<script setup lang="ts"> import type { ItemSummary, LabelSummary, LocationOutCount } from "~~/lib/api/types/data-contracts"; import { useLabelStore } from "~~/stores/labels"; import { useLocationStore } from "~~/stores/locations"; import MdiLoading from "~icons/mdi/loading"; import MdiMagnify from "~icons/mdi/magnify"; import MdiDelete from "~icons/mdi/delete"; import MdiChevronRight from "~icons/mdi/chevron-right"; import MdiChevronLeft from "~icons/mdi/chevron-left"; definePageMeta({ middleware: ["auth"], }); useHead({ title: "Homebox | Items", }); const searchLocked = ref(false); const queryParamsInitialized = ref(false); const initialSearch = ref(true); const api = useUserApi(); const loading = useMinLoader(500); const items = ref<ItemSummary[]>([]); const total = ref(0); const page1 = useRouteQuery("page", 1); const page = computed({ get: () => page1.value, set: value => { page1.value = value; }, }); const pageSize = useRouteQuery("pageSize", 21); const query = useRouteQuery("q", ""); const advanced = useRouteQuery("advanced", false); const includeArchived = useRouteQuery("archived", false); const fieldSelector = useRouteQuery("fieldSelector", false); const totalPages = computed(() => Math.ceil(total.value / pageSize.value)); const hasNext = computed(() => page.value * pageSize.value < total.value); const hasPrev = computed(() => page.value > 1); function prev() { page.value = Math.max(1, page.value - 1); } function next() { page.value = Math.min(Math.ceil(total.value / pageSize.value), page.value + 1); } const route = useRoute(); const router = useRouter(); onMounted(async () => { loading.value = true; // Wait until locations and labels are loaded let maxRetry = 10; while (!labels.value || !locations.value) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); if (maxRetry-- < 0) { break; } } searchLocked.value = true; const qLoc = route.query.loc as string[]; if (qLoc) { selectedLocations.value = locations.value.filter(l => qLoc.includes(l.id)); } const qLab = route.query.lab as string[]; if (qLab) { selectedLabels.value = labels.value.filter(l => qLab.includes(l.id)); } queryParamsInitialized.value = true; searchLocked.value = false; const qFields = route.query.fields as string[]; if (qFields) { fieldTuples.value = qFields.map(f => f.split("=") as [string, string]); for (const t of fieldTuples.value) { if (t[0] && t[1]) { await fetchValues(t[0]); } } } // trigger search if no changes if (!qLab && !qLoc) { search(); } loading.value = false; window.scroll({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: "smooth", }); }); const locationsStore = useLocationStore(); const locationFlatTree = await useFlatLocations(); const locations = computed(() => locationsStore.allLocations); const labelStore = useLabelStore(); const labels = computed(() => labelStore.labels); const selectedLocations = ref<LocationOutCount[]>([]); const selectedLabels = ref<LabelSummary[]>([]); const locIDs = computed(() => selectedLocations.value.map(l => l.id)); const labIDs = computed(() => selectedLabels.value.map(l => l.id)); function parseAssetIDString(d: string) { d = d.replace(/"/g, "").replace(/-/g, ""); const aidInt = parseInt(d); if (isNaN(aidInt)) { return [-1, false]; } return [aidInt, true]; } const byAssetId = computed(() => query.value?.startsWith("#") || false); const parsedAssetId = computed(() => { if (!byAssetId.value) { return ""; } else { const [aid, valid] = parseAssetIDString(query.value.replace("#", "")); if (!valid) { return "Invalid Asset ID"; } else { return aid; } } }); const fieldTuples = ref<[string, string][]>([]); const fieldValuesCache = ref<Record<string, string[]>>({}); const { data: allFields } = useAsyncData(async () => { const { data, error } = await api.items.fields.getAll(); if (error) { return []; } return