addr <= addr + size; map = next) {
next = __maps_next(map);
char *map_addr = map->addr;
size_t map_size = map->size;
if (!(MAX(addr, map_addr) < MIN(addr + size, map_addr + PGUP(map_size))))
if (addr <= map_addr && addr + size >= map_addr + PGUP(map_size)) {
if (map->precious)
// remove mapping completely
tree_remove(&__maps.maps, &map->tree);
map->freed = *deleted;
*deleted = map;
__maps.pages -= (map_size + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
__maps.count -= 1;
} else if (IsWindows()) {
STRACE("you can't carve up memory maps on windows ;_;");
rc = enotsup();
} else if (addr <= map_addr) {
// shave off lefthand side of mapping
ASSERT(addr + size < map_addr + PGUP(map_size));
size_t left = addr + size - map_addr;
size_t right = map_size - left;
ASSERT(right > 0);
ASSERT(left > 0);
map->addr += left;
map->size = right;
if (!(map->flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS))
map->off += left;
__maps.pages -= (left + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
if (untracked) {
ASSERT(ti < 2);
temp[ti].addr = map_addr;
temp[ti].size = left;
temp[ti].freed = *untracked;
*untracked = temp;
} else if (addr + size >= map_addr + PGUP(map_size)) {
// shave off righthand side of mapping
size_t left = addr - map_addr;
size_t right = map_addr + map_size - addr;
map->size = left;
__maps.pages -= (right + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
if (untracked) {
ASSERT(ti < 2);
temp[ti].addr = addr;
temp[ti].size = right;
temp[ti].freed = *untracked;
*untracked = temp;
} else {
// punch hole in mapping
size_t left = addr - map_addr;
size_t middle = size;
size_t right = map_size - middle - left;
struct Map *leftmap;
if ((leftmap = __maps_alloc())) {
leftmap->addr = map_addr;
leftmap->size = left;
leftmap->off = map->off;
leftmap->prot = map->prot;
leftmap->flags = map->flags;
map->addr += left + middle;
map->size = right;
if (!(map->flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS))
map->off += left + middle;
tree_insert(&__maps.maps, &leftmap->tree, __maps_compare);
__maps.pages -= (middle + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
__maps.count += 1;
if (untracked) {
ASSERT(ti < 2);
temp[ti].addr = addr;
temp[ti].size = size;
temp[ti].freed = *untracked;
*untracked = temp;
} else {
rc = -1;
return rc;
void __maps_free(struct Map *map) {
uintptr_t tip;
map->size = 0;
map->addr = MAP_FAILED;
for (tip = atomic_load_explicit(&__maps.freed, memory_order_relaxed);;) {
map->freed = (struct Map *)PTR(tip);
if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(
&__maps.freed, &tip, ABA(map, TAG(tip) + 1), memory_order_release,
static void __maps_free_all(struct Map *list) {
struct Map *next;
for (struct Map *map = list; map; map = next) {
next = map->freed;
static void __maps_insert_all(struct Map *list) {
struct Map *next;
for (struct Map *map = list; map; map = next) {
next = map->freed;
static int __maps_destroy_all(struct Map *list) {
int rc = 0;
for (struct Map *map = list; map; map = map->freed) {
if (!IsWindows()) {
if (sys_munmap(map->addr, map->size))
rc = -1;
} else if (map->hand != -1) {
if (!UnmapViewOfFile(map->addr))
rc = -1;
if (!CloseHandle(map->hand))
rc = -1;
return rc;
static int __maps_funge_flags(int flags) {
flags &= ~MAP_FIXED;
if ((flags & MAP_TYPE) == MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE) {
flags &= ~MAP_TYPE;
flags |= MAP_SHARED;
return flags;
static bool __maps_fungible(const struct Map *map) {
// anonymous memory is fungible on unix, so we may coalesce such
