mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 09:06:20 +00:00
chore: bump all go dependencies (#614)
* bump all
* code-generation
Former-commit-id: c0e8e34065
This commit is contained in:
40 changed files with 659 additions and 292 deletions
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ module github.com/hay-kot/homebox/backend
go 1.20
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golang.org/x/tools v0.15.0 h1:zdAyfUGbYmuVokhzVmghFl2ZJh5QhcfebBgmVPFYA+8=
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modernc.org/libc v1.34.4 h1:r9+5s4wNeoCsB8CuJE67UB4N07ernbvrcry9O3MLWtQ=
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modernc.org/mathutil v1.6.0 h1:fRe9+AmYlaej+64JsEEhoWuAYBkOtQiMEU7n/XgfYi4=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.6.0/go.mod h1:Ui5Q9q1TR2gFm0AQRqQUaBWFLAhQpCwNcuhBOSedWPo=
modernc.org/memory v1.6.0 h1:i6mzavxrE9a30whzMfwf7XWVODx2r5OYXvU46cirX7o=
modernc.org/memory v1.6.0/go.mod h1:PkUhL0Mugw21sHPeskwZW4D6VscE/GQJOnIpCnW6pSU=
modernc.org/memory v1.7.2 h1:Klh90S215mmH8c9gO98QxQFsY+W451E8AnzjoE2ee1E=
modernc.org/memory v1.7.2/go.mod h1:NO4NVCQy0N7ln+T9ngWqOQfi7ley4vpwvARR+Hjw95E=
modernc.org/opt v0.1.3 h1:3XOZf2yznlhC+ibLltsDGzABUGVx8J6pnFMS3E4dcq4=
modernc.org/opt v0.1.3/go.mod h1:WdSiB5evDcignE70guQKxYUl14mgWtbClRi5wmkkTX0=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.26.0 h1:SocQdLRSYlA8W99V8YH0NES75thx19d9sB/aFc4R8Lw=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.26.0/go.mod h1:FL3pVXie73rg3Rii6V/u5BoHlSoyeZeIgKZEgHARyCU=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.27.0 h1:MpKAHoyYB7xqcwnUwkuD+npwEa0fojF0B5QRbN+auJ8=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.27.0/go.mod h1:Qxpazz0zH8Z1xCFyi5GSL3FzbtZ3fvbjmywNogldEW0=
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.3 h1:fNMm+oJklMGYfU9Ylcywl0CO5O6nTfaowNsh2wpPjzY=
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.3/go.mod h1:MEHNA7PdEnEwLvspRMtWTNnp2nnyvMfkimT1NKNAGbw=
modernc.org/strutil v1.2.0 h1:agBi9dp1I+eOnxXeiZawM8F4LawKv4NzGWSaLfyeNZA=
modernc.org/strutil v1.2.0/go.mod h1:/mdcBmfOibveCTBxUl5B5l6W+TTH1FXPLHZE6bTosX0=
modernc.org/tcl v1.15.2 h1:C4ybAYCGJw968e+Me18oW55kD/FexcHbqH2xak1ROSY=
modernc.org/token v1.1.0 h1:Xl7Ap9dKaEs5kLoOQeQmPWevfnk/DM5qcLcYlA8ys6Y=
modernc.org/token v1.1.0/go.mod h1:UGzOrNV1mAFSEB63lOFHIpNRUVMvYTc6yu1SMY/XTDM=
@ -229,32 +229,15 @@ func HasDocumentWith(preds ...predicate.Document) predicate.Attachment {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Attachment) predicate.Attachment {
return predicate.Attachment(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Attachment(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Attachment) predicate.Attachment {
return predicate.Attachment(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Attachment(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Attachment) predicate.Attachment {
return predicate.Attachment(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Attachment(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -288,11 +288,15 @@ func (ac *AttachmentCreate) createSpec() (*Attachment, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// AttachmentCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Attachment entities in bulk.
type AttachmentCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*AttachmentCreate
// Save creates the Attachment entities in the database.
