require 'digest/md5' require 'gdbm' require 'yaml' require 'persistent-shell-history/abstract-history-store' require 'persistent-shell-history/history' require 'persistent-shell-history/command' module Persistent module Shell class BinaryHistoryStore < AbstractHistoryStore OPTIONS = { :file => File.expand_path("~/.bash_history"), :archive_file => File.expand_path("~/.bash_history.db"), :time_format => "%F %T", } def initialize(opts = {}) @options = OPTIONS.merge(opts) end def archive; @options[:archive_file]; end def archive=(arg); @options[:archive_file] = arg; end def hist_file; @options[:file]; end def hist_file=(arg); @options[:file] = arg; end def time_format; @options[:time_format]; end def time_format=(tf); @options[:time_format] = tf; end def db @db ||=[:archive_file]) end def [](key); _ml(db[key]); end def keys; db.keys; end def values; {|k,v| _ml(v) }; end def values_by_time return {|k,v| data = _ml(v) data[:time].map {|t| data.merge(:time => t) } }.flatten.sort_by {|x| x[:time] } end def commands; {|v| v[:cmd] }; end def _md(data); Marshal.dump(data); end def _ml(data); Marshal.load(data); end def _md5(data); Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data); end # display a formatted time commend def fmt(cmd); " %s %s" % [[:time]).strftime(@options[:time_format]), cmd[:cmd]]; end def find(pat) return {|v| v if v[:cmd] =~ /#{pat}/ }.map {|v| v[:time].map {|t| v.merge(:time => t) } }.flatten end def load(filename = @options[:file]) open(filename) do |f| f.each_line do |line| if line =~ /^#(.*)$/ l = f.readline.chomp key = _md5(l) if db.has_key?(key) times = _ml(db[key])[:time] if times.kind_of? Array times.push($1.to_i) else times = [times] end db[key] = _md({:cmd => l, :time => times.uniq }) else db[key] = _md({:cmd => l, :time => [$1.to_i] }) end else key = _md5(line.chomp) if db.has_key?(key) times = _ml(db[key])[:time] if times.kind_of? Array times.push($1.to_i) else times = [times] end db[key] = _md({:cmd => l, :time => times.uniq }) else db[key] = _md({:cmd => line.chomp, :time => [0] }) end end end end end # returns a Persistent::Shell::History object from the current GDBM database. # intended for marshalling to other history-stores def to_history history = values.each do |value| value[:time].each do |t| history <<[:cmd], t.to_i) end end return history end # create an output that looks like a regular ~/.bash_history file def render(file),'w+') do |f| values.each do |v| f.write("#" + v[:time].to_i.to_s + "\n") if v[:time] and not (v[:time].to_i == 0) f.write(v[:cmd] + "\n") end end end end # class BinaryHistoryStore end # Shell end # Persistent