// mappings in the rbtree to have fewer objects. on windows even
// anonymous memory has unique win32 handles we need to preserve
return !IsWindows() && (map->flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS);
static bool __maps_adjacent(const struct Map *x, const struct Map *y) {
char *a = x->addr + PGUP(x->size);
char *b = y->addr;
ASSERT(a <= b);
return a == b;
static bool __maps_mergeable(const struct Map *x, const struct Map *y) {
if (!__maps_adjacent(x, y))
return false;
if (!__maps_fungible(x))
return false;
if (!__maps_fungible(y))
return false;
if (x->prot != y->prot)
return false;
if (__maps_funge_flags(x->flags) != __maps_funge_flags(y->flags))
return false;
return true;
void __maps_insert(struct Map *map) {
struct Map *left, *right;
ASSERT(!__maps_overlaps(map->addr, map->size));
__maps.pages += (map->size + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
// find adjacent mappings
if ((left = __maps_floor(map->addr))) {
right = __maps_next(left);
} else {
right = __maps_first();
// avoid insert by making mapping on left bigger
if (left)
if (__maps_mergeable(left, map)) {
left->size = PGUP(left->size);
left->size += map->size;
map = 0;
// avoid insert by making mapping on right bigger
if (map && right)
if (__maps_mergeable(map, right)) {
map->size = PGUP(map->size);
right->addr -= map->size;
right->size += map->size;
map = 0;
// check if we filled a hole
if (!map && left && right)
if (__maps_mergeable(left, right)) {
left->size = PGUP(left->size);
right->addr -= left->size;
right->size += left->size;
tree_remove(&__maps.maps, &left->tree);
__maps.count -= 1;
// otherwise just insert
if (map)
// sanity check
// adds interval to rbtree (no sys_mmap)
bool __maps_track(char *addr, size_t size, int prot, int flags) {
struct Map *map;
if (!(map = __maps_alloc()))
return false;
map->addr = addr;
map->size = size;
map->prot = prot;
map->flags = flags;
map->hand = -1;
return true;
// removes interval from rbtree (no sys_munmap)
int __maps_untrack(char *addr, size_t size) {
struct Map *deleted = 0;
int rc = __muntrack(addr, size, &deleted, 0, 0);
return rc;
struct Map *__maps_alloc(void) {
struct Map *map;
uintptr_t tip = atomic_load_explicit(&__maps.freed, memory_order_relaxed);
while ((map = (struct Map *)PTR(tip))) {
if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(
&__maps.freed, &tip, ABA(map->freed, TAG(tip) + 1),
memory_order_acquire, memory_order_relaxed))
return map;
int size = 65536;
// we're creating sudden surprise memory. the user might be in the
// middle of carefully planning a fixed memory structure. we don't
// want the system allocator to put our surprise memory inside it,
// and we also want to avoid the chances of accidentally unmapping
struct DirectMap sys =
sys_mmap(__maps_randaddr(), size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
if (sys.addr == MAP_FAILED)
return 0;
map = sys.addr;
if (IsWindows())
for (int i = 1; i < size / sizeof(struct Map); ++i)
__maps_free(map + i);
return map;
static int __munmap(char *addr, size_t size) {
// validate arguments
if (((uintptr_t)addr & (__gransize - 1)) || //
!size || (uintptr_t)addr + size < size)
return einval();
// test for signal handler tragedy
if (__maps_held())
return edeadlk();
// lock the memory manager
// normalize size
// abort if size doesn't include all pages in granule
if (GRUP(size) > PGUP(size))
if (__maps_overlaps(addr + PGUP(size), GRUP(size) - PGUP(size))) {
return einval();
// untrack mappings
int rc;
struct Map temp[2];
struct Map *deleted = 0;
