William Hubbs c6e3fd22cd Staging: add speakup to the staging directory
Speakup is a kernel based screen review package for the linux operating
system.  It allows blind users to interact with applications on the
linux console by means of synthetic speech.

The authors and maintainers of this code include the following:

Kirk Reiser, Andy Berdan, John Covici, Brian and
David Borowski, Christopher Brannon, Samuel Thibault and William Hubbs.

Signed-off-by: William Hubbs <>
Signed-off-by: Samuel Thibault <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
2010-10-07 19:22:31 -07:00

93 lines
2.5 KiB

spk key_f9 = punc_level_dec
spk key_f10 = punc_level_inc
spk key_f11 = reading_punc_dec
spk key_f12 = reading_punc_inc
spk key_1 = vol_dec
spk key_2 = vol_inc
spk key_3 = pitch_dec
spk key_4 = pitch_inc
spk key_5 = rate_dec
spk key_6 = rate_inc
key_kpasterisk = toggle_cursoring
ctrl spk key_8 = toggle_cursoring
spk key_kpasterisk = speakup_goto
spk key_f1 = speakup_help
spk key_f2 = set_win
spk key_f3 = clear_win
spk key_f4 = enable_win
spk key_f5 = edit_some
spk key_f6 = edit_most
spk key_f7 = edit_delim
spk key_f8 = edit_repeat
shift spk key_f9 = edit_exnum
key_kp7 = say_prev_line
spk key_kp7 = left_edge
key_kp8 = say_line
double key_kp8 = say_line_indent
spk key_kp8 = say_from_top
key_kp9 = say_next_line
spk key_kp9 = top_edge
key_kpminus = speakup_parked
spk key_kpminus = say_char_num
key_kp4 = say_prev_word
spk key_kp4 = say_from_left
key_kp5 = say_word
double key_kp5 = spell_word
spk key_kp5 = spell_phonetic
key_kp6 = say_next_word
spk key_kp6 = say_to_right
key_kpplus = say_screen
spk key_kpplus = say_win
key_kp1 = say_prev_char
spk key_kp1 = right_edge
key_kp2 = say_char
spk key_kp2 = say_to_bottom
double key_kp2 = say_phonetic_char
key_kp3 = say_next_char
spk key_kp3 = bottom_edge
key_kp0 = spk_key
key_kpdot = say_position
spk key_kpdot = say_attributes
key_kpenter = speakup_quiet
spk key_kpenter = speakup_off
key_sysrq = speech_kill
key_kpslash = speakup_cut
spk key_kpslash = speakup_paste
spk key_pageup = say_first_char
spk key_pagedown = say_last_char
key_capslock = spk_key
spk key_z = spk_lock
key_leftmeta = spk_key
ctrl spk key_0 = speakup_goto
spk key_u = say_prev_line
spk key_i = say_line
double spk key_i = say_line_indent
spk key_o = say_next_line
spk key_minus = speakup_parked
shift spk key_minus = say_char_num
spk key_j = say_prev_word
spk key_k = say_word
double spk key_k = spell_word
spk key_l = say_next_word
spk key_m = say_prev_char
spk key_comma = say_char
double spk key_comma = say_phonetic_char
spk key_dot = say_next_char
spk key_n = say_position
ctrl spk key_m = left_edge
ctrl spk key_y = top_edge
ctrl spk key_dot = right_edge
ctrl spk key_p = bottom_edge
spk key_apostrophe = say_screen
spk key_h = say_from_left
spk key_y = say_from_top
spk key_semicolon = say_to_right
spk key_p = say_to_bottom
spk key_slash = say_attributes
spk key_enter = speakup_quiet
ctrl spk key_enter = speakup_off
spk key_9 = speakup_cut
spk key_8 = speakup_paste
shift spk key_m = say_first_char
ctrl spk key_semicolon = say_last_char
spk key_r = read_all_doc