Justine Tunney 8da931a7f6 Add chibicc
This program popped up on Hacker News recently. It's the only modern
compiler I've ever seen that doesn't have dependencies and is easily
modified. So I added all of the missing GNU extensions I like to use
which means it might be possible soon to build on non-Linux and have
third party not vendor gcc binaries.
2020-12-06 16:20:21 -08:00

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15 KiB
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/*-*- mode:c;indent-tabs-mode:nil;c-basic-offset:2;tab-width:8;coding:utf-8 -*-│
│vi: set net ft=c ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 :vi│
│ Copyright 2020 Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney │
│ │
│ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify │
│ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by │
│ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. │
│ │
│ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but │
│ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of │
│ General Public License for more details. │
│ │
│ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License │
│ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software │
│ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA │
│ 02110-1301 USA │
│░░░░░░░█▀▀░█ █░██▀░░█░░█▀█░█▀█░█░░░█▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε § ibm personal computer │
#ifndef APE_LIB_PC_H_
#define APE_LIB_PC_H_
#define BOOTSIG 0xaa55 /* master boot record signature */
#define PC_BIOS_DATA_AREA 0x400
#define kInterruptFlag (1u << 9)
/* FPU Status Word (x87)
@see Intel Manual V1 §8.1.3
IE: Invalid Operation ────────────────┐
DE: Denormalized Operand ────────────┐│
ZE: Zero Divide ────────────────────┐││
OE: Overflow Flag ─────────────────┐│││
UE: Underflow Flag ───────────────┐││││
PE: Precision Flag ──────────────┐│││││
SF: Stack Fault ────────────────┐││││││
ES: Exception Summary Status ──┐│││││││
C0-3: Condition Codes ──┬────┐ ││││││││
TOP of Stack Pointer ─────┐ │ ││││││││
B: FPU Busy ───────────┐│ │ │ ││││││││
│↓│ │↓↓↓││││││││*/
#define FPU_IE 0b0000000000100000000000001
#define FPU_ZE 0b0000000000100000000000100
#define FPU_SF 0b0000000000000000001000000
#define FPU_C0 0b0000000000000000100000000
#define FPU_C1 0b0000000000000001000000000
#define FPU_C2 0b0000000000000010000000000
#define FPU_C3 0b0000000000100000000000000
#define CR0_PE (1u << 0) /* protected mode enabled */
#define CR0_MP (1u << 1) /* monitor coprocessor */
#define CR0_EM (1u << 2) /* no x87 fpu present if set */
#define CR0_TS (1u << 3) /* task switched x87 */
#define CR0_ET (1u << 4) /* extension type 287 or 387 */
#define CR0_NE (1u << 5) /* enable x87 error reporting */
#define CR0_WP (1u << 16) /* write protect read-only pages @pl0 */
#define CR0_AM (1u << 18) /* alignment mask */
#define CR0_NW (1u << 29) /* global write-through cache disable */
#define CR0_CD (1u << 30) /* global cache disable */
#define CR0_PG (1u << 31) /* paging enabled */
#define CR4_VME (1u << 0) /* virtual 8086 mode extension */
#define CR4_PVI (1u << 1) /* protected mode virtual interrupts */
#define CR4_TSD (1u << 2) /* time stamp disable (rdtsc) */
#define CR4_DE (1u << 3) /* debugging extensions */
#define CR4_PSE (1u << 4) /* page size extension */
#define CR4_PAE (1u << 5) /* physical address extension */
#define CR4_MCE (1u << 6) /* machine check exception */
#define CR4_PGE (1u << 7) /* page global enabled */
#define CR4_OSFXSR (1u << 9) /* enable SSE and fxsave/fxrestor */
#define CR4_OSXMMEXCPT (1u << 10) /* enable unmasked SSE exceptions */
#define CR4_LA57 (1u << 12) /* enable level-5 paging */
#define CR4_VMXE (1u << 13) /* enable VMX operations */
#define CR4_SMXE (1u << 14) /* enable SMX operations */
#define CR4_FSGSBASE (1u << 16) /* enable *FSBASE and *GSBASE instructions */
#define CR4_PCIDE (1u << 17) /* enable process-context identifiers */
#define CR4_OSXSAVE (1u << 18) /* enable XSAVE */
#define XCR0_X87 (1u << 0)
#define XCR0_SSE (1u << 1)
#define XCR0_AVX (1u << 2)
#define XCR0_BNDREG (1u << 3)
#define XCR0_BNDCSR (1u << 4)
#define XCR0_OPMASK (1u << 5)
#define XCR0_ZMM_HI256 (1u << 6)
