
518 lines
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
* platform.h
* Hardware platform operations. Intended for use by domain-0 kernel.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006, K Fraser
#include <xen/interface/xen.h>
#define XENPF_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x03000001
* Set clock such that it would read <secs,nsecs> after 00:00:00 UTC,
* 1 January, 1970 if the current system time was <system_time>.
#define XENPF_settime32 17
struct xenpf_settime32 {
/* IN variables. */
uint32_t secs;
uint32_t nsecs;
uint64_t system_time;
#define XENPF_settime64 62
struct xenpf_settime64 {
/* IN variables. */
uint64_t secs;
uint32_t nsecs;
uint32_t mbz;
uint64_t system_time;
* Request memory range (@mfn, @mfn+@nr_mfns-1) to have type @type.
* On x86, @type is an architecture-defined MTRR memory type.
* On success, returns the MTRR that was used (@reg) and a handle that can
* be passed to XENPF_DEL_MEMTYPE to accurately tear down the new setting.
* (x86-specific).
#define XENPF_add_memtype 31
struct xenpf_add_memtype {
/* IN variables. */
xen_pfn_t mfn;
uint64_t nr_mfns;
uint32_t type;
/* OUT variables. */
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t reg;
* Tear down an existing memory-range type. If @handle is remembered then it
* should be passed in to accurately tear down the correct setting (in case
* of overlapping memory regions with differing types). If it is not known
* then @handle should be set to zero. In all cases @reg must be set.
* (x86-specific).
#define XENPF_del_memtype 32
struct xenpf_del_memtype {
/* IN variables. */
uint32_t handle;
uint32_t reg;
/* Read current type of an MTRR (x86-specific). */
#define XENPF_read_memtype 33
struct xenpf_read_memtype {
/* IN variables. */
uint32_t reg;
/* OUT variables. */
xen_pfn_t mfn;
uint64_t nr_mfns;
uint32_t type;
#define XENPF_microcode_update 35
struct xenpf_microcode_update {
/* IN variables. */
GUEST_HANDLE(void) data; /* Pointer to microcode data */
uint32_t length; /* Length of microcode data. */
#define XENPF_platform_quirk 39
#define QUIRK_NOIRQBALANCING 1 /* Do not restrict IO-APIC RTE targets */
#define QUIRK_IOAPIC_BAD_REGSEL 2 /* IO-APIC REGSEL forgets its value */
#define QUIRK_IOAPIC_GOOD_REGSEL 3 /* IO-APIC REGSEL behaves properly */
struct xenpf_platform_quirk {
/* IN variables. */
uint32_t quirk_id;
#define XENPF_efi_runtime_call 49
#define XEN_EFI_get_time 1
#define XEN_EFI_set_time 2
#define XEN_EFI_get_wakeup_time 3
#define XEN_EFI_set_wakeup_time 4
#define XEN_EFI_get_next_high_monotonic_count 5
#define XEN_EFI_get_variable 6
#define XEN_EFI_set_variable 7
#define XEN_EFI_get_next_variable_name 8
#define XEN_EFI_query_variable_info 9
#define XEN_EFI_query_capsule_capabilities 10
#define XEN_EFI_update_capsule 11
struct xenpf_efi_runtime_call {
uint32_t function;
* This field is generally used for per sub-function flags (defined
* below), except for the XEN_EFI_get_next_high_monotonic_count case,
* where it holds the single returned value.
uint32_t misc;
xen_ulong_t status;
union {
#define XEN_EFI_GET_TIME_SET_CLEARS_NS 0x00000001
struct {
struct xenpf_efi_time {
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t min;
uint8_t sec;
uint32_t ns;
int16_t tz;
uint8_t daylight;
} time;
uint32_t resolution;
uint32_t accuracy;
} get_time;
struct xenpf_efi_time set_time;
struct xenpf_efi_time get_wakeup_time;
struct xenpf_efi_time set_wakeup_time;
struct {
GUEST_HANDLE(void) name; /* UCS-2/UTF-16 string */
