perf kwork top: Add -C/--cpu -i/--input -n/--name -s/--sort --time options

Provide the following options for perf kwork top:

1. -C, --cpu <cpu>		list of cpus to profile
2. -i, --input <file>		input file name
3. -n, --name <name>		event name to profile
4. -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>	sort by key(s): rate, runtime, tid
5. --time <str>		Time span for analysis (start,stop)

Example usage:

  # perf kwork top -h

   Usage: perf kwork top [<options>]

      -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to profile
      -i, --input <file>    input file name
      -n, --name <name>     event name to profile
      -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
                            sort by key(s): rate, runtime, tid
          --time <str>      Time span for analysis (start,stop)

  # perf kwork top -C 2,4,5

  Total  :  51226.940 ms, 3 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  92.59% id,   0.00% hi,   0.09% si
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.61%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu5   [|||||                           17.31%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.98      17073.515 ms  swapper/4
          0   95.17      16250.874 ms  swapper/2
          0   82.62      14108.577 ms  swapper/5
       4342   21.70       3708.358 ms  perf
         16    0.13         22.296 ms  rcu_preempt
         75    0.02          4.261 ms  kworker/2:1
         98    0.01          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
         61    0.01          3.404 ms  kcompactd0
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         73    0.00          0.596 ms  kworker/5:1
         41    0.00          0.041 ms  ksoftirqd/5
         40    0.00          0.718 ms  migration/5
         64    0.00          0.115 ms  kworker/4:1
         35    0.00          0.556 ms  migration/4
        353    0.00          1.143 ms  sshd
         26    0.00          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         25    0.00          0.662 ms  migration/2

  # perf kwork top -i

  Total  : 136601.588 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  95.66% id,   0.04% hi,   0.05% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.02%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.61%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.04%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu5   [|||||                           17.31%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.51%]
  %Cpu7   [|||                             11.42%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.98      17073.515 ms  swapper/4
          0   99.98      17072.173 ms  swapper/1
          0   99.93      17064.229 ms  swapper/3
          0   99.62      17011.013 ms  swapper/0
          0   99.47      16985.180 ms  swapper/6
          0   95.17      16250.874 ms  swapper/2
          0   88.51      15111.684 ms  swapper/7
          0   82.62      14108.577 ms  swapper/5
       4342   33.00       5644.045 ms  perf
       4344    0.43         74.351 ms  perf
         16    0.13         22.296 ms  rcu_preempt
       4345    0.05         10.093 ms  perf
       4343    0.05          8.769 ms  perf
       4341    0.02          4.882 ms  perf
       4095    0.02          4.605 ms  kworker/7:1
         75    0.02          4.261 ms  kworker/2:1
        120    0.01          1.909 ms  systemd-journal
         98    0.01          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
         61    0.01          3.404 ms  kcompactd0
        667    0.01          2.542 ms  kworker/u16:2
       4340    0.00          1.052 ms  kworker/7:2
         97    0.00          0.489 ms  kworker/7:1H
         51    0.00          0.209 ms  ksoftirqd/7
         50    0.00          0.646 ms  migration/7
         76    0.00          0.753 ms  kworker/6:1
         45    0.00          0.572 ms  migration/6
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         73    0.00          0.596 ms  kworker/5:1
         41    0.00          0.041 ms  ksoftirqd/5
         40    0.00          0.718 ms  migration/5
         64    0.00          0.115 ms  kworker/4:1
         35    0.00          0.556 ms  migration/4
        353    0.00          2.600 ms  sshd
         74    0.00          0.205 ms  kworker/3:1
         33    0.00          1.576 ms  kworker/3:0H
         30    0.00          0.996 ms  migration/3
         26    0.00          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         25    0.00          0.662 ms  migration/2
        397    0.00          0.057 ms  kworker/1:1
         20    0.00          1.005 ms  migration/1
       2909    0.00          1.053 ms  kworker/0:2
         17    0.00          0.720 ms  migration/0
         15    0.00          0.039 ms  ksoftirqd/0

  # perf kwork top -n perf

  Total  : 136601.588 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  95.66% id,   0.04% hi,   0.05% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.44%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu5   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.49%]
  %Cpu7   [|||                             11.38%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
       4342   15.74       2695.516 ms  perf
       4344    0.43         74.351 ms  perf
       4345    0.05         10.093 ms  perf
       4343    0.05          8.769 ms  perf
       4341    0.02          4.882 ms  perf

