mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 07:14:14 +00:00
Somehow or another, I previously had missed `BUILD.mk` files. In the process I found a few straggler cases where the modeline was different from the file, including one very involved manual fix where a file had been treated like it was ts=2 and ts=8 on separate occasions. The commit history in the PR shows the gory details; the BUILD.mk was automated, everything else was mostly manual.
748 lines
41 KiB
Executable file
748 lines
41 KiB
Executable file
/usr/bin/env echo ' -*-mode:sh;indent-tabs-mode:nil;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8-*-│
│ vi: set noet ft=sh ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 fenc=utf-8 :vi │
╚────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────'>/dev/null #*/
. libc/nt/codegen.sh
# The New Technology API
# » so many sections
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp '' CreateDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp '' CreateFileA kernel32 7
imp '' CreateFileMappingNumaW kernel32 7
imp '' CreateFileMappingW kernel32 6
imp '' CreateFileW kernel32 7
imp '' CreateNamedPipeW kernel32 8
imp '' CreatePipe kernel32 4
imp '' CreateProcessW kernel32 10
imp '' CreateSymbolicLinkW kernel32 3
imp '' CreateThread kernel32 6
imp '' DeleteFileW kernel32 1
imp '' DeviceIoControl kernel32 8
imp '' FindClose kernel32 1
imp '' FindFirstFileW kernel32 2
imp '' FindNextFileW kernel32 2
imp '' FlushFileBuffers kernel32 1
imp '' FlushViewOfFile kernel32 2
imp '' GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent kernel32 2
imp '' GetExitCodeProcess kernel32 2
imp '' GetFileAttributesW kernel32 1
imp '' LockFileEx kernel32 6
imp '' MapViewOfFileEx kernel32 6
imp '' MapViewOfFileExNuma kernel32 7
imp '' MoveFileExW kernel32 3
imp '' OpenProcess kernel32 3
imp '' ReOpenFile kernel32 4 # TODO(jart): 6.2 and higher
imp '' RemoveDirectoryW kernel32 1
imp '' SetCurrentDirectoryW kernel32 1
imp '' TerminateProcess kernel32 2
imp '' UnlockFileEx kernel32 5
imp '' UnmapViewOfFile kernel32 1
imp '' VirtualProtect kernel32 4
imp '' WaitForMultipleObjects kernel32 4
imp '' WaitForSingleObject kernel32 2
imp 'AcquireSRWLockExclusive' AcquireSRWLockExclusive kernel32 1
imp 'AcquireSRWLockShared' AcquireSRWLockShared kernel32 1
imp 'AddDllDirectory' AddDllDirectory kernel32 1
imp 'AddVectoredContinueHandler' AddVectoredContinueHandler kernel32 2
imp 'AddVectoredExceptionHandler' AddVectoredExceptionHandler kernel32 2
imp 'AllocConsole' AllocConsole kernel32 0
imp 'AttachConsole' AttachConsole kernel32 1
imp 'CallNamedPipe' CallNamedPipeW kernel32 7
imp 'CallNamedPipeA' CallNamedPipeA kernel32 7
imp 'CancelIo' CancelIo kernel32 1
imp 'CancelIoEx' CancelIoEx kernel32 2
imp 'CancelSynchronousIo' CancelSynchronousIo kernel32 1
imp 'CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent' CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent kernel32 2
imp 'ClearCommBreak' ClearCommBreak kernel32 1
imp 'CloseHandle' CloseHandle kernel32 1
imp 'ClosePseudoConsole' ClosePseudoConsole kernel32 1 # Windows 10+
imp 'ConnectNamedPipe' ConnectNamedPipe kernel32 2
imp 'ContinueDebugEvent' ContinueDebugEvent kernel32 3
imp 'CopyFile' CopyFileW kernel32 3
imp 'CreateEvent' CreateEventW kernel32 4
imp 'CreateEventEx' CreateEventExW kernel32 4
imp 'CreateHardLink' CreateHardLinkW kernel32 3
imp 'CreateIoCompletionPort' CreateIoCompletionPort kernel32 4
imp 'CreatePseudoConsole' CreatePseudoConsole kernel32 5 # Windows 10+
imp 'CreateSemaphore' CreateSemaphoreW kernel32 4
imp 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot' CreateToolhelp32Snapshot kernel32 2
imp 'CreateWaitableTimer' CreateWaitableTimerW kernel32 3
imp 'CreateWaitableTimerEx' CreateWaitableTimerExW kernel32 4
imp 'DebugActiveProcess' DebugActiveProcess kernel32 1
imp 'DebugActiveProcessStop' DebugActiveProcessStop kernel32 1
imp 'DebugBreakProcess' DebugBreakProcess kernel32 1
imp 'DeleteCriticalSection' DeleteCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'DeleteProcThreadAttributeList' DeleteProcThreadAttributeList kernel32 1
imp 'DisconnectNamedPipe' DisconnectNamedPipe kernel32 1
imp 'DuplicateHandle' DuplicateHandle kernel32 7
imp 'EnterCriticalSection' EnterCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'ExitProcess' ExitProcess kernel32 1 # a.k.a. RtlExitUserProcess
imp 'ExitThread' ExitThread kernel32 1
imp 'FatalExit' FatalExit kernel32 1
imp 'FillConsoleOutputAttribute' FillConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 5
imp 'FillConsoleOutputCharacter' FillConsoleOutputCharacterW kernel32 5
imp 'FindFirstFileEx' FindFirstFileExW kernel32 6
imp 'FindFirstVolume' FindFirstVolumeW kernel32 2
imp 'FindNextVolume' FindNextVolumeW kernel32 3
imp 'FindVolumeClose' FindVolumeClose kernel32 1
imp 'FlushConsoleInputBuffer' FlushConsoleInputBuffer kernel32 1
imp 'FormatMessage' FormatMessageW kernel32 7
imp 'FormatMessageA' FormatMessageA kernel32 7
imp 'FreeConsole' FreeConsole kernel32 0
imp 'FreeEnvironmentStrings' FreeEnvironmentStringsW kernel32 1
