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mirror of https://github.com/vbatts/go-mtree.git synced 2024-11-22 08:25:38 +00:00
Vincent Batts 626d2f2040
*: WIP adding man page
Clean up Makefile for the tools to be pulled in as needed by jobs like
building man pages (or linting, etc.)

Building docs in the default step. But installing the man page is
currently an exercise for the reader.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Batts <vbatts@hashbangbash.com>
2023-10-24 11:36:58 -04:00

109 lines
2.7 KiB

BUILD := gomtree
BUILDPATH := github.com/vbatts/go-mtree/cmd/gomtree
CWD := $(shell pwd)
SOURCE_FILES := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.go")
ARCHES := linux,386 linux,amd64 linux,arm linux,arm64 linux,mips64 linux,riscv64 openbsd,amd64 windows,amd64 windows,arm64 darwin,amd64 darwin,arm64
default: build validation lint docs
.PHONY: validation
validation: .test .vet .cli.test
.PHONY: validation.tags
validation.tags: .test.tags .vet.tags .cli.test
.PHONY: gocyclo
gocyclo: .gocyclo
CLEAN_FILES += .gocyclo
.gocyclo: .gocyclo.tool
gocyclo -avg -over 15 -ignore 'vendor/*' . && touch $@
.PHONY: test
test: .test
CLEAN_FILES += .test .test.tags
NO_VENDOR_DIR := $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' ! -path './vendor*' ! -path './.git*' ! -path './.vscode*' -exec dirname "{}" \; | sort -u)
.test: $(SOURCE_FILES)
go test -v $(NO_VENDOR_DIR) && touch $@
.test.tags: $(SOURCE_FILES)
set -e ; for tag in $(TAGS) ; do go test -tags $$tag -v $(NO_VENDOR_DIR) ; done && touch $@
.PHONY: lint
lint: .lint
CLEAN_FILES += .lint
.lint: .golangci-lint.tool $(SOURCE_FILES)
set -e ; golangci-lint run && touch $@
.PHONY: vet
vet: .vet .vet.tags
CLEAN_FILES += .vet .vet.tags
go vet $(NO_VENDOR_DIR) && touch $@
.vet.tags: $(SOURCE_FILES)
set -e ; for tag in $(TAGS) ; do go vet -tags $$tag -v $(NO_VENDOR_DIR) ; done && touch $@
.PHONY: cli.test
cli.test: .cli.test
CLEAN_FILES += .cli.test .cli.test.tags
.cli.test: $(BUILD) $(wildcard ./test/cli/*.sh)
@go run ./test/cli-test/main.go ./test/cli/*.sh && touch $@
.cli.test.tags: $(BUILD) $(wildcard ./test/cli/*.sh)
@set -e ; for tag in $(TAGS) ; do go run -tags $$tag ./test/cli-test/main.go ./test/cli/*.sh ; done && touch $@
docs: gomtree.1
CLEAN_FILES += gomtree.1
%.1: %.1.md .go-md2man.tool
go-md2man -in $< -out $@
.PHONY: build
build: $(BUILD)
go build -ldflags="-X 'main.Version=$(shell git describe --always --dirty)'" -mod=vendor -o $(BUILD) $(BUILDPATH)
TOOLS += .gocyclo.tool
go install github.com/fzipp/gocyclo/cmd/gocyclo@latest && touch $@
TOOLS += .go-md2man.tool
go install github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man@latest && touch $@
TOOLS += .golangci-lint.tool
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest && touch $@
install.tools: $(TOOLS)
mkdir -p $@
build.arches: ./bin
@set -e ;\
for pair in $(ARCHES); do \
p=$$(echo $$pair | cut -d , -f 1);\
a=$$(echo $$pair | cut -d , -f 2);\
echo "Building $$p/$$a ...";\
GOOS=$$p GOARCH=$$a go build -mod=vendor -o ./bin/gomtree.$$p.$$a $(BUILDPATH) ;\
done ;\
cd bin ;\
sha1sum gomtree.* > SUMS ;\
sha512sum gomtree.* >> SUMS ;\
cd -
rm -rf $(BUILD) $(CLEAN_FILES)