package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "" cli "" "" ) func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = mtree.AppName app.Usage = "map a directory hierarchy" app.Description = `The gomtree utility compares the file hierarchy rooted in the current directory against a specification read from file or standard input. Messages are written to the standard output for any files whose characteristics do not match the specification, or which are missing from either the file hierarchy or the specification. This tool is written in likeness to the BSD MTREE(6), with notable additions to support xattrs and interacting with tar archives.` app.Version = mtree.Version // cli docs --> app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ // Flags common with mtree(8) &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "create", Aliases: []string{"c"}, Usage: "Create a directory hierarchy spec", }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "file", Aliases: []string{"f"}, Usage: "Directory hierarchy spec to validate", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "path", Aliases: []string{"p"}, Usage: "Root path that the hierarchy spec is relative to", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "add-keywords", Aliases: []string{"K"}, Usage: "Add the specified (delimited by comma or space) keywords to the current set of keywords", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "use-keywords", Aliases: []string{"k"}, Usage: "Use only the specified (delimited by comma or space) keywords as the current set of keywords", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "directory-only", Aliases: []string{"d"}, Usage: "Ignore everything except directory type files", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "update-attributes", Aliases: []string{"u"}, Usage: "Modify the owner, group, permissions and xattrs of files, symbolic links and devices, to match the provided specification. This is not compatible with '-T'.", }, // Flags unique to gomtree &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "debug", Usage: "Output debug info to STDERR", Value: false, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "list-keywords", Usage: "List the keywords available", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "list-used", Usage: "List all the keywords found in a validation manifest", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "bsd-keywords", Usage: "Only operate on keywords that are supported by upstream mtree(8)", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "tar", Aliases: []string{"T"}, Value: "", Usage: `Use tar archive to create or validate a directory hierarchy spec ("-" indicates stdin)`, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "result-format", Value: "bsd", Usage: "output the validation results using the given format (bsd, json, path)", }, } app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { return mainApp(c) } if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil { logrus.Fatal(err) } } func mainApp(c *cli.Context) error { if c.Bool("debug") { os.Setenv("DEBUG", "1") logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) } // -list-keywords if c.Bool("list-keywords") { fmt.Println("Available keywords:") for k := range mtree.KeywordFuncs { fmt.Print(" ") fmt.Print(k) if mtree.Keyword(k).Default() { fmt.Print(" (default)") } if !mtree.Keyword(k).Bsd() { fmt.Print(" (not upstream)") } fmt.Print("\n") } return nil } // --result-format formatFunc, ok := formats[c.String("result-format")] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("invalid output format: %s", c.String("result-format")) } var ( err error tmpKeywords []mtree.Keyword currentKeywords []mtree.Keyword ) // -k if c.String("use-keywords") != "" { tmpKeywords = splitKeywordsArg(c.String("use-keywords")) if !mtree.InKeywordSlice("type", tmpKeywords) { tmpKeywords = append([]mtree.Keyword{"type"}, tmpKeywords...) } } else { if c.String("tar") != "" { tmpKeywords = mtree.DefaultTarKeywords[:] } else { tmpKeywords = mtree.DefaultKeywords[:] } } // -K if c.String("add-keywords") != "" { for _, kw := range splitKeywordsArg(c.String("add-keywords")) { if !mtree.InKeywordSlice(kw, tmpKeywords) { tmpKeywords = append(tmpKeywords, kw) } } } // -bsd-keywords if c.Bool("bsd-keywords") { for _, k := range tmpKeywords { if mtree.Keyword(k).Bsd() { currentKeywords = append(currentKeywords, k) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "INFO: ignoring %q as it is not an upstream keyword\n", k) } } } else { currentKeywords = tmpKeywords } // Check mutual exclusivity of keywords. // TODO(cyphar): Abstract this inside keywords.go. if mtree.InKeywordSlice("tar_time", currentKeywords) && mtree.InKeywordSlice("time", currentKeywords) { return fmt.Errorf("tar_time and time are mutually exclusive keywords") } // If we're doing a comparison, we always are comparing between a spec and // state DH. If specDh is nil, we are generating a new one. var ( specDh *mtree.DirectoryHierarchy stateDh *mtree.DirectoryHierarchy specKeywords []mtree.Keyword ) // -f if len(c.StringSlice("file")) > 0 && !c.Bool("create") { // load the hierarchy, if we're not creating a new spec fh, err := os.Open(c.StringSlice("file")[0]) if err != nil { return err } specDh, err = mtree.ParseSpec(fh) fh.Close() if err != nil { return err } // We can't check against more fields than in the specKeywords list, so // currentKeywords can only have a subset of specKeywords. specKeywords = specDh.UsedKeywords() } // -list-used if c.Bool("list-used") { if specDh == nil { return fmt.Errorf("no specification provided. please provide a validation manifest") } if c.String("result-format") == "json" { for _, file := range c.StringSlice("file") { // if they're asking for json, give it to them data := map[string][]mtree.Keyword{file: specKeywords} buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ") if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println(string(buf)) } } else { for _, file := range c.StringSlice("file") { fmt.Printf("Keywords used in [%s]:\n", file) for _, kw := range specKeywords { fmt.Printf(" %s", kw) if _, ok := mtree.KeywordFuncs[kw]; !ok { fmt.Print(" (unsupported)") } fmt.Printf("\n") } } } return nil } if specKeywords != nil { // If we didn't actually change the set of keywords, we can just use specKeywords. if c.String("use-keywords") == "" && c.String("add-keywords") == "" { currentKeywords = specKeywords } for _, keyword := range currentKeywords { // As always, time is a special case. // TODO: Fix that. if (keyword == "time" && mtree.InKeywordSlice("tar_time", specKeywords)) || (keyword == "tar_time" && mtree.InKeywordSlice("time", specKeywords)) { continue } } } // -p and -T are mutually exclusive if c.String("path") != "" && c.String("tar") != "" { return fmt.Errorf("options -T and -p are mutually exclusive") } // -p var rootPath = "." if c.String("path") != "" { rootPath = c.String("path") } excludes := []mtree.ExcludeFunc{} // -d if c.Bool("directory-only") { excludes = append(excludes, mtree.ExcludeNonDirectories) } // -u // Failing early here. Processing is done below. if c.Bool("update-attributes") && c.String("tar") != "" { return fmt.Errorf("ERROR: -u can not be used with -T") } // -T if c.String("tar") != "" { var input io.Reader if c.String("tar") == "-" { input = os.Stdin } else { fh, err := os.Open(c.String("tar")) if err != nil { return err } defer fh.Close() input = fh } ts := mtree.NewTarStreamer(input, excludes, currentKeywords) if _, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, ts); err != nil && err != io.EOF { return err } if err := ts.Close(); err != nil { return err } var err error stateDh, err = ts.Hierarchy() if err != nil { return err } } else if len(c.StringSlice("file")) > 1 { // load this second hierarchy file provided fh, err := os.Open(c.StringSlice("file")[1]) if err != nil { return err } stateDh, err = mtree.ParseSpec(fh) fh.Close() if err != nil { return err } } else { // with a root directory stateDh, err = mtree.Walk(rootPath, excludes, currentKeywords, nil) if err != nil { return err } } // -u if c.Bool("update-attributes") && stateDh != nil { // -u // this comes before the next case, intentionally. result, err := mtree.Update(rootPath, specDh, mtree.DefaultUpdateKeywords, nil) if err != nil { return err } if len(result) > 0 { fmt.Printf("%#v\n", result) } var res []mtree.InodeDelta // only check the keywords that we just updated res, err = mtree.Check(rootPath, specDh, mtree.DefaultUpdateKeywords, nil) if err != nil { return err } if res != nil { out := formatFunc(res) if _, err := os.Stdout.Write([]byte(out)); err != nil { return err } // TODO: This should be a flag. Allowing files to be added and // removed and still returning "it's all good" is simply // unsafe IMO. for _, diff := range res { if diff.Type() == mtree.Modified { return fmt.Errorf("manifest validation failed") } } } return nil } // -c if c.Bool("create") { fh := os.Stdout if len(c.StringSlice("file")) > 0 { fh, err = os.Create(c.StringSlice("file")[0]) if err != nil { return err } } // output stateDh