imp 'FreeLibrary' FreeLibrary kernel32 1
imp 'FreeResource' FreeResource kernel32 1
imp 'GetCommandLine' GetCommandLineW kernel32 0
imp 'GetCompressedFileSize' GetCompressedFileSizeW kernel32 2
imp 'GetComputerNameEx' GetComputerNameExW kernel32 3
imp 'GetConsoleCP' GetConsoleCP kernel32 0
imp 'GetConsoleCursorInfo' GetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleMode' GetConsoleMode kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleOutputCP' GetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 0
imp 'GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo' GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx' GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleSelectionInfo' GetConsoleSelectionInfo kernel32 1
imp 'GetConsoleTitle' GetConsoleTitleW kernel32 2
imp 'GetConsoleWindow' GetConsoleWindow kernel32 0
imp 'GetCurrentDirectory' GetCurrentDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp 'GetCurrentProcessId' GetCurrentProcessId kernel32 0
imp 'GetCurrentThread' GetCurrentThread kernel32 0
imp 'GetCurrentThreadId' GetCurrentThreadId kernel32 0
imp 'GetEnvironmentStrings' GetEnvironmentStringsW kernel32 1
imp 'GetEnvironmentVariable' GetEnvironmentVariableW kernel32 3
imp 'GetExitCodeThread' GetExitCodeThread kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileAttributesEx' GetFileAttributesExW kernel32 3
imp 'GetFileInformationByHandle' GetFileInformationByHandle kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileInformationByHandleEx' GetFileInformationByHandleEx kernel32 4
imp 'GetFileSize' GetFileSize kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileSizeEx' GetFileSizeEx kernel32 2
imp 'GetFileTime' GetFileTime kernel32 4
imp 'GetFileType' GetFileType kernel32 1
imp 'GetFinalPathNameByHandle' GetFinalPathNameByHandleW kernel32 4
imp 'GetFullPathName' GetFullPathNameW kernel32 4
imp 'GetHandleInformation' GetHandleInformation kernel32 2
imp 'GetLargestConsoleWindowSize' GetLargestConsoleWindowSize kernel32 1
imp 'GetLastError' GetLastError kernel32 0
imp 'GetLogicalDrives' GetLogicalDrives kernel32 0
imp 'GetMaximumProcessorCount' GetMaximumProcessorCount kernel32 1 # Windows 7+
imp 'GetModuleFileName' GetModuleFileNameW kernel32 3
imp 'GetModuleHandle' GetModuleHandleA kernel32 1
imp 'GetModuleHandleEx' GetModuleHandleExW kernel32 3
imp 'GetModuleHandleW' GetModuleHandleW kernel32 1
imp 'GetNamedPipeInfo' GetNamedPipeInfo kernel32 5
imp 'GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents' GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents kernel32 2
imp 'GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons' GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons kernel32 1
imp 'GetOverlappedResult' GetOverlappedResult kernel32 4
imp 'GetOverlappedResultEx' GetOverlappedResultEx kernel32 5
imp 'GetPriorityClass' GetPriorityClass kernel32 1
imp 'GetProcAddress' GetProcAddress kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessAffinityMask' GetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 3
imp 'GetProcessHandleCount' GetProcessHandleCount kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessHeap' GetProcessHeap kernel32 0
imp 'GetProcessHeaps' GetProcessHeaps kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessId' GetProcessId kernel32 1
imp 'GetProcessIdOfThread' GetProcessIdOfThread kernel32 1
imp 'GetProcessInformation' GetProcessInformation kernel32 4
imp 'GetProcessIoCounters' GetProcessIoCounters kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessPriorityBoost' GetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'GetProcessTimes' GetProcessTimes kernel32 5
imp 'GetProcessWorkingSetSize' GetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 3
imp 'GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx' GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx kernel32 4
imp 'GetQueuedCompletionStatus' GetQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 5
imp 'GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx' GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx kernel32 6
imp 'GetStartupInfo' GetStartupInfoW kernel32 1
imp 'GetStdHandle' GetStdHandle kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemDirectory' GetSystemDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp 'GetSystemDirectoryA' GetSystemDirectoryA kernel32 2
imp 'GetSystemInfo' GetSystemInfo kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTime' GetSystemTime kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTimeAdjustment' GetSystemTimeAdjustment kernel32 3
imp 'GetSystemTimeAsFileTime' GetSystemTimeAsFileTime kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime' GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime kernel32 1
imp 'GetSystemTimes' GetSystemTimes kernel32 3
imp 'GetTempPath' GetTempPathW kernel32 2
imp 'GetTempPathA' GetTempPathA kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadContext' GetThreadContext kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadDescription' GetThreadDescription kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadIOPendingFlag' GetThreadIOPendingFlag kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadId' GetThreadId kernel32 1
