import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest"; import { titlecase, capitalize, truncate } from "."; describe("title case tests", () => { it("should return the same string if it's already title case", () => { expect(titlecase("Hello World")).toBe("Hello World"); }); it("should title case a lower case word", () => { expect(titlecase("hello")).toBe("Hello"); }); it("should title case a sentence", () => { expect(titlecase("hello world")).toBe("Hello World"); }); it("should title case a sentence with multiple words", () => { expect(titlecase("hello world this is a test")).toBe("Hello World This Is A Test"); }); }); describe("capitilize tests", () => { it("should return the same string if it's already capitalized", () => { expect(capitalize("Hello")).toBe("Hello"); }); it("should capitalize a lower case word", () => { expect(capitalize("hello")).toBe("Hello"); }); it("should capitalize a sentence", () => { expect(capitalize("hello world")).toBe("Hello world"); }); it("should capitalize a sentence with multiple words", () => { expect(capitalize("hello world this is a test")).toBe("Hello world this is a test"); }); }); describe("truncase tests", () => { it("should return the same string if it's already truncated", () => { expect(truncate("Hello", 5)).toBe("Hello"); }); it("should truncate a lower case word", () => { expect(truncate("hello", 3)).toBe("hel..."); }); it("should truncate a sentence", () => { expect(truncate("hello world", 5)).toBe("hello..."); }); it("should truncate a sentence with multiple words", () => { expect(truncate("hello world this is a test", 10)).toBe("hello worl..."); }); });