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Joe Tsai 2c3c708698 archive/tar: centralize all information about tar header format
The Reader and Writer have hard-coded constants regarding the
offsets and lengths of certain fields in the tar format sprinkled
all over. This makes it harder to verify that the offsets are
correct since a reviewer would need to search for them throughout
the code. Instead, all information about the layout of header
fields should be centralized in one single file. This has the
advantage of being both centralized, and also acting as a form
of documentation about the header struct format.

This method was chosen over using "encoding/binary" since that
method would cause an allocation of a header struct every time
binary.Read was called. This method causes zero allocations and
its logic is no longer than if structs were declared.

Updates #12594

Change-Id: Ic7a0565d2a2cd95d955547ace3b6dea2b57fab34
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/14669
Reviewed-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@golang.org>
Signed-off-by: Vincent Batts <vbatts@hashbangbash.com>
2016-09-23 10:51:29 -04:00

402 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tar
// TODO(dsymonds):
// - catch more errors (no first header, etc.)
import (
var (
ErrWriteTooLong = errors.New("archive/tar: write too long")
ErrFieldTooLong = errors.New("archive/tar: header field too long")
ErrWriteAfterClose = errors.New("archive/tar: write after close")
errInvalidHeader = errors.New("archive/tar: header field too long or contains invalid values")
// A Writer provides sequential writing of a tar archive in POSIX.1 format.
// A tar archive consists of a sequence of files.
// Call WriteHeader to begin a new file, and then call Write to supply that file's data,
// writing at most hdr.Size bytes in total.
type Writer struct {
w io.Writer
err error
nb int64 // number of unwritten bytes for current file entry
pad int64 // amount of padding to write after current file entry
closed bool
usedBinary bool // whether the binary numeric field extension was used
preferPax bool // use PAX header instead of binary numeric header
hdrBuff block // buffer to use in writeHeader when writing a regular header
paxHdrBuff block // buffer to use in writeHeader when writing a PAX header
type formatter struct {
err error // Last error seen
// NewWriter creates a new Writer writing to w.
func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer { return &Writer{w: w} }
// Flush finishes writing the current file (optional).
func (tw *Writer) Flush() error {
if tw.nb > 0 {
tw.err = fmt.Errorf("archive/tar: missed writing %d bytes", tw.nb)
return tw.err
n := tw.nb + tw.pad
for n > 0 && tw.err == nil {
nr := n
if nr > blockSize {
nr = blockSize
var nw int
nw, tw.err = tw.w.Write(zeroBlock[0:nr])
n -= int64(nw)
tw.nb = 0
tw.pad = 0
return tw.err
// Write s into b, terminating it with a NUL if there is room.
func (f *formatter) formatString(b []byte, s string) {
if len(s) > len(b) {
f.err = ErrFieldTooLong
ascii := toASCII(s)
copy(b, ascii)
if len(ascii) < len(b) {
b[len(ascii)] = 0
// Encode x as an octal ASCII string and write it into b with leading zeros.
func (f *formatter) formatOctal(b []byte, x int64) {
s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 8)
// leading zeros, but leave room for a NUL.
for len(s)+1 < len(b) {
s = "0" + s
f.formatString(b, s)
// fitsInBase256 reports whether x can be encoded into n bytes using base-256
// encoding. Unlike octal encoding, base-256 encoding does not require that the
// string ends with a NUL character. Thus, all n bytes are available for output.
// If operating in binary mode, this assumes strict GNU binary mode; which means
// that the first byte can only be either 0x80 or 0xff. Thus, the first byte is
// equivalent to the sign bit in two's complement form.
func fitsInBase256(n int, x int64) bool {
var binBits = uint(n-1) * 8
return n >= 9 || (x >= -1<<binBits && x < 1<<binBits)
// Write x into b, as binary (GNUtar/star extension).
func (f *formatter) formatNumeric(b []byte, x int64) {
if fitsInBase256(len(b), x) {
