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977 lines
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Tests for fileinput module.
Nick Mathewson
import os
import sys
import re
import fileinput
import collections
import builtins
import tempfile
import unittest
import bz2
except ImportError:
bz2 = None
import gzip
except ImportError:
gzip = None
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from fileinput import FileInput, hook_encoded
from test.support import verbose, TESTFN, check_warnings
from test.support import unlink as safe_unlink
from test import support
from unittest import mock
# The fileinput module has 2 interfaces: the FileInput class which does
# all the work, and a few functions (input, etc.) that use a global _state
# variable.
class BaseTests:
# Write a content (str or bytes) to temp file, and return the
# temp file's name.
def writeTmp(self, content, *, mode='w'): # opening in text mode is the default
fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
self.addCleanup(support.unlink, name)
with open(fd, mode) as f:
return name
class LineReader:
def __init__(self):
self._linesread = []
def linesread(self):
return self._linesread[:]
self._linesread = []
def openhook(self, filename, mode):
self.it = iter(filename.splitlines(True))
return self
def readline(self, size=None):
line = next(self.it, '')
return line
def readlines(self, hint=-1):
lines = []
size = 0
while True:
line = self.readline()
if not line:
return lines
size += len(line)
if size >= hint:
return lines
def close(self):
class BufferSizesTests(BaseTests, unittest.TestCase):
def test_buffer_sizes(self):
# First, run the tests with default and teeny buffer size.
for round, bs in (0, 0), (1, 30):
t1 = self.writeTmp(''.join("Line %s of file 1\n" % (i+1) for i in range(15)))
t2 = self.writeTmp(''.join("Line %s of file 2\n" % (i+1) for i in range(10)))
t3 = self.writeTmp(''.join("Line %s of file 3\n" % (i+1) for i in range(5)))
t4 = self.writeTmp(''.join("Line %s of file 4\n" % (i+1) for i in range(1)))
if bs:
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
self.buffer_size_test(t1, t2, t3, t4, bs, round)
self.buffer_size_test(t1, t2, t3, t4, bs, round)
def buffer_size_test(self, t1, t2, t3, t4, bs=0, round=0):
pat = re.compile(r'LINE (\d+) OF FILE (\d+)')
start = 1 + round*6
if verbose:
print('%s. Simple iteration (bs=%s)' % (start+0, bs))
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(len(lines), 31)
self.assertEqual(lines[4], 'Line 5 of file 1\n')
self.assertEqual(lines[30], 'Line 1 of file 4\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 31)
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), t4)
if verbose:
print('%s. Status variables (bs=%s)' % (start+1, bs))
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
s = "x"
while s and s != 'Line 6 of file 2\n':
s = fi.readline()
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), t2)
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 21)
self.assertEqual(fi.filelineno(), 6)
if verbose:
print('%s. Nextfile (bs=%s)' % (start+2, bs))
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'Line 1 of file 3\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 22)
if verbose:
print('%s. Stdin (bs=%s)' % (start+3, bs))
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4, '-'), bufsize=bs)
savestdin = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = StringIO("Line 1 of stdin\nLine 2 of stdin\n")
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(len(lines), 33)
self.assertEqual(lines[32], 'Line 2 of stdin\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), '<stdin>')
sys.stdin = savestdin
if verbose:
print('%s. Boundary conditions (bs=%s)' % (start+4, bs))
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 0)
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), None)
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 0)
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), None)
if verbose:
print('%s. Inplace (bs=%s)' % (start+5, bs))
savestdout = sys.stdout
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), inplace=1, bufsize=bs)
for line in fi:
line = line[:-1].upper()
sys.stdout = savestdout
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4), bufsize=bs)
for line in fi:
self.assertEqual(line[-1], '\n')
m = pat.match(line[:-1])
self.assertNotEqual(m, None)
self.assertEqual(int(m.group(1)), fi.filelineno())
class UnconditionallyRaise:
def __init__(self, exception_type):
self.exception_type = exception_type
self.invoked = False
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.invoked = True
raise self.exception_type()
class FileInputTests(BaseTests, unittest.TestCase):
def test_zero_byte_files(self):
t1 = self.writeTmp("")
t2 = self.writeTmp("")
t3 = self.writeTmp("The only line there is.\n")
t4 = self.writeTmp("")
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2, t3, t4))
line = fi.readline()
self.assertEqual(line, 'The only line there is.\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 1)
self.assertEqual(fi.filelineno(), 1)
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), t3)
line = fi.readline()
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 1)
self.assertEqual(fi.filelineno(), 0)
self.assertEqual(fi.filename(), t4)
def test_files_that_dont_end_with_newline(self):
t1 = self.writeTmp("A\nB\nC")
t2 = self.writeTmp("D\nE\nF")
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2))
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, ["A\n", "B\n", "C", "D\n", "E\n", "F"])
self.assertEqual(fi.filelineno(), 3)
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 6)
