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Zip is distributed as C source code that can be compiled on a
wide range of systems: Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, NT, Amiga, Atari,
BeOS, VM/CMS, ... You will need Unzip 5.0p1 or later (under any
system) or PKUNZIP 2.04g or later (under MSDOS) to unpack the
distribution file, in this case zip30.zip. But since you read this,
you have unpacked it already, or you cheated and got a tar.Z file...
Note: Zip 3.0 distribution kits (unlike previously distributed
Zip 2.x kits) are created with a top-level directory ("zip30") in
the archive, making the creating of the zipsrc directory optional.
Installation on Unix (see below for installation on other systems)
Let's assume that you start from scratch and have not yet unpacked
the sources. First step, then, is to unpack Zip. The following
assumes that you have zip30.zip in the current directory.
For example, to extract to a new zipsrc directory (assuming
zip30.zip is in the current directory):
mkdir zipsrc
cd zipsrc
cp ../zip30.zip .
unzip zip30.zip
cd zip30
To extract in an existing directory, such as /usr/local/src/zip:
cd /usr/local/src/zip
(copy zip30.zip here)
unzip zip30.zip
cd zip30
The first extracts all source files and documentation to the
directory "zipsrc/zip30". The second places the zip30 directory
in the "/usr/local/src/zip" directory. Both then cd in to the
zip30 directory where Zip will be built.
Note: This release now includes the standard encryption code
previously in the separate package zcrypt29.zip, but you still
can decide whether to activate the crypt code or not. Crypt is
enabled by default, but you may disable it by specifying the
option -DNO_CRYPT in the LOCAL_ZIP environment variable (or by
adding this option to the compilation options in the appropiate
makefile). See README.CR for more on crypt.
You then do:
make -f unix/Makefile system
where "system" is one of: generic, generic_gcc,
att6300, coherent, cray_v3, minix, sco_x286, xenix, zilog.
For Unix systems where "cc" is the preferred C compiler command,
make -f unix/Makefile generic
first. If "gcc" is preferred, specify "generic_gcc" instead of
"generic". This should work on most systems and automatically
selects compilation options based on a set of tests (in
unix/configure), including detection of large file support
sufficient to enable Zip64 large archive features. If "generic"
(or "generic_gcc" if that is used) fail, then one of the special
targets given above may work.
Among other special systems are Cray Unicos, Zilog Zeus and MINIX.
The optimization settings for many systems should be close, but
if you see optimization for your system is not ideal, send in
the changes so we can improve it.
By default, Zip uses the "deflate" compression method. To add
the additional optional "bzip2" compression method, see the file
bzip2/install.txt. Note that bzip2 support is provided by
compiling or linking in the bzip2 library. See the bzip2 site
(http://www.bzip.org/) for more on bzip2.
If you get error messages such as "constant expected" in
deflate.c, add -DDYN_ALLOC to CFLAGS in your makefile entry.
If you have lots of memory, try compiling with -DBIG_MEM. If your
system supports mmap(), try compiling with -DMMAP. This generally
gives faster compression but uses more memory. See the unix/Makefile
entry mmap_gcc for an example.
If none of these compiles, links, and functions properly on
your Unix system, then your system apparently has specific
requirements we did not account for. See the file README for how
to get help.
If the appropriate system was selected, then the executables zip,
zipnote, zipcloak, and zipsplit will be created. You can copy
them to an appropriate directory in the search path using:
make -f unix/Makefile install
The defaults are /usr/local/bin for the executables and
/usr/local/man/man1 for the manual pages. Change the macros
BINDIR and MANDIR in makefile to change these if needed.
If necessary, add the directory with the Zip executables to your
shell's PATH (or "path") variable. (C-shell users may need to
use the "rehash" command so csh can find the new command in the
path.) You should now be ready to use Zip.
You can get rid of the now unnecessary source and object files
cd ..
rm -r zip30
This will remove the directory zip30 and its contents created
by unzip. You should keep the zip30.zip file around though,
in case you need to build it again or want to give it to a
You can add the following lines to the file /etc/magic for
usage by the 'file' command:
0 string PK Zip archive
>4 byte 011 (at least v0.9 to extract)
>4 byte 012 (at least v1.0 to extract)
>4 byte 013 (at least v1.1 to extract)
>4 byte 024 (at least v2.0 to extract)
>4 byte 025 (at least v2.1 to extract)
Installation on other systems
The steps for installation under VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, NT, Amiga and
Atari are similar to the above: first unzip the distribution
files into their own directory. The system-dependent files are
stored in special subdirectories.
