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synced 2025-03-13 12:26:30 +00:00
This extends the CTL version of make_shared with functionality not found in the STL, with inspiration taken from Rust's Rc class.
577 lines
12 KiB
577 lines
12 KiB
// -*-mode:c++;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:4;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8-*-
// vi: set et ft=cpp ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 fenc=utf-8 :vi
#include "exception.h"
#include "is_base_of.h"
#include "is_constructible.h"
#include "is_convertible.h"
#include "remove_extent.h"
#include "unique_ptr.h"
// XXX currently needed to use placement-new syntax (move to cxx.inc?)
operator new(size_t, void*) noexcept;
namespace ctl {
class bad_weak_ptr : public exception
const char* what() const noexcept override
return "ctl::bad_weak_ptr";
namespace __ {
template<typename T>
struct ptr_ref
using type = T&;
struct ptr_ref<void>
using type = void;
static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void
incref(size_t* r) noexcept
#ifdef NDEBUG
__atomic_fetch_add(r, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
ssize_t refs = __atomic_fetch_add(r, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
if (refs < 0)
static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool
decref(size_t* r) noexcept
if (!__atomic_fetch_sub(r, 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE)) {
return true;
return false;
class shared_ref
constexpr shared_ref() noexcept = default;
shared_ref(const shared_ref&) = delete;
shared_ref& operator=(const shared_ref&) = delete;
virtual ~shared_ref() = default;
void keep_shared() noexcept
void drop_shared() noexcept
if (decref(&shared)) {
void keep_weak() noexcept
void drop_weak() noexcept
if (decref(&weak)) {
delete this;
size_t use_count() const noexcept
return shared + 1;
size_t weak_count() const noexcept
return weak;
virtual void dispose() noexcept = 0;
size_t shared = 0;
size_t weak = 0;
template<typename T, typename D>
class shared_pointer : public shared_ref
static shared_pointer* make(T* const p, D d)
return make(unique_ptr<T, D>(p, move(d)));
static shared_pointer* make(unique_ptr<T, D> p)
return new shared_pointer(p.release(), move(p.get_deleter()));
shared_pointer(T* const p, D d) noexcept : p(p), d(move(d))
void dispose() noexcept override
T* const p;
[[no_unique_address]] D d;
template<typename T>
class shared_emplace : public shared_ref
T t;
~shared_emplace() override
template<typename... Args>
void construct(Args&&... args)
::new (&t) T(forward<Args>(args)...);
static unique_ptr<shared_emplace> make()
return unique_ptr(new shared_emplace());
explicit constexpr shared_emplace() noexcept
void dispose() noexcept override
template<typename T, typename U>
concept shared_ptr_compatible = is_convertible_v<U*, T*>;
} // namespace __
template<typename T>
class weak_ptr;
template<typename T>
class shared_ptr
using element_type = remove_extent_t<T>;
using weak_type = weak_ptr<T>;
constexpr shared_ptr() noexcept = default;
constexpr shared_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
explicit shared_ptr(U* const p) : shared_ptr(p, default_delete<U>())
template<typename U, typename D>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
shared_ptr(U*, D);
template<typename U>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>& r, element_type* p) noexcept
: p(p), rc(r.rc)
if (rc)
template<typename U>
shared_ptr(shared_ptr<U>&& r, element_type* p) noexcept : p(p), rc(r.rc)
r.p = nullptr;
r.rc = nullptr;
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>& r) noexcept : p(r.p), rc(r.rc)
if (rc)
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
shared_ptr(shared_ptr<U>&& r) noexcept : p(r.p), rc(r.rc)
r.p = nullptr;
r.rc = nullptr;
shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& r) noexcept : p(r.p), rc(r.rc)
if (rc)
shared_ptr(shared_ptr&& r) noexcept : p(r.p), rc(r.rc)
r.p = nullptr;
r.rc = nullptr;
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
explicit shared_ptr(const weak_ptr<U>& r) : p(r.p), rc(r.rc)
if (r.expired()) {
throw bad_weak_ptr();
template<typename U, typename D>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
shared_ptr(unique_ptr<U, D>&& r)
: p(r.p), rc(__::shared_pointer<U, D>::make(move(r)))
if (rc)
shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr r) noexcept
return *this;
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<U> r) noexcept
return *this;
void reset() noexcept
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
void reset(U* const p2)
template<typename U, typename D>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
void reset(U* const p2, D d)
shared_ptr<T>(p2, d).swap(*this);
void swap(shared_ptr& r) noexcept
using ctl::swap;
swap(p, r.p);
swap(rc, r.rc);
