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#include "libc/calls/struct/sigaltstack.h"
#include "libc/calls/struct/sigset.h"
#ifdef __x86_64__
#if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) || defined(_COSMO_SOURCE)
#define REG_R8 0
#define REG_R9 1
#define REG_R10 2
#define REG_R11 3
#define REG_R12 4
#define REG_R13 5
#define REG_R14 6
#define REG_R15 7
#define REG_RDI 8
#define REG_RSI 9
#define REG_RBP 10
#define REG_RBX 11
#define REG_RDX 12
#define REG_RAX 13
#define REG_RCX 14
#define REG_RSP 15
#define REG_RIP 16
#define REG_EFL 17
#define REG_CSGSFS 18
#define REG_ERR 19
#define REG_TRAPNO 20
#define REG_OLDMASK 21
#define REG_CR2 22
struct XmmRegister {
uint64_t u64[2];
struct FpuStackEntry {
uint16_t significand[4];
uint16_t exponent;
uint16_t padding[3];
struct thatispacked FpuState {
/* 8087 FPU Control Word
IM: Invalid Operation ───────────────┐
DM: Denormal Operand ───────────────┐│
ZM: Zero Divide ───────────────────┐││
OM: Overflow ─────────────────────┐│││
UM: Underflow ───────────────────┐││││
PM: Precision ──────────────────┐│││││
PC: Precision Control ───────┐ ││││││
{float,∅,double,long double}│ ││││││
RC: Rounding Control ──────┐ │ ││││││
{even, →-∞, →+∞, →0} │┌┤ ││││││
┌┤││ ││││││
0b0000001001111111 */
uint16_t cwd;
/* 8087 FPU Status Word */
uint16_t swd;
uint16_t ftw;
uint16_t fop;
uint64_t rip;
uint64_t rdp;
IE: Invalid Operation Flag ──────────────┐
DE: Denormal Flag ──────────────────────┐│
ZE: Divide-by-Zero Flag ───────────────┐││
OE: Overflow Flag ────────────────────┐│││
UE: Underflow Flag ──────────────────┐││││
PE: Precision Flag ─────────────────┐│││││
DAZ: Denormals Are Zeros ──────────┐││││││
IM: Invalid Operation Mask ───────┐│││││││
DM: Denormal Operation Mask ─────┐││││││││
ZM: Divide-by-Zero Mask ────────┐│││││││││
OM: Overflow Mask ─────────────┐││││││││││
UM: Underflow Mask ───────────┐│││││││││││
PM: Precision Mask ──────────┐││││││││││││
RC: Rounding Control ───────┐│││││││││││││
{even, →-∞, →+∞, →0} ││││││││││││││
FTZ: Flush To Zero ───────┐ ││││││││││││││
│ reserved │││││││││││││││││
0b00000000000000000001111110000000 */
uint32_t mxcsr;
uint32_t mxcr_mask;
struct FpuStackEntry st[8];
struct XmmRegister xmm[16];
uint32_t __padding[24];
typedef long long greg_t;
typedef greg_t gregset_t[23];
typedef struct FpuState *fpregset_t;
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
struct sigcontext {
#ifdef __x86_64__
union {
struct {
uint64_t r8; /* 40 */
uint64_t r9; /* 48 */
uint64_t r10; /* 56 */
uint64_t r11; /* 64 */
uint64_t r12; /* 72 */
uint64_t r13; /* 80 */
uint64_t r14; /* 88 */
uint64_t r15; /* 96 */
uint64_t rdi; /* 104 */
uint64_t rsi; /* 112 */
uint64_t rbp; /* 120 */
uint64_t rbx; /* 128 */
uint64_t rdx; /* 136 */
uint64_t rax; /* 144 */
uint64_t rcx; /* 152 */
uint64_t rsp; /* 160 */
uint64_t rip; /* 168 */
uint64_t eflags; /* 176 */
uint16_t cs;
uint16_t gs;
uint16_t fs;
uint16_t __pad0;
uint64_t err;
uint64_t trapno;
uint64_t oldmask;
uint64_t cr2;
gregset_t gregs;
struct FpuState *fpregs; /* zero when no fpu context */
uint64_t __pad1[8];
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
uint64_t fault_address;
uint64_t regs[31];
uint64_t sp;
uint64_t pc;
uint64_t pstate;
uint8_t __reserved[4096] __attribute__((__aligned__(16)));
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
typedef struct sigcontext mcontext_t;
struct ucontext {
uint64_t uc_flags; /* don't use this */
struct ucontext *uc_link;
stack_t uc_stack;
#ifdef __x86_64__
struct sigcontext uc_mcontext;
sigset_t uc_sigmask;
uint64_t __pad[2];
struct FpuState __fpustate; /* for cosmo on non-linux */
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
sigset_t uc_sigmask;
uint8_t __unused[1024 / 8];
struct sigcontext uc_mcontext;
} forcealign(16);
typedef struct ucontext ucontext_t;
int getcontext(ucontext_t *) dontthrow __read_write(1);
int setcontext(const ucontext_t *) dontthrow __read_only(1);
int swapcontext(ucontext_t *, const ucontext_t *) dontthrow returnstwice;
void makecontext(ucontext_t *, void *, int, ...) dontthrow dontcallback;
void __sig_restore(const ucontext_t *) wontreturn;