For all the non-Unix ports which support the creation of "UT" extra
fields (these ports contain USE_EF_UT_TIME in the list of optional
features displayed with "zip -v"), the timezone environment variable TZ
should be set according to the local timezone in order for the -f, -u,
-o, and similar options to work correctly. This is not needed for the
WIN32 and WinDLL ports, since they get the timezone information from
the OS by other means.
Do one of:
make msdos\makefile.msc (Microsoft C 5.1)
nmake -f msdos\makefile.msc (Microsoft C 6.0 and newer)
make -fmsdos\makefile.bor -DCC_REV=1 (Borland Turbo C++ 1.0)
make -fmsdos\makefile.bor (Borland C++ 2.0 and newer)
make -fmsdos\makefile.tc (Borland Turbo C 2.0x)
make -f msdos/makefile.dj1 (DJGPP v1.12m4)
make -f msdos/makefile.dj2 (DJGPP v2.01 and newer)
make -f msdos/makefile.emx (gcc/emx 0.9b and newer)
make -f os2/makefile.os2 gccdos (gcc/emx 0.9b and newer)
wmake -f msdos\makefile.wat (Watcom C 11.x 16-bit)
wmake -f msdos\makefile.wat PM=1 (Watcom C 11.x 32-bit, PMODE/W)
for Microsoft, Borland C++ and Turbo C, Watcom C/C++ and the various
free GNU C implementations, respectively. More detailed instructions
can be found in the respective makefiles.
WIN32 (Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3 and Windows 95/98/ME):
Supported compilers are Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, Watcom C/C++,
and miscellaneous free GNU C implementations (gcc/mingw, CygWin, ...).
The makefiles supplied in the win32/ subdirectory contain further
Windows DLL (WIN32):
Supported environments are Visual C++ (32-bit only, 5.x and newer).
For instructions how to build the DLLs and where find the makefiles,
look into windll/contents.
{make} -f os2/makefile.os2
to get a list of supported targets/compiling environments.
(replace "{make}" with the name of your OS/2 make utility.)
To initiate the actual compiling process, you have to specify
a system target:
{make} -f os2/makefile.os2 {system}
An example: type
nmake -f os2/makefile.os2 msc
for Microsoft C 6.00.
VMS (OpenVMS):
The most complete information on building and installing Zip on VMS
is in [.vms]install_vms.txt. Optimists in a hurry may wish to try
commands like these:
When the executables have been created (or located if already installed),
most users define foreign command symbols for the Zip executables, like
ZIP :== $ dev:[dir]ZIP.EXE ! UNIX-like command line.
ZIP :== $ dev:[dir]ZIP_CLI.EXE ! VMS-like command line.
Such symbol definitions are often added to a user's
SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM procedure, or to a common, site-specific
procedure, like SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM.
Additional installation options are described in install_vms.txt.
The builders create help text files, ZIP.HLP and ZIP_CLI.HLP. Also
see install_vms.txt for how to create the help libraries.
Mac OS:
Mac OS X is part of the Unix port, so use the Unix installation above.
Mac OS before Mac OS X use the Mac OS port, though little testing has
been done for that port recently. See macos/README.TXT for more on
this port.
Compiler Flags
Zip should compile fine out of the box for your port. In particular,
for Unix the command
make -f unix/Makefile generic
should automatically detect the features available on your system and
set the flags appropriately. In some cases, however, you may need to
set one or more compiler flags yourself to get Zip to compile or to
add features you want or remove features that cause trouble for your
port. Below are the more common compiler macros you can set.
Tell Zip that the OS supports large files (generally files larger
than 4 GB). Zip will try to compile in the large file calls
(typically 64-bit) for the OS instead of using the standard
(typically 32-bit) file calls. On Unix Zip tries to switch over to
the 64-bit file environment. If setting this flag causes errors
or Zip still can't handle large files on that port, then probably
either Zip doesn't have the code to support large files on your OS
(write a patch and send it in to us) or your OS doesn't support large
Note that the flag ZIP64_SUPPORT must also be set to create archives
with large files.
