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synced 2025-03-10 19:06:24 +00:00
515 lines
13 KiB
515 lines
13 KiB
-- $Id: test/attrib.lua $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
print "testing require"
assert(require"string" == string)
assert(require"math" == math)
assert(require"table" == table)
assert(require"io" == io)
assert(require"os" == os)
assert(require"coroutine" == coroutine)
assert(type(package.path) == "string")
assert(type(package.cpath) == "string")
assert(type(package.loaded) == "table")
assert(type(package.preload) == "table")
assert(type(package.config) == "string")
print("package config: "..string.gsub(package.config, "\n", "|"))
-- create a path with 'max' templates,
-- each with 1-10 repetitions of '?'
local max = _soft and 100 or 2000
local t = {}
for i = 1,max do t[i] = string.rep("?", i%10 + 1) end
t[#t + 1] = ";" -- empty template
local path = table.concat(t, ";")
-- use that path in a search
local s, err = package.searchpath("xuxu", path)
-- search fails; check that message has an occurrence of
-- '??????????' with ? replaced by xuxu and at least 'max' lines
assert(not s and
string.find(err, string.rep("xuxu", 10)) and
#string.gsub(err, "[^\n]", "") >= max)
-- path with one very long template
local path = string.rep("?", max)
local s, err = package.searchpath("xuxu", path)
assert(not s and string.find(err, string.rep('xuxu', max)))
local oldpath = package.path
package.path = {}
local s, err = pcall(require, "no-such-file")
assert(not s and string.find(err, "package.path"))
package.path = oldpath
do print"testing 'require' message"
local oldpath = package.path
local oldcpath = package.cpath
package.path = "?.lua;?/?"
package.cpath = "?.so;?/init"
local st, msg = pcall(require, 'XXX')
local expected = [[module 'XXX' not found:
no field package.preload['XXX']
no file 'XXX.lua'
no file 'XXX/XXX'
no file 'XXX.so'
no file 'XXX/init']]
assert(msg == expected)
package.path = oldpath
package.cpath = oldcpath
-- The next tests for 'require' assume some specific directories and
-- libraries.
if not _port then --[
local dirsep = string.match(package.config, "^([^\n]+)\n")
-- auxiliary directory with C modules and temporary files
local DIR = "libs" .. dirsep
-- prepend DIR to a name and correct directory separators
local function D (x)
x = string.gsub(x, "/", dirsep)
return DIR .. x
-- prepend DIR and pospend proper C lib. extension to a name
local function DC (x)
local ext = (dirsep == '\\') and ".dll" or ".so"
return D(x .. ext)
local function createfiles (files, preextras, posextras)
for n,c in pairs(files) do
io.write(string.format(preextras, n))
io.write(string.format(posextras, n))
function removefiles (files)
for n in pairs(files) do
local files = {
["names.lua"] = "do return {...} end\n",
["err.lua"] = "B = 15; a = a + 1;",
["synerr.lua"] = "B =",
["A.lua"] = "",
["B.lua"] = "assert(...=='B');require 'A'",
["A.lc"] = "",
["A"] = "",
["L"] = "",
["XXxX"] = "",
["C.lua"] = "package.loaded[...] = 25; require'C'",
AA = nil
local extras = [[
NAME = '%s'
return AA]]
createfiles(files, "", extras)
-- testing explicit "dir" separator in 'searchpath'
assert(package.searchpath("C.lua", D"?", "", "") == D"C.lua")
assert(package.searchpath("C.lua", D"?", ".", ".") == D"C.lua")
assert(package.searchpath("--x-", D"?", "-", "X") == D"XXxX")
assert(package.searchpath("---xX", D"?", "---", "XX") == D"XXxX")
assert(package.searchpath(D"C.lua", "?", dirsep) == D"C.lua")
assert(package.searchpath(".\\C.lua", D"?", "\\") == D"./C.lua")
local oldpath = package.path
package.path = string.gsub("D/?.lua;D/?.lc;D/?;D/??x?;D/L", "D/", DIR)
local try = function (p, n, r, ext)
NAME = nil
local rr, x = require(p)
assert(NAME == n)
assert(REQUIRED == p)
assert(rr == r)
assert(ext == x)
a = require"names"
assert(a[1] == "names" and a[2] == D"names.lua")
_G.a = nil
local st, msg = pcall(require, "err")
assert(not st and string.find(msg, "arithmetic") and B == 15)