## def test_unicode_filenames(self):
## # XXX A unicode string is always returned by writeTmp.
## # So is this needed?
## t1 = self.writeTmp("A\nB")
## encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
## if encoding is None:
## encoding = 'ascii'
## fi = FileInput(files=str(t1, encoding))
## lines = list(fi)
## self.assertEqual(lines, ["A\n", "B"])
def test_fileno(self):
t1 = self.writeTmp("A\nB")
t2 = self.writeTmp("C\nD")
fi = FileInput(files=(t1, t2))
self.assertEqual(fi.fileno(), -1)
line = next(fi)
self.assertNotEqual(fi.fileno(), -1)
self.assertEqual(fi.fileno(), -1)
line = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(fi.fileno(), -1)
def test_opening_mode(self):
# invalid mode, should raise ValueError
fi = FileInput(mode="w")
self.fail("FileInput should reject invalid mode argument")
except ValueError:
# try opening in universal newline mode
t1 = self.writeTmp(b"A\nB\r\nC\rD", mode="wb")
with check_warnings(('', DeprecationWarning)):
fi = FileInput(files=t1, mode="U")
with check_warnings(('', DeprecationWarning)):
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, ["A\n", "B\n", "C\n", "D"])
def test_stdin_binary_mode(self):
with mock.patch('sys.stdin') as m_stdin:
m_stdin.buffer = BytesIO(b'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam')
fi = FileInput(files=['-'], mode='rb')
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, [b'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam'])
def test_detached_stdin_binary_mode(self):
orig_stdin = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = BytesIO(b'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam')
self.assertFalse(hasattr(sys.stdin, 'buffer'))
fi = FileInput(files=['-'], mode='rb')
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, [b'spam, bacon, sausage, and spam'])
sys.stdin = orig_stdin
def test_file_opening_hook(self):
# cannot use openhook and inplace mode
fi = FileInput(inplace=1, openhook=lambda f, m: None)
self.fail("FileInput should raise if both inplace "
"and openhook arguments are given")
except ValueError:
fi = FileInput(openhook=1)
self.fail("FileInput should check openhook for being callable")
except ValueError:
class CustomOpenHook:
def __init__(self):
self.invoked = False
def __call__(self, *args):
self.invoked = True
return open(*args)
t = self.writeTmp("\n")
custom_open_hook = CustomOpenHook()
with FileInput([t], openhook=custom_open_hook) as fi:
self.assertTrue(custom_open_hook.invoked, "openhook not invoked")
def test_readline(self):
with open(TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
# Fill TextIOWrapper buffer.
f.write(b'123456789\n' * 1000)
# Issue #20501: readline() shouldn't read whole file.
self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
with FileInput(files=TESTFN,
openhook=hook_encoded('ascii')) as fi:
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'A\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'B\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'C\n')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
self.fail('Read to end of file')
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
# Read to the end of file.
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), '')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), '')
def test_readline_binary_mode(self):
with open(TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
with FileInput(files=TESTFN, mode='rb') as fi:
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'A\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'B\r\n')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'C\rD')
# Read to the end of file.
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'')
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'')
def test_context_manager(self):
t1 = self.writeTmp("A\nB\nC")
t2 = self.writeTmp("D\nE\nF")
with FileInput(files=(t1, t2)) as fi:
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, ["A\n", "B\n", "C", "D\n", "E\n", "F"])
self.assertEqual(fi.filelineno(), 3)
self.assertEqual(fi.lineno(), 6)
self.assertEqual(fi._files, ())
def test_close_on_exception(self):
t1 = self.writeTmp("")
with FileInput(files=t1) as fi:
raise OSError
except OSError:
self.assertEqual(fi._files, ())
def test_empty_files_list_specified_to_constructor(self):
with FileInput(files=[]) as fi:
self.assertEqual(fi._files, ('-',))
def test__getitem__(self):
"""Tests invoking FileInput.__getitem__() with the current
line number"""
t = self.writeTmp("line1\nline2\n")
with FileInput(files=[t]) as fi:
retval1 = fi[0]
self.assertEqual(retval1, "line1\n")
retval2 = fi[1]
self.assertEqual(retval2, "line2\n")
def test__getitem__invalid_key(self):
"""Tests invoking FileInput.__getitem__() with an index unequal to
the line number"""
t = self.writeTmp("line1\nline2\n")
with FileInput(files=[t]) as fi:
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args, ("accessing lines out of order",))
def test__getitem__eof(self):
"""Tests invoking FileInput.__getitem__() with the line number but at
t = self.writeTmp('')
with FileInput(files=[t]) as fi:
with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args, ("end of input reached",))
def test_nextfile_oserror_deleting_backup(self):
"""Tests invoking FileInput.nextfile() when the attempt to delete
the backup file would raise OSError. This error is expected to be
silently ignored"""
os_unlink_orig = os.unlink
os_unlink_replacement = UnconditionallyRaise(OSError)
t = self.writeTmp("\n")
self.addCleanup(support.unlink, t + '.bak')
with FileInput(files=[t], inplace=True) as fi:
next(fi) # make sure the file is opened
os.unlink = os_unlink_replacement
os.unlink = os_unlink_orig
# sanity check to make sure that our test scenario was actually hit
"os.unlink() was not invoked")
def test_readline_os_fstat_raises_OSError(self):
"""Tests invoking FileInput.readline() when os.fstat() raises OSError.
