Justine Tunney 226aaf3547 Improve memory safety
This commit makes numerous refinements to cosmopolitan memory handling.

The default stack size has been reduced from 2mb to 128kb. A new macro
is now provided so you can easily reconfigure the stack size to be any
value you want. Work around the breaking change by adding to your main:

    STATIC_STACK_SIZE(0x00200000);  // 2mb stack

If you're not sure how much stack you need, then you can use:


After which you can `sort -nr o/$MODE/stack.log`. Based on the unit test
suite, nothing in the Cosmopolitan repository (except for Python) needs
a stack size greater than 30kb. There are also new macros for detecting
the size and address of the stack at runtime, e.g. GetStackAddr(). We
also now support sigaltstack() so if you want to see nice looking crash
reports whenever a stack overflow happens, you can put this in main():


Under `make MODE=dbg` and `make MODE=asan` the unit testing framework
will now automatically print backtraces of memory allocations when
things like memory leaks happen. Bugs are now fixed in ASAN global
variable overrun detection. The memtrack and asan runtimes also handle
edge cases now. The new tools helped to identify a few memory leaks,
which are fixed by this change.

This change should fix an issue reported in #288 with ARG_MAX limits.
Fixing this doubled the performance of MKDEPS.COM and AR.COM yet again.
2021-10-13 17:27:13 -07:00