imp 'GetThreadPriority' GetThreadPriority kernel32 1
imp 'GetThreadPriorityBoost' GetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'GetThreadTimes' GetThreadTimes kernel32 5
imp 'GetTickCount64' GetTickCount64 kernel32 0
imp 'GetVersionEx' GetVersionExW kernel32 1
imp 'GetVolumeInformationByHandle' GetVolumeInformationByHandleW kernel32 8
imp 'GetVolumePathName' GetVolumePathNameW kernel32 3
imp 'GetWindowsDirectory' GetWindowsDirectoryW kernel32 2
imp 'GetWindowsDirectoryA' GetWindowsDirectoryA kernel32 2
imp 'GlobalAlloc' GlobalAlloc kernel32 2
imp 'GlobalFree' GlobalFree kernel32 1
imp 'GlobalMemoryStatusEx' GlobalMemoryStatusEx kernel32 1
imp 'HeapAlloc' HeapAlloc kernel32 3
imp 'HeapCompact' HeapCompact kernel32 2
imp 'HeapCreate' HeapCreate kernel32 3
imp 'HeapDestroy' HeapDestroy kernel32 1
imp 'HeapFree' HeapFree kernel32 3
imp 'HeapReAlloc' HeapReAlloc kernel32 4
imp 'InitializeContext' InitializeContext kernel32 4 # Windows 7+
imp 'InitializeCriticalSection' InitializeCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount' InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount kernel32 2
imp 'InitializeProcThreadAttributeList' InitializeProcThreadAttributeList kernel32 4
imp 'InitializeSRWLock' InitializeSRWLock kernel32 1
imp 'LeaveCriticalSection' LeaveCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'LoadLibrary' LoadLibraryW kernel32 1
imp 'LoadLibraryEx' LoadLibraryExW kernel32 3
imp 'LoadResource' LoadResource kernel32 2
imp 'LocalFree' LocalFree kernel32 1
imp 'LockFile' LockFile kernel32 5
imp 'LockResource' LockResource kernel32 1
imp 'MoveFile' MoveFileW kernel32 2
imp 'MultiByteToWideChar' MultiByteToWideChar kernel32 6
imp 'OfferVirtualMemory' OfferVirtualMemory kernel32 3
imp 'OpenThread' OpenThread kernel32 3
imp 'PeekConsoleInput' PeekConsoleInputW kernel32 4
imp 'PeekNamedPipe' PeekNamedPipe kernel32 6
imp 'PostQueuedCompletionStatus' PostQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 4
imp 'PrefetchVirtualMemory' PrefetchVirtualMemory kernel32 4
imp 'Process32First' Process32FirstW kernel32 2
imp 'Process32Next' Process32NextW kernel32 2
imp 'PulseEvent' PulseEvent kernel32 1
imp 'PurgeComm' PurgeComm kernel32 2
imp 'QueryPerformanceCounter' QueryPerformanceCounter kernel32 1
imp 'QueryPerformanceFrequency' QueryPerformanceFrequency kernel32 1
imp 'ReadConsole' ReadConsoleW kernel32 5
imp 'ReadConsoleInput' ReadConsoleInputW kernel32 4
imp 'ReadConsoleOutput' ReadConsoleOutputW kernel32 5
imp 'ReadConsoleOutputAttribute' ReadConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 5
imp 'ReadConsoleOutputCharacter' ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW kernel32 5
imp 'ReadFile' ReadFile kernel32 5
imp 'ReadFileEx' ReadFileEx kernel32 5
imp 'ReadFileScatter' ReadFileScatter kernel32 5
imp 'RegisterWaitForSingleObject' RegisterWaitForSingleObject kernel32 6
imp 'ReleaseMutex' ReleaseMutex kernel32 1
imp 'ReleaseSRWLockExclusive' ReleaseSRWLockExclusive kernel32 1
imp 'ReleaseSRWLockShared' ReleaseSRWLockShared kernel32 1
imp 'ReleaseSemaphore' ReleaseSemaphore kernel32 3
imp 'RemoveVectoredContinueHandler' RemoveVectoredContinueHandler kernel32 1
imp 'RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler' RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler kernel32 1
imp 'ResetEvent' ResetEvent kernel32 1
imp 'ResizePseudoConsole' ResizePseudoConsole kernel32 2 # Windows 10+
imp 'ResumeThread' ResumeThread kernel32 1
imp 'SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer' SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer kernel32 1 # TODO(jart): 6.2 and higher
imp 'SetConsoleCP' SetConsoleCP kernel32 1 # TODO(jart): 6.2 and higher
imp 'SetConsoleCtrlHandler' SetConsoleCtrlHandler kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleCursorInfo' SetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleCursorPosition' SetConsoleCursorPosition kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleMode' SetConsoleMode kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleOutputCP' SetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 1
imp 'SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx' SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleScreenBufferSize' SetConsoleScreenBufferSize kernel32 2
imp 'SetConsoleTitle' SetConsoleTitleW kernel32 1
imp 'SetConsoleWindowInfo' SetConsoleWindowInfo kernel32 3
imp 'SetCriticalSectionSpinCount' SetCriticalSectionSpinCount kernel32 2
imp 'SetDefaultDllDirectories' SetDefaultDllDirectories kernel32 1 # Windows 8+, KB2533623 on Windows 7
imp 'SetEndOfFile' SetEndOfFile kernel32 1
imp 'SetEnvironmentVariable' SetEnvironmentVariableW kernel32 2
imp 'SetErrorMode' SetErrorMode kernel32 1
imp 'SetEvent' SetEvent kernel32 1
imp 'SetFileAttributes' SetFileAttributesW kernel32 2
imp 'SetFileCompletionNotificationModes' SetFileCompletionNotificationModes kernel32 2