This flag should be set automatically on Unix, Win32, and some
other ports. Setting NO_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT turns this flag off.
Enable the Zip64 code in Zip that supports the Zip64 extensions noted
in the PKWare AppNote. These extensions allow storing files larger
than 4 GB in archives and the creating of archives larger than 4 GB.
They also allow storing more than 64K files in an archive. Currently
Zip does not handle archives of PKZip version 4.5 or later unless
this flag is set.
To enable large file support in Zip, you generally need to set both
LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT (to read and write large files) and ZIP64_SUPPORT
(to store them in and read them from archives). Files larger than
4 GB may be invisible to Zip (directory scans don't see them) if
LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is not enabled.
Keeping LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT and ZIP64_SUPPORT separate allows easier
debugging of these features. When testing large file support on an
OS, first set just LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT to test the file calls (all
should compile and work as before with small files), then turn on
ZIP64_SUPPORT to let Zip recognize and handle large files.
This flag should be set automatically on most ports if
LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is set. Setting NO_ZIP64_SUPPORT turns this flag
Enable storing and using UTF-8 paths. These paths are stored in
a backward-compatible way so that archives with UTF-8 paths still
work on zips and unzips that don't support Unicode. This support
follows the recent additions to the PKWare AppNote for Unicode
support, except that Unicode comments on systems where UTF-8 is
not the current character set is not implemented in this release.
On some ports UNICODE_SUPPORT is set automatically if wide characters
are supported. Setting NO_UNICODE_SUPPORT turns off this flag.
Enables storing UT time in an extra field. This becomes useful
for ports that normally store file times as local time, resulting
in problems when files are moved across time zones and when
there are daylight savings time changes. Zip and UnZip will
automatically correct for time zone changes when UT time is stored.
This is usually set by default. Use NO_EF_UT_TIME to turn this off.
NTSD_EAS (Win32 only)
Enable storing Windows NT file security descriptors. This allows
restoring the descriptors (file ACL's, etc.).
This is on by default for Win32. Use NO_NTSD_EAS to turn this off.
Enable compressing zip entries using the bzip2 library. You must get
the bzip2 library from somewhere else as we only provide a way to
compile or link the library in and compress files using bzip2. Enables
a new compression method, bzip2, that can be used instead of the default
Zip compression method deflate.
This flag is set on Unix, including Mac OS X, when compiling using
generic if the bzip2 library is found. Set on Win32 if the bzip2
projects are used. See the VMS documentation for when VMS sets this
flag. Setting NO_BZIP2_SUPPORT turns this off.
See bzip2/install.txt for more on installing bzip2 support.
WIN32_OEM (Win32 only)
Enable saving paths on Win32 in the OEM character set. Zip has stored
paths using the standard ANSI local character set, but other zips have
used the OEM character set on MSDOS and Win32. This flag should make
Zip more compatible with other DOS and Win32 zips and unzips. It also
enables the translation of OEM paths in DOS archives to ANSI and should
eliminate some problems with funny characters showing up in path names.
If Unicode is enabled and used, Unicode paths generally override
local paths using OEM character sets.
This flag is on by default on most Win32 ports. Some ports apparently
have problems with OEM conversions. If your port or compiler does
funny things with file names, you may want to turn this off. Defining
NO_WIN32_OEM turns this flag off.
Because storing zip archives inside a zip entry adds "false" signatures
and this causes problems when using data descriptors if the archive
needs fixing, this option is provided to force deflating when streaming.
This version of Zip includes an advanced algorithm for correctly finding
these signatures, but if an archive is "broke", there is no telling
what's where. This is only a problem if an archive becomes broke for
some reason, but to be safe define this.
For MSDOS and Windows, now "[list]" wildcard matching (where any
character between [ and ] can be used to match the character at that
position) is turned off unless the new -RE option is used. Defining
this flag forces "[list]" matching to be always on as in previous
For command help on any of the zip* utilities, simply enter
the name with no arguments.