struct Map *untracked = 0;
rc = __muntrack(addr, size, &deleted, &untracked, temp);
// ask operating system to remove mappings
rc |= __maps_destroy_all(untracked);
rc |= __maps_destroy_all(deleted);
return rc;
void *__maps_randaddr(void) {
uintptr_t addr;
addr = (__maps.rand *= 15750249268501108917ull) >> 64;
addr &= 0x3fffffffffff;
addr |= 0x004000000000;
addr &= -__gransize;
return (void *)addr;
static void *__maps_pickaddr(size_t size) {
char *addr = 0;
struct Map *map, *prev;
size = GRUP(size);
if ((map = __maps_last())) {
// choose address beneath higher mapping
for (; map; map = prev) {
char *min = (char *)(intptr_t)__gransize;
if ((prev = __maps_prev(map)))
min = prev->addr + GRUP(prev->size);
if (map->addr > min && //
map->addr - min >= size) {
addr = map->addr - size;
// append if existing maps are too dense
if (!addr) {
map = __maps_last();
addr = map->addr + GRUP(map->size);
intptr_t end = (intptr_t)addr;
if (ckd_add(&end, end, size))
return 0;
} else {
// roll the dice if rbtree is empty
addr = __maps_randaddr();
return addr;
static void *__mmap_impl(char *addr, size_t size, int prot, int flags, int fd,
int64_t off) {
// validate file map args
if (flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS) {
// some operating systems will complain unless we do this
fd = -1;
off = 0;
} else {
// validate arguments for file mapping
if (off & (__gransize - 1))
return (void *)einval();
if (IsWindows()) {
if (!__isfdkind(fd, kFdFile))
return (void *)eacces();
if ((g_fds.p[fd].flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY)
return (void *)eacces();
// allocate Map object
struct Map *map;
if (!(map = __maps_alloc()))
return MAP_FAILED;
// polyfill nuances of fixed mappings
int sysflags = flags;
bool noreplace = false;
bool fixedmode = false;
if (flags & MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE) {
if (flags & MAP_FIXED) {
return (void *)einval();
if (IsLinux()) {
noreplace = true;
sysflags |= MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE_linux;
} else if (IsFreebsd() || IsNetbsd()) {
sysflags |= MAP_FIXED;
if (__maps_overlaps(addr, size)) {
return (void *)eexist();
} else {
noreplace = true;
} else if (flags & MAP_FIXED) {
fixedmode = true;
// loop for memory
int olderr = errno;
struct DirectMap res;
for (;;) {
// transactionally find the mark on windows
if (IsWindows()) {
if (!fixedmode) {
// give user desired address if possible
if (addr && __maps_overlaps(addr, size)) {
if (noreplace) {
return (void *)eexist();
addr = 0;
// choose suitable address then claim it in our rbtree
if (!addr && !(addr = __maps_pickaddr(size))) {
return (void *)enomem();
} else {
// remove existing mappings and their tracking objects
struct Map *deleted = 0;
if (__muntrack(addr, size, &deleted, 0, 0)) {
return MAP_FAILED;
int rc = __maps_destroy_all(deleted);
if (rc) {
return (void *)eperm();
// claims intended interval while still holding the lock
map->addr = addr;
map->size = size;
map->prot = 0;
map->flags = 0;
map->hand = -1;
map->precious = true;
// ask operating system for our memory
// notice how we're not holding the lock
res = sys_mmap(addr, size, prot, sysflags, fd, off);
if (res.addr != MAP_FAILED)
// handle failure
if (IsWindows()) {
// untrack reservation
tree_remove(&__maps.maps, &map->tree);
__maps.pages -= (map->size + __pagesize - 1) / __pagesize;
map->precious = false;
if (errno == EADDRNOTAVAIL) {
// we've encountered mystery memory
if (fixedmode) {
// TODO(jart): Use VirtualQuery() to destroy mystery memory.
