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synced 2025-03-03 15:38:22 +00:00
A new rollup tool now exists for flattening out the headers in a way that works better for our purposes than cpp. A lot of the API clutter has been removed. APIs that aren't a sure thing in terms of general recommendation are now marked internal. There's now a smoke test for the amalgamation archive and gigantic header file. So we can now guarantee you can use this project on the easiest difficulty setting without the gigantic repository. A website is being created, which is currently a work in progress: https://justine.storage.googleapis.com/cosmopolitan/index.html
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365 lines
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/* clang-format off */
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* @file avir_float8_avx.h
* @brief Inclusion file for the "float8" type.
* This file includes the "float8" AVX-based type used for SIMD variable
* storage and processing.
* AVIR Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Aleksey Vaneev
#include "libc/bits/mmintrin.internal.h"
#include "libc/bits/avxintrin.internal.h"
#include "libc/bits/smmintrin.internal.h"
#include "libc/bits/pmmintrin.internal.h"
#include "libc/bits/avx2intrin.internal.h"
#include "libc/bits/xmmintrin.internal.h"
#include "third_party/avir/avir_dil.h"
namespace avir {
* @brief SIMD packed 8-float type.
* This class implements a packed 8-float type that can be used to perform
* parallel computation using SIMD instructions on AVX-enabled processors.
* This class can be used as the "fptype" argument of the avir::fpclass_def
* or avir::fpclass_def_dil class.
class float8
float8( const float8& s )
: value( s.value )
float8( const __m256 s )
: value( s )
float8( const float s )
: value( _mm256_set1_ps( s ))
float8& operator = ( const float8& s )
value = s.value;
return( *this );
float8& operator = ( const __m256 s )
value = s;
return( *this );
float8& operator = ( const float s )
value = _mm256_set1_ps( s );
return( *this );
operator float () const
return( _mm_cvtss_f32( _mm256_extractf128_ps( value, 0 )));
* @param p Pointer to memory from where the value should be loaded,
* should be 32-byte aligned.
* @return float8 value loaded from the specified memory location.
static float8 load( const float* const p )
return( _mm256_load_ps( p ));
* @param p Pointer to memory from where the value should be loaded,
* may have any alignment.
* @return float8 value loaded from the specified memory location.
static float8 loadu( const float* const p )
return( _mm256_loadu_ps( p ));
* @param p Pointer to memory from where the value should be loaded,
* may have any alignment.
* @param lim The maximum number of elements to load, >0.
* @return float8 value loaded from the specified memory location, with
* elements beyond "lim" set to 0.
static float8 loadu( const float* const p, const int lim )
__m128 lo;
__m128 hi;
if( lim > 4 )
lo = _mm_loadu_ps( p );
hi = loadu4( p + 4, lim - 4 );
lo = loadu4( p, lim );
hi = _mm_setzero_ps();
return( _mm256_insertf128_ps( _mm256_castps128_ps256( lo ), hi, 1 ));
* Function stores *this value to the specified memory location.
* @param[out] p Output memory location, should be 32-byte aligned.
void store( float* const p ) const
_mm256_store_ps( p, value );
* Function stores *this value to the specified memory location.
* @param[out] p Output memory location, may have any alignment.
void storeu( float* const p ) const
_mm256_storeu_ps( p, value );
* Function stores "lim" lower elements of *this value to the specified
* memory location.
* @param[out] p Output memory location, may have any alignment.
* @param lim The number of lower elements to store, >0.
void storeu( float* p, int lim ) const
__m128 v;
if( lim > 4 )
_mm_storeu_ps( p, _mm256_extractf128_ps( value, 0 ));
v = _mm256_extractf128_ps( value, 1 );
p += 4;
lim -= 4;
v = _mm256_extractf128_ps( value, 0 );
if( lim > 2 )
if( lim > 3 )
_mm_storeu_ps( p, v );
_mm_storel_pi( (__m64*) p, v );
_mm_store_ss( p + 2, _mm_movehl_ps( v, v ));
if( lim == 2 )
_mm_storel_pi( (__m64*) p, v );
_mm_store_ss( p, v );
float8& operator += ( const float8& s )
value = _mm256_add_ps( value, s.value );
return( *this );
float8& operator -= ( const float8& s )
value = _mm256_sub_ps( value, s.value );
return( *this );
float8& operator *= ( const float8& s )
value = _mm256_mul_ps( value, s.value );
return( *this );
float8& operator /= ( const float8& s )
value = _mm256_div_ps( value, s.value );
return( *this );
float8 operator + ( const float8& s ) const
return( _mm256_add_ps( value, s.value ));
float8 operator - ( const float8& s ) const
return( _mm256_sub_ps( value, s.value ));
float8 operator * ( const float8& s ) const
return( _mm256_mul_ps( value, s.value ));
float8 operator / ( const float8& s ) const
return( _mm256_div_ps( value, s.value ));
* @return Horizontal sum of elements.
float hadd() const
__m128 v = _mm_add_ps( _mm256_extractf128_ps( value, 0 ),
_mm256_extractf128_ps( value, 1 ));
v = _mm_hadd_ps( v, v );
v = _mm_hadd_ps( v, v );
return( _mm_cvtss_f32( v ));
* Function performs in-place addition of a value located in memory and
* the specified value.
* @param p Pointer to value where addition happens. May be unaligned.
* @param v Value to add.
static void addu( float* const p, const float8& v )
( loadu( p ) + v ).storeu( p );
* Function performs in-place addition of a value located in memory and
* the specified value. Limited to the specfied number of elements.
* @param p Pointer to value where addition happens. May be unaligned.
* @param v Value to add.
* @param lim The element number limit, >0.
static void addu( float* const p, const float8& v, const int lim )
( loadu( p, lim ) + v ).storeu( p, lim );
__m256 value; ///< Packed value of 8 floats.
* @param p Pointer to memory from where the value should be loaded,
* may have any alignment.
* @param lim The maximum number of elements to load, >0.
* @return __m128 value loaded from the specified memory location, with
* elements beyond "lim" set to 0.
static __m128 loadu4( const float* const p, const int lim )
if( lim > 2 )
if( lim > 3 )
return( _mm_loadu_ps( p ));
return( _mm_set_ps( 0.0f, p[ 2 ], p[ 1 ], p[ 0 ]));
if( lim == 2 )
return( _mm_set_ps( 0.0f, 0.0f, p[ 1 ], p[ 0 ]));
return( _mm_load_ss( p ));
* SIMD rounding function, exact result.
* @param v Value to round.
* @return Rounded SIMD value.
inline float8 round( const float8& v )
return( _mm256_round_ps( v.value,
* SIMD function "clamps" (clips) the specified packed values so that they are
* not lesser than "minv", and not greater than "maxv".
* @param Value Value to clamp.
* @param minv Minimal allowed value.
* @param maxv Maximal allowed value.
* @return The clamped value.
inline float8 clamp( const float8& Value, const float8& minv,
const float8& maxv )
return( _mm256_min_ps( _mm256_max_ps( Value.value, minv.value ),
maxv.value ));
typedef fpclass_def_dil< float, avir :: float8 > fpclass_float8_dil; ///<
///< Class that can be used as the "fpclass" template parameter of the
///< avir::CImageResizer class to perform calculation using
///< de-interleaved SIMD algorithm, using SIMD float8 type.
} // namespace avir