  # perf kwork top -s tid

  Total  : 136601.588 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  95.66% id,   0.04% hi,   0.05% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.02%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.61%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.04%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu5   [|||||                           17.31%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.51%]
  %Cpu7   [|||                             11.42%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.62      17011.013 ms  swapper/0
          0   99.98      17072.173 ms  swapper/1
          0   95.17      16250.874 ms  swapper/2
          0   99.93      17064.229 ms  swapper/3
          0   99.98      17073.515 ms  swapper/4
          0   82.62      14108.577 ms  swapper/5
          0   99.47      16985.180 ms  swapper/6
          0   88.51      15111.684 ms  swapper/7
         15    0.00          0.039 ms  ksoftirqd/0
         16    0.13         22.296 ms  rcu_preempt
         17    0.00          0.720 ms  migration/0
         20    0.00          1.005 ms  migration/1
         25    0.00          0.662 ms  migration/2
         26    0.00          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         30    0.00          0.996 ms  migration/3
         33    0.00          1.576 ms  kworker/3:0H
         35    0.00          0.556 ms  migration/4
         40    0.00          0.718 ms  migration/5
         41    0.00          0.041 ms  ksoftirqd/5
         45    0.00          0.572 ms  migration/6
         50    0.00          0.646 ms  migration/7
         51    0.00          0.209 ms  ksoftirqd/7
         61    0.01          3.404 ms  kcompactd0
         64    0.00          0.115 ms  kworker/4:1
         73    0.00          0.596 ms  kworker/5:1
         74    0.00          0.205 ms  kworker/3:1
         75    0.02          4.261 ms  kworker/2:1
         76    0.00          0.753 ms  kworker/6:1
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         97    0.00          0.489 ms  kworker/7:1H
         98    0.01          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
        120    0.01          1.909 ms  systemd-journal
        353    0.00          2.600 ms  sshd
        397    0.00          0.057 ms  kworker/1:1
        667    0.01          2.542 ms  kworker/u16:2
       2909    0.00          1.053 ms  kworker/0:2
       4095    0.02          4.605 ms  kworker/7:1
       4340    0.00          1.052 ms  kworker/7:2
       4341    0.02          4.882 ms  perf
       4342   33.00       5644.045 ms  perf
       4343    0.05          8.769 ms  perf
       4344    0.43         74.351 ms  perf
       4345    0.05         10.093 ms  perf

  # perf kwork top --time 128800,

  Total  :  53495.122 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  94.71% id,   0.09% hi,   0.09% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.07%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.04%]
  %Cpu2   [||                               8.49%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.09%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.02%]
  %Cpu5   [                                 0.06%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.12%]
  %Cpu7   [||||||                          21.24%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.96       3981.363 ms  swapper/4
          0   99.94       3978.955 ms  swapper/1
          0   99.91       9329.375 ms  swapper/5
          0   99.87       4906.829 ms  swapper/3
          0   99.86       9028.064 ms  swapper/6
          0   98.67       3928.161 ms  swapper/0
          0   91.17       8388.432 ms  swapper/2
          0   78.65       7125.602 ms  swapper/7
       4342   29.42       2675.198 ms  perf
         16    0.18         16.817 ms  rcu_preempt
       4345    0.09          8.183 ms  perf
       4344    0.04          4.290 ms  perf
       4343    0.03          2.844 ms  perf
        353    0.03          2.600 ms  sshd
       4095    0.02          2.702 ms  kworker/7:1
        120    0.02          1.909 ms  systemd-journal
         98    0.02          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
         61    0.02          1.886 ms  kcompactd0
        667    0.02          1.011 ms  kworker/u16:2
         75    0.02          2.693 ms  kworker/2:1
       4341    0.01          1.838 ms  perf
         30    0.01          0.788 ms  migration/3
         26    0.01          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         20    0.01          0.752 ms  migration/1
       2909    0.01          0.604 ms  kworker/0:2
       4340    0.00          0.635 ms  kworker/7:2
         97    0.00          0.214 ms  kworker/7:1H
         51    0.00          0.209 ms  ksoftirqd/7
         50    0.00          0.646 ms  migration/7
         76    0.00          0.602 ms  kworker/6:1
         45    0.00          0.366 ms  migration/6
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         40    0.00          0.446 ms  migration/5
         35    0.00          0.318 ms  migration/4
         74    0.00          0.205 ms  kworker/3:1
         33    0.00          0.080 ms  kworker/3:0H
         25    0.00          0.448 ms  migration/2
        397    0.00          0.057 ms  kworker/1:1
         17    0.00          0.365 ms  migration/0

