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<title>Container Runtimes (ASG 2018)</title>
<meta name="description" content="For All Systems Go 2018 in Berlin.">
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transform: translate(0, -20%);
.reveal .future .animated .complex-logo .location {
transform: translate(0, 0.5em);
opacity: 0;
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opacity: 0;
transform: translate(-0.6em, 0);
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transition: 2s ease 0.25s;
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<h1 style="color:rgb(209, 212, 211)">CONTAINer Runtimes</h1>
<h3>Draw Some Lines</h3>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<p> </p>
<p style="color:rgb(209, 212, 211)">Vincent Batts @vbatts</p>
</section><section data-background-color="#efa737" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="43c67a8fd2abdb057ed6d2fbfd010939">
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="image" style="min-width: 4px; min-height: 4px; width: 478.222px; height: 269px; left: 241px; top: 389px;" data-block-id="7e8f21afa8ae97d7f7a463287afa0887"><div class="sl-block-content" style="z-index: 11;"><img data-natural-width="320" data-natural-height="180" data-lazy-loaded="" data-src="container-runtimes/339e84e5deca8af62480a1dc3fb7af96.gif"></div></div>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="code" style="min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 896px; height: 356px; left: 47px; top: 15px;" data-block-id="d978286e7b3525a0195af2d6e397bf77"><div class="sl-block-content notranslate" style="z-index: 12; font-size: 141%;" data-highlight-theme="zenburn"><pre class="none"><code>$&gt; finger $(whoami)
Login: vbatts Name: Vincent Batts
Directory: /home/vbatts Shell: /bin/bash
Such mail.
$&gt; id -Gn
devel opencontainers docker appc redhat golang slackware</code></pre></div></div></section><section data-background-color="#f6c764" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="b7d8b0e84f42a99bd85a74cb3f49f839">
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<p><a href="" target="_blank">(Cite: the internet)</a></p>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#f6c764" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="c5a2cf06815f58aeef7d22c99ff5c3bc">
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<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" data-block-id="1b0f9b21474654a8a2b879f23c2c98b4" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 232px; left: 720px; top: 630px;"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">(Cite: The Internet)</a></p>
</div></div></section><section class="stack" data-id="769d70efd6629e04c58d2fee2ec8f6b2"><section data-background-color="#f6e864" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="72826d2ed58ce1a66039e72b1ba8c1a2">
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 80px; top: 24px;" data-block-id="bc003bb1b30854ccd121d0636572fd93"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 11;">
<h2>Container Runtimes</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 140px;" data-block-id="fff22f9b0a772423cb6d37ab14b47d27"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<p>chroot + unshare (mnt ns) + cgroups</p>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 127px; top: 70px;" data-block-id="a445f8ab4cf1afc193f5683e20857ee6"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<h3>a history</h3>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 210px;" data-block-id="b408a3fe07c2cdcc3357cfa4ea528889"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<li>first release <a href="" target="_blank">Aug 2008</a>
<li>alive and well today</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 113px; top: 400px;" data-block-id="929e3e58b5c8c965d9b614baec4ade87"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 15;">
<li><a href="" target="_blank">first commit in 2011</a></li>
<li>alive and well today</li>
<li>originally just a simple test and debug utility</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#f6e864" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="ec754b3bf52ec5ecb529392d57fe5966">
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<h2>Container Runtimes</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 127px; top: 70px;" data-block-id="482dc59d4792532f2c87d433d23a2ecf"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<h3>a history</h3>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 140px;" data-block-id="4939b2ef34ef8e3dd68df7f44c13c06a"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<li>all the things</li>
<li>2013 python script became golang</li>
<li>(not a single good link to the source)</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 280px;" data-block-id="7713c41976aa1d9d5c63b8d62e3fab77"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">lmctfy</a></p>
<li>academic offering</li>
