# see-pr I personally like fetching the pull-request's of a project. Makes it easier `tig pr/1234`, build it, etc. This tool simply adds the github PR refspec to a local git repo. ```shell cd $YourClonedRepo see-pr git fetch git checkout pr/1234 ``` ## Install go get github.com/vbatts/utils/cmd/see-pr ## Usage $ see-pr -h Usage of see-pr: -config string path to the git config (default ".git/config") -path string local path of the git repo (default ".") -remote string upstream remote name (default "origin") Then to let it update your `.git/config`: $ see-pr INFO[0000] reading from ".git/config" INFO[0000] origin/origin URL: git@github.com:vbatts/utils.git INFO[0000] appending fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/pr/* INFO[0000] SUCCESS! `git fetch` and then you can `git checkout pr/$NUM` of your PRs