# emojisum :pray: :paperclip: Emoji that checksum! :tada: :poop: I attempted a curated list of 256 emojis that are not entirely similar. Using http://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/ to compare them. I went with 256 as that is 8bit/1byte, and the hexadecimal output that is 2 hex characters. So 1 emoji is 2 hex positions. ## build ```bash go get github.com/vbatts/emojisum ``` ## usage This uses [`github.com/kyokomi/emoji`](https://github.com/kyokomi/emoji) to print to the console, but also gives the string ouptut for easy pasting to github/markdown. ```bash $> emojisum main.go SHA1(main.go)= 14b09535217ca8f5f47f4665e2266e686f0728b4 SHA1(main.go)= :bird::red_car::on::crystal_ball::calendar::lemon::pray::warning::violin::lollipop::facepunch::hearts::tm::children_crossing::hourglass::heavy_plus_sign::house::ant::clap::rocket: SHA1(main.go)= 🐦 🚗 🔛 🔮 📆 🍋 🙏 ⚠️🎻 🍭 👊 ♥️™️🚸 ⌛️➕ 🏠 🐜 👏 🚀 ``` Like so! SHA1(main.go)= :bird::red_car::on::crystal_ball::calendar::lemon::pray::warning::violin::lollipop::facepunch::hearts::tm::children_crossing::hourglass::heavy_plus_sign::house::ant::clap::rocket: ### pass in the checksums Rather than relying on this simple tool to do the checksum itself, you will likely want to rely on OpenSSL or coreutils for checksumming. `emojisum` can just take those formats on stdin: ```bash $> sha1sum main.go | emojisum -parse-coreutils 7656835947b4c6da272023c56b6f2529511bf88b main.go :jp::gb::metal::goat::family::rocket::smiley_cat::swimmer::chocolate_bar::cactus::candy::smile::honeybee::house::cherries::cloud::fries::bow::wavy_dash::musical_score: main.go 🇯🇵 🇬🇧 🤘 🐐 👪 🚀 😺 🏊 🍫 🌵 🍬 😄 🐝 🏠 🍒 ☁️🍟 🙇 〰️ 🎼 main.go ``` Like so: 🇯🇵 🇬🇧 🤘 🐐 👪 🚀 😺 🏊 🍫 🌵 🍬 😄 🐝 🏠 🍒 ☁️🍟 🙇 〰️ 🎼 main.go ```bash $> openssl sha1 main.go |emojisum -parse-openssl SHA1(main.go)= 7656835947b4c6da272023c56b6f2529511bf88b SHA1(main.go)= :jp::gb::metal::goat::family::rocket::smiley_cat::swimmer::chocolate_bar::cactus::candy::smile::honeybee::house::cherries::cloud::fries::bow::wavy_dash::musical_score: SHA1(main.go)= 🇯🇵 🇬🇧 🤘 🐐 👪 🚀 😺 🏊 🍫 🌵 🍬 😄 🐝 🏠 🍒 ☁️🍟 🙇 〰️ 🎼 ``` And like so: SHA1(main.go)= 🇯🇵 🇬🇧 🤘 🐐 👪 🚀 😺 🏊 🍫 🌵 🍬 😄 🐝 🏠 🍒 ☁️🍟 🙇 〰️ 🎼