imp 'SetFileInformationByHandle' SetFileInformationByHandle kernel32 4
imp 'SetFileTime' SetFileTime kernel32 4
imp 'SetFileValidData' SetFileValidData kernel32 2
imp 'SetHandleCount' SetHandleCount kernel32 1
imp 'SetHandleInformation' SetHandleInformation kernel32 3
imp 'SetLastError' SetLastError kernel32 1
imp 'SetNamedPipeHandleState' SetNamedPipeHandleState kernel32 4
imp 'SetPriorityClass' SetPriorityClass kernel32 2
imp 'SetProcessAffinityMask' SetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 2
imp 'SetProcessPriorityBoost' SetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'SetProcessWorkingSetSize' SetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 3
imp 'SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx' SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx kernel32 4
imp 'SetStdHandle' SetStdHandle kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadAffinityMask' SetThreadAffinityMask kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadContext' SetThreadContext kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadDescription' SetThreadDescription kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadPriority' SetThreadPriority kernel32 2
imp 'SetThreadPriorityBoost' SetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 2
imp 'SetUnhandledExceptionFilter' SetUnhandledExceptionFilter kernel32 1
imp 'SetWaitableTimer' SetWaitableTimer kernel32 6
imp 'Sleep' Sleep kernel32 1
imp 'SleepEx' SleepEx kernel32 2
imp 'SuspendThread' SuspendThread kernel32 1
imp 'SystemTimeToFileTime' SystemTimeToFileTime kernel32 2
imp 'TerminateThread' TerminateThread kernel32 2
imp 'TlsAlloc' TlsAlloc kernel32 0
imp 'TlsFree' TlsFree kernel32 1
imp 'TlsGetValue' TlsGetValue kernel32 1
imp 'TlsSetValue' TlsSetValue kernel32 2
imp 'TransactNamedPipe' TransactNamedPipe kernel32 7
imp 'TransmitCommChar' TransmitCommChar kernel32 2
imp 'TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive' TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive kernel32 1
imp 'TryAcquireSRWLockShared' TryAcquireSRWLockShared kernel32 1
imp 'TryEnterCriticalSection' TryEnterCriticalSection kernel32 1
imp 'UnlockFile' UnlockFile kernel32 5
imp 'UnmapViewOfFile2' UnmapViewOfFile2 kernel32 2
imp 'UnmapViewOfFileEx' UnmapViewOfFileEx kernel32 3
imp 'UpdateProcThreadAttribute' UpdateProcThreadAttribute kernel32 7
imp 'VirtualAlloc' VirtualAlloc kernel32 4
imp 'VirtualAllocEx' VirtualAllocEx kernel32 5
imp 'VirtualFree' VirtualFree kernel32 3
imp 'VirtualLock' VirtualLock kernel32 2
imp 'VirtualQuery' VirtualQuery kernel32 3
imp 'VirtualUnlock' VirtualUnlock kernel32 2
imp 'WaitForMultipleObjectsEx' WaitForMultipleObjectsEx kernel32 5
imp 'WaitForSingleObjectEx' WaitForSingleObjectEx kernel32 3
imp 'WideCharToMultiByte' WideCharToMultiByte kernel32 8
imp 'WriteConsole' WriteConsoleW kernel32 5
imp 'WriteConsoleInput' WriteConsoleInputW kernel32 4
imp 'WriteConsoleOutputAttribute' WriteConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 5
imp 'WriteConsoleOutputCharacter' WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW kernel32 5
imp 'WriteFile' WriteFile kernel32 5
imp 'WriteFileEx' WriteFileEx kernel32 5
imp 'WriteFileGather' WriteFileGather kernel32 5
# Name Actual DLL Hint Arity
imp 'AccessCheck' AccessCheck advapi32 8
imp 'AdjustTokenPrivileges' AdjustTokenPrivileges advapi32 6
imp 'CreateProcessAsUser' CreateProcessAsUserW advapi32 11
imp 'DeregisterEventSource' DeregisterEventSource advapi32 1
imp 'DuplicateToken' DuplicateToken advapi32 3
imp 'DuplicateTokenEx' DuplicateTokenEx advapi32 6
imp 'GetFileSecurity' GetFileSecurityW advapi32 5
imp 'GetUserName' GetUserNameW advapi32 2
imp 'ImpersonateSelf' ImpersonateSelf advapi32 1
imp 'InitiateShutdown' InitiateShutdownW advapi32 5
imp 'LookupPrivilegeValue' LookupPrivilegeValueW advapi32 3
imp 'MapGenericMask' MapGenericMask advapi32 2
imp 'OpenProcessToken' OpenProcessToken advapi32 3
imp 'OpenThreadToken' OpenThreadToken advapi32 4
imp 'RegCloseKey' RegCloseKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegConnectRegistry' RegConnectRegistryW advapi32 3
imp 'RegCreateKey' RegCreateKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegCreateKeyEx' RegCreateKeyExW advapi32 9
imp 'RegDeleteKey' RegDeleteKeyW advapi32 2
imp 'RegDeleteKeyEx' RegDeleteKeyExW advapi32 4
imp 'RegDeleteTree' RegDeleteTreeW advapi32 2
imp 'RegDeleteValue' RegDeleteValueW advapi32 2
imp 'RegDisablePredefinedCache' RegDisablePredefinedCache advapi32 1
imp 'RegDisableReflectionKey' RegDisableReflectionKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegEnableReflectionKey' RegEnableReflectionKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegEnumKey' RegEnumKeyW advapi32 4
imp 'RegEnumKeyEx' RegEnumKeyExW advapi32 8
imp 'RegEnumValue' RegEnumValueW advapi32 8
imp 'RegFlushKey' RegFlushKey advapi32 1
imp 'RegGetKeySecurity' RegGetKeySecurity advapi32 4
imp 'RegGetValue' RegGetValueW advapi32 7
imp 'RegLoadKey' RegLoadKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegNotifyChangeKeyValue' RegNotifyChangeKeyValue advapi32 5