This exception should be silently discarded."""
os_fstat_orig = os.fstat
os_fstat_replacement = UnconditionallyRaise(OSError)
t = self.writeTmp("\n")
with FileInput(files=[t], inplace=True) as fi:
os.fstat = os_fstat_replacement
os.fstat = os_fstat_orig
# sanity check to make sure that our test scenario was actually hit
"os.fstat() was not invoked")
@unittest.skipIf(not hasattr(os, "chmod"), "os.chmod does not exist")
def test_readline_os_chmod_raises_OSError(self):
"""Tests invoking FileInput.readline() when os.chmod() raises OSError.
This exception should be silently discarded."""
os_chmod_orig = os.chmod
os_chmod_replacement = UnconditionallyRaise(OSError)
t = self.writeTmp("\n")
with FileInput(files=[t], inplace=True) as fi:
os.chmod = os_chmod_replacement
os.chmod = os_chmod_orig
# sanity check to make sure that our test scenario was actually hit
"os.fstat() was not invoked")
def test_fileno_when_ValueError_raised(self):
class FilenoRaisesValueError(UnconditionallyRaise):
def __init__(self):
UnconditionallyRaise.__init__(self, ValueError)
def fileno(self):
unconditionally_raise_ValueError = FilenoRaisesValueError()
t = self.writeTmp("\n")
with FileInput(files=[t]) as fi:
file_backup = fi._file
fi._file = unconditionally_raise_ValueError
result = fi.fileno()
fi._file = file_backup # make sure the file gets cleaned up
# sanity check to make sure that our test scenario was actually hit
"_file.fileno() was not invoked")
self.assertEqual(result, -1, "fileno() should return -1")
def test_readline_buffering(self):
src = LineReader()
with FileInput(files=['line1\nline2', 'line3\n'],
openhook=src.openhook) as fi:
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, [])
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'line1\n')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, ['line1\n'])
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'line2')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, ['line2'])
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), 'line3\n')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, ['', 'line3\n'])
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), '')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, [''])
self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), '')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, [])
def test_iteration_buffering(self):
src = LineReader()
with FileInput(files=['line1\nline2', 'line3\n'],
openhook=src.openhook) as fi:
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, [])
self.assertEqual(next(fi), 'line1\n')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, ['line1\n'])
self.assertEqual(next(fi), 'line2')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, ['line2'])
self.assertEqual(next(fi), 'line3\n')
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, ['', 'line3\n'])
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, fi)
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, [''])
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, fi)
self.assertEqual(src.linesread, [])
class MockFileInput:
"""A class that mocks out fileinput.FileInput for use during unit tests"""
def __init__(self, files=None, inplace=False, backup="", bufsize=0,
mode="r", openhook=None):
self.files = files
self.inplace = inplace
self.backup = backup
self.bufsize = bufsize
self.mode = mode
self.openhook = openhook
self._file = None
self.invocation_counts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
self.return_values = {}
def close(self):
self.invocation_counts["close"] += 1
def nextfile(self):
self.invocation_counts["nextfile"] += 1
return self.return_values["nextfile"]
def filename(self):
self.invocation_counts["filename"] += 1
return self.return_values["filename"]
def lineno(self):
self.invocation_counts["lineno"] += 1
return self.return_values["lineno"]
def filelineno(self):
self.invocation_counts["filelineno"] += 1
return self.return_values["filelineno"]
def fileno(self):
self.invocation_counts["fileno"] += 1
return self.return_values["fileno"]
def isfirstline(self):
self.invocation_counts["isfirstline"] += 1
return self.return_values["isfirstline"]
def isstdin(self):
self.invocation_counts["isstdin"] += 1
return self.return_values["isstdin"]
class BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Base class for unit tests for the global function of
the fileinput module."""