#define XCR0_HI16_ZMM (1u << 7)
#define EFER 0xC0000080 /* extended feature enable register */
#define EFER_SCE (1u << 0) /* system call extensions */
#define EFER_LME (1u << 8) /* long mode enable */
#define EFER_LMA (1u << 10) /* long mode active */
#define EFER_NXE (1u << 11) /* no-execute enable */
#define GDT_REAL_CODE 8
#define GDT_REAL_DATA 16
#define GDT_LEGACY_CODE 24
#define GDT_LEGACY_DATA 32
#define GDT_LONG_CODE 40
#define GDT_LONG_DATA 48
#define PIC1 0x20 /* IO base address for master PIC */
#define PIC2 0xA0 /* IO base address for slave PIC */
#define PIC1_CMD PIC1
#define PIC1_DATA (PIC1 + 1)
#define PIC2_CMD PIC2
#define PIC2_DATA (PIC2 + 1)
#define PIC_EOI 0x20 /* End-of-interrupt command code */
#define PIC_READ_IRR 0x0a /* OCW3 irq ready next CMD read */
#define PIC_READ_ISR 0x0b /* OCW3 irq service next CMD read */
/* Long Mode Paging
@see Intel Manual V.3A §4.1 §4.5
IsValid (ignored on CR3) V┐
┌XD:No Inst. Fetches (if NXE) IsWritable (ignored on CR3) RW┐│
│ Permit User-Mode Access - u┐││
│ Page-level Write-Through - PWT┐│││
│ Page-level Cache Disable - PCD┐││││
│ Set if has been read - Accessed┐│││││
│ Set if has been written - Dirty┐││││││
│ IsPage (if PDPTE/PDE) or PAT (if PT)┐│││││││
│ (If this maps 2MB/1GB page and CR4.PGE) Global┐││││││││
│ (If IsPage 2MB/1GB, see Intel V3A § 11.12) PAT │││││││││
│ │ │││││││││
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────┤ │││││││││
│ Must Be 0┐│ Next Page Table Address (!IsPage) │ │││││││││
│ │├────────────────────────────────────┤ │││││││││
│ ││ Physical Address 4KB │ │││││││││
│┌───┐┌─────┐│├───────────────────────────┐ │ign│││││││││
││PKE││ ign │││ Physical Address 2MB │ │┌┴┐│││││││││
││ ││ ││├──────────────────┐ │ ││ ││││││││││
││ ││ │││ Phys. Addr. 1GB │ │ ││ ││││││││││
││ ││ │││ │ │ ││ ││││││││││
#define PAGE_V /* */ 0b000000001
#define PAGE_RW /* */ 0b000000010
#define PAGE_U /* */ 0b000000100
#define PAGE_4KB /* */ 0b010000000
#define PAGE_2MB /* */ 0b110000000
#define PAGE_1GB /* */ 0b110000000
#define PAGE_TA 0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000
#define PAGE_PA2 0b11111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000
#define PAGE_XD 0x8000000000000000
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
#include "ape/config.h"
struct thatispacked GlobalDescriptorTable {
uint16_t size;
uint64_t *entries;
* Memory hole map.
* @see
* @since 2002
struct SmapEntry {
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t size;
enum {
kMemoryUsable = 1,
kMemoryUnusable = 2,
kMemoryAcpiReclaimable = 3,
kMemoryAcpiNvs = 4,
kMemoryBad = 5
} type;
uint32_t __acpi3; /* is abstracted */
struct IdtDescriptor {
uint16_t offset_1; /* offset bits 0..15 */
uint16_t selector; /* a code segment selector in GDT or LDT */
uint8_t ist; /* bits 0..2 hold stack table offset, rest are zero */
uint8_t type_attr; /* type and attributes */
uint16_t offset_2; /* offset bits 16..31 */
uint32_t offset_3; /* offset bits 32..63 */
uint32_t zero; /* reserved */
struct thatispacked PageTable {
uint64_t p[512];
} forcealign(PAGESIZE);
extern struct PageTable g_pml4t;
extern struct GlobalDescriptorTable gdt;
extern const unsigned char kBiosDataArea[256];
extern const unsigned char kBiosDataAreaXlm[256];
extern struct SmapEntry e820map[XLM_E820_SIZE / sizeof(struct SmapEntry)];
extern struct SmapEntry e820map_xlm[XLM_E820_SIZE / sizeof(struct SmapEntry)];
extern uint64_t g_ptsp;
extern uint64_t g_ptsp_xlm;
void bootdr(char drive) wontreturn;
void smapsort(struct SmapEntry *);
uint64_t *__getpagetableentry(int64_t, unsigned, struct PageTable *,
uint64_t *);
void flattenhighmemory(struct SmapEntry *, struct PageTable *, uint64_t *);
void pageunmap(int64_t);
forceinline unsigned long eflags(void) {
unsigned long res;
: "=rm"(res));
return res;
forceinline unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) {
unsigned char al;
asm volatile("inb\t%1,%0" : "=a"(al) : "dN"(port));
return al;
forceinline void outb(unsigned short port, unsigned char byte) {
asm volatile("outb\t%0,%1"
: /* no inputs */
: "a"(byte), "dN"(port));
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */
#endif /* APE_LIB_PC_H_ */