imp 'RegOpenCurrentUser' RegOpenCurrentUser advapi32 2
imp 'RegOpenKeyEx' RegOpenKeyExW advapi32 5
imp 'RegOpenUserClassesRoot' RegOpenUserClassesRoot advapi32 4
imp 'RegOverridePredefKey' RegOverridePredefKey advapi32 2
imp 'RegQueryInfoKey' RegQueryInfoKeyW advapi32 12
imp 'RegQueryMultipleValues' RegQueryMultipleValuesW advapi32 5
imp 'RegQueryReflectionKey' RegQueryReflectionKey advapi32 2
imp 'RegQueryValue' RegQueryValueW advapi32 4
imp 'RegQueryValueEx' RegQueryValueExW advapi32 6
imp 'RegReplaceKey' RegReplaceKeyW advapi32 4
imp 'RegRestoreKey' RegRestoreKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegSaveKey' RegSaveKeyW advapi32 3
imp 'RegSetKeySecurity' RegSetKeySecurity advapi32 3
imp 'RegSetValue' RegSetValueW advapi32 5
imp 'RegSetValueEx' RegSetValueExW advapi32 6
imp 'RegUnLoadKey' RegUnLoadKeyW advapi32 2
imp 'RegisterEventSource' RegisterEventSourceW advapi32 2
imp 'ReportEvent' ReportEventW advapi32 9
imp 'ReportEventA' ReportEventA advapi32 9
imp 'RevertToSelf' RevertToSelf advapi32 0
imp 'RtlGenRandom' SystemFunction036 advapi32 2
imp 'TraceSetInformation' TraceSetInformation advapi32 # Windows 7+
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'AdjustWindowRect' AdjustWindowRect user32 3
imp 'AnimateWindow' AnimateWindow user32 3
imp 'AppendMenuA' AppendMenuA user32 4
imp 'AppendMenu' AppendMenuW user32 4
imp 'BeginPaint' BeginPaint user32 2
imp 'BringWindowToTop' BringWindowToTop user32 1
imp 'CallNextHookEx' CallNextHookEx user32 4
imp 'CloseWindow' CloseWindow user32 1
imp 'CreateIconIndirect' CreateIconIndirect user32 1
imp 'CreateMenu' CreateMenu user32 0
imp 'CreatePopupMenu' CreatePopupMenu user32 0
imp 'CreateWindowEx' CreateWindowExW user32 12
imp 'DefWindowProc' DefWindowProcW user32 4
imp 'DeleteMenu' DeleteMenu user32 3
imp 'DestroyIcon' DestroyIcon user32 1
imp 'DestroyMenu' DestroyMenu user32 1
imp 'DestroyWindow' DestroyWindow user32 1
imp 'DispatchMessage' DispatchMessageW user32 1
imp 'DrawText' DrawTextW user32 5
imp 'DrawTextEx' DrawTextExW user32 6
imp 'EndPaint' EndPaint user32 2
imp 'EnumChildWindows' EnumChildWindows user32 3
imp 'FillRect' FillRect user32 3
imp 'FindWindow' FindWindowW user32 2
imp 'FindWindowEx' FindWindowExW user32 4
imp 'GetClientRect' GetClientRect user32 2
imp 'GetCursor' GetCursor user32 0
imp 'GetCursorPos' GetCursorPos user32 1
imp 'GetDC' GetDC user32 1
imp 'GetDesktopWindow' GetDesktopWindow user32 0
imp 'GetKeyState' GetKeyState user32 1
imp 'GetKeyboardLayout' GetKeyboardLayout user32 1
imp 'GetMenu' GetMenu user32 1
imp 'GetMessage' GetMessageW user32 4
imp 'GetParent' GetParent user32 1
imp 'GetShellWindow' GetShellWindow user32 0
imp 'GetSystemMenu' GetSystemMenu user32 2
imp 'GetWindow' GetWindow user32 2
imp 'GetWindowPlacement' GetWindowPlacement user32 2
imp 'GetWindowRect' GetWindowRect user32 2
imp 'GetWindowText' GetWindowTextW user32 3
imp 'InsertMenu' InsertMenuW user32 5
imp 'InvalidateRect' InvalidateRect user32 3
imp 'IsChild' IsChild user32 2
imp 'IsIconic' IsIconic user32 1
imp 'IsMenu' IsMenu user32 1
imp 'IsWindow' IsWindow user32 1
imp 'IsWindowVisible' IsWindowVisible user32 1
imp 'IsZoomed' IsZoomed user32 1
imp 'KillTimer' KillTimer user32 2
imp 'LoadCursor' LoadCursorW user32 2
imp 'LoadIcon' LoadIconW user32 2
imp 'LoadImage' LoadImageW user32 6
imp 'MapVirtualKeyEx' MapVirtualKeyExW user32 3
imp 'MessageBox' MessageBoxW user32 4
imp 'MessageBoxEx' MessageBoxExW user32 5
imp 'MoveWindow' MoveWindow user32 6
imp 'PeekMessage' PeekMessageW user32 5
imp 'PostQuitMessage' PostQuitMessage user32 1
imp 'RedrawWindow' RedrawWindow user32 4
imp 'RegisterClass' RegisterClassW user32 1
imp 'RegisterClassEx' RegisterClassExW user32 1
imp 'ReleaseCapture' ReleaseCapture user32 0
imp 'ReleaseDC' ReleaseDC user32 2
imp 'SendMessage' SendMessageW user32 4
imp 'SetCapture' SetCapture user32 1
imp 'SetClassLong' SetClassLongW user32 3
imp 'SetCursor' SetCursor user32 1
imp 'SetParent' SetParent user32 2
imp 'SetTimer' SetTimer user32 4
imp 'SetWindowLong' SetWindowLongW user32 3
imp 'SetWindowPlacement' SetWindowPlacement user32 2
imp 'SetWindowPos' SetWindowPos user32 7
imp 'SetWindowText' SetWindowTextW user32 2
imp 'SetWindowsHook' SetWindowsHookW user32 2
imp 'SetWindowsHookEx' SetWindowsHookExW user32 4
imp 'ShowCaret' ShowCaret user32 1
imp 'ShowCursor' ShowCursor user32 1
imp 'ShowWindow' ShowWindow user32 2
imp 'TrackPopupMenu' TrackPopupMenu user32 7
imp 'TranslateMessage' TranslateMessage user32 1
imp 'UnhookWindowsHook' UnhookWindowsHook user32 2
imp 'UnhookWindowsHookEx' UnhookWindowsHookEx user32 1
imp 'UpdateWindow' UpdateWindow user32 1
imp 'WaitForInputIdle' WaitForInputIdle user32 2
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'BitBlt' BitBlt gdi32 9
imp 'ChoosePixelFormat' ChoosePixelFormat gdi32 2
imp 'CreateBitmap' CreateBitmap gdi32 5
imp 'CreateCompatibleBitmap' CreateCompatibleBitmap gdi32 3
imp 'CreateCompatibleDC' CreateCompatibleDC gdi32 1
imp 'CreateDIBSection' CreateDIBSection gdi32 6
imp 'CreateRectRgn' CreateRectRgn gdi32 4
imp 'DeleteDC' DeleteDC gdi32 1
