We use the `main` branch as the development branch. All PRs should be made to the `main` branch from a feature branch. To create a pull request, you can use the following steps:
There is a devcontainer available for this project. If you are using VSCode, you can use the devcontainer to get started. If you are not using VSCode, you need to ensure that you have the following tools installed:
If you're using the taskfile, you can use the `task setup` command to run the required setup commands. Otherwise, you can review the commands required in the `Taskfile.yml` file.
Note that when installing dependencies with pnpm you must use the `--shamefully-hoist` flag. If you don't use this flag, you will get an error when running the frontend server.
2. Unit tests should be written in Go, however, end-to-end or user story tests should be written in TypeScript using the client library in the frontend directory.
2. We're using Vitest for our automated testing. You can run these with `task ui:watch`.
3. Tests require the API server to be running, and in some cases the first run will fail due to a race condition. If this happens, just run the tests again and they should pass.