xen_ulong_t size;
GUEST_HANDLE(void) data;
struct xenpf_efi_guid {
uint32_t data1;
uint16_t data2;
uint16_t data3;
uint8_t data4[8];
} vendor_guid;
} get_variable, set_variable;
struct {
xen_ulong_t size;
GUEST_HANDLE(void) name; /* UCS-2/UTF-16 string */
struct xenpf_efi_guid vendor_guid;
} get_next_variable_name;
struct {
uint32_t attr;
uint64_t max_store_size;
uint64_t remain_store_size;
uint64_t max_size;
} query_variable_info;
struct {
GUEST_HANDLE(void) capsule_header_array;
xen_ulong_t capsule_count;
uint64_t max_capsule_size;
uint32_t reset_type;
} query_capsule_capabilities;
struct {
GUEST_HANDLE(void) capsule_header_array;
xen_ulong_t capsule_count;
uint64_t sg_list; /* machine address */
} update_capsule;
} u;
#define XENPF_firmware_info 50
#define XEN_FW_DISK_INFO 1 /* from int 13 AH=08/41/48 */
#define XEN_FW_DISK_MBR_SIGNATURE 2 /* from MBR offset 0x1b8 */
#define XEN_FW_VBEDDC_INFO 3 /* from int 10 AX=4f15 */
#define XEN_FW_EFI_INFO 4 /* from EFI */
#define XEN_FW_KBD_SHIFT_FLAGS 5 /* Int16, Fn02: Get keyboard shift flags. */
struct xenpf_firmware_info {
/* IN variables. */
uint32_t type;
uint32_t index;
/* OUT variables. */
union {
struct {
/* Int13, Fn48: Check Extensions Present. */
uint8_t device; /* %dl: bios device number */
uint8_t version; /* %ah: major version */
uint16_t interface_support; /* %cx: support bitmap */
/* Int13, Fn08: Legacy Get Device Parameters. */
uint16_t legacy_max_cylinder; /* %cl[7:6]:%ch: max cyl # */
uint8_t legacy_max_head; /* %dh: max head # */
uint8_t legacy_sectors_per_track; /* %cl[5:0]: max sector # */
/* Int13, Fn41: Get Device Parameters (as filled into %ds:%esi). */
/* NB. First uint16_t of buffer must be set to buffer size. */
GUEST_HANDLE(void) edd_params;
} disk_info; /* XEN_FW_DISK_INFO */
struct {
uint8_t device; /* bios device number */
uint32_t mbr_signature; /* offset 0x1b8 in mbr */
} disk_mbr_signature; /* XEN_FW_DISK_MBR_SIGNATURE */
struct {
/* Int10, AX=4F15: Get EDID info. */
uint8_t capabilities;
uint8_t edid_transfer_time;
/* must refer to 128-byte buffer */
GUEST_HANDLE(uchar) edid;
} vbeddc_info; /* XEN_FW_VBEDDC_INFO */
union xenpf_efi_info {
uint32_t version;
struct {
uint64_t addr; /* EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE */
uint32_t nent;
} cfg;
struct {
uint32_t revision;
uint32_t bufsz; /* input, in bytes */
GUEST_HANDLE(void) name;
/* UCS-2/UTF-16 string */
} vendor;
struct {
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t attr;
uint32_t type;
} mem;
} efi_info; /* XEN_FW_EFI_INFO */
uint8_t kbd_shift_flags; /* XEN_FW_KBD_SHIFT_FLAGS */
} u;
#define XENPF_enter_acpi_sleep 51
struct xenpf_enter_acpi_sleep {
/* IN variables */
uint16_t val_a; /* PM1a control / sleep type A. */
uint16_t val_b; /* PM1b control / sleep type B. */
uint32_t sleep_state; /* Which state to enter (Sn). */
#define XENPF_ACPI_SLEEP_EXTENDED 0x00000001
uint32_t flags; /* XENPF_ACPI_SLEEP_*. */
#define XENPF_change_freq 52
struct xenpf_change_freq {
/* IN variables */
uint32_t flags; /* Must be zero. */
uint32_t cpu; /* Physical cpu. */
uint64_t freq; /* New frequency (Hz). */
* Get idle times (nanoseconds since boot) for physical CPUs specified in the
* @cpumap_bitmap with range [0..@cpumap_nr_cpus-1]. The @idletime array is
* indexed by CPU number; only entries with the corresponding @cpumap_bitmap
* bit set are written to. On return, @cpumap_bitmap is modified so that any
* non-existent CPUs are cleared. Such CPUs have their @idletime array entry
* cleared.