func (acb *AttachmentCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Attachment, error) {
if acb.err != nil {
return nil, acb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(acb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Attachment, len(acb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(acb.builders))
@ -98,32 +98,15 @@ func HasTokenWith(preds ...predicate.AuthTokens) predicate.AuthRoles {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.AuthRoles) predicate.AuthRoles {
return predicate.AuthRoles(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.AuthRoles(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.AuthRoles) predicate.AuthRoles {
return predicate.AuthRoles(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.AuthRoles(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.AuthRoles) predicate.AuthRoles {
return predicate.AuthRoles(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.AuthRoles(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -158,11 +158,15 @@ func (arc *AuthRolesCreate) createSpec() (*AuthRoles, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// AuthRolesCreateBulk is the builder for creating many AuthRoles entities in bulk.
type AuthRolesCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*AuthRolesCreate
// Save creates the AuthRoles entities in the database.
func (arcb *AuthRolesCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*AuthRoles, error) {
if arcb.err != nil {
return nil, arcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(arcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*AuthRoles, len(arcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(arcb.builders))
@ -284,32 +284,15 @@ func HasRolesWith(preds ...predicate.AuthRoles) predicate.AuthTokens {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.AuthTokens) predicate.AuthTokens {
return predicate.AuthTokens(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.AuthTokens(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.AuthTokens) predicate.AuthTokens {
return predicate.AuthTokens(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.AuthTokens(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.AuthTokens) predicate.AuthTokens {
return predicate.AuthTokens(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.AuthTokens(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -280,11 +280,15 @@ func (atc *AuthTokensCreate) createSpec() (*AuthTokens, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// AuthTokensCreateBulk is the builder for creating many AuthTokens entities in bulk.
type AuthTokensCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*AuthTokensCreate
// Save creates the AuthTokens entities in the database.
func (atcb *AuthTokensCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*AuthTokens, error) {
if atcb.err != nil {
return nil, atcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(atcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*AuthTokens, len(atcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(atcb.builders))
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -65,9 +66,7 @@ type Client struct {
// NewClient creates a new client configured with the given options.
func NewClient(opts ...Option) *Client {
cfg := config{log: log.Println, hooks: &hooks{}, inters: &inters{}}
client := &Client{config: cfg}
client := &Client{config: newConfig(opts...)}
return client
@ -107,6 +106,13 @@ type (
Option func(*config)
// newConfig creates a new config for the client.
func newConfig(opts ...Option) config {
cfg := config{log: log.Println, hooks: &hooks{}, inters: &inters{}}
return cfg
// options applies the options on the config object.
func (c *config) options(opts ...Option) {
for _, opt := range opts {
@ -154,11 +160,14 @@ func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string, options ...Option) (*Client, error)
// ErrTxStarted is returned when trying to start a new transaction from a transactional client.
var ErrTxStarted = errors.New("ent: cannot start a transaction within a transaction")
// Tx returns a new transactional client. The provided context
// is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
func (c *Client) Tx(ctx context.Context) (*Tx, error) {
if _, ok := c.driver.(*txDriver); ok {
return nil, errors.New("ent: cannot start a transaction within a transaction")
return nil, ErrTxStarted
tx, err := newTx(ctx, c.driver)
if err != nil {
@ -330,6 +339,21 @@ func (c *AttachmentClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*AttachmentCreate) *Attachment
return &AttachmentCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *AttachmentClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*AttachmentCreate, int)) *AttachmentCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &AttachmentCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to AttachmentClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*AttachmentCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &AttachmentCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Attachment.
func (c *AttachmentClient) Update() *AttachmentUpdate {
mutation := newAttachmentMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -480,6 +504,21 @@ func (c *AuthRolesClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*AuthRolesCreate) *AuthRolesCre
return &AuthRolesCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *AuthRolesClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*AuthRolesCreate, int)) *AuthRolesCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &AuthRolesCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to AuthRolesClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*AuthRolesCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &AuthRolesCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for AuthRoles.
func (c *AuthRolesClient) Update() *AuthRolesUpdate {
mutation := newAuthRolesMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -614,6 +653,21 @@ func (c *AuthTokensClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*AuthTokensCreate) *AuthTokens
return &AuthTokensCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *AuthTokensClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*AuthTokensCreate, int)) *AuthTokensCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &AuthTokensCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to AuthTokensClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*AuthTokensCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &AuthTokensCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for AuthTokens.
