* __DevConf CZ__ - What's New in Golang? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmljYnZl8X4)
* __Red Hat Summit__ - Provenance and Deployment Policy (https://next.redhat.com/2018/05/03/introducing-the-red-hat-summit-office-of-the-cto-sessions/)
* __ContainerCon EU (Berlin)__ - Common Container Standards: Past, Present, and Future
* __ContainerCon EU (Berlin)__ - Reproduce and Verify Filesystems
* __ContainerCon EU (Berlin)__ - OCI F2F (https://groups.google.com/a/opencontainers.org/d/msg/dev/BHYX5lv5h3E/xPe66sahBgAJ)
* September
* Let's Make Containers Boring
* __Systemd.conf (Berlin)__ - Whats Next for Containers? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1wpyEsfejQ)
* August
* __ContainerCon NA (Toronto)__ - Common Container Standards: Past, Present, and Future
* __ContainerCon NA (Toronto)__ - Reproduce and Verify Filesystems
* July
* __CoreOS Fest DE (Berlin)__ - Common Container Standards - Past, Present and Future (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9wuKCCo7M)
* June
* __ContainerCon JP (Tokyo)__ - Common container standards
* __ContainerCon JP (Tokyo)__ - Reproduce and verify filesystems
* __DevNation__ - Containers: under the hood (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG2WAHuVe_g)
* __Red Hat Summit__ - Containers, not black boxes (w/ Dwalsh)
* May
* __CoreOS Fest DE (Berlin)__ - Containers: Past, present, and future (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9wuKCCo7M)
* __Notre Dame__ - What is it we want in Containers Anyways? (https://daspos.crc.nd.edu/index.php/workshops/container-strategies-for-data-software-preservation-that-promote-open-science)
* __OSCON__ - Is your App ready for Containers? https://blog.openshift.com/oscon-2016/
* __Systemd.conf (Berlin)__ - What is it we want in containers anyways? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpFrkq5XNFM)
* __DockerCon Barcelona__ - What is it we want in Containers Anyways? (https://rhelblog.redhat.com/2015/11/11 must-see-vincent-batts-next-week-at-dockercon-europe/#more-1314)
* June
* __Devnation__ - Golang - the good, the bad, the ugly (https://youtu.be/cMYhGNofHA4)
* __DockerCon SF__ - Contribute and Collaborate 101 (https://dockercon2015.sched.com/event/39SQ/contribute-and-collaborate-101) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8KZ2ZhuKGY)
* __DockerCon SF__ - Cartoon Video during the keynote (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRczhEvSH2A)
* __FOSDEM__ - Under the hood of Docker Containers (https://archive.fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/underhoodcontainers/) (https://youtu.be/SFyBLfSdWQk)
* January
* __devconf CZ__ - Golang - the good, the bad, the ugly