st, msg = pcall(require, "synerr")
assert(not st and string.find(msg, "error loading module"))
assert(package.searchpath("C", package.path) == D"C.lua")
assert(require"C" == 25)
assert(require"C" == 25)
AA = nil
try('B', 'B.lua', true, "libs/B.lua")
assert(require"B" == true)
assert(require"C" == 25)
package.loaded.A = nil
try('B', nil, true, nil) -- should not reload package
try('A', 'A.lua', true, "libs/A.lua")
package.loaded.A = nil
AA = {}
try('A', 'A.lc', AA, "libs/A.lc") -- now must find second option
assert(package.searchpath("A", package.path) == D"A.lc")
assert(require("A") == AA)
AA = false
try('K', 'L', false, "libs/L") -- default option
try('K', 'L', false, "libs/L") -- default option (should reload it)
assert(rawget(_G, "_REQUIREDNAME") == nil)
AA = "x"
try("X", "XXxX", AA, "libs/XXxX")
-- testing require of sub-packages
local _G = _G
package.path = string.gsub("D/?.lua;D/?/init.lua", "D/", DIR)
files = {
["P1/init.lua"] = "AA = 10",
["P1/xuxu.lua"] = "AA = 20",
createfiles(files, "_ENV = {}\n", "\nreturn _ENV\n")
AA = 0
local m, ext = assert(require"P1")
assert(ext == "libs/P1/init.lua")
assert(AA == 0 and m.AA == 10)
assert(require"P1" == m)
assert(require"P1" == m)
assert(package.searchpath("P1.xuxu", package.path) == D"P1/xuxu.lua")
m.xuxu, ext = assert(require"P1.xuxu")
assert(AA == 0 and m.xuxu.AA == 20)
assert(ext == "libs/P1/xuxu.lua")
assert(require"P1.xuxu" == m.xuxu)
assert(require"P1.xuxu" == m.xuxu)
assert(require"P1" == m and m.AA == 10)
package.path = ""
assert(not pcall(require, "file_does_not_exist"))
package.path = "??\0?"
assert(not pcall(require, "file_does_not_exist1"))
package.path = oldpath
-- check 'require' error message
local fname = "file_does_not_exist2"
local m, err = pcall(require, fname)
for t in string.gmatch(package.path..";"..package.cpath, "[^;]+") do
t = string.gsub(t, "?", fname)
assert(string.find(err, t, 1, true))
do -- testing 'package.searchers' not being a table
local searchers = package.searchers
package.searchers = 3
local st, msg = pcall(require, 'a')
assert(not st and string.find(msg, "must be a table"))
package.searchers = searchers
local function import(...)
local f = {...}
return function (m)
for i=1, #f do m[f[i]] = _G[f[i]] end
-- cannot change environment of a C function
assert(not pcall(module, 'XUXU'))
-- testing require of C libraries
local p = "" -- On Mac OS X, redefine this to "_"
-- check whether loadlib works in this system
local st, err, when = package.loadlib(DC"lib1", "*")
if not st then
local f, err, when = package.loadlib("donotexist", p.."xuxu")
assert(not f and type(err) == "string" and when == "absent")
;(Message or print)('\n >>> cannot load dynamic library <<<\n')
print(err, when)
-- tests for loadlib
local f = assert(package.loadlib(DC"lib1", p.."onefunction"))
local a, b = f(15, 25)
assert(a == 25 and b == 15)
f = assert(package.loadlib(DC"lib1", p.."anotherfunc"))
assert(f(10, 20) == "10%20\n")
-- check error messages
local f, err, when = package.loadlib(DC"lib1", p.."xuxu")
assert(not f and type(err) == "string" and when == "init")
f, err, when = package.loadlib("donotexist", p.."xuxu")
assert(not f and type(err) == "string" and when == "open")
-- symbols from 'lib1' must be visible to other libraries
f = assert(package.loadlib(DC"lib11", p.."luaopen_lib11"))
assert(f() == "exported")
-- test C modules with prefixes in names
package.cpath = DC"?"
local lib2, ext = require"lib2-v2"
assert(string.find(ext, "libs/lib2-v2", 1, true))
-- check correct access to global environment and correct
-- parameters
assert(_ENV.x == "lib2-v2" and _ENV.y == DC"lib2-v2")
assert(lib2.id("x") == true) -- a different "id" implementation
-- test C submodules
local fs, ext = require"lib1.sub"
assert(_ENV.x == "lib1.sub" and _ENV.y == DC"lib1")
assert(string.find(ext, "libs/lib1", 1, true))
assert(fs.id(45) == 45)
_ENV = _G
-- testing preload
local p = package
package = {}
p.preload.pl = function (...)