def setUp(self):
self._orig_state = fileinput._state
self._orig_FileInput = fileinput.FileInput
fileinput.FileInput = MockFileInput
def tearDown(self):
fileinput.FileInput = self._orig_FileInput
fileinput._state = self._orig_state
def assertExactlyOneInvocation(self, mock_file_input, method_name):
# assert that the method with the given name was invoked once
actual_count = mock_file_input.invocation_counts[method_name]
self.assertEqual(actual_count, 1, method_name)
# assert that no other unexpected methods were invoked
actual_total_count = len(mock_file_input.invocation_counts)
self.assertEqual(actual_total_count, 1)
class Test_fileinput_input(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.input()"""
def test_state_is_not_None_and_state_file_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests invoking fileinput.input() when fileinput._state is not None
and its _file attribute is also not None. Expect RuntimeError to
be raised with a meaningful error message and for fileinput._state
to *not* be modified."""
instance = MockFileInput()
instance._file = object()
fileinput._state = instance
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("input() already active",), cm.exception.args)
self.assertIs(instance, fileinput._state, "fileinput._state")
def test_state_is_not_None_and_state_file_is_None(self):
"""Tests invoking fileinput.input() when fileinput._state is not None
but its _file attribute *is* None. Expect it to create and return
a new fileinput.FileInput object with all method parameters passed
explicitly to the __init__() method; also ensure that
fileinput._state is set to the returned instance."""
instance = MockFileInput()
instance._file = None
fileinput._state = instance
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests invoking fileinput.input() when fileinput._state is None
Expect it to create and return a new fileinput.FileInput object
with all method parameters passed explicitly to the __init__()
method; also ensure that fileinput._state is set to the returned
fileinput._state = None
def do_test_call_input(self):
"""Tests that fileinput.input() creates a new fileinput.FileInput
object, passing the given parameters unmodified to
fileinput.FileInput.__init__(). Note that this test depends on the
monkey patching of fileinput.FileInput done by setUp()."""
files = object()
inplace = object()
backup = object()
bufsize = object()
mode = object()
openhook = object()
# call fileinput.input() with different values for each argument
result = fileinput.input(files=files, inplace=inplace, backup=backup,
mode=mode, openhook=openhook)
# ensure fileinput._state was set to the returned object
self.assertIs(result, fileinput._state, "fileinput._state")
# ensure the parameters to fileinput.input() were passed directly
# to FileInput.__init__()
self.assertIs(files, result.files, "files")
self.assertIs(inplace, result.inplace, "inplace")
self.assertIs(backup, result.backup, "backup")
self.assertIs(bufsize, result.bufsize, "bufsize")
self.assertIs(mode, result.mode, "mode")
self.assertIs(openhook, result.openhook, "openhook")
class Test_fileinput_close(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.close()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests that fileinput.close() does nothing if fileinput._state
is None"""
fileinput._state = None
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests that fileinput.close() invokes close() on fileinput._state
and sets _state=None"""
instance = MockFileInput()
fileinput._state = instance
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "close")
class Test_fileinput_nextfile(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.nextfile()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.nextfile() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.nextfile() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.nextfile() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
nextfile_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["nextfile"] = nextfile_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.nextfile()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "nextfile")
self.assertIs(retval, nextfile_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class Test_fileinput_filename(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.filename()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.filename() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.filename() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.filename() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
filename_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["filename"] = filename_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.filename()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "filename")
self.assertIs(retval, filename_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class Test_fileinput_lineno(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.lineno()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.lineno() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.lineno() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.lineno() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
lineno_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["lineno"] = lineno_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.lineno()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "lineno")
self.assertIs(retval, lineno_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class Test_fileinput_filelineno(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.filelineno()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.filelineno() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.filelineno() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.filelineno() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
filelineno_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["filelineno"] = filelineno_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.filelineno()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "filelineno")
self.assertIs(retval, filelineno_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class Test_fileinput_fileno(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.fileno()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.fileno() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.fileno() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.fileno() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
fileno_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["fileno"] = fileno_retval
instance.fileno_retval = fileno_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.fileno()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "fileno")
self.assertIs(retval, fileno_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class Test_fileinput_isfirstline(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.isfirstline()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.isfirstline() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.isfirstline() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.isfirstline() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
isfirstline_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["isfirstline"] = isfirstline_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.isfirstline()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "isfirstline")
self.assertIs(retval, isfirstline_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class Test_fileinput_isstdin(BaseFileInputGlobalMethodsTest):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.isstdin()"""
def test_state_is_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.isstdin() when fileinput._state is None.