imp 'DeleteObject' DeleteObject gdi32 1
imp 'GetPixel' GetPixel gdi32 3
imp 'RestoreDC' RestoreDC gdi32 2
imp 'SaveDC' SaveDC gdi32 1
imp 'SelectObject' SelectObject gdi32 2
imp 'SetBkMode' SetBkMode gdi32 2
imp 'SetPixel' SetPixel gdi32 4
imp 'SetPixelFormat' SetPixelFormat gdi32 3
imp 'SetTextAlign' SetTextAlign gdi32 2
imp 'SetTextColor' SetTextColor gdi32 2
imp 'SetTextJustification' SetTextJustification gdi32 3
imp 'SwapBuffers' SwapBuffers gdi32 1
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'ChooseColor' ChooseColorW comdlg32 1
imp 'ChooseFont' ChooseFontW comdlg32 1
imp 'GetFileTitle' GetFileTitleW comdlg32 3
imp 'GetOpenFileName' GetOpenFileNameW comdlg32 1
imp 'GetSaveFileName' GetSaveFileNameW comdlg32 1
imp 'PrintDlg' PrintDlgW comdlg32 1
imp 'ReplaceText' ReplaceTextW comdlg32 1
# WS2_32.DLL
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp '' WSAGetOverlappedResult ws2_32 5
imp '' WSARecv ws2_32 7
imp '' WSARecvFrom ws2_32 9
imp '' WSAWaitForMultipleEvents ws2_32 5
imp '' accept ws2_32 3 # we're using WSAAccept()
imp '' bind ws2_32 3
imp '' closesocket ws2_32 1
imp '' getpeername ws2_32 3
imp '' getsockname ws2_32 3
imp '' getsockopt ws2_32 5
imp '' ioctlsocket ws2_32 3
imp '' listen ws2_32 2
imp '' recv ws2_32 4 # we're using WSARecvFrom()
imp '' recvfrom ws2_32 6 # we're using WSARecvFrom()
imp '' select ws2_32 5
imp '' send ws2_32 4 # we're using WSASendTo()
imp '' sendto ws2_32 6 # we're using WSASendTo()
imp '' setsockopt ws2_32 5
imp '' shutdown ws2_32 2
imp '' socket ws2_32 3
imp '' socket ws2_32 3
imp '' socket ws2_32 3
imp 'FreeAddrInfo' FreeAddrInfoW ws2_32 1
imp 'FreeAddrInfoEx' FreeAddrInfoExW ws2_32 1
imp 'GetAddrInfo' GetAddrInfoW ws2_32 4
imp 'GetAddrInfoEx' GetAddrInfoExW ws2_32 10
imp 'GetAddrInfoExCancel' GetAddrInfoExCancel ws2_32 1
imp 'GetAddrInfoExOverlappedResult' GetAddrInfoExOverlappedResult ws2_32 1
imp 'GetHostName' GetHostNameW ws2_32 2
imp 'GetNameInfo' GetNameInfoW ws2_32 7
imp 'SetAddrInfoEx' SetAddrInfoExW ws2_32 12
imp 'WSAAccept' WSAAccept ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAddressToString' WSAAddressToStringW ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr' WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr ws2_32 7
imp 'WSAAsyncGetHostByName' WSAAsyncGetHostByName ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAsyncGetProtoByName' WSAAsyncGetProtoByName ws2_32 5
imp 'WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber' WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber ws2_32 5
imp 'WSACleanup' WSACleanup ws2_32 0
imp 'WSACloseEvent' WSACloseEvent ws2_32 1
imp 'WSAConnect' WSAConnect ws2_32 7
imp 'WSAConnectByList' WSAConnectByList ws2_32 8
imp 'WSAConnectByName' WSAConnectByNameW ws2_32 9
imp 'WSACreateEvent' WSACreateEvent ws2_32 0
imp 'WSADuplicateSocket' WSADuplicateSocketW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAEnumNameSpaceProviders' WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW ws2_32 2
imp 'WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersEx' WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExW ws2_32 2
imp 'WSAEnumNetworkEvents' WSAEnumNetworkEvents ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAEnumProtocols' WSAEnumProtocolsW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAEventSelect' WSAEventSelect ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAGetLastError' WSAGetLastError ws2_32 0
imp 'WSAGetQOSByName' WSAGetQOSByName ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAGetServiceClassInfo' WSAGetServiceClassInfoW ws2_32 4
imp 'WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassId' WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAInstallServiceClass' WSAInstallServiceClassW ws2_32 1
imp 'WSAIoctl' WSAIoctl ws2_32 9
imp 'WSAJoinLeaf' WSAJoinLeaf ws2_32 8
imp 'WSALookupServiceBegin' WSALookupServiceBeginW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSALookupServiceEnd' WSALookupServiceEnd ws2_32 1
imp 'WSALookupServiceNext' WSALookupServiceNextW ws2_32 4
imp 'WSANSPIoctl' WSANSPIoctl ws2_32 8
imp 'WSAPoll' WSAPoll ws2_32 3
imp 'WSAProviderConfigChange' WSAProviderConfigChange ws2_32 3
imp 'WSARecvDisconnect' WSARecvDisconnect ws2_32 2
imp 'WSARemoveServiceClass' WSARemoveServiceClass ws2_32 1
imp 'WSAResetEvent' WSAResetEvent ws2_32 1
imp 'WSASend' WSASend ws2_32 7
imp 'WSASendDisconnect' WSASendDisconnect ws2_32 2
imp 'WSASendMsg' WSASendMsg ws2_32 6
imp 'WSASendTo' WSASendTo ws2_32 9
imp 'WSASetEvent' WSASetEvent ws2_32 1
imp 'WSASetLastError' WSASetLastError ws2_32 1
imp 'WSASetService' WSASetServiceW ws2_32 3
imp 'WSASocket' WSASocketW ws2_32 6
imp 'WSAStartup' WSAStartup ws2_32 2
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'AddIPAddress' AddIPAddress iphlpapi 5
imp 'AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack' AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack iphlpapi 5
imp 'AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack' AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack iphlpapi 5
imp 'CancelIPChangeNotify' CancelIPChangeNotify iphlpapi 1