<li>dead, but still a good example of form over function</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 427px;" data-block-id="618691803ad877a12e0bb8fcd9d1befc"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 15;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">rkt</a></p>
<li>Dec 2014</li>
<li>spec-first design (appC spec)</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#f6e864" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="0a61d7aa3e2526997ead63eeb9dd5a2e">
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<h2>Container Runtimes</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 127px; top: 70px;" data-block-id="6602c1048c561fb282997543b1cf9335"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<h3>a history</h3>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 245px;" data-block-id="d74f9c86823835265b8b32d97d9afb8a"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">libcontainer (now runc)</a></p>
<li>to have something golang native, rather than shell-out to lxc</li>
<li>(eventually meant more shelling-out)</li>
<li>the original OCI runtime</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 413px;" data-block-id="3e70f89c8e369bb83f82b26e9efcc89e"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<p>  <a href="" target="_blank">lxd</a></p>
<li>container manager built on lxc</li>
<li>(came after Docker made asks of lxc, then abandoned it for libcontainer)</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 125px;" data-block-id="d155f2f9467065c6c5083ce2f09dc4c7"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 15;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">libct</a></p>
<li>from odis/openVZ folks</li>
<li>C library of container helpers (not docker or lxc related)</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#f6e864" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="04243c3436da43de42276742abe75dd4">
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<h2>Container Runtimes</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 127px; top: 70px;" data-block-id="bd6de0f5cf15e3dcb9eb7e7eda2b17ad"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<h3>a history</h3>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 191px;" data-block-id="256a23512acc166c8dd33940ab215d58"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<p>OCI Specification</p>
<li>(<a href="" target="_blank">image</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">runtime</a>) v1.0.0 in 2017</li>
<a href="" target="_blank">distribution-spec</a> began 2018 (formerly docker registry API)</li>
</div></div></section></section><section class="stack" data-id="1071dda214ad3f52b29b4c9891708059"><section data-background-color="#a2d628" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="95f5b6d70ae66828b8bc574cfc816ae8">
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 712px; left: 80px; top: 24px;" data-block-id="717e57d9f6ec7779b7a11e6fe6c74b72"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 11;">
<h2>Container Runtime Interface</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 155px;" data-block-id="2fb73a50c9a2fd1af6c5d1697fa05bce"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<li>was (is?) entirely too docker-centric</li>
<li>with rkt it was clear there were big changes needed</li>
<li>Enter <a href="" target="_blank">CRI</a> (2016)
<li>gRPC interface for ImageService and RuntimeService</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 498px;" data-block-id="4f4d7e19c45b3369d9e9415279a2932c"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p>migration via <a href="" target="_blank">dockershim</a></p>
<li>completely switched to docker via CRI in v1.8</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="image" style="min-width: 4px; min-height: 4px; width: 572px; height: 136px; left: 160px; top: 344px;" data-block-id="fab3a59b426f306a74df849017bb2f8d"><div class="sl-block-content" style="z-index: 14;"><img style="" data-natural-width="572" data-natural-height="136" data-lazy-loaded="" data-src="container-runtimes/0c750f65e1f4c6b7362abbc9c5963392.png"></div></div>
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<p>(<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>)</p>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#a2d628" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="f8521ec396979ceb6d7f7f5c6f3b3111">
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<h2>Container Runtime Interface</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 140px;" data-block-id="b504dd4cf0554841f2d92e5ea20c3bd1"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">cri-o </a>(originally oci-d)</p>
<li>kubernetes only use-case</li>
<li>OCI images and runtime</li>
<li>primarily called runc, but is flexible to call other runtimes</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 280px;" data-block-id="5152c23b4dc41ad9e49222dce9cc973a"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">containerd</a></p>
<li>primarily docker use-case, but includes a CRI shim</li>
