package ixml import ( "fmt" "bytes" "net/http" "encoding/xml" "" ) const ( DAV_NS = "DAV:" CALDAV_NS = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" CALSERV_NS = "" ) var NS_PREFIXES = map[string]string{ DAV_NS: "D", CALDAV_NS: "C", CALSERV_NS: "CS", } var ( CALENDAR_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "calendar"} CALENDAR_DATA_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "calendar-data"} CALENDAR_HOME_SET_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "calendar-home-set"} CALENDAR_QUERY_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "calendar-query"} CALENDAR_MULTIGET_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "calendar-multiget"} CALENDAR_USER_ADDRESS_SET_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "calendar-user-address-set"} COLLECTION_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "collection"} CURRENT_USER_PRINCIPAL_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "current-user-principal"} DISPLAY_NAME_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "displayname"} GET_CONTENT_LENGTH_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "getcontentlength"} GET_CONTENT_TYPE_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "getcontenttype"} GET_CTAG_TG = xml.Name{CALSERV_NS, "getctag"} GET_ETAG_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "getetag"} GET_LAST_MODIFIED_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "getlastmodified"} HREF_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "href"} OWNER_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "owner"} PRINCIPAL_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "principal"} PRINCIPAL_COLLECTION_SET_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "principal-collection-set"} PRINCIPAL_URL_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "principal-URL"} RESOURCE_TYPE_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "resourcetype"} STATUS_TG = xml.Name{DAV_NS, "status"} SUPPORTED_CALENDAR_COMPONENT_SET_TG = xml.Name{CALDAV_NS, "supported-calendar-component-set"} ) func Namespaces() string { bf := new(lib.StringBuffer) bf.Write(`xmlns:%s="%s" `, NS_PREFIXES[DAV_NS], DAV_NS) bf.Write(`xmlns:%s="%s" `, NS_PREFIXES[CALDAV_NS], CALDAV_NS) bf.Write(`xmlns:%s="%s"`, NS_PREFIXES[CALSERV_NS], CALSERV_NS) return bf.String() } // Tag returns a XML tag as string based on the given tag name and content. It // takes in consideration the namespace and also if it is an empty content or not. func Tag(xmlName xml.Name, content string) string { name := xmlName.Local ns := NS_PREFIXES[xmlName.Space] if ns != "" { ns = ns + ":" } if content != "" { return fmt.Sprintf("<%s%s>%s", ns, name, content, ns, name) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("<%s%s/>", ns, name) } } // HrefTag returns a DAV tag with the given href path. func HrefTag(href string) (tag string) { return Tag(HREF_TG, href) } // StatusTag returns a DAV tag with the given HTTP status. The // status is translated into a label, e.g.: HTTP/1.1 404 NotFound. func StatusTag(status int) string { statusText := fmt.Sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s", status, http.StatusText(status)) return Tag(STATUS_TG, statusText) } // EscapeText escapes any special character in the given text and returns the result. func EscapeText(text string) string { buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("") xml.EscapeText(buffer, []byte(text)) return buffer.String() }