data; }); watch(fieldSelector, (newV, oldV) => { if (newV === false && oldV === true) { fieldTuples.value = []; } }); async function fetchValues(field: string): Promise<string[]> { if (fieldValuesCache.value[field]) { return fieldValuesCache.value[field]; } const { data, error } = await api.items.fields.getAllValues(field); if (error) { return []; } fieldValuesCache.value[field] = data; return data; } watch(advanced, (v, lv) => { if (v === false && lv === true) { selectedLocations.value = []; selectedLabels.value = []; fieldTuples.value = []; console.log("advanced", advanced.value); router.push({ query: { advanced: route.query.advanced, q: query.value, page: page.value, pageSize: pageSize.value, includeArchived: includeArchived.value ? "true" : "false", }, }); } }); async function search() { if (searchLocked.value) { return; } loading.value = true; const fields = []; for (const t of fieldTuples.value) { if (t[0] && t[1]) { fields.push(`${t[0]}=${t[1]}`); } } const toast = useNotifier(); const { data, error } = await api.items.getAll({ q: query.value || "", locations: locIDs.value, labels: labIDs.value, includeArchived: includeArchived.value, page: page.value, pageSize: pageSize.value, fields, }); function resetItems() { page.value = Math.max(1, page.value - 1); loading.value = false; total.value = 0; items.value = []; } if (error) { resetItems(); toast.error("Failed to search items"); return; } if (!data.items || data.items.length === 0) { resetItems(); return; } total.value = data.total; items.value = data.items; loading.value = false; initialSearch.value = false; } watchDebounced([page, pageSize, query, selectedLabels, selectedLocations], search, { debounce: 250, maxWait: 1000 }); async function submit() { // Set URL Params const fields = []; for (const t of fieldTuples.value) { if (t[0] && t[1]) { fields.push(`${t[0]}=${t[1]}`); } } // Push non-reactive query fields await router.push({ query: { // Reactive advanced: "true", archived: includeArchived.value ? "true" : "false", fieldSelector: fieldSelector.value ? "true" : "false", pageSize: pageSize.value, page: page.value, q: query.value, // Non-reactive loc: locIDs.value, lab: labIDs.value, fields, }, }); // Reset Pagination page.value = 1; // Perform Search await search(); } async function reset() { // Set URL Params const fields = []; for (const t of fieldTuples.value) { if (t[0] && t[1]) { fields.push(`${t[0]}=${t[1]}`); } } await router.push({ query: { archived: "false", fieldSelector: "false", pageSize: 10, page: 1, q: "", loc: [], lab: [], fields, }, }); await search(); } </script> <template> <BaseContainer class="mb-16"> <div v-if="locations && labels"> <div class="flex flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap gap-4 items-end"> <div class="w-full"> <FormTextField v-model="query" placeholder="Search" /> <div v-if="byAssetId" class="text-sm pl-2 pt-2"> <p>Querying Asset ID Number: {{ parsedAssetId }}</p> </div> </div> <BaseButton class="btn-block md:w-auto" @click.prevent="submit"> <template #icon> <MdiLoading v-if="loading" class="animate-spin" /> <MdiMagnify v-else /> </template> Search </BaseButton> </div> <div class="flex flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap gap-2 w-full py-2"> <SearchFilter v-model="selectedLocations" label="Locations" :options="locationFlatTree"> <template #display="{ item }"> <div> <div class="flex w-full"> {{ item.name }} </div> <div v-if="item.name != item.treeString" class="text-xs mt-1"> {{ item.treeString }} </div> </div> </template> </SearchFilter> <SearchFilter v-model="selectedLabels" label="Labels" :options="labels" /> <div class="dropdown"> <label tabindex="0" class="btn btn-xs">Options</label> <div tabindex="0" class="dropdown-content mt-1 max-h-72 p-4 w-64 overflow-auto shadow bg-base-100 