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synced 2025-03-10 19:06:24 +00:00
482 lines
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482 lines
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* ECMAScript bytecode
* Bytecode instruction layout
* ===========================
* Instructions are unsigned 32-bit integers divided as follows:
* !3!3!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
* !1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!
* +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
* ! C ! B ! A ! OP !
* +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
* OP (8 bits): opcode (DUK_OP_*), access should be fastest
* consecutive opcodes allocated when opcode needs flags
* A (8 bits): typically a target register number
* B (8 bits): typically first source register/constant number
* C (8 bits): typically second source register/constant number
* Some instructions combine BC or ABC together for larger parameter values.
* Signed integers (e.g. jump offsets) are encoded as unsigned, with an
* opcode specific bias.
* Some opcodes have flags which are handled by allocating consecutive
* opcodes to make space for 1-N flags. Flags can also be e.g. in the 'A'
* field when there's room for the specific opcode.
* For example, if three flags were needed, they could be allocated from
* the opcode field as follows:
* !3!3!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
* !1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!
* +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
* ! C ! B ! A ! OP !Z!Y!X!
* +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
* Some opcodes accept a reg/const argument which is handled by allocating
* flags in the OP field, see DUK_BC_ISREG() and DUK_BC_ISCONST(). The
* following convention is shared by most opcodes, so that the compiler
* can handle reg/const flagging without opcode specific code paths:
* !3!3!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
* !1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!
* +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
* ! C ! B ! A ! OP !Y!X!
* +-----------------------------------------------+---------------+
* X 1=B is const, 0=B is reg
* Y 1=C is const, 0=C is reg
* In effect OP, OP + 1, OP + 2, and OP + 3 are allocated from the
* 8-bit opcode space for a single logical opcode. The base opcode
* number should be divisible by 4. If the opcode is called 'FOO'
* the following opcode constants would be defined:
* DUK_OP_FOO 100 // base opcode number
* DUK_OP_FOO_RR 100 // FOO, B=reg, C=reg
* DUK_OP_FOO_CR 101 // FOO, B=const, C=reg
* DUK_OP_FOO_RC 102 // FOO, B=reg, C=const
* DUK_OP_FOO_CC 103 // FOO, B=const, C=const
* If only B or C is a reg/const, the unused opcode combinations can be
* used for other opcodes (which take no reg/const argument). However,
* such opcode values are initially reserved, at least while opcode space
* is available. For example, if 'BAR' uses B for a register field and
* C is a reg/const:
* DUK_OP_BAR 116 // base opcode number
* DUK_OP_BAR_RR 116 // BAR, B=reg, C=reg
* DUK_OP_BAR_CR_UNUSED 117 // unused, could be repurposed
* DUK_OP_BAR_RC 118 // BAR, B=reg, C=const
* DUK_OP_BAR_CC_UNUSED 119 // unused, could be repurposed
* Macro naming is a bit misleading, e.g. "ABC" in macro name but the
* field layout is concretely "CBA" in the register.
typedef duk_uint32_t duk_instr_t;
#define DUK_BC_SHIFT_OP 0
#define DUK_BC_SHIFT_A 8
#define DUK_BC_SHIFT_B 16
#define DUK_BC_SHIFT_C 24
#define DUK_DEC_OP(x) ((x) & 0xffUL)
#define DUK_DEC_A(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xffUL)
#define DUK_DEC_B(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xffUL)
#define DUK_DEC_C(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xffUL)
#define DUK_DEC_BC(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xffffUL)
#define DUK_DEC_ABC(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xffffffUL)
#define DUK_ENC_OP(op) ((duk_instr_t) (op))
#define DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(op,abc) ((duk_instr_t) ( \
(((duk_instr_t) (abc)) << 8) | \
((duk_instr_t) (op)) \
#define DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(op,a,bc) ((duk_instr_t) ( \
(((duk_instr_t) (bc)) << 16) | \
(((duk_instr_t) (a)) << 8) | \
((duk_instr_t) (op)) \
#define DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(op,a,b,c) ((duk_instr_t) ( \
(((duk_instr_t) (c)) << 24) | \
(((duk_instr_t) (b)) << 16) | \
(((duk_instr_t) (a)) << 8) | \
((duk_instr_t) (op)) \
#define DUK_ENC_OP_A_B(op,a,b) DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C((op),(a),(b),0)
#define DUK_ENC_OP_A(op,a) DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C((op),(a),0,0)
#define DUK_ENC_OP_BC(op,bc) DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC((op),0,(bc))
/* Get opcode base value with B/C reg/const flags cleared. */
#define DUK_BC_NOREGCONST_OP(op) ((op) & 0xfc)
/* Constants should be signed so that signed arithmetic involving them
* won't cause values to be coerced accidentally to unsigned.