local _ENV = {...}
function xuxu (x) return x+20 end
return _ENV
local pl, ext = require"pl"
assert(require"pl" == pl)
assert(pl.xuxu(10) == 30)
assert(pl[1] == "pl" and pl[2] == ":preload:" and ext == ":preload:")
package = p
assert(type(package.path) == "string")
end --]
print("testing assignments, logical operators, and constructors")
local res, res2 = 27
a, b = 1, 2+3
assert(a==1 and b==5)
function f() return 10, 11, 12 end
a.x, b, a[1] = 1, 2, f()
assert(a.x==1 and b==2 and a[1]==10)
a[f()], b, a[f()+3] = f(), a, 'x'
assert(a[10] == 10 and b == a and a[13] == 'x')
local f = function (n) local x = {}; for i=1,n do x[i]=i end;
return table.unpack(x) end;
local a,b,c
a,b = 0, f(1)
assert(a == 0 and b == 1)
A,b = 0, f(1)
assert(A == 0 and b == 1)
a,b,c = 0,5,f(4)
assert(a==0 and b==5 and c==1)
a,b,c = 0,5,f(0)
assert(a==0 and b==5 and c==nil)
a, b, c, d = 1 and nil, 1 or nil, (1 and (nil or 1)), 6
assert(not a and b and c and d==6)
d = 20
a, b, c, d = f()
assert(a==10 and b==11 and c==12 and d==nil)
a,b = f(), 1, 2, 3, f()
assert(a==10 and b==1)
assert(a<b == false and a>b == true)
assert((10 and 2) == 2)
assert((10 or 2) == 10)
assert((10 or assert(nil)) == 10)
assert(not (nil and assert(nil)))
assert((nil or "alo") == "alo")
assert((nil and 10) == nil)
assert((false and 10) == false)
assert((true or 10) == true)
assert((false or 10) == 10)
assert(false ~= nil)
assert(nil ~= false)
assert(not nil == true)
assert(not not nil == false)
assert(not not 1 == true)
assert(not not a == true)
assert(not not (6 or nil) == true)
assert(not not (nil and 56) == false)
assert(not not (nil and true) == false)
assert(not 10 == false)
assert(not {} == false)
assert(not 0.5 == false)
assert(not "x" == false)
assert({} ~= {})
a = {}
a[true] = 20
a[false] = 10
assert(a[1<2] == 20 and a[1>2] == 10)
function f(a) return a end
local a = {}
for i=3000,-3000,-1 do a[i + 0.0] = i; end
a[10e30] = "alo"; a[true] = 10; a[false] = 20
assert(a[10e30] == 'alo' and a[not 1] == 20 and a[10<20] == 10)
for i=3000,-3000,-1 do assert(a[i] == i); end
a[print] = assert
a[f] = print
a[a] = a
assert(a[a][a][a][a][print] == assert)
a[print](a[a[f]] == a[print])
assert(not pcall(function () local a = {}; a[nil] = 10 end))
assert(not pcall(function () local a = {[nil] = 10} end))
assert(a[nil] == undef)
a = nil
a = {10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2; [-3]='a', [f]=print, a='a', b='ab'}
a, a.x, a.y = a, a[-3]
assert(a[1]==10 and a[-3]==a.a and a[f]==print and a.x=='a' and not a.y)
a[1], f(a)[2], b, c = {['alo']=assert}, 10, a[1], a[f], 6, 10, 23, f(a), 2
a[1].alo(a[2]==10 and b==10 and c==print)
a.aVeryLongName012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 = 10
local function foo ()
return a.aVeryLongName012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
assert(foo() == 10 and
a.aVeryLongName012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ==
-- test of large float/integer indices
-- compute maximum integer where all bits fit in a float
local maxint = math.maxinteger
-- trim (if needed) to fit in a float
while maxint ~= (maxint + 0.0) or (maxint - 1) ~= (maxint - 1.0) do
maxint = maxint // 2
maxintF = maxint + 0.0 -- float version
assert(maxintF == maxint and math.type(maxintF) == "float" and
maxintF >= 2.0^14)
-- floats and integers must index the same places
a[maxintF] = 10; a[maxintF - 1.0] = 11;
a[-maxintF] = 12; a[-maxintF + 1.0] = 13;
assert(a[maxint] == 10 and a[maxint - 1] == 11 and
a[-maxint] == 12 and a[-maxint + 1] == 13)
a[maxint] = 20
a[-maxint] = 22
assert(a[maxintF] == 20 and a[maxintF - 1.0] == 11 and
a[-maxintF] == 22 and a[-maxintF + 1.0] == 13)
a = nil
-- test conflicts in multiple assignment
local a,i,j,b
a = {'a', 'b'}; i=1; j=2; b=a
i, a[i], a, j, a[j], a[i+j] = j, i, i, b, j, i
assert(i == 2 and b[1] == 1 and a == 1 and j == b and b[2] == 2 and
b[3] == 1)
a = {}
local function foo () -- assigining to upvalues
b, a.x, a = a, 10, 20
assert(a == 20 and b.x == 10)
-- repeat test with upvalues
local a,i,j,b
a = {'a', 'b'}; i=1; j=2; b=a
local function foo ()
i, a[i], a, j, a[j], a[i+j] = j, i, i, b, j, i
assert(i == 2 and b[1] == 1 and a == 1 and j == b and b[2] == 2 and
b[3] == 1)
local t = {}
(function (a) t[a], a = 10, 20 end)(1);
assert(t[1] == 10)
-- bug in 5.2 beta
local function foo ()
local a
return function ()
local b
a, b = 3, 14 -- local and upvalue have same index
return a, b
local a, b = foo()()
assert(a == 3 and b == 14)
return res