func (c *AuthTokensClient) Update() *AuthTokensUpdate {
mutation := newAuthTokensMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -764,6 +818,21 @@ func (c *DocumentClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*DocumentCreate) *DocumentCreate
return &DocumentCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *DocumentClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*DocumentCreate, int)) *DocumentCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &DocumentCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to DocumentClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*DocumentCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &DocumentCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Document.
func (c *DocumentClient) Update() *DocumentUpdate {
mutation := newDocumentMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -914,6 +983,21 @@ func (c *GroupClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*GroupCreate) *GroupCreateBulk {
return &GroupCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *GroupClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*GroupCreate, int)) *GroupCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &GroupCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to GroupClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*GroupCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &GroupCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Group.
func (c *GroupClient) Update() *GroupUpdate {
mutation := newGroupMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -1144,6 +1228,21 @@ func (c *GroupInvitationTokenClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*GroupInvitationToke
return &GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *GroupInvitationTokenClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*GroupInvitationTokenCreate, int)) *GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to GroupInvitationTokenClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*GroupInvitationTokenCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for GroupInvitationToken.
func (c *GroupInvitationTokenClient) Update() *GroupInvitationTokenUpdate {
mutation := newGroupInvitationTokenMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -1278,6 +1377,21 @@ func (c *ItemClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*ItemCreate) *ItemCreateBulk {
return &ItemCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *ItemClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*ItemCreate, int)) *ItemCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &ItemCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to ItemClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*ItemCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &ItemCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Item.
func (c *ItemClient) Update() *ItemUpdate {
mutation := newItemMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -1524,6 +1638,21 @@ func (c *ItemFieldClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*ItemFieldCreate) *ItemFieldCre
return &ItemFieldCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *ItemFieldClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*ItemFieldCreate, int)) *ItemFieldCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &ItemFieldCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to ItemFieldClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*ItemFieldCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &ItemFieldCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for ItemField.
func (c *ItemFieldClient) Update() *ItemFieldUpdate {
mutation := newItemFieldMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -1658,6 +1787,21 @@ func (c *LabelClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*LabelCreate) *LabelCreateBulk {
return &LabelCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *LabelClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*LabelCreate, int)) *LabelCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &LabelCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to LabelClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*LabelCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &LabelCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Label.
func (c *LabelClient) Update() *LabelUpdate {
mutation := newLabelMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -1808,6 +1952,21 @@ func (c *LocationClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*LocationCreate) *LocationCreate
return &LocationCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *LocationClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*LocationCreate, int)) *LocationCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &LocationCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to LocationClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*LocationCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &LocationCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Location.
func (c *LocationClient) Update() *LocationUpdate {
mutation := newLocationMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -1990,6 +2149,21 @@ func (c *MaintenanceEntryClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*MaintenanceEntryCreate)
return &MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *MaintenanceEntryClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*MaintenanceEntryCreate, int)) *MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to MaintenanceEntryClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*MaintenanceEntryCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for MaintenanceEntry.
func (c *MaintenanceEntryClient) Update() *MaintenanceEntryUpdate {
mutation := newMaintenanceEntryMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -2124,6 +2298,21 @@ func (c *NotifierClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*NotifierCreate) *NotifierCreate
return &NotifierCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *NotifierClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*NotifierCreate, int)) *NotifierCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &NotifierCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to NotifierClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*NotifierCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &NotifierCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for Notifier.
func (c *NotifierClient) Update() *NotifierUpdate {
mutation := newNotifierMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -2274,6 +2463,21 @@ func (c *UserClient) CreateBulk(builders ...*UserCreate) *UserCreateBulk {
return &UserCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// MapCreateBulk creates a bulk creation builder from the given slice. For each item in the slice, the function creates
// a builder and applies setFunc on it.
func (c *UserClient) MapCreateBulk(slice any, setFunc func(*UserCreate, int)) *UserCreateBulk {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return &UserCreateBulk{err: fmt.Errorf("calling to UserClient.MapCreateBulk with wrong type %T, need slice", slice)}
builders := make([]*UserCreate, rv.Len())
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
builders[i] = c.Create()
setFunc(builders[i], i)
return &UserCreateBulk{config: c.config, builders: builders}
// Update returns an update builder for User.