#define DUK_BC_OP_MIN 0
#define DUK_BC_OP_MAX 0xffL
#define DUK_BC_A_MIN 0
#define DUK_BC_A_MAX 0xffL
#define DUK_BC_B_MIN 0
#define DUK_BC_B_MAX 0xffL
#define DUK_BC_C_MIN 0
#define DUK_BC_C_MAX 0xffL
#define DUK_BC_BC_MIN 0
#define DUK_BC_BC_MAX 0xffffL
#define DUK_BC_ABC_MIN 0
#define DUK_BC_ABC_MAX 0xffffffL
/* Masks for B/C reg/const indicator in opcode field. */
#define DUK_BC_REGCONST_B (0x01UL)
#define DUK_BC_REGCONST_C (0x02UL)
/* Misc. masks for opcode field. */
/* Opcodes. */
#define DUK_OP_LDREG 0
#define DUK_OP_STREG 1
#define DUK_OP_JUMP 2
#define DUK_OP_LDCONST 3
#define DUK_OP_LDINT 4
#define DUK_OP_LDINTX 5
#define DUK_OP_LDTHIS 6
#define DUK_OP_LDUNDEF 7
#define DUK_OP_LDNULL 8
#define DUK_OP_LDTRUE 9
#define DUK_OP_LDFALSE 10
#define DUK_OP_GETVAR 11
#define DUK_OP_BNOT 12
#define DUK_OP_LNOT 13
#define DUK_OP_UNM 14
#define DUK_OP_UNP 15
#define DUK_OP_EQ 16
#define DUK_OP_EQ_RR 16
#define DUK_OP_EQ_CR 17
#define DUK_OP_EQ_RC 18
#define DUK_OP_EQ_CC 19
#define DUK_OP_NEQ 20
#define DUK_OP_NEQ_RR 20
#define DUK_OP_NEQ_CR 21
#define DUK_OP_NEQ_RC 22
#define DUK_OP_NEQ_CC 23
#define DUK_OP_SEQ 24
#define DUK_OP_SEQ_RR 24
#define DUK_OP_SEQ_CR 25
#define DUK_OP_SEQ_RC 26
#define DUK_OP_SEQ_CC 27
#define DUK_OP_SNEQ 28
#define DUK_OP_SNEQ_RR 28
#define DUK_OP_SNEQ_CR 29
#define DUK_OP_SNEQ_RC 30
#define DUK_OP_SNEQ_CC 31
#define DUK_OP_GT 32
#define DUK_OP_GT_RR 32
#define DUK_OP_GT_CR 33
#define DUK_OP_GT_RC 34
#define DUK_OP_GT_CC 35
#define DUK_OP_GE 36
#define DUK_OP_GE_RR 36
#define DUK_OP_GE_CR 37
#define DUK_OP_GE_RC 38
#define DUK_OP_GE_CC 39
#define DUK_OP_LT 40
#define DUK_OP_LT_RR 40
#define DUK_OP_LT_CR 41
#define DUK_OP_LT_RC 42
#define DUK_OP_LT_CC 43
#define DUK_OP_LE 44
#define DUK_OP_LE_RR 44
#define DUK_OP_LE_CR 45
#define DUK_OP_LE_RC 46
#define DUK_OP_LE_CC 47
#define DUK_OP_IFTRUE 48
#define DUK_OP_IFTRUE_R 48
#define DUK_OP_IFTRUE_C 49
#define DUK_OP_IFFALSE 50
#define DUK_OP_IFFALSE_R 50
#define DUK_OP_IFFALSE_C 51
#define DUK_OP_ADD 52
#define DUK_OP_ADD_RR 52
#define DUK_OP_ADD_CR 53
#define DUK_OP_ADD_RC 54
#define DUK_OP_ADD_CC 55
#define DUK_OP_SUB 56
#define DUK_OP_SUB_RR 56
#define DUK_OP_SUB_CR 57
#define DUK_OP_SUB_RC 58
#define DUK_OP_SUB_CC 59
#define DUK_OP_MUL 60
#define DUK_OP_MUL_RR 60
#define DUK_OP_MUL_CR 61
#define DUK_OP_MUL_RC 62
#define DUK_OP_MUL_CC 63
#define DUK_OP_DIV 64
#define DUK_OP_DIV_RR 64
#define DUK_OP_DIV_CR 65
#define DUK_OP_DIV_RC 66
#define DUK_OP_DIV_CC 67
#define DUK_OP_MOD 68
#define DUK_OP_MOD_RR 68
#define DUK_OP_MOD_CR 69
#define DUK_OP_MOD_RC 70
#define DUK_OP_MOD_CC 71
#define DUK_OP_EXP 72
#define DUK_OP_EXP_RR 72
#define DUK_OP_EXP_CR 73
#define DUK_OP_EXP_RC 74
#define DUK_OP_EXP_CC 75
#define DUK_OP_BAND 76
#define DUK_OP_BAND_RR 76
#define DUK_OP_BAND_CR 77
#define DUK_OP_BAND_RC 78
#define DUK_OP_BAND_CC 79
#define DUK_OP_BOR 80
#define DUK_OP_BOR_RR 80
#define DUK_OP_BOR_CR 81
#define DUK_OP_BOR_RC 82
#define DUK_OP_BOR_CC 83
#define DUK_OP_BXOR 84
#define DUK_OP_BXOR_RR 84
#define DUK_OP_BXOR_CR 85
#define DUK_OP_BXOR_RC 86
#define DUK_OP_BXOR_CC 87
#define DUK_OP_BASL 88
#define DUK_OP_BASL_RR 88
#define DUK_OP_BASL_CR 89
#define DUK_OP_BASL_RC 90
#define DUK_OP_BASL_CC 91
#define DUK_OP_BLSR 92
#define DUK_OP_BLSR_RR 92
#define DUK_OP_BLSR_CR 93
#define DUK_OP_BLSR_RC 94
#define DUK_OP_BLSR_CC 95
#define DUK_OP_BASR 96
#define DUK_OP_BASR_RR 96
#define DUK_OP_BASR_CR 97
#define DUK_OP_BASR_RC 98
#define DUK_OP_BASR_CC 99
#define DUK_OP_INSTOF 100
#define DUK_OP_INSTOF_RR 100
#define DUK_OP_INSTOF_CR 101
#define DUK_OP_INSTOF_RC 102
#define DUK_OP_INSTOF_CC 103
#define DUK_OP_IN 104
#define DUK_OP_IN_RR 104
#define DUK_OP_IN_CR 105