656 lines
14 KiB

#include "libc/assert.h"
#include "libc/bits/popcnt.h"
#include "libc/calls/calls.h"
#include "libc/calls/struct/stat.h"
#include "libc/calls/weirdtypes.h"
#include "libc/errno.h"
#include "libc/fmt/conv.h"
#include "libc/fmt/fmt.h"
#include "libc/fmt/itoa.h"
#include "libc/limits.h"
#include "libc/log/check.h"
#include "libc/log/log.h"
#include "libc/macros.internal.h"
#include "libc/mem/mem.h"
#include "libc/nexgen32e/bsf.h"
#include "libc/nexgen32e/bsr.h"
#include "libc/nexgen32e/crc32.h"
#include "libc/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "libc/stdio/stdio.h"
#include "libc/stdio/temp.h"
#include "libc/str/str.h"
#include "libc/time/struct/tm.h"
#include "libc/time/time.h"
#include "libc/unicode/unicode.h"
#include "libc/x/x.h"
#include "third_party/gdtoa/gdtoa.h"
#include "tool/build/lib/javadown.h"
#if !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
typedef struct Asm Asm;
typedef struct AsmOperand AsmOperand;
typedef struct File File;
typedef struct FpClassify FpClassify;
typedef struct HashMap HashMap;
typedef struct Hideset Hideset;
typedef struct Macro Macro;
typedef struct MacroParam MacroParam;
typedef struct Member Member;
typedef struct Node Node;
typedef struct Obj Obj;
typedef struct Relocation Relocation;
typedef struct Relocation Relocation;
typedef struct StaticAsm StaticAsm;
typedef struct StringArray StringArray;
typedef struct Token Token;
typedef struct TokenStack TokenStack;
typedef struct Type Type;
typedef Token *macro_handler_fn(Token *);
// strarray.c
struct StringArray {
char **data;
int capacity;
int len;
void strarray_push(StringArray *, char *);
// tokenize.c
typedef enum {
TK_IDENT, // Identifiers
TK_PUNCT, // Punctuators
TK_KEYWORD, // Keywords
TK_STR, // String literals
TK_NUM, // Numeric literals
TK_PP_NUM, // Preprocessing numbers
TK_JAVADOWN, // /** ... */ comments
TK_EOF, // End-of-file markers
} TokenKind;
struct File {
char *name;
int file_no;
char *contents;
// For #line directive
char *display_name;
int line_delta;
struct Javadown *javadown;
struct thatispacked Token {
Token *next; // Next token
int len; // Token length
int line_no; // Line number
int line_delta; // Line number
TokenKind kind; // Token kind
uint8_t kw; // Keyword Phash
bool at_bol; // True if this token is at beginning of line
bool has_space; // True if this token follows a space character
char *loc; // Token location
Type *ty; // Used if TK_NUM or TK_STR
File *file; // Source location
char *filename; // Filename
Hideset *hideset; // For macro expansion
Token *origin; // If this is expanded from a macro, the original token
struct Javadown *javadown;
union {
int64_t val; // If kind is TK_NUM, its value
long double fval; // If kind is TK_NUM, its value
char *str; // String literal contents including terminating '\0'
void error(char *, ...)
__attribute__((__noreturn__, __format__(__printf__, 1, 2)));
void error_at(char *, char *, ...)
__attribute__((__noreturn__, __format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
void error_tok(Token *, char *, ...)
__attribute__((__noreturn__, __format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
void warn_tok(Token *, char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
File **get_input_files(void);
File *new_file(char *, int, char *);
Token *skip(Token *, char);
Token *tokenize(File *);
Token *tokenize_file(char *);
Token *tokenize_string_literal(Token *, Type *);
bool consume(Token **, Token *, char *, size_t);
bool equal(Token *, char *, size_t);
void convert_pp_tokens(Token *);
int read_escaped_char(char **, char *);
#define UNREACHABLE() error("internal error at %s:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define EQUAL(T, S) equal(T, S, sizeof(S) - 1)
#define CONSUME(R, T, S) consume(R, T, S, sizeof(S) - 1)
// preprocess.c
struct MacroParam {
MacroParam *next;
char *name;
struct Macro {
char *name;
bool is_objlike; // Object-like or function-like
MacroParam *params;
char *va_args_name;
Token *body;
macro_handler_fn *handler;
Token *javadown;
extern HashMap macros;
char *search_include_paths(char *);
void init_macros(void);
void init_macros_conditional(void);
void define_macro(char *, char *);
void undef_macro(char *);
Token *preprocess(Token *);
// asm.c