imp 'CaptureInterfaceHardwareCrossTimestamp' CaptureInterfaceHardwareCrossTimestamp iphlpapi 2
imp 'CreateIpForwardEntry' CreateIpForwardEntry iphlpapi 1
imp 'FlushIpNetTable' FlushIpNetTable iphlpapi 1
imp 'GetAdapterIndex' GetAdapterIndex iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetAdapterOrderMap' GetAdapterOrderMap iphlpapi 0
imp 'GetAdaptersAddresses' GetAdaptersAddresses iphlpapi 5
imp 'GetAdaptersInfo' GetAdaptersInfo iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetBestInterface' GetBestInterface iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetBestInterfaceEx' GetBestInterfaceEx iphlpapi 2
imp 'GetBestRoute' GetBestRoute iphlpapi 3
imp 'GetNumberOfInterfaces' GetNumberOfInterfaces iphlpapi 1
imp 'GetTcpTable' GetTcpTable iphlpapi 3
imp 'GetTcpTable2' GetTcpTable2 iphlpapi 3
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'SetSuspendState' SetSuspendState PowrProf 3
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'PdhAddEnglishCounter' PdhAddEnglishCounterW pdh 4 # Adds the specified language-neutral counter to the query.
imp 'PdhCollectQueryDataEx' PdhCollectQueryDataEx pdh 3 # Uses a separate thread to collect the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query. The function then signals the application-defined event and waits the specified time interval before returning.
imp 'PdhGetFormattedCounterValue' PdhGetFormattedCounterValue pdh 4 # Computes a displayable value for the specified counter.
imp 'PdhOpenQuery' PdhOpenQueryW pdh 3 # Creates a new query that is used to manage the collection of performance data. To use handles to data sources, use the PdhOpenQueryH function.
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'EnumProcessModules' EnumProcessModules psapi 4
imp 'EnumProcessModulesEx' EnumProcessModulesEx psapi 5
imp 'EnumProcesses' EnumProcesses psapi 3
imp 'GetModuleBaseName' GetModuleBaseNameW psapi 4
imp 'GetProcessImageFileName' GetProcessImageFileNameW psapi 3
imp 'GetProcessMemoryInfo' GetProcessMemoryInfo psapi 3
# API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0.dll (Windows 8+)
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'WaitOnAddress' WaitOnAddress API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0 4
imp 'WakeByAddressAll' WakeByAddressAll API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0 1
imp 'WakeByAddressSingle' WakeByAddressSingle API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-l1-2-0 1
# “The functions and structures in [for these APIs] are internal to
# the operating system and subject to change from one release of
# Windows to the next, and possibly even between service packs for
# each release.” ──Quoth MSDN
# Name Actual DLL Arity
imp 'CsrClientCallServer' CsrClientCallServer ntdll 4
imp 'LdrGetDllHandle' LdrGetDllHandle ntdll 4
imp 'LdrGetProcedureAddress' LdrGetProcedureAddress ntdll 4
imp 'LdrLoadDll' LdrLoadDll ntdll 4
imp 'LdrUnloadDll' LdrUnloadDll ntdll 1
imp 'NtAllocateVirtualMemory' NtAllocateVirtualMemory ntdll 6
imp 'NtCallbackReturn' NtCallbackReturn ntdll 3
imp 'NtCancelIoFile' NtCancelIoFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtCancelIoFileEx' NtCancelIoFileEx ntdll 3
imp 'NtClearEvent' NtClearEvent ntdll 1
imp 'NtClose' NtClose ntdll 1
imp 'NtContinue' NtContinue ntdll 2
imp 'NtCreateDirectoryObject' NtCreateDirectoryObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtCreateEvent' NtCreateEvent ntdll 5
imp 'NtCreateFile' NtCreateFile ntdll 11
imp 'NtCreateIoCompletion' NtCreateIoCompletion ntdll 4
imp 'NtCreateKey' NtCreateKey ntdll 7
imp 'NtCreateKeyedEvent' NtCreateKeyedEvent ntdll 4
imp 'NtCreateNamedPipeFile' NtCreateNamedPipeFile ntdll 14
imp 'NtCreateProcess' NtCreateProcess ntdll 8
imp 'NtCreateProfile' NtCreateProfile ntdll 9
imp 'NtCreateSection' NtCreateSection ntdll 7
imp 'NtCreateThread' NtCreateThread ntdll 8
imp 'NtCreateTimer' NtCreateTimer ntdll 4
imp 'NtDelayExecution' NtDelayExecution ntdll 2
imp 'NtDeleteFile' NtDeleteFile ntdll 1
imp 'NtDeleteKey' NtDeleteKey ntdll 1
imp 'NtDeviceIoControlFile' NtDeviceIoControlFile ntdll 10
imp 'NtDuplicateObject' NtDuplicateObject ntdll 7
imp 'NtEnumerateKey' NtEnumerateKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtEnumerateValueKey' NtEnumerateValueKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtFlushBuffersFile' NtFlushBuffersFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtFlushInstructionCache' NtFlushInstructionCache ntdll 3
imp 'NtFlushKey' NtFlushKey ntdll 1
imp 'NtFlushVirtualMemory' NtFlushVirtualMemory ntdll 4
imp 'NtFreeVirtualMemory' NtFreeVirtualMemory ntdll 4
imp 'NtFsControlFile' NtFsControlFile ntdll 10
imp 'NtGetContextThread' NtGetContextThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtMapViewOfSection' NtMapViewOfSection ntdll 10
imp 'NtOpenDirectoryObject' NtOpenDirectoryObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenFile' NtOpenFile ntdll 6
imp 'NtOpenKey' NtOpenKey ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenProcess' NtOpenProcess ntdll 4