#define DUK_OP_IN_RC 106
#define DUK_OP_IN_CC 107
#define DUK_OP_GETPROP 108
#define DUK_OP_GETPROP_RR 108
#define DUK_OP_GETPROP_CR 109
#define DUK_OP_GETPROP_RC 110
#define DUK_OP_GETPROP_CC 111
#define DUK_OP_PUTPROP 112
#define DUK_OP_PUTPROP_RR 112
#define DUK_OP_PUTPROP_CR 113
#define DUK_OP_PUTPROP_RC 114
#define DUK_OP_PUTPROP_CC 115
#define DUK_OP_DELPROP 116
#define DUK_OP_DELPROP_RR 116
#define DUK_OP_DELPROP_CR_UNUSED 117 /* unused now */
#define DUK_OP_DELPROP_RC 118
#define DUK_OP_DELPROP_CC_UNUSED 119 /* unused now */
#define DUK_OP_PREINCR 120 /* pre/post opcode values have constraints, */
#define DUK_OP_PREDECR 121 /* see duk_js_executor.c and duk_js_compiler.c. */
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCR 122
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECR 123
#define DUK_OP_PREINCV 124
#define DUK_OP_PREDECV 125
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCV 126
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECV 127
#define DUK_OP_PREINCP 128 /* pre/post inc/dec prop opcodes have constraints */
#define DUK_OP_PREINCP_RR 128
#define DUK_OP_PREINCP_CR 129
#define DUK_OP_PREINCP_RC 130
#define DUK_OP_PREINCP_CC 131
#define DUK_OP_PREDECP 132
#define DUK_OP_PREDECP_RR 132
#define DUK_OP_PREDECP_CR 133
#define DUK_OP_PREDECP_RC 134
#define DUK_OP_PREDECP_CC 135
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCP 136
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCP_RR 136
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCP_CR 137
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCP_RC 138
#define DUK_OP_POSTINCP_CC 139
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECP 140
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECP_RR 140
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECP_CR 141
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECP_RC 142
#define DUK_OP_POSTDECP_CC 143
#define DUK_OP_DECLVAR 144
#define DUK_OP_DECLVAR_RR 144
#define DUK_OP_DECLVAR_CR 145
#define DUK_OP_DECLVAR_RC 146
#define DUK_OP_DECLVAR_CC 147
#define DUK_OP_REGEXP 148
#define DUK_OP_REGEXP_RR 148
#define DUK_OP_REGEXP_CR 149
#define DUK_OP_REGEXP_RC 150
#define DUK_OP_REGEXP_CC 151
#define DUK_OP_CLOSURE 152
#define DUK_OP_TYPEOF 153
#define DUK_OP_TYPEOFID 154
#define DUK_OP_PUTVAR 155
#define DUK_OP_DELVAR 156
#define DUK_OP_RETREG 157
#define DUK_OP_RETUNDEF 158
#define DUK_OP_RETCONST 159
#define DUK_OP_RETCONSTN 160 /* return const without incref (e.g. number) */
#define DUK_OP_LABEL 161
#define DUK_OP_ENDLABEL 162
#define DUK_OP_BREAK 163
#define DUK_OP_CONTINUE 164
#define DUK_OP_TRYCATCH 165
#define DUK_OP_ENDTRY 166
#define DUK_OP_ENDCATCH 167
#define DUK_OP_ENDFIN 168
#define DUK_OP_THROW 169
#define DUK_OP_INVLHS 170
#define DUK_OP_CSREG 171
#define DUK_OP_CSVAR 172
#define DUK_OP_CSVAR_RR 172
#define DUK_OP_CSVAR_CR 173
#define DUK_OP_CSVAR_RC 174
#define DUK_OP_CSVAR_CC 175
#define DUK_OP_CALL0 176 /* DUK_OP_CALL0 & 0x0F must be zero. */
#define DUK_OP_CALL1 177
#define DUK_OP_CALL2 178
#define DUK_OP_CALL3 179
#define DUK_OP_CALL4 180
#define DUK_OP_CALL5 181
#define DUK_OP_CALL6 182
#define DUK_OP_CALL7 183
#define DUK_OP_CALL8 184
#define DUK_OP_CALL9 185
#define DUK_OP_CALL10 186
#define DUK_OP_CALL11 187
#define DUK_OP_CALL12 188
#define DUK_OP_CALL13 189
#define DUK_OP_CALL14 190
#define DUK_OP_CALL15 191
#define DUK_OP_NEWOBJ 192
#define DUK_OP_NEWARR 193
#define DUK_OP_MPUTOBJ 194
#define DUK_OP_MPUTOBJI 195
#define DUK_OP_INITSET 196
#define DUK_OP_INITGET 197
#define DUK_OP_MPUTARR 198
#define DUK_OP_MPUTARRI 199
#define DUK_OP_SETALEN 200
#define DUK_OP_INITENUM 201
#define DUK_OP_NEXTENUM 202
#define DUK_OP_NEWTARGET 203