errno = ENOMEM;
} else if (noreplace) {
// we can't try again with a different address in this case
errno = EEXIST;
} else {
// we shall leak the tracking object since it should at least
// partially cover the mystery mapping. so if we loop forever
// the system should eventually recover and find fresh spaces
errno = olderr;
addr = 0;
return MAP_FAILED;
// polyfill map fixed noreplace
if (noreplace && res.addr != addr) {
sys_munmap(res.addr, size);
return (void *)eexist();
// setup map object
map->addr = res.addr;
map->size = size;
map->off = off;
map->prot = prot;
map->flags = flags;
map->hand = res.maphandle;
map->precious = false;
if (IsWindows()) {
map->iscow = (flags & MAP_TYPE) != MAP_SHARED && fd != -1;
map->readonlyfile = (flags & MAP_TYPE) == MAP_SHARED && fd != -1 &&
(g_fds.p[fd].flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY;
// track map object
if (!IsWindows()) {
struct Map *deleted = 0;
if (fixedmode)
if (__muntrack(res.addr, size, &deleted, 0, 0))
STRACE("memtrack compromised by hole punch oom");
} else {
return res.addr;
static void *__mmap(char *addr, size_t size, int prot, int flags, int fd,
int64_t off) {
char *res;
// validate arguments
if ((uintptr_t)addr & (__gransize - 1))
addr = NULL;
if (!addr && (flags & (MAP_FIXED | MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE)))
return (void *)eperm();
if ((intptr_t)addr < 0)
return (void *)enomem();
if (!size || (uintptr_t)addr + size < size)
return (void *)einval();
if (size > MAX_SIZE)
return (void *)enomem();
if (__maps.count * __pagesize + size > __virtualmax)
return (void *)enomem();
// test for signal handler reentry
if (__maps_held())
return (void *)edeadlk();
// create memory mappping
if (!__isfdkind(fd, kFdZip)) {
res = __mmap_impl(addr, size, prot, flags, fd, off);
} else {
res = _weaken(__zipos_mmap)(
addr, size, prot, flags,
(struct ZiposHandle *)(uintptr_t)g_fds.p[fd].handle, off);
return res;
static void *__mremap_impl(char *old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size,
int flags, char *new_addr) {
// normalize and validate old size
// abort if size doesn't include all pages in granule
if (GRUP(old_size) > PGUP(old_size))
if (__maps_overlaps(old_addr + PGUP(old_size),
GRUP(old_size) - PGUP(old_size)))
return (void *)einval();
// validate new size
// abort if size doesn't include all pages in granule
if (flags & MREMAP_FIXED)
if (GRUP(new_size) > PGUP(new_size))
if (__maps_overlaps(new_addr + PGUP(new_size),
GRUP(new_size) - PGUP(new_size)))
return (void *)einval();
// allocate object for tracking new mapping
struct Map *map;
if (!(map = __maps_alloc()))
return (void *)enomem();
// check old interval is fully contained within one mapping
struct Map *old_map;
if (!(old_map = __maps_floor(old_addr)) ||
old_addr + PGUP(old_size) > old_map->addr + PGUP(old_map->size) ||
old_addr < old_map->addr) {
return (void *)efault();
// save old properties
int old_off = old_map->off;
int old_prot = old_map->prot;
int old_flags = old_map->flags;
// netbsd mremap fixed returns enoent rather than unmapping old pages
if (IsNetbsd() && (flags & MREMAP_FIXED))
if (__munmap(new_addr, new_size)) {
return MAP_FAILED;
// release lock before system call if possible
if (!flags)
// the time has come
char *res;
if (IsNetbsd()) {
int sysfl = (flags & MREMAP_FIXED) ? MAP_FIXED : 0;
res = sys_mremap(old_addr, old_size, (uintptr_t)new_addr, new_size, sysfl);
} else {
res = sys_mremap(old_addr, old_size, new_size, flags, (uintptr_t)new_addr);
if (res == MAP_FAILED)
// re-acquire lock if needed
if (!flags)
if (res == MAP_FAILED)
return MAP_FAILED;
if (!(flags & MREMAP_MAYMOVE))
ASSERT(res == old_addr);
// untrack old mapping
struct Map *deleted = 0;
__muntrack(old_addr, old_size, &deleted, 0, 0);
// track map object
map->addr = res;
map->size = new_size;
map->off = old_off;
map->prot = old_prot;
map->flags = old_flags;
return res;
static void *__mremap(char *old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size,
int flags, char *new_addr) {
// kernel support
if (!IsLinux() && !IsNetbsd())
return (void *)enosys();