func (c *UserClient) Update() *UserUpdate {
mutation := newUserMutation(c.config, OpUpdate)
@ -334,32 +334,15 @@ func HasAttachmentsWith(preds ...predicate.Attachment) predicate.Document {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Document) predicate.Document {
return predicate.Document(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Document(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Document) predicate.Document {
return predicate.Document(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Document(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Document) predicate.Document {
return predicate.Document(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Document(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -269,11 +269,15 @@ func (dc *DocumentCreate) createSpec() (*Document, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// DocumentCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Document entities in bulk.
type DocumentCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*DocumentCreate
// Save creates the Document entities in the database.
func (dcb *DocumentCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Document, error) {
if dcb.err != nil {
return nil, dcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(dcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Document, len(dcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(dcb.builders))
@ -43,12 +43,28 @@ func (du *DocumentUpdate) SetTitle(s string) *DocumentUpdate {
return du
// SetNillableTitle sets the "title" field if the given value is not nil.
func (du *DocumentUpdate) SetNillableTitle(s *string) *DocumentUpdate {
if s != nil {
return du
// SetPath sets the "path" field.
func (du *DocumentUpdate) SetPath(s string) *DocumentUpdate {
return du
// SetNillablePath sets the "path" field if the given value is not nil.
func (du *DocumentUpdate) SetNillablePath(s *string) *DocumentUpdate {
if s != nil {
return du
// SetGroupID sets the "group" edge to the Group entity by ID.
func (du *DocumentUpdate) SetGroupID(id uuid.UUID) *DocumentUpdate {
@ -288,12 +304,28 @@ func (duo *DocumentUpdateOne) SetTitle(s string) *DocumentUpdateOne {
return duo
// SetNillableTitle sets the "title" field if the given value is not nil.
func (duo *DocumentUpdateOne) SetNillableTitle(s *string) *DocumentUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return duo
// SetPath sets the "path" field.
func (duo *DocumentUpdateOne) SetPath(s string) *DocumentUpdateOne {
return duo
// SetNillablePath sets the "path" field if the given value is not nil.
func (duo *DocumentUpdateOne) SetNillablePath(s *string) *DocumentUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return duo
// SetGroupID sets the "group" edge to the Group entity by ID.
func (duo *DocumentUpdateOne) SetGroupID(id uuid.UUID) *DocumentUpdateOne {
@ -399,32 +399,15 @@ func HasNotifiersWith(preds ...predicate.Notifier) predicate.Group {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Group) predicate.Group {
return predicate.Group(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Group(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Group) predicate.Group {
return predicate.Group(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Group(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Group) predicate.Group {
return predicate.Group(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Group(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -441,11 +441,15 @@ func (gc *GroupCreate) createSpec() (*Group, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// GroupCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Group entities in bulk.
type GroupCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*GroupCreate
// Save creates the Group entities in the database.
func (gcb *GroupCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Group, error) {
if gcb.err != nil {
return nil, gcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(gcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Group, len(gcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(gcb.builders))
@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ func (gu *GroupUpdate) SetName(s string) *GroupUpdate {
return gu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (gu *GroupUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *GroupUpdate {
if s != nil {
return gu
// SetCurrency sets the "currency" field.
func (gu *GroupUpdate) SetCurrency(gr group.Currency) *GroupUpdate {
@ -738,6 +746,14 @@ func (guo *GroupUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *GroupUpdateOne {
return guo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (guo *GroupUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *GroupUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return guo
// SetCurrency sets the "currency" field.
func (guo *GroupUpdateOne) SetCurrency(gr group.Currency) *GroupUpdateOne {
@ -306,32 +306,15 @@ func HasGroupWith(preds ...predicate.Group) predicate.GroupInvitationToken {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.GroupInvitationToken) predicate.GroupInvitationToken {
return predicate.GroupInvitationToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.GroupInvitationToken(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.GroupInvitationToken) predicate.GroupInvitationToken {
return predicate.GroupInvitationToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.GroupInvitationToken(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.GroupInvitationToken) predicate.GroupInvitationToken {
return predicate.GroupInvitationToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.GroupInvitationToken(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -269,11 +269,15 @@ func (gitc *GroupInvitationTokenCreate) createSpec() (*GroupInvitationToken, *sq
// GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk is the builder for creating many GroupInvitationToken entities in bulk.
type GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*GroupInvitationTokenCreate
// Save creates the GroupInvitationToken entities in the database.
func (gitcb *GroupInvitationTokenCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*GroupInvitationToken, error) {
if gitcb.err != nil {
return nil, gitcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(gitcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*GroupInvitationToken, len(gitcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(gitcb.builders))
@ -1592,32 +1592,15 @@ func HasAttachmentsWith(preds ...predicate.Attachment) predicate.Item {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Item) predicate.Item {
return predicate.Item(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Item(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Item) predicate.Item {
return predicate.Item(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Item(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Item) predicate.Item {
return predicate.Item(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Item(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -900,11 +900,15 @@ func (ic *ItemCreate) createSpec() (*Item, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// ItemCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Item entities in bulk.
type ItemCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*ItemCreate
// Save creates the Item entities in the database.
func (icb *ItemCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Item, error) {
if icb.err != nil {
return nil, icb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(icb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Item, len(icb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(icb.builders))
@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ func (iu *ItemUpdate) SetName(s string) *ItemUpdate {
return iu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (iu *ItemUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *ItemUpdate {
if s != nil {
return iu
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (iu *ItemUpdate) SetDescription(s string) *ItemUpdate {
@ -1247,6 +1255,14 @@ func (iuo *ItemUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *ItemUpdateOne {
return iuo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (iuo *ItemUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *ItemUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return iuo
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (iuo *ItemUpdateOne) SetDescription(s string) *ItemUpdateOne {
@ -536,32 +536,15 @@ func HasItemWith(preds ...predicate.Item) predicate.ItemField {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.ItemField) predicate.ItemField {
return predicate.ItemField(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.ItemField(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.ItemField) predicate.ItemField {
return predicate.ItemField(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.ItemField(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.ItemField) predicate.ItemField {
return predicate.ItemField(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.ItemField(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -356,11 +356,15 @@ func (ifc *ItemFieldCreate) createSpec() (*ItemField, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// ItemFieldCreateBulk is the builder for creating many ItemField entities in bulk.
type ItemFieldCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*ItemFieldCreate
// Save creates the ItemField entities in the database.
func (ifcb *ItemFieldCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*ItemField, error) {
if ifcb.err != nil {
return nil, ifcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(ifcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*ItemField, len(ifcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(ifcb.builders))
@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ func (ifu *ItemFieldUpdate) SetName(s string) *ItemFieldUpdate {
return ifu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (ifu *ItemFieldUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *ItemFieldUpdate {
if s != nil {
return ifu
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (ifu *ItemFieldUpdate) SetDescription(s string) *ItemFieldUpdate {
@ -68,6 +76,14 @@ func (ifu *ItemFieldUpdate) SetType(i itemfield.Type) *ItemFieldUpdate {
return ifu
// SetNillableType sets the "type" field if the given value is not nil.
func (ifu *ItemFieldUpdate) SetNillableType(i *itemfield.Type) *ItemFieldUpdate {
if i != nil {
return ifu
// SetTextValue sets the "text_value" field.
func (ifu *ItemFieldUpdate) SetTextValue(s string) *ItemFieldUpdate {
@ -343,6 +359,14 @@ func (ifuo *ItemFieldUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *ItemFieldUpdateOne {
return ifuo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (ifuo *ItemFieldUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *ItemFieldUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return ifuo
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (ifuo *ItemFieldUpdateOne) SetDescription(s string) *ItemFieldUpdateOne {
@ -369,6 +393,14 @@ func (ifuo *ItemFieldUpdateOne) SetType(i itemfield.Type) *ItemFieldUpdateOne {
return ifuo
// SetNillableType sets the "type" field if the given value is not nil.
func (ifuo *ItemFieldUpdateOne) SetNillableType(i *itemfield.Type) *ItemFieldUpdateOne {
if i != nil {
return ifuo
// SetTextValue sets the "text_value" field.