element_type* get() const noexcept
return p;
typename __::ptr_ref<T>::type operator*() const noexcept
if (!p)
return *p;
T* operator->() const noexcept
if (!p)
return p;
long use_count() const noexcept
return rc ? rc->use_count() : 0;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept
return p;
template<typename U>
bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<U>& r) const noexcept
return rc < r.rc;
template<typename U>
bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<U>& r) const noexcept
return !r.owner_before(*this);
template<typename U>
friend class weak_ptr;
template<typename U>
friend class shared_ptr;
template<typename U, typename... Args>
friend shared_ptr<U> make_shared(Args&&... args);
element_type* p = nullptr;
__::shared_ref* rc = nullptr;
template<typename T>
class weak_ptr
using element_type = remove_extent_t<T>;
constexpr weak_ptr() noexcept = default;
template<typename U>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
weak_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>& r) noexcept : p(r.p), rc(r.rc)
if (rc)
if (rc)
long use_count() const noexcept
return rc ? rc->use_count() : 0;
bool expired() const noexcept
return !use_count();
void reset() noexcept
void swap(weak_ptr& r) noexcept
using ctl::swap;
swap(p, r.p);
swap(rc, r.rc);
shared_ptr<T> lock() const noexcept
if (expired())
return nullptr;
shared_ptr<T> r;
r.p = p;
r.rc = rc;
if (rc)
return r;
template<typename U>
bool owner_before(const weak_ptr<U>& r) const noexcept
return rc < r.rc;
template<typename U>
bool owner_before(const shared_ptr<U>& r) const noexcept
return rc < r.rc;
template<typename U>
friend class shared_ptr;
template<typename U, typename... Args>
friend shared_ptr<U> make_shared(Args&&...);
element_type* p = nullptr;
__::shared_ref* rc = nullptr;
template<typename T>
class enable_shared_from_this
shared_ptr<T> shared_from_this()
return shared_ptr<T>(weak_this);
shared_ptr<T const> shared_from_this() const
return shared_ptr<T>(weak_this);
weak_ptr<T> weak_from_this()
return weak_this;
weak_ptr<T const> weak_from_this() const
return weak_this;
constexpr enable_shared_from_this() noexcept = default;
enable_shared_from_this(const enable_shared_from_this& r) noexcept
~enable_shared_from_this() = default;
enable_shared_from_this& operator=(
const enable_shared_from_this& r) noexcept
return *this;
template<typename U, typename... Args>
friend shared_ptr<U> make_shared(Args&&...);
template<typename U>
friend class shared_ptr;
weak_ptr<T> weak_this;
template<typename T>
template<typename U, typename D>
requires __::shared_ptr_compatible<T, U>
shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr(U* const p, D d)
: p(p), rc(__::shared_pointer<U, D>::make(p, move(d)))
if constexpr (is_base_of_v<enable_shared_from_this<U>, U>) {
p->weak_this = *this;
// Our make_shared supports passing a weak self reference as the first parameter
// to your constructor, e.g.:
// struct Tree : ctl::weak_self_base
// {
// ctl::shared_ptr<Tree> l, r;
// ctl::weak_ptr<Tree> parent;
// Tree(weak_ptr<Tree> const& self, auto&& l2, auto&& r2)
// : l(ctl::forward<decltype(l2)>(l2)),
// r(ctl::forward<decltype(r2)>(r2))
// {
// if (l) l->parent = self;
// if (r) r->parent = self;
// }
// };
// int main() {
// auto t = ctl::make_shared<Tree>(
// ctl::make_shared<Tree>(nullptr, nullptr), nullptr);
// return t->l->parent.lock().get() == t.get() ? 0 : 1;
// }
// As shown, passing the parameter at object construction time lets you complete
// object construction without needing a separate Init method. But because we go
// off spec as far as the STL is concerned, there is a potential ambiguity where
// you might have a constructor with a weak_ptr first parameter that is intended
// to be something other than a self-reference. So this feature is opt-in by way
// of inheriting from the following struct.
struct weak_self_base
template<typename T, typename... Args>
make_shared(Args&&... args)
unique_ptr rc = __::shared_emplace<T>::make();
if constexpr (is_base_of_v<weak_self_base, T> &&
is_constructible_v<T, const weak_ptr<T>&, Args...>) {
// A __::shared_ref has a virtual weak reference that is owned by all of
// the shared references. We can avoid some unnecessary refcount changes
// by "borrowing" that reference and passing it to the constructor, then
// promoting it to a shared reference by swapping it with the shared_ptr
// that we return.
weak_ptr<T> w;
w.p = &rc->t;
w.rc = rc.get();
try {
rc->construct(const_cast<const weak_ptr<T>&>(w),
} catch (...) {
w.p = nullptr;
w.rc = nullptr;
shared_ptr<T> r;
swap(r.p, w.p);
swap(r.rc, w.rc);
return r;
} else {
shared_ptr<T> r;
r.p = &rc->t;
r.rc = rc.release();
if constexpr (is_base_of_v<enable_shared_from_this<T>, T>) {
r->weak_this = r;
return r;
} // namespace ctl
#endif // CTL_SHARED_PTR_H_