// it is not needed
if (new_size <= old_size)
if (!(flags & MREMAP_FIXED))
if (flags & MREMAP_MAYMOVE)
// we support these flags
return (void *)einval();
if (IsNetbsd() && !(flags & MREMAP_MAYMOVE) && PGUP(new_size) > old_size)
return (void *)enotsup();
if ((flags & MREMAP_FIXED) && !(flags & MREMAP_MAYMOVE))
return (void *)einval();
// addresses must be granularity aligned
if ((uintptr_t)old_addr & (__gransize - 1))
return (void *)einval();
if (flags & MREMAP_FIXED)
if ((uintptr_t)new_addr & (__gransize - 1))
return (void *)einval();
// sizes must not be zero
if (!old_size)
return (void *)einval();
if (!new_size)
return (void *)einval();
// check for big size
if (old_size > MAX_SIZE)
return (void *)enomem();
if (new_size > MAX_SIZE)
return (void *)enomem();
// check for overflow
if ((uintptr_t)old_addr + old_size < old_size)
return (void *)enomem();
if (flags & MREMAP_FIXED)
if ((uintptr_t)new_addr + new_size < new_size)
return (void *)enomem();
// old and new intervals must not overlap
if (flags & MREMAP_FIXED)
if (MAX(old_addr, new_addr) <
MIN(old_addr + old_size, new_addr + PGUP(new_size)))
return (void *)einval();
// memory increase must not exceed RLIMIT_AS
if (PGUP(new_size) > old_size)
if (__maps.count * __pagesize - old_size + PGUP(new_size) > __virtualmax)
return (void *)enomem();
// test for signal handler reentry
if (__maps_held())
return (void *)edeadlk();
// lock the memory manager
// perform operation
char *res = __mremap_impl(old_addr, old_size, new_size, flags, new_addr);
// return result
return res;
* Creates memory mapping.
* The mmap() function is used by Cosmopolitan's malloc() implementation
* to obtain new memory from the operating system. This function is also
* useful for establishing a mapping between a file on disk and a memory
* address, which avoids most need to call read() and write(). It is how
* executables are loaded into memory, for instance, in which case pages
* are loaded lazily from disk by the operating system.
* The `addr` parameter may be zero. This lets the implementation choose
* an available address in memory. OSes normally pick something randomly
* assigned, for security. Most OSes try to make sure subsequent mapping
* requests will be adjacent to one another. More paranoid OSes may have
* different mappings be sparse, with unmapped content between them. You
* may not use the `MAP_FIXED` parameter to create a memory map at NULL.
* The `addr` parameter may be non-zero, in which case Cosmopolitan will
* give you a mapping at that specific address if it's available. When a
* mapping already exists at the requested address then another one will
* be chosen automatically. On most OSes the newly selected address will
* be as close-by as possible, but that's not guaranteed. If `MAP_FIXED`
* is also supplied in `flags` then this hint is taken as mandatory, and
* existing mappings at the requested interval shall be auto-unmapped.
* The `size` parameter is implicitly rounded up to the system page size
* reported by getpagesize() and sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE). Your extra bytes
* will be zero-initialized.
* The returned address will always be aligned, on the system allocation
* granularity. This value may be obtained from getgransize() or calling
* sysconf(_SC_GRANSIZE). Granularity is always greater than or equal to
* the page size. On some platforms, i.e. Windows, it may be larger than
* the page size.
* The `prot` value specifies the memory protection of the mapping. This
* may be `PROT_NONE` to disallow all access otherwise it's a bitwise or
* of the following constants:
* - `PROT_READ` allows read access
* - `PROT_WRITE` allows write access
* - `PROT_EXEC` allows execute access
* Some OSes (i.e. OpenBSD) will raise an error if both `PROT_WRITE` and
* `PROT_EXEC` are requested. You may still modify executable memory but
* you must use mprotect() to transition between the two states. On some
* OSes like MacOS ARM64, you need to pass the `MAP_JIT` flag to get RWX
* memory, which is considered zero on other OSes.