#define XENPF_getidletime 53
struct xenpf_getidletime {
/* IN/OUT variables */
/* IN: CPUs to interrogate; OUT: subset of IN which are present */
GUEST_HANDLE(uchar) cpumap_bitmap;
/* IN variables */
/* Size of cpumap bitmap. */
uint32_t cpumap_nr_cpus;
/* Must be indexable for every cpu in cpumap_bitmap. */
GUEST_HANDLE(uint64_t) idletime;
/* OUT variables */
/* System time when the idletime snapshots were taken. */
uint64_t now;
#define XENPF_set_processor_pminfo 54
/* ability bits */
/* cmd type */
#define XEN_PM_CX 0
#define XEN_PM_PX 1
#define XEN_PM_TX 2
#define XEN_PM_PDC 3
/* Px sub info type */
#define XEN_PX_PCT 1
#define XEN_PX_PSS 2
#define XEN_PX_PPC 4
#define XEN_PX_PSD 8
struct xen_power_register {
uint32_t space_id;
uint32_t bit_width;
uint32_t bit_offset;
uint32_t access_size;
uint64_t address;
struct xen_processor_csd {
uint32_t domain; /* domain number of one dependent group */
uint32_t coord_type; /* coordination type */
uint32_t num; /* number of processors in same domain */
struct xen_processor_cx {
struct xen_power_register reg; /* GAS for Cx trigger register */
uint8_t type; /* cstate value, c0: 0, c1: 1, ... */
uint32_t latency; /* worst latency (ms) to enter/exit this cstate */
uint32_t power; /* average power consumption(mW) */
uint32_t dpcnt; /* number of dependency entries */
GUEST_HANDLE(xen_processor_csd) dp; /* NULL if no dependency */
struct xen_processor_flags {
uint32_t bm_control:1;
uint32_t bm_check:1;
uint32_t has_cst:1;
uint32_t power_setup_done:1;
uint32_t bm_rld_set:1;
struct xen_processor_power {
uint32_t count; /* number of C state entries in array below */
struct xen_processor_flags flags; /* global flags of this processor */
GUEST_HANDLE(xen_processor_cx) states; /* supported c states */
struct xen_pct_register {
uint8_t descriptor;
uint16_t length;
uint8_t space_id;
uint8_t bit_width;
uint8_t bit_offset;
uint8_t reserved;
uint64_t address;
struct xen_processor_px {
uint64_t core_frequency; /* megahertz */
uint64_t power; /* milliWatts */
uint64_t transition_latency; /* microseconds */
uint64_t bus_master_latency; /* microseconds */
uint64_t control; /* control value */
uint64_t status; /* success indicator */
struct xen_psd_package {
uint64_t num_entries;
uint64_t revision;
uint64_t domain;
uint64_t coord_type;
uint64_t num_processors;
struct xen_processor_performance {
uint32_t flags; /* flag for Px sub info type */
uint32_t platform_limit; /* Platform limitation on freq usage */
struct xen_pct_register control_register;
struct xen_pct_register status_register;
uint32_t state_count; /* total available performance states */
GUEST_HANDLE(xen_processor_px) states;
struct xen_psd_package domain_info;
uint32_t shared_type; /* coordination type of this processor */
struct xenpf_set_processor_pminfo {
/* IN variables */
uint32_t id; /* ACPI CPU ID */
uint32_t type; /* {XEN_PM_CX, XEN_PM_PX} */
union {
struct xen_processor_power power;/* Cx: _CST/_CSD */
struct xen_processor_performance perf; /* Px: _PPC/_PCT/_PSS/_PSD */
GUEST_HANDLE(uint32_t) pdc;
#define XENPF_get_cpuinfo 55
struct xenpf_pcpuinfo {
/* IN */
uint32_t xen_cpuid;
/* OUT */
/* The maxium cpu_id that is present */
uint32_t max_present;
/* Correponding xen_cpuid is not present*/
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t apic_id;
uint32_t acpi_id;
#define XENPF_cpu_online 56
#define XENPF_cpu_offline 57
struct xenpf_cpu_ol {
uint32_t cpuid;
#define XENPF_cpu_hotadd 58
struct xenpf_cpu_hotadd {
uint32_t apic_id;
uint32_t acpi_id;
uint32_t pxm;
#define XENPF_mem_hotadd 59
struct xenpf_mem_hotadd {
uint64_t spfn;
uint64_t epfn;
uint32_t pxm;
uint32_t flags;
#define XENPF_core_parking 60
struct xenpf_core_parking {
/* IN variables */
uint32_t type;
/* IN variables: set cpu nums expected to be idled */
/* OUT variables: get cpu nums actually be idled */
uint32_t idle_nums;
#define XENPF_get_symbol 63
struct xenpf_symdata {
/* IN/OUT variables */
uint32_t namelen; /* size of 'name' buffer */
/* IN/OUT variables */
uint32_t symnum; /* IN: Symbol to read */
/* OUT: Next available symbol. If same as IN */
/* then we reached the end */
/* OUT variables */
GUEST_HANDLE(char) name;
uint64_t address;
char type;
#define XENPF_get_dom0_console 64
struct xen_platform_op {
uint32_t cmd;
uint32_t interface_version; /* XENPF_INTERFACE_VERSION */
union {
struct xenpf_settime32 settime32;
struct xenpf_settime64 settime64;
struct xenpf_add_memtype add_memtype;
struct xenpf_del_memtype del_memtype;
struct xenpf_read_memtype read_memtype;
struct xenpf_microcode_update microcode;
struct xenpf_platform_quirk platform_quirk;
struct xenpf_efi_runtime_call efi_runtime_call;
struct xenpf_firmware_info firmware_info;
struct xenpf_enter_acpi_sleep enter_acpi_sleep;
struct xenpf_change_freq change_freq;
struct xenpf_getidletime getidletime;
struct xenpf_set_processor_pminfo set_pminfo;
struct xenpf_pcpuinfo pcpu_info;
struct xenpf_cpu_ol cpu_ol;
struct xenpf_cpu_hotadd cpu_add;
struct xenpf_mem_hotadd mem_add;
struct xenpf_core_parking core_parking;
struct xenpf_symdata symdata;
struct dom0_vga_console_info dom0_console;
uint8_t pad[128];
} u;
#endif /* __XEN_PUBLIC_PLATFORM_H__ */