stateDh.WriteTo(fh) return nil } // no spec manifest has been provided yet, so look for it on stdin if specDh == nil { // load the hierarchy specDh, err = mtree.ParseSpec(os.Stdin) if err != nil { return err } // We can't check against more fields than in the specKeywords list, so // currentKeywords can only have a subset of specKeywords. specKeywords = specDh.UsedKeywords() } // This is a validation. if specDh != nil && stateDh != nil { var res []mtree.InodeDelta res, err = mtree.Compare(specDh, stateDh, currentKeywords) if err != nil { return err } if res != nil { if isTarSpec(specDh) || c.String("tar") != "" { res = filterMissingKeywords(res) } out := formatFunc(res) if _, err := os.Stdout.Write([]byte(out)); err != nil { return err } // TODO: This should be a flag. Allowing files to be added and // removed and still returning "it's all good" is simply // unsafe IMO. for _, diff := range res { if diff.Type() == mtree.Modified { return fmt.Errorf("manifest validation failed") } } } } else { return fmt.Errorf("neither validating or creating a manifest. Please provide additional arguments") } return nil } var formats = map[string]func([]mtree.InodeDelta) string{ // Outputs the errors in the BSD format. "bsd": func(d []mtree.InodeDelta) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer for _, delta := range d { fmt.Fprintln(&buffer, delta) } return buffer.String() }, // Outputs the full result struct in JSON. "json": func(d []mtree.InodeDelta) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buffer).Encode(d); err != nil { panic(err) } return buffer.String() }, // Outputs only the paths which failed to validate. "path": func(d []mtree.InodeDelta) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer for _, delta := range d { if delta.Type() == mtree.Modified { fmt.Fprintln(&buffer, delta.Path()) } } return buffer.String() }, } // isDirEntry returns wheter an mtree.Entry describes a directory. func isDirEntry(e mtree.Entry) bool { for _, kw := range e.Keywords { kv := mtree.KeyVal(kw) if kv.Keyword() == "type" { return kv.Value() == "dir" } } // Shouldn't be reached. return false } // filterMissingKeywords is a fairly annoying hack to get around the fact that // tar archive manifest generation has certain unsolveable problems regarding // certain keywords. For example, the size=... keyword cannot be implemented // for directories in a tar archive (which causes Missing errors for that // keyword). // // This function just removes all instances of Missing errors for keywords. // This makes certain assumptions about the type of issues tar archives have. // Only call this on tar archive manifest comparisons. func filterMissingKeywords(diffs []mtree.InodeDelta) []mtree.InodeDelta { newDiffs := []mtree.InodeDelta{} loop: for _, diff := range diffs { if diff.Type() == mtree.Modified { // We only apply this filtering to directories. // NOTE: This will probably break if someone drops the size keyword. if isDirEntry(*diff.Old()) || isDirEntry(*diff.New()) { // If this applies to '.' then we just filter everything // (meaning we remove this entry). This is because note all tar // archives include a '.' entry. Which makes checking this not // practical. if diff.Path() == "." { continue } // Only filter out the size keyword. // NOTE: This currently takes advantage of the fact the // diff.Diff() returns the actual slice to diff.keys. keys := diff.Diff() for idx, k := range keys { // Delete the key if it's "size". Unfortunately in Go you // can't delete from a slice without reassigning it. So we // just overwrite it with the last value. if k.Name() == "size" { if len(keys) < 2 { continue loop } keys[idx] = keys[len(keys)-1] } } } } // If we got here, append to the new set. newDiffs = append(newDiffs, diff) } return newDiffs } // isTarSpec returns whether the spec provided came from the tar generator. // This takes advantage of an unsolveable problem in tar generation. func isTarSpec(spec *mtree.DirectoryHierarchy) bool { // Find a directory and check whether it's missing size=... // NOTE: This will definitely break if someone drops the size=... keyword. for _, e := range spec.Entries { if !isDirEntry(e) { continue } for _, kw := range e.Keywords { kv := mtree.KeyVal(kw) if kv.Keyword() == "size" { return false } } return true } // Should never be reached. return false } func splitKeywordsArg(str string) []mtree.Keyword { keywords := []mtree.Keyword{} for _, kw := range strings.Fields(strings.Replace(str, ",", " ", -1)) { keywords = append(keywords, mtree.KeywordSynonym(kw)) } return keywords }