* The lower bits of the `flags` parameter specify the `MAP_TYPE`, which
* may be:
* - `MAP_PRIVATE` for non-shared and copy-on-write mappings
* - `MAP_SHARED` for memory that may be shared between processes
* Your `fd` argument specifies the file descriptor of the open file you
* want to map. This parameter is ignored when `MAP_ANONYMOUS` is passed
* via `flags`.
* Your `off` argument specifies the offset into a, file at which mapped
* memory shall begin. It must be aligned to the allocation granularity,
* which may be obtained from getgransize() or sysconf(_SC_GRANSIZE).
* The `MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE` flag may be passed in `flags` which has the
* same behavior as `MAP_FIXED` except it raises `EEXIST` when a mapping
* already exists on the requested interval.
* The `MAP_CONCEAL` flag may be passed to prevent a memory mapping from
* appearing in core dumps. This is currently supported on BSD OSes, and
* is ignored on everything else.
* POSIX does not require mmap() to be asynchronous signal safe. But you
* should be able to call this from a signal handler safely, if you know
* that your signal will never interrupt the cosmopolitan memory manager
* and the only way you can ensure that, is by blocking signals whenever
* you call mmap(), munmap(), mprotect(), etc.
* @raise ENOMEM if `RUSAGE_AS` or similar limits are exceeded
* @raise EEXIST if `flags` has `MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE` and `addr` is used
* @raise EPERM if `addr` is null and `flags` has `MAP_FIXED`
* @raise ENOTSUP if memory map is cleaved on windows with `MAP_FIXED`
* @raise EINVAL if `addr` isn't granularity aligned with `MAP_FIXED`
* @raise EINVAL if `size` is zero
* @raise EINVAL if `flags` or `prot` hold invalid values
* @raise EACCESS if `fd` isn't a regular file
* @raise EACCESS if `fd` was opened in write-only mode
* @raise EACCESS if `off` isn't getgransize() aligned
* @raise EDEADLK if called from signal handler interrupting mmap()
void *mmap(void *addr, size_t size, int prot, int flags, int fd, int64_t off) {
void *res = __mmap(addr, size, prot, flags, fd, off);
STRACE("mmap(%p, %'zu, %s, %s, %d, %'ld) → %p% m (%'zu bytes total)", addr,
size, DescribeProtFlags(prot), DescribeMapFlags(flags), fd, off, res,
__maps.pages * __pagesize);
return res;
* Changes memory mapping.
* This system call lets you move memory without copying it. It can also
* be used to shrink memory mappings.
* This system call is supported on Linux and NetBSD. It's used by Cosmo
* Libc's realloc() implementation under the hood.
* The `flags` parameter may have:
* - `MREMAP_MAYMOVE` to allow relocation
* - `MREMAP_FIXED` in which case an additional parameter is taken
void *mremap(void *old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags, ...) {
va_list ap;
void *new_addr = 0;
if (flags & MREMAP_FIXED) {
va_start(ap, flags);
new_addr = va_arg(ap, void *);
void *res = __mremap(old_addr, old_size, new_size, flags, new_addr);
STRACE("mremap(%p, %'zu, %'zu, %s, %p) → %p% m (%'zu bytes total)", old_addr,
old_size, new_size, DescribeMremapFlags(flags), new_addr, res,
__maps.pages * __pagesize);
return res;
* Removes memory mapping.
* The `size` parameter is implicitly rounded up to the page size.
* @return 0 on success, or -1 w/ errno.
* @raise ENOMEM if OOM happened when punching hole in existing mapping
* @raise ENOTSUP if memory map is cleaved on windows with `MAP_FIXED`
* @raise EDEADLK if called from signal handler interrupting mmap()
* @raise EINVAL if `addr` isn't granularity aligned
* @raise EINVAL if `size` didn't include all pages in granule
int munmap(void *addr, size_t size) {
int rc = __munmap(addr, size);
STRACE("munmap(%p, %'zu) → %d% m (%'zu bytes total)", addr, size, rc,
__maps.pages * __pagesize);
return rc;
__weak_reference(mmap, mmap64);