<li>OCI and Docker images</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 398px;" data-block-id="b45eca90f9d5925f31fb8d383ca56596"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">alibaba/pouch</a></p>
<li>swiss arm knife of sorts</li>
<li>uses kvm pieces</li>
<li>supports 2.6.32+ kernel</li>
<li>imports from runc, docker, p2p backend, and expose a CRI socket</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#a2d628" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="2aa182e4d622d287cadbee79e2fa8d82">
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<h2>Container Runtime Interface</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 140px;" data-block-id="84b76c1b1ac20648c00e8378f7ca9551"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 11;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">cri-tools</a></p>
<li>the cli for working or debugging directly with CRI layer</li>
</div></div></section></section><section class="stack" data-id="15e992e3b7a29162926690ec63641751"><section data-background-color="#b6e7f5" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="9a74b051b021d729c6e6a5b166f30f21">
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<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 120px;" data-block-id="6bcf2c76cb7a4629dbb292e22ed79211"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">oracle/railcar</a></p>
<li>an OCI runtime</li>
<li>written in rust</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 249px;" data-block-id="0b435a4f3e624068f05afe334e7380ef"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">kata-containers</a> (formerly clear containers and hyperV)</p>
<li>mixed years</li>
<li>an OCI runtime</li>
<li>thinVM (qemu with custom machine type)</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 379px;" data-block-id="1bb84e5a2275d76a43a8ea5db89c8b6e"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">nabla-containers</a> (IBM research)</p>
<li>has an OCI runtime</li>
<li>unikernel approach</li>
<li>requires tailored container images with their executor</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#b6e7f5" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="86da8e515a3e00c9ccf0b4618b763d0b">
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<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 120px;" data-block-id="04a5351fd940520023c918dabef8ac96"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 11;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">nvidia fork of runc</a></p>
<li>inherently an OCI runtime</li>
<li>exposes GPU specific configuration</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 249px;" data-block-id="6f1ddbf523471638a67a06c51bda4150"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">google/gvisor</a> (`runsc`)</p>
<li>has an OCI runtime</li>
<li>syscall emulation layer</li>
<li>uses a bit of kvm</li>
<li>feels a bit like thrown over the wall</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 407px;" data-block-id="3314629b5651a910fd046b9d0f22f566"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">windows/hcsshim</a> (`runhcs`)</p>
<li>has an OCI runtime</li>
<li>windows native container API</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#b6e7f5" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="8e29263159c91a4152c2517d678d03b8">
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<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 105px;" data-block-id="c9493233557fa3dc263a245a5d697103"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<a href="" target="_blank">giuseppe/crun</a>
<li>thin OCI runtime written in C</li>
<a href="" target="_blank">projectatomic/bwrap-oci</a>
<li>OCI runtime wrapper around bubblewrap</li>
<a href="" target="_blank">vbatts/nspawn-oci</a>
<li>OCI runtime wrapper around systemd-nspawn</li>
<a href="" target="_blank">wking/ccon</a>
<li>OCI pet project of community member</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 366px;" data-block-id="d75e83298b94f7b5c3d41dcfbe0b7793"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p>systemd-nspawn native support (<a href="" target="_blank">pr9762</a>)</p>
<li>preferable than wrapper</li>
<li>still has a couple of pieces missing like hooks and compatible cli</li>
</div></div></section></section><section data-background-color="#ac97ca" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="61b0f0beead3f9f76ea1b5d49e122480">
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 80px; top: 24px;" data-block-id="b1caa2b8f1c1ed24e77eb3e6b1b5c078"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 11;">
<h2>non-docker options</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 460px;" data-block-id="1a0b96e9064342dceedef2c0f270268d"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">podman</a></p>
<li>easy alias for `docker`</li>
<li>direct invocation</li>
<li>now supports non-root</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 326px;" data-block-id="f94a16b28a2dbde2e164a28219a96abd"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 13;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">buildah</a></p>