#define DUK_OP_DEBUGGER 204
#define DUK_OP_NOP 205
#define DUK_OP_INVALID 206
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED207 207
#define DUK_OP_GETPROPC 208
#define DUK_OP_GETPROPC_RR 208
#define DUK_OP_GETPROPC_CR 209
#define DUK_OP_GETPROPC_RC 210
#define DUK_OP_GETPROPC_CC 211
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED212 212
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED213 213
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED214 214
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED215 215
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED216 216
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED217 217
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED218 218
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED219 219
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED220 220
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED221 221
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED222 222
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED223 223
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED224 224
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED225 225
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED226 226
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED227 227
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED228 228
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED229 229
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED230 230
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED231 231
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED232 232
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED233 233
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED234 234
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED235 235
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED236 236
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED237 237
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED238 238
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED239 239
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED240 240
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED241 241
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED242 242
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED243 243
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED244 244
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED245 245
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED246 246
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED247 247
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED248 248
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED249 249
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED250 250
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED251 251
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED252 252
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED253 253
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED254 254
#define DUK_OP_UNUSED255 255
#define DUK_OP_NONE 256 /* dummy value used as marker (doesn't fit in 8-bit field) */
/* XXX: Allocate flags from opcode field? Would take 16 opcode slots
* but avoids shuffling in more cases. Maybe not worth it.
/* DUK_OP_TRYCATCH flags in A. */
/* DUK_OP_DECLVAR flags in A; bottom bits are reserved for propdesc flags
#define DUK_BC_DECLVAR_FLAG_FUNC_DECL (1U << 4) /* function declaration */
/* DUK_OP_CALLn flags, part of opcode field. Three lowest bits must match
* DUK_CALL_FLAG_xxx directly.
/* Misc constants and helper macros. */
#define DUK_BC_LDINT_BIAS (1L << 15)
#define DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS (1L << 23)