func (ifuo *ItemFieldUpdateOne) SetTextValue(s string) *ItemFieldUpdateOne {
@ -424,32 +424,15 @@ func HasItemsWith(preds ...predicate.Item) predicate.Label {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Label) predicate.Label {
return predicate.Label(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Label(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Label) predicate.Label {
return predicate.Label(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Label(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Label) predicate.Label {
return predicate.Label(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Label(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -297,11 +297,15 @@ func (lc *LabelCreate) createSpec() (*Label, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// LabelCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Label entities in bulk.
type LabelCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*LabelCreate
// Save creates the Label entities in the database.
func (lcb *LabelCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Label, error) {
if lcb.err != nil {
return nil, lcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(lcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Label, len(lcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(lcb.builders))
@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ func (lu *LabelUpdate) SetName(s string) *LabelUpdate {
return lu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (lu *LabelUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *LabelUpdate {
if s != nil {
return lu
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (lu *LabelUpdate) SetDescription(s string) *LabelUpdate {
@ -336,6 +344,14 @@ func (luo *LabelUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *LabelUpdateOne {
return luo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (luo *LabelUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *LabelUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return luo
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (luo *LabelUpdateOne) SetDescription(s string) *LabelUpdateOne {
@ -390,32 +390,15 @@ func HasItemsWith(preds ...predicate.Item) predicate.Location {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Location) predicate.Location {
return predicate.Location(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Location(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Location) predicate.Location {
return predicate.Location(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Location(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Location) predicate.Location {
return predicate.Location(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Location(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -341,11 +341,15 @@ func (lc *LocationCreate) createSpec() (*Location, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// LocationCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Location entities in bulk.
type LocationCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*LocationCreate
// Save creates the Location entities in the database.
func (lcb *LocationCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Location, error) {
if lcb.err != nil {
return nil, lcb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(lcb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Location, len(lcb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(lcb.builders))
@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ func (lu *LocationUpdate) SetName(s string) *LocationUpdate {
return lu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (lu *LocationUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *LocationUpdate {
if s != nil {
return lu
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (lu *LocationUpdate) SetDescription(s string) *LocationUpdate {
@ -440,6 +448,14 @@ func (luo *LocationUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *LocationUpdateOne {
return luo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (luo *LocationUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *LocationUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return luo
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (luo *LocationUpdateOne) SetDescription(s string) *LocationUpdateOne {
@ -501,32 +501,15 @@ func HasItemWith(preds ...predicate.Item) predicate.MaintenanceEntry {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.MaintenanceEntry) predicate.MaintenanceEntry {
return predicate.MaintenanceEntry(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.MaintenanceEntry(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.MaintenanceEntry) predicate.MaintenanceEntry {
return predicate.MaintenanceEntry(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.MaintenanceEntry(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.MaintenanceEntry) predicate.MaintenanceEntry {
return predicate.MaintenanceEntry(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.MaintenanceEntry(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -306,11 +306,15 @@ func (mec *MaintenanceEntryCreate) createSpec() (*MaintenanceEntry, *sqlgraph.Cr
// MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk is the builder for creating many MaintenanceEntry entities in bulk.
type MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*MaintenanceEntryCreate
// Save creates the MaintenanceEntry entities in the database.
func (mecb *MaintenanceEntryCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*MaintenanceEntry, error) {
if mecb.err != nil {
return nil, mecb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(mecb.builders))
nodes := make([]*MaintenanceEntry, len(mecb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(mecb.builders))
@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ func (meu *MaintenanceEntryUpdate) SetItemID(u uuid.UUID) *MaintenanceEntryUpdat
return meu
// SetNillableItemID sets the "item_id" field if the given value is not nil.
func (meu *MaintenanceEntryUpdate) SetNillableItemID(u *uuid.UUID) *MaintenanceEntryUpdate {
if u != nil {
return meu
// SetDate sets the "date" field.