imp 'NtOpenProcessToken' NtOpenProcessToken ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenSection' NtOpenSection ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject' NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtOpenThread' NtOpenThread ntdll 4
imp 'NtOpenThreadToken' NtOpenThreadToken ntdll 4
imp 'NtProtectVirtualMemory' NtProtectVirtualMemory ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryAttributesFile' NtQueryAttributesFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtQueryDirectoryFile' NtQueryDirectoryFile ntdll 11
imp 'NtQueryFullAttributesFile' NtQueryFullAttributesFile ntdll 2
imp 'NtQueryInformationFile' NtQueryInformationFile ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationJobObject' NtQueryInformationJobObject ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationProcess' NtQueryInformationProcess ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationThread' NtQueryInformationThread ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryInformationToken' NtQueryInformationToken ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryIntervalProfile' NtQueryIntervalProfile ntdll 2
imp 'NtQueryObject' NtQueryObject ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueryPerformanceCounter' NtQueryPerformanceCounter ntdll 2
imp 'NtQuerySection' NtQuerySection ntdll 5
imp 'NtQuerySecurityObject' NtQuerySecurityObject ntdll 5
imp 'NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject' NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtQuerySystemInformation' NtQuerySystemInformation ntdll 4
imp 'NtQuerySystemTime' NtQuerySystemTime ntdll 1
imp 'NtQueryValueKey' NtQueryValueKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtQueryVirtualMemory' NtQueryVirtualMemory ntdll 6
imp 'NtQueryVolumeInformationFile' NtQueryVolumeInformationFile ntdll 5
imp 'NtQueueApcThread' NtQueueApcThread ntdll 5
imp 'NtRaiseException' NtRaiseException ntdll 3
imp 'NtRaiseHardError' NtRaiseHardError ntdll 6
imp 'NtReadFile' NtReadFile ntdll 9
imp 'NtReadVirtualMemory' NtReadVirtualMemory ntdll 5
imp 'NtReleaseKeyedEvent' NtReleaseKeyedEvent ntdll 4
imp 'NtResumeThread' NtResumeThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetContextThread' NtSetContextThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetEvent' NtSetEvent ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetInformationFile' NtSetInformationFile ntdll 5
imp 'NtSetInformationThread' NtSetInformationThread ntdll 4
imp 'NtSetIntervalProfile' NtSetIntervalProfile ntdll 2
imp 'NtSetTimer' NtSetTimer ntdll 7
imp 'NtSetValueKey' NtSetValueKey ntdll 6
imp 'NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject' NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject ntdll 4
imp 'NtStartProfile' NtStartProfile ntdll 1
imp 'NtStopProfile' NtStopProfile ntdll 1
imp 'NtSuspendThread' NtSuspendThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtTerminateProcess' NtTerminateProcess ntdll 2
imp 'NtTerminateThread' NtTerminateThread ntdll 2
imp 'NtTestAlert' NtTestAlert ntdll 0
imp 'NtUnmapViewOfSection' NtUnmapViewOfSection ntdll 2
imp 'NtWaitForKeyedEvent' NtWaitForKeyedEvent ntdll 4
imp 'NtWaitForSingleObject' NtWaitForSingleObject ntdll 3
imp 'NtWriteFile' NtWriteFile ntdll 9
imp 'NtWriteVirtualMemory' NtWriteVirtualMemory ntdll 5
imp 'NtYieldExecution' NtYieldExecution ntdll 0
imp 'RtlAllocateHeap' RtlAllocateHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlCloneUserProcess' RtlCloneUserProcess ntdll 5
imp 'RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString' RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString ntdll 3
imp 'RtlCreateHeap' RtlCreateHeap ntdll 6
imp 'RtlCreateProcessParameters' RtlCreateProcessParameters ntdll 10
imp 'RtlDeleteCriticalSection' RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlDestroyHeap' RtlDestroyHeap ntdll 1
imp 'RtlDestroyProcessParameters' RtlDestroyProcessParameters ntdll 1
imp 'RtlEnterCriticalSection' RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlFreeHeap' RtlFreeHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlFreeUnicodeString' RtlFreeUnicodeString ntdll 1
imp 'RtlGetProcessHeaps' RtlGetProcessHeaps ntdll 2
imp 'RtlInitUnicodeString' RtlInitUnicodeString ntdll 2
imp 'RtlInitializeCriticalSection' RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlLeaveCriticalSection' RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlLockHeap' RtlLockHeap ntdll 1
imp 'RtlNtStatusToDosError' RtlNtStatusToDosError ntdll 1
imp 'RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable' RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable ntdll 3
imp 'RtlReAllocateHeap' RtlReAllocateHeap ntdll 4
imp 'RtlSizeHeap' RtlSizeHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlTryEnterCriticalSection' RtlTryEnterCriticalSection ntdll 1
imp 'RtlUnlockHeap' RtlUnlockHeap ntdll 1
imp 'RtlValidateHeap' RtlValidateHeap ntdll 3
imp 'RtlWalkHeap' RtlWalkHeap ntdll 2
imp 'ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame' ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame ntdll 2