package reporting import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // IOSheet is the representation of a CSV/TSV sheet that is used for importing/exporting // items from homebox. It is used to read/write the data from/to a CSV/TSV file given // the standard format of the file. // // See ExportTSVRow for the format of the data in the sheet. type IOSheet struct { headers []string custom []int index map[string]int Rows []ExportTSVRow } func (s *IOSheet) indexHeaders() { s.index = make(map[string]int) for i, h := range s.headers { if strings.HasPrefix(h, "HB.field") { s.custom = append(s.custom, i) } if strings.HasPrefix(h, "HB.") { s.index[h] = i } } } func (s *IOSheet) GetColumn(str string) (col int, ok bool) { if s.index == nil { s.indexHeaders() } col, ok = s.index[str] return } // Read reads a CSV/TSV and populates the "Rows" field with the data from the sheet // Custom Fields are supported via the `HB.field.*` headers. The `HB.field.*` the "Name" // of the field is the part after the `HB.field.` prefix. Additionally, Custom Fields with // no value are excluded from the row.Fields slice, this includes empty strings. // // Note That // - the first row is assumed to be the header // - at least 1 row of data is required // - rows and columns must be rectangular (i.e. all rows must have the same number of columns) func (s *IOSheet) Read(data io.Reader) error { sheet, err := readRawCsv(data) if err != nil { return err } if len(sheet) < 2 { return fmt.Errorf("sheet must have at least 1 row of data (header + 1)") } s.headers = sheet[0] s.Rows = make([]ExportTSVRow, len(sheet)-1) for i, row := range sheet[1:] { if len(row) != len(s.headers) { return fmt.Errorf("row has %d columns, expected %d", len(row), len(s.headers)) } rowData := ExportTSVRow{} st := reflect.TypeOf(ExportTSVRow{}) for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ { field := st.Field(i) tag := field.Tag.Get("csv") if tag == "" || tag == "-" { continue } col, ok := s.GetColumn(tag) if !ok { continue } val := row[col] var v interface{} switch field.Type { case reflect.TypeOf(""): v = val case reflect.TypeOf(int(0)): v = parseInt(val) case reflect.TypeOf(bool(false)): v = parseBool(val) case reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): v = parseFloat(val) // Custom Types case reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{}): v = types.DateFromString(val) case reflect.TypeOf(repo.AssetID(0)): v, _ = repo.ParseAssetID(val) case reflect.TypeOf(LocationString{}): v = parseLocationString(val) case reflect.TypeOf(LabelString{}): v = parseLabelString(val) } log.Debug(). Str("tag", tag). Interface("val", v). Str("type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", v)). Msg("parsed value") // Nil values are not allowed at the moment. This may change. if v == nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not convert %q to %s", val, field.Type) } ptrField := reflect.ValueOf(&rowData).Elem().Field(i) ptrField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) } for _, col := range s.custom { colName := strings.TrimPrefix(s.headers[col], "HB.field.") customVal := row[col] if customVal == "" { continue } rowData.Fields = append(rowData.Fields, ExportItemFields{ Name: colName, Value: customVal, }) } s.Rows[i] = rowData } return nil } // ReadItems writes the sheet to a writer. func (s *IOSheet) ReadItems(ctx context.Context, items []repo.ItemOut, GID uuid.UUID, repos *repo.AllRepos) error { s.Rows = make([]ExportTSVRow, len(items)) extraHeaders := map[string]struct{}{} for i := range items { item := items[i] // TODO: Support fetching nested locations locID := item.Location.ID locPaths, err := repos.Locations.PathForLoc(context.Background(), GID, locID) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("could not get location path") return err } locString := fromPathSlice(locPaths) labelString := make([]string, len(item.Labels)) for i, l := range item.Labels { labelString[i] = l.Name } customFields := make([]ExportItemFields, len(item.Fields)) for i, f := range item.Fields { extraHeaders[f.Name] = struct{}{} customFields[i] = ExportItemFields{ Name: f.Name, Value: f.TextValue, } } s.Rows[i] = ExportTSVRow{ // fill struct Location: locString, LabelStr: labelString, ImportRef: item.ImportRef, AssetID: item.AssetID, Name: item.Name, Quantity: item.Quantity, Description: item.Description, Insured: item.Insured, Archived: item.Archived, PurchasePrice: item.PurchasePrice, PurchaseFrom: item.PurchaseFrom, PurchaseTime: item.PurchaseTime, Manufacturer: item.Manufacturer, ModelNumber: item.ModelNumber, SerialNumber: item.SerialNumber, LifetimeWarranty: item.LifetimeWarranty, WarrantyExpires: item.WarrantyExpires, WarrantyDetails: item.WarrantyDetails, SoldTo: item.SoldTo, SoldTime: item.SoldTime, SoldPrice: item.SoldPrice, SoldNotes: item.SoldNotes, Fields: customFields, } } // Extract and sort additional headers for deterministic output customHeaders := make([]string, 0, len(extraHeaders)) for k := range extraHeaders { customHeaders = append(customHeaders, k) } sort.Strings(customHeaders) st := reflect.TypeOf(ExportTSVRow{}) // Write headers for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ { field := st.Field(i) tag := field.Tag.Get("csv") if tag == "" || tag == "-" { continue } s.headers = append(s.headers, tag) } for _, h := range customHeaders { s.headers = append(s.headers, "HB.field."+h) } return nil } // TSV writes the current sheet to a writer in TSV format. func (s *IOSheet) TSV() ([][]string, error) { memcsv := make([][]string, len(s.Rows)+1) memcsv[0] = s.headers // use struct tags in rows to dertmine column order for i, row := range s.Rows { rowIdx := i + 1 memcsv[rowIdx] = make([]string, len(s.headers)) st := reflect.TypeOf(row) for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ { field := st.Field(i) tag := field.Tag.Get("csv") if tag == "" || tag == "-" { continue } col, ok := s.GetColumn(tag) if !ok { continue } val := reflect.ValueOf(row).Field(i) var v string switch field.Type { case reflect.TypeOf(""): v = val.String() case reflect.TypeOf(int(0)): v = strconv.Itoa(int(val.Int())) case reflect.TypeOf(bool(false)): v = strconv.FormatBool(val.Bool()) case reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)): v = strconv.FormatFloat(val.Float(), 'f', -1, 64) // Custom Types case reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{}): v = val.Interface().(types.Date).String() case reflect.TypeOf(repo.AssetID(0)): v = val.Interface().(repo.AssetID).String() case reflect.TypeOf(LocationString{}): v = val.Interface().(LocationString).String() case reflect.TypeOf(LabelString{}): v = val.Interface().(LabelString).String() default: log.Debug().Str("type", field.Type.String()).Msg("unknown type") } memcsv[rowIdx][col] = v } for _, f := range row.Fields { col, ok := s.GetColumn("HB.field." + f.Name) if !ok { continue } memcsv[i+1][col] = f.Value } } return memcsv, nil }