func (meu *MaintenanceEntryUpdate) SetDate(t time.Time) *MaintenanceEntryUpdate {
@ -88,6 +96,14 @@ func (meu *MaintenanceEntryUpdate) SetName(s string) *MaintenanceEntryUpdate {
return meu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (meu *MaintenanceEntryUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *MaintenanceEntryUpdate {
if s != nil {
return meu
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (meu *MaintenanceEntryUpdate) SetDescription(s string) *MaintenanceEntryUpdate {
@ -302,6 +318,14 @@ func (meuo *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne) SetItemID(u uuid.UUID) *MaintenanceEntryU
return meuo
// SetNillableItemID sets the "item_id" field if the given value is not nil.
func (meuo *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne) SetNillableItemID(u *uuid.UUID) *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne {
if u != nil {
return meuo
// SetDate sets the "date" field.
func (meuo *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne) SetDate(t time.Time) *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne {
@ -348,6 +372,14 @@ func (meuo *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *MaintenanceEntryUpdate
return meuo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (meuo *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return meuo
// SetDescription sets the "description" field.
func (meuo *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne) SetDescription(s string) *MaintenanceEntryUpdateOne {
@ -9529,6 +9529,7 @@ func (m *MaintenanceEntryMutation) ResetCost() {
// ClearItem clears the "item" edge to the Item entity.
func (m *MaintenanceEntryMutation) ClearItem() {
m.cleareditem = true
m.clearedFields[maintenanceentry.FieldItemID] = struct{}{}
// ItemCleared reports if the "item" edge to the Item entity was cleared.
@ -10292,6 +10293,7 @@ func (m *NotifierMutation) ResetIsActive() {
// ClearGroup clears the "group" edge to the Group entity.
func (m *NotifierMutation) ClearGroup() {
m.clearedgroup = true
m.clearedFields[notifier.FieldGroupID] = struct{}{}
// GroupCleared reports if the "group" edge to the Group entity was cleared.
@ -10318,6 +10320,7 @@ func (m *NotifierMutation) ResetGroup() {
// ClearUser clears the "user" edge to the User entity.
func (m *NotifierMutation) ClearUser() {
m.cleareduser = true
m.clearedFields[notifier.FieldUserID] = struct{}{}
// UserCleared reports if the "user" edge to the User entity was cleared.
@ -399,32 +399,15 @@ func HasUserWith(preds ...predicate.User) predicate.Notifier {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.Notifier) predicate.Notifier {
return predicate.Notifier(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.Notifier(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.Notifier) predicate.Notifier {
return predicate.Notifier(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.Notifier(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.Notifier) predicate.Notifier {
return predicate.Notifier(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.Notifier(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -300,11 +300,15 @@ func (nc *NotifierCreate) createSpec() (*Notifier, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// NotifierCreateBulk is the builder for creating many Notifier entities in bulk.
type NotifierCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*NotifierCreate
// Save creates the Notifier entities in the database.
func (ncb *NotifierCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*Notifier, error) {
if ncb.err != nil {
return nil, ncb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(ncb.builders))
nodes := make([]*Notifier, len(ncb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(ncb.builders))
@ -43,24 +43,56 @@ func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetGroupID(u uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdate {
return nu
// SetNillableGroupID sets the "group_id" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetNillableGroupID(u *uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdate {
if u != nil {
return nu
// SetUserID sets the "user_id" field.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetUserID(u uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdate {
return nu
// SetNillableUserID sets the "user_id" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetNillableUserID(u *uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdate {
if u != nil {
return nu
// SetName sets the "name" field.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetName(s string) *NotifierUpdate {
return nu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *NotifierUpdate {
if s != nil {
return nu
// SetURL sets the "url" field.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetURL(s string) *NotifierUpdate {
return nu
// SetNillableURL sets the "url" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetNillableURL(s *string) *NotifierUpdate {
if s != nil {
return nu
// SetIsActive sets the "is_active" field.
func (nu *NotifierUpdate) SetIsActive(b bool) *NotifierUpdate {
@ -273,24 +305,56 @@ func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetGroupID(u uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdateOne {
return nuo
// SetNillableGroupID sets the "group_id" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetNillableGroupID(u *uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdateOne {
if u != nil {
return nuo
// SetUserID sets the "user_id" field.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetUserID(u uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdateOne {
return nuo
// SetNillableUserID sets the "user_id" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetNillableUserID(u *uuid.UUID) *NotifierUpdateOne {
if u != nil {
return nuo
// SetName sets the "name" field.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *NotifierUpdateOne {
return nuo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *NotifierUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return nuo
// SetURL sets the "url" field.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetURL(s string) *NotifierUpdateOne {
return nuo
// SetNillableURL sets the "url" field if the given value is not nil.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetNillableURL(s *string) *NotifierUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return nuo
// SetIsActive sets the "is_active" field.