#define kAsmImm 1
#define kAsmMem 2
#define kAsmReg 4
#define kAsmMmx 8
#define kAsmXmm 16
#define kAsmFpu 32
#define kAsmRaw 64
#define kAsmFlag 128
struct AsmOperand {
uint8_t reg;
uint8_t type;
char flow;
char x87mask;
bool isused;
int regmask;
int predicate;
char *str;
Node *node;
Token *tok;
int64_t val;
char **label;
struct Asm {
int n;
char *str;
Token *tok;
AsmOperand ops[20];
bool isgnu;
bool flagclob;
uint8_t x87clob;
uint16_t regclob;
uint16_t xmmclob;
struct StaticAsm {
StaticAsm *next;
Asm *body;
extern StaticAsm *staticasms;
Asm *asm_stmt(Token **, Token *);
void flushln(void);
void gen_addr(Node *);
void gen_asm(Asm *);
void gen_expr(Node *);
void pop(char *);
void popreg(char *);
void print_loc(int64_t, int64_t);
void push(void);
void pushreg(char *);
// fpclassify.c
struct FpClassify {
Node *node;
int args[5];
void gen_fpclassify(FpClassify *);
// parse.c
// Variable or function
struct Obj {
Obj *next;
char *name; // Variable name
Type *ty; // Type
Token *tok; // representative token
bool is_local; // local or global/function
int align; // alignment
// Local variable
int offset;
// Global variable or function
bool is_function;
bool is_definition;
bool is_static;
bool is_weak;
bool is_externally_visible;
char *asmname;
char *section;
char *visibility;
Token *javadown;
// Global variable
bool is_tentative;
bool is_string_literal;
bool is_tls;
char *init_data;
Relocation *rel;
// Function
bool is_inline;
bool is_aligned;
bool is_noreturn;
bool is_destructor;
bool is_constructor;
bool is_ms_abi; /* TODO */
bool is_no_instrument_function;
bool is_force_align_arg_pointer;
bool is_no_caller_saved_registers;
int stack_size;
Obj *params;
Node *body;
Obj *locals;
Obj *va_area;
Obj *alloca_bottom;
// Dead Code Elimination
bool is_live;
bool is_root;
StringArray refs;
// Global variable can be initialized either by a constant expression
// or a pointer to another global variable. This struct represents the
// latter.
struct Relocation {
Relocation *next;
int offset;
char **label;
long addend;
typedef enum {
ND_NULL_EXPR, // Do nothing
ND_ADD, // +
ND_SUB, // -
ND_MUL, // *
ND_DIV, // /
ND_NEG, // unary -
ND_REM, // %
ND_BINOR, // |
ND_SHL, // <<
ND_SHR, // >>
ND_EQ, // ==
ND_NE, // !=
ND_LT, // <
ND_LE, // <=
ND_COND, // ?:
ND_COMMA, // ,
ND_MEMBER, // . (struct member access)
ND_ADDR, // unary &
ND_DEREF, // unary *
ND_NOT, // !
ND_LOGAND, // &&
ND_LOGOR, // ||
ND_RETURN, // "return"
ND_IF, // "if"
ND_FOR, // "for" or "while"
ND_DO, // "do"
ND_SWITCH, // "switch"
ND_CASE, // "case"
ND_BLOCK, // { ... }
ND_GOTO, // "goto"
ND_GOTO_EXPR, // "goto" labels-as-values
ND_LABEL, // Labeled statement
ND_LABEL_VAL, // [GNU] Labels-as-values
ND_FUNCALL, // Function call
ND_EXPR_STMT, // Expression statement
ND_STMT_EXPR, // Statement expression
ND_VAR, // Variable
ND_VLA_PTR, // VLA designator
ND_NUM, // Integer
ND_CAST, // Type cast
ND_MEMZERO, // Zero-clear a stack variable
ND_ASM, // "asm"
ND_CAS, // Atomic compare-and-swap
ND_EXCH, // Atomic exchange
ND_FPCLASSIFY, // floating point classify
} NodeKind;
struct Node {
NodeKind kind; // Node kind
Node *next; // Next node
Type *ty; // Type, e.g. int or pointer to int
Token *tok; // Representative token
Node *lhs; // Left-hand side
Node *rhs; // Right-hand side
// "if" or "for" statement
Node *cond;
Node *then;
Node *els;
Node *init;
Node *inc;
// Block or statement expression
Node *body;
// Function call
Type *func_ty;
Node *args;
Obj *ret_buffer;
bool pass_by_stack;
bool realign_stack;
// Switch
Node *case_next;
Node *default_case;
// Goto or labeled statement, or labels-as-values
char *label;
char *unique_label;
Node *goto_next;
// "break" and "continue" labels
char *brk_label;
char *cont_label;
// Case
long begin;
long end;
// Struct member access
Member *member;
// Assembly
Asm *azm;
// Atomic compare-and-swap
Node *cas_addr;
Node *cas_old;
Node *cas_new;
// Atomic op= operators
Obj *atomic_addr;
Node *atomic_expr;
// Variable
Obj *var;
// Arithmetic
Node *overflow;
// Numeric literal
int64_t val;
long double fval;
FpClassify *fpc;
Node *expr(Token **, Token *);
Node *new_cast(Node *, Type *);
Node *new_node(NodeKind, Token *);
Obj *parse(Token *);
bool is_const_expr(Node *);
char *ConsumeStringLiteral(Token **, Token *);