Ensure that it raises RuntimeError with a meaningful error message
and does not modify fileinput._state"""
fileinput._state = None
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(("no active input()",), cm.exception.args)
def test_state_is_not_None(self):
"""Tests fileinput.isstdin() when fileinput._state is not None.
Ensure that it invokes fileinput._state.isstdin() exactly once,
returns whatever it returns, and does not modify fileinput._state
to point to a different object."""
isstdin_retval = object()
instance = MockFileInput()
instance.return_values["isstdin"] = isstdin_retval
fileinput._state = instance
retval = fileinput.isstdin()
self.assertExactlyOneInvocation(instance, "isstdin")
self.assertIs(retval, isstdin_retval)
self.assertIs(fileinput._state, instance)
class InvocationRecorder:
def __init__(self):
self.invocation_count = 0
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.invocation_count += 1
self.last_invocation = (args, kwargs)
class Test_hook_compressed(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.hook_compressed()"""
def setUp(self):
self.fake_open = InvocationRecorder()
def test_empty_string(self):
self.do_test_use_builtin_open("", 1)
def test_no_ext(self):
self.do_test_use_builtin_open("abcd", 2)
@unittest.skipUnless(gzip, "Requires gzip and zlib")
def test_gz_ext_fake(self):
original_open = gzip.open
gzip.open = self.fake_open
result = fileinput.hook_compressed("test.gz", 3)
gzip.open = original_open
self.assertEqual(self.fake_open.invocation_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(self.fake_open.last_invocation, (("test.gz", 3), {}))
@unittest.skipUnless(bz2, "Requires bz2")
def test_bz2_ext_fake(self):
original_open = bz2.BZ2File
bz2.BZ2File = self.fake_open
result = fileinput.hook_compressed("test.bz2", 4)
bz2.BZ2File = original_open
self.assertEqual(self.fake_open.invocation_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(self.fake_open.last_invocation, (("test.bz2", 4), {}))
def test_blah_ext(self):
self.do_test_use_builtin_open("abcd.blah", 5)
def test_gz_ext_builtin(self):
self.do_test_use_builtin_open("abcd.Gz", 6)
def test_bz2_ext_builtin(self):
self.do_test_use_builtin_open("abcd.Bz2", 7)
def do_test_use_builtin_open(self, filename, mode):
original_open = self.replace_builtin_open(self.fake_open)
result = fileinput.hook_compressed(filename, mode)
self.assertEqual(self.fake_open.invocation_count, 1)
((filename, mode), {}))
def replace_builtin_open(new_open_func):
original_open = builtins.open
builtins.open = new_open_func
return original_open
class Test_hook_encoded(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for fileinput.hook_encoded()"""
def test(self):
encoding = object()
errors = object()
result = fileinput.hook_encoded(encoding, errors=errors)
fake_open = InvocationRecorder()
original_open = builtins.open
builtins.open = fake_open
filename = object()
mode = object()
open_result = result(filename, mode)
builtins.open = original_open
self.assertEqual(fake_open.invocation_count, 1)
args, kwargs = fake_open.last_invocation
self.assertIs(args[0], filename)
self.assertIs(args[1], mode)
self.assertIs(kwargs.pop('encoding'), encoding)
self.assertIs(kwargs.pop('errors'), errors)
def test_errors(self):
with open(TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
def check(errors, expected_lines):
with FileInput(files=TESTFN, mode='r',
openhook=hook_encoded('utf-8', errors=errors)) as fi:
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, expected_lines)
check('ignore', ['abc'])
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
check('strict', ['abc'])
check('replace', ['\ufffdabc'])
check('backslashreplace', ['\\x80abc'])
def test_modes(self):
with open(TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
# UTF-7 is a convenient, seldom used encoding
self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
def check(mode, expected_lines):
with FileInput(files=TESTFN, mode=mode,
openhook=hook_encoded('utf-7')) as fi:
lines = list(fi)
self.assertEqual(lines, expected_lines)
check('r', ['A\n', 'B\n', 'C\n', 'D\u20ac'])
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
check('rU', ['A\n', 'B\n', 'C\n', 'D\u20ac'])
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
check('U', ['A\n', 'B\n', 'C\n', 'D\u20ac'])
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
check('rb', ['A\n', 'B\r\n', 'C\r', 'D\u20ac'])
class MiscTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_all(self):
support.check__all__(self, fileinput)
if __name__ == "__main__":