import type { Ref } from "vue"; import type { TreeItem } from "~~/lib/api/types/data-contracts"; export interface FlatTreeItem { id: string; name: string; treeString: string; } function flatTree(tree: TreeItem[]): FlatTreeItem[] { const v = [] as FlatTreeItem[]; // turns the nested items into a flat items array where // the display is a string of the tree hierarchy separated by breadcrumbs function flatten(items: TreeItem[], display: string) { if (!items) { return; } for (const item of items) { v.push({ id:, name:, treeString: display +, }); if (item.children) { flatten(item.children, display + + " > "); } } } flatten(tree, ""); return v; } export function useFlatLocations(): Ref { const locations = useLocationStore(); if (locations.tree === null) { locations.refreshTree(); } return computed(() => { if (locations.tree === null) { return []; } return flatTree(locations.tree); }); }