Reviewed-by: Ian Rogers <>
Signed-off-by: Yang Jihong <>
Cc: Adrian Hunter <>
Cc: Alexander Shishkin <>
Cc: Ingo Molnar <>
Cc: Jiri Olsa <>
Cc: Kan Liang <>
Cc: Mark Rutland <>
Cc: Namhyung Kim <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Ravi Bangoria <>
Cc: Sandipan Das <>
Signed-off-by: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
This commit is contained in:
Yang Jihong 2023-08-12 08:49:14 +00:00 committed by Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
parent e29090d28c
commit aa172a5ad3
2 changed files with 80 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -178,6 +178,32 @@ OPTIONS for 'perf kwork timehist'
stop time is not given (i.e, time string is 'x.y,') then analysis goes
to end of file.
OPTIONS for 'perf kwork top'
Only show events for the given CPU(s) (comma separated list).
Input file name. (default: unless stdin is a fifo)
Only show events for the given name.
Sort by key(s): rate, runtime, tid
Only analyze samples within given time window: <start>,<stop>. Times
have the format seconds.microseconds. If start is not given (i.e., time
string is ',x.y') then analysis starts at the beginning of the file. If
stop time is not given (i.e, time string is 'x.y,') then analysis goes
to end of file.

View file

@ -146,6 +146,24 @@ static int cpu_usage_cmp(struct kwork_work *l, struct kwork_work *r)
return 0;
static int id_or_cpu_r_cmp(struct kwork_work *l, struct kwork_work *r)
if (l->id < r->id)
return 1;
if (l->id > r->id)
return -1;
if (l->id != 0)
return 0;
if (l->cpu < r->cpu)
return 1;
if (l->cpu > r->cpu)
return -1;
return 0;
static int sort_dimension__add(struct perf_kwork *kwork __maybe_unused,
const char *tok, struct list_head *list)
@ -174,6 +192,10 @@ static int sort_dimension__add(struct perf_kwork *kwork __maybe_unused,
.name = "rate",
.cmp = cpu_usage_cmp,
static struct sort_dimension tid_sort_dimension = {
.name = "tid",
.cmp = id_or_cpu_r_cmp,
struct sort_dimension *available_sorts[] = {
@ -181,6 +203,7 @@ static int sort_dimension__add(struct perf_kwork *kwork __maybe_unused,
if (kwork->report == KWORK_REPORT_LATENCY)
@ -381,6 +404,17 @@ static void profile_update_timespan(struct perf_kwork *kwork,
kwork->timeend = sample->time;
static bool profile_name_match(struct perf_kwork *kwork,
struct kwork_work *work)
if (kwork->profile_name && work->name &&
(strcmp(work->name, kwork->profile_name) != 0)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool profile_event_match(struct perf_kwork *kwork,
struct kwork_work *work,
struct perf_sample *sample)
@ -396,10 +430,14 @@ static bool profile_event_match(struct perf_kwork *kwork,
((ptime->end != 0) && (ptime->end < time)))
return false;
if ((kwork->profile_name != NULL) &&
(work->name != NULL) &&
(strcmp(work->name, kwork->profile_name) != 0))
* report top needs to collect the runtime of all tasks to
* calculate the load of each core.
if ((kwork->report != KWORK_REPORT_TOP) &&
!profile_name_match(kwork, work)) {
return false;
profile_update_timespan(kwork, sample);
return true;
@ -2070,6 +2108,9 @@ static void top_merge_tasks(struct perf_kwork *kwork)
rb_erase_cached(node, &class->work_root);
data = rb_entry(node, struct kwork_work, node);
if (!profile_name_match(kwork, data))
cpu = data->cpu;
merged_work = find_work_by_id(&merged_root, data->id,
data->id == 0 ? cpu : -1);
@ -2329,6 +2370,16 @@ int cmd_kwork(int argc, const char **argv)
const struct option top_options[] = {
OPT_STRING('s', "sort", &kwork.sort_order, "key[,key2...]",
"sort by key(s): rate, runtime, tid"),
OPT_STRING('C', "cpu", &kwork.cpu_list, "cpu",
"list of cpus to profile"),
OPT_STRING('n', "name", &kwork.profile_name, "name",
"event name to profile"),
OPT_STRING(0, "time", &kwork.time_str, "str",
"Time span for analysis (start,stop)"),
OPT_STRING('i', "input", &input_name, "file",
"input file name"),
const char *kwork_usage[] = {