func (nuo *NotifierUpdateOne) SetIsActive(b bool) *NotifierUpdateOne {
@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ package runtime
// The schema-stitching logic is generated in github.com/hay-kot/homebox/backend/internal/data/ent/runtime.go
const (
Version = "v0.12.3" // Version of ent codegen.
Sum = "h1:N5lO2EOrHpCH5HYfiMOCHYbo+oh5M8GjT0/cx5x6xkk=" // Sum of ent codegen.
Version = "v0.12.5" // Version of ent codegen.
Sum = "h1:KREM5E4CSoej4zeGa88Ou/gfturAnpUv0mzAjch1sj4=" // Sum of ent codegen.
@ -532,32 +532,15 @@ func HasNotifiersWith(preds ...predicate.Notifier) predicate.User {
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.User) predicate.User {
return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for _, p := range predicates {
return predicate.User(sql.AndPredicates(predicates...))
// Or groups predicates with the OR operator between them.
func Or(predicates ...predicate.User) predicate.User {
return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s1 := s.Clone().SetP(nil)
for i, p := range predicates {
if i > 0 {
return predicate.User(sql.OrPredicates(predicates...))
// Not applies the not operator on the given predicate.
func Not(p predicate.User) predicate.User {
return predicate.User(func(s *sql.Selector) {
return predicate.User(sql.NotPredicates(p))
@ -417,11 +417,15 @@ func (uc *UserCreate) createSpec() (*User, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec) {
// UserCreateBulk is the builder for creating many User entities in bulk.
type UserCreateBulk struct {
err error
builders []*UserCreate
// Save creates the User entities in the database.
func (ucb *UserCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*User, error) {
if ucb.err != nil {
return nil, ucb.err
specs := make([]*sqlgraph.CreateSpec, len(ucb.builders))
nodes := make([]*User, len(ucb.builders))
mutators := make([]Mutator, len(ucb.builders))
@ -44,18 +44,42 @@ func (uu *UserUpdate) SetName(s string) *UserUpdate {
return uu
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (uu *UserUpdate) SetNillableName(s *string) *UserUpdate {
if s != nil {
return uu
// SetEmail sets the "email" field.
func (uu *UserUpdate) SetEmail(s string) *UserUpdate {
return uu
// SetNillableEmail sets the "email" field if the given value is not nil.
func (uu *UserUpdate) SetNillableEmail(s *string) *UserUpdate {
if s != nil {
return uu
// SetPassword sets the "password" field.
func (uu *UserUpdate) SetPassword(s string) *UserUpdate {
return uu
// SetNillablePassword sets the "password" field if the given value is not nil.
func (uu *UserUpdate) SetNillablePassword(s *string) *UserUpdate {
if s != nil {
return uu
// SetIsSuperuser sets the "is_superuser" field.
func (uu *UserUpdate) SetIsSuperuser(b bool) *UserUpdate {
@ -466,18 +490,42 @@ func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetName(s string) *UserUpdateOne {
return uuo
// SetNillableName sets the "name" field if the given value is not nil.
func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetNillableName(s *string) *UserUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return uuo
// SetEmail sets the "email" field.
func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetEmail(s string) *UserUpdateOne {
return uuo
// SetNillableEmail sets the "email" field if the given value is not nil.
func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetNillableEmail(s *string) *UserUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return uuo
// SetPassword sets the "password" field.
func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetPassword(s string) *UserUpdateOne {
return uuo
// SetNillablePassword sets the "password" field if the given value is not nil.
func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetNillablePassword(s *string) *UserUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return uuo
// SetIsSuperuser sets the "is_superuser" field.
func (uuo *UserUpdateOne) SetIsSuperuser(b bool) *UserUpdateOne {
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