int64_t const_expr(Token **, Token *);
int64_t eval(Node *);
int64_t eval2(Node *, char ***);
// debug.c
void print_ast(FILE *, Obj *);
// type.c
typedef enum {
TY_VLA, // variable-length array
} TypeKind;
struct Type {
TypeKind kind;
int size; // sizeof() value
int align; // alignment
bool is_unsigned; // unsigned or signed
bool is_atomic; // true if _Atomic
bool is_const; // const
bool is_restrict; // restrict
bool is_volatile; // volatile
bool is_ms_abi; // microsoft abi
bool is_static; // for array parameter pointer
Type *origin; // for type compatibility check
// Pointer-to or array-of type. We intentionally use the same member
// to represent pointer/array duality in C.
// In many contexts in which a pointer is expected, we examine this
// member instead of "kind" member to determine whether a type is a
// pointer or not. That means in many contexts "array of T" is
// naturally handled as if it were "pointer to T", as required by
// the C spec.
Type *base;
// Declaration
Token *name;
Token *name_pos;
// Array or decayed pointer
int array_len;
int vector_size;
// Variable-length array
Node *vla_len; // # of elements
Obj *vla_size; // sizeof() value
// Struct
Member *members;
bool is_flexible;
bool is_packed;
bool is_aligned;
// Function type
Type *return_ty;
Type *params;
bool is_variadic;
Type *next;
// Struct member
struct Member {
Member *next;
Type *ty;
Token *tok; // for error message
Token *name;
int idx;
int align;
int offset;
// Bitfield
bool is_bitfield;
int bit_offset;
int bit_width;
extern Type ty_void[1];
extern Type ty_bool[1];
extern Type ty_char[1];
extern Type ty_short[1];
extern Type ty_int[1];
extern Type ty_long[1];
extern Type ty_int128[1];
extern Type ty_uchar[1];
extern Type ty_ushort[1];
extern Type ty_uint[1];
extern Type ty_ulong[1];
extern Type ty_uint128[1];
extern Type ty_float[1];
extern Type ty_double[1];
extern Type ty_ldouble[1];
bool is_integer(Type *);
bool is_flonum(Type *);
bool is_numeric(Type *);
bool is_compatible(Type *, Type *);
Type *copy_type(Type *);
Type *pointer_to(Type *);
Type *func_type(Type *);
Type *array_of(Type *, int);
Type *vla_of(Type *, Node *);
Type *enum_type(void);
Type *struct_type(void);
void add_type(Node *);
// cast.c
void gen_cast(Type *, Type *);
// codegen.c
extern int depth;
extern FILE *output_stream;
int align_to(int, int);
int count(void);
void cmp_zero(Type *);
void codegen(Obj *, FILE *);
void gen_stmt(Node *);
void println(char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)));
// unicode.c
int encode_utf8(char *, uint32_t);
uint32_t decode_utf8(char **, char *);
bool is_ident1(uint32_t);
bool is_ident2(uint32_t);
int display_width(char *, int);
// hashmap.c
typedef struct {
char *key;
int keylen;
void *val;
} HashEntry;
struct HashMap {
HashEntry *buckets;
int capacity;
int used;
extern long chibicc_hashmap_hits;
extern long chibicc_hashmap_miss;
void *hashmap_get(HashMap *, char *);
void *hashmap_get2(HashMap *, char *, int);
void hashmap_put(HashMap *, char *, void *);
void hashmap_put2(HashMap *, char *, int, void *);
void hashmap_delete(HashMap *, char *);
void hashmap_delete2(HashMap *, char *, int);
void hashmap_test(void);
// chibicc.c
extern StringArray include_paths;
extern bool opt_common;
extern bool opt_data_sections;
extern bool opt_fentry;
extern bool opt_function_sections;
extern bool opt_no_builtin;
extern bool opt_nop_mcount;
extern bool opt_pg;
extern bool opt_pic;
extern bool opt_popcnt;
extern bool opt_record_mcount;
extern bool opt_sse3;
extern bool opt_sse4;
extern bool opt_verbose;
extern char *base_file;
extern char **chibicc_tmpfiles;
int chibicc(int, char **);
void chibicc_cleanup(void);
// alloc.c
extern long alloc_node_count;
extern long alloc_token_count;
extern long alloc_obj_count;
extern long alloc_type_count;
Node *alloc_node(void);
Token *alloc_token(void);
Obj *alloc_obj(void);
Type *alloc_type(void);
// dox1.c
void output_javadown(const char *, Obj *);
void output_javadown_asm(const char *, const char *);
// dox2.c
void drop_dox(const StringArray *, const char *);
// as.c
extern long as_hashmap_hits;
extern long as_hashmap_miss;
void Assembler(int, char **);
// pybind.c
void output_bindings_python(const char *, Obj *, Token *);
#endif /* !(__ASSEMBLER__ + __LINKER__ + 0) */