<li>drop-in for `docker build`, as well as shell subcommands</li>
<li>direct invocation</li>
<li>now supports non-root builds</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 110px;" data-block-id="3dd09cd98b31bd12f028a4eef222f81e"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 14;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">umoci</a></p>
<li>utility for working with OCI container images</li>
<li>unpack, modify, repack</li>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 120px; top: 223px;" data-block-id="9502568921124042fce190eb0385f363"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 15;">
<p><a href="" target="_blank">skopeo</a></p>
<li>initially just remote inspect images</li>
<li>now copies (local &lt;=&gt; remote) and translates formats</li>
</div></div></section><section data-background-color="#cc2114" data-background-image="container-runtimes/60672f0849c5b758b11dc0905dc42c02.svg" data-id="f493b413871c1e2cc59b0016ba9f03db"><div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 600px; left: 180px; top: 406px;" data-block-id="b907e1a44da82b3a5f0e3af6097b2ebf"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 11;">
<h2 style="text-align:center"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></h2>
<h2 style="text-align:center">Thanks!</h2>
<div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 800px; left: 80px; top: 209px;" data-block-id="ef51e9976de4838e5a1d814b1e95a71f"><div class="sl-block-content" data-placeholder-tag="p" data-placeholder-text="Text" style="z-index: 12;">
<h2 style="text-align:center">Vincent Batts</h2>
<h2 style="text-align:center">@vbatts|</h2>
var SLConfig = {"deck": {"id":1328919,"slug":"container-runtimes","title":"Container Runtimes (ASG 2018)","description":"For All Systems Go 2018 in Berlin.","width":960,"height":700,"visibility":"self","published_at":null,"sanitize_messages":null,"thumbnail_url":"","view_count":2,"user":{"id":352550,"username":"vbatts","name":"Vincent Batts","description":"","thumbnail_url":"\","paid":true,"pro":true,"lite":false,"team_id":32,"settings":{"id":185974,"present_controls":true,"present_upsizing":true,"present_pointer":false,"present_notes":true,"default_deck_tag_id":null},"enterprise":true,"membership":{"role":"member","manager":false,"activated":true}},"background_transition":"none","transition":"none","theme_id":176,"theme_font":"overpass2","theme_color":"no-color","auto_slide_interval":0,"comments_enabled":true,"forking_enabled":false,"rolling_links":false,"center":false,"shuffle":false,"should_loop":false,"share_notes":false,"slide_number":false,"slide_count":19,"rtl":false,"version":2,"collaborative":false,"deck_user_editor_limit":1,"data_updated_at":1538194774612,"font_typekit":null,"font_google":null,"notes":{"b7d8b0e84f42a99bd85a74cb3f49f839":"","9a31d21232bc7b9c95cf55dea8c67528":"Ask the audience to shout out some words.\nBuild system? pushing images? Immutable runtime?","92f87b47321515efd469a6b7fdd0b7b8":"Packages? \nLike distributing file systems?\nOh my god no. We _solved_ that problem already.\n\nLet's stick all these packages in an even bigger package","59c48b37c55612e6adbe6fb049eeebd3":"","ade1d1532b65f5cd89c0534356bcd58a":"It's an all new API and model for networking.\nDifficult for outside plugins to maintain their own state.\nRequires libkv integration, likely needing another daemon to the infrastructure.","b5810a00d5ba26824cc9f8c7bdc560a0":"spec-first\nStaged approach for sandbox and exec\nDefines pod for groups of applications as a service","b99e1461d3f88260c9845321cab9a9a6":"","fe0b3035817b0010681e9dcb95645309":"","3c8420c074073c8d0600122a5add94ee":"tar archives!","36ce870c10e084014b7ba91b330f8250":"Ridiculous Contentions?\nAversion to being humble?\n\nIs this about being able to have a build of an image last forever? I sure hope not.\nBut your tooling and infrastructure ought not have pervasive churn with every upstream release. ","b40af9a3eee5d605371b2434fb4b6587":"","bb89c31aabf25cfcbe365755ec9d0300":"v1 is intended to be generally the infrastructure that many have already been working on.\nOnce we're all on the same open page, then we can continue improving the baseline together.\n\nEnsuring that a \"container integration\" done today, is not _completely_ broken on the next minor release of some tool. If a switch is needed, it ought not demand re-architecture.\n\nMaybe not tarballs foreva\nAnd now Brandon announces `quayctl` that can do bittorrent replication of container images. Amazing.","31d4a1253bc0e1e7824fa7dc00e15bde":"Is this really standardized?\n\nIsn't this what folks use config management for?","4ab0867b39a2610f7393f3c017096dba":"I welcome to hear any particular wishes now. or send them to the oci-dev mailing-list","a3a8e6083e264bb3e6b6b62ea57c7723":"Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)\nMandatory Access Control (MAC)\n"}}};
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