rounded-md -translate-x-24" > <label class="label cursor-pointer mr-auto"> <input v-model="includeArchived" type="checkbox" class="toggle toggle-sm toggle-primary" /> <span class="label-text ml-4"> Include Archived Items </span> </label> <label class="label cursor-pointer mr-auto"> <input v-model="fieldSelector" type="checkbox" class="toggle toggle-sm toggle-primary" /> <span class="label-text ml-4"> Field Selector </span> </label> <hr class="my-2" /> <BaseButton class="btn-block btn-sm" @click="reset"> Reset Search</BaseButton> </div> </div> <div class="dropdown ml-auto dropdown-end"> <label tabindex="0" class="btn btn-xs">Tips</label> <div tabindex="0" class="dropdown-content mt-1 p-4 w-[325px] text-sm overflow-auto shadow bg-base-100 rounded-md" > <p class="text-base">Search Tips</p> <ul class="mt-1 list-disc pl-6"> <li> Location and label filters use the 'OR' operation. If more than one is selected only one will be required for a match. </li> <li>Searches prefixed with '#'' will query for a asset ID (example '#000-001')</li> <li> Field filters use the 'OR' operation. If more than one is selected only one will be required for a match. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="fieldSelector" class="py-4 space-y-2"> <p>Custom Fields</p> <div v-for="(f, idx) in fieldTuples" :key="idx" class="flex flex-wrap gap-2"> <div class="form-control w-full max-w-xs"> <label class="label"> <span class="label-text">Field</span> </label> <select v-model="fieldTuples[idx][0]" class="select-bordered select" :items="allFields ?? []" @change="fetchValues(f[0])" > <option v-for="(fv, _, i) in allFields" :key="i" :value="fv">{{ fv }}</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-control w-full max-w-xs"> <label class="label"> <span class="label-text">Field Value</span> </label> <select v-model="fieldTuples[idx][1]" class="select-bordered select" :items="fieldValuesCache[f[0]]"> <option v-for="v in fieldValuesCache[f[0]]" :key="v" :value="v">{{ v }}</option> </select> </div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-square btn-sm md:ml-0 ml-auto mt-auto mb-2" @click="fieldTuples.splice(idx, 1)" > <MdiDelete class="w-5 h-5" /> </button> </div> <BaseButton type="button" class="btn-sm mt-2" @click="() => fieldTuples.push(['', ''])"> Add</BaseButton> </div> </div> <section class="mt-10"> <BaseSectionHeader ref="itemsTitle"> Items </BaseSectionHeader> <p class="text-base font-medium flex items-center"> {{ total }} Results <span class="text-base ml-auto"> Page {{ page }} of {{ totalPages }}</span> </p> <div ref="cardgrid" class="grid mt-4 grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 gap-4"> <ItemCard v-for="item in items" :key="item.id" :item="item" /> <div class="hidden first:inline text-xl">No Items Found</div> </div> <div v-if="items.length > 0 && (hasNext || hasPrev)" class="mt-10 flex gap-2 flex-col items-center"> <div class="flex"> <div class="btn-group"> <button :disabled="!hasPrev" class="btn text-no-transform" @click="prev"> <MdiChevronLeft class="mr-1 h-6 w-6" name="mdi-chevron-left" /> Prev </button> <button v-if="hasPrev" class="btn text-no-transform" @click="page = 1">First</button> <button v-if="hasNext" class="btn text-no-transform" @click="page = totalPages">Last</button> <button :disabled="!hasNext" class="btn text-no-transform" @click="next"> Next <MdiChevronRight class="ml-1 h-6 w-6" name="mdi-chevron-right" /> </button> </div> </div> <p class="text-sm font-bold">Page {{ page }} of {{ totalPages }}</p> </div> </section> </BaseContainer> </template> <style lang="css"> .list-move, .list-enter-active, .list-leave-active { transition: all 0.25s ease; } .list-enter-from, .list-leave-to { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(30px); } .list-leave-active { position: absolute; } </style>