for i := len(b) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
b[i] = byte(x)
x >>= 8
b[0] |= 0x80 // Highest bit indicates binary format
f.formatOctal(b, 0) // Last resort, just write zero
f.err = ErrFieldTooLong
var (
minTime = time.Unix(0, 0)
// There is room for 11 octal digits (33 bits) of mtime.
maxTime = minTime.Add((1<<33 - 1) * time.Second)
// WriteHeader writes hdr and prepares to accept the file's contents.
// WriteHeader calls Flush if it is not the first header.
// Calling after a Close will return ErrWriteAfterClose.
func (tw *Writer) WriteHeader(hdr *Header) error {
return tw.writeHeader(hdr, true)
// WriteHeader writes hdr and prepares to accept the file's contents.
// WriteHeader calls Flush if it is not the first header.
// Calling after a Close will return ErrWriteAfterClose.
// As this method is called internally by writePax header to allow it to
// suppress writing the pax header.
func (tw *Writer) writeHeader(hdr *Header, allowPax bool) error {
if tw.closed {
return ErrWriteAfterClose
if tw.err == nil {
if tw.err != nil {
return tw.err
// a map to hold pax header records, if any are needed
paxHeaders := make(map[string]string)
// TODO(dsnet): we might want to use PAX headers for
// subsecond time resolution, but for now let's just capture
// too long fields or non ascii characters
// We need to select which scratch buffer to use carefully,
// since this method is called recursively to write PAX headers.
// If allowPax is true, this is the non-recursive call, and we will use hdrBuff.
// If allowPax is false, we are being called by writePAXHeader, and hdrBuff is
// already being used by the non-recursive call, so we must use paxHdrBuff.
header := &tw.hdrBuff
if !allowPax {
header = &tw.paxHdrBuff
copy(header[:], zeroBlock[:])
// Wrappers around formatter that automatically sets paxHeaders if the
// argument extends beyond the capacity of the input byte slice.
var f formatter
var formatString = func(b []byte, s string, paxKeyword string) {
needsPaxHeader := paxKeyword != paxNone && len(s) > len(b) || !isASCII(s)
if needsPaxHeader {
paxHeaders[paxKeyword] = s
f.formatString(b, s)
var formatNumeric = func(b []byte, x int64, paxKeyword string) {
// Try octal first.
s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 8)
if len(s) < len(b) {
f.formatOctal(b, x)
// If it is too long for octal, and PAX is preferred, use a PAX header.
if paxKeyword != paxNone && tw.preferPax {
f.formatOctal(b, 0)
s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 10)
paxHeaders[paxKeyword] = s
tw.usedBinary = true
f.formatNumeric(b, x)
// Handle out of range ModTime carefully.
var modTime int64
if !hdr.ModTime.Before(minTime) && !hdr.ModTime.After(maxTime) {
modTime = hdr.ModTime.Unix()
v7 := header.V7()
formatString(v7.Name(), hdr.Name, paxPath)
// TODO(dsnet): The GNU format permits the mode field to be encoded in
// base-256 format. Thus, we can use formatNumeric instead of formatOctal.
f.formatOctal(v7.Mode(), hdr.Mode)
formatNumeric(v7.UID(), int64(hdr.Uid), paxUid)
formatNumeric(v7.GID(), int64(hdr.Gid), paxGid)
formatNumeric(v7.Size(), hdr.Size, paxSize)
// TODO(dsnet): Consider using PAX for finer time granularity.
formatNumeric(v7.ModTime(), modTime, paxNone)
v7.TypeFlag()[0] = hdr.Typeflag
formatString(v7.LinkName(), hdr.Linkname, paxLinkpath)
ustar := header.USTAR()
formatString(ustar.UserName(), hdr.Uname, paxUname)
formatString(ustar.GroupName(), hdr.Gname, paxGname)
formatNumeric(ustar.DevMajor(), hdr.Devmajor, paxNone)
formatNumeric(ustar.DevMinor(), hdr.Devminor, paxNone)
// try to use a ustar header when only the name is too long
_, paxPathUsed := paxHeaders[paxPath]
if !tw.preferPax && len(paxHeaders) == 1 && paxPathUsed {
prefix, suffix, ok := splitUSTARPath(hdr.Name)
if ok {
// Since we can encode in USTAR format, disable PAX header.
delete(paxHeaders, paxPath)
// Update the path fields
formatString(v7.Name(), suffix, paxNone)
formatString(ustar.Prefix(), prefix, paxNone)
if tw.usedBinary {
} else {
// Check if there were any formatting errors.
if f.err != nil {
tw.err = f.err
return tw.err
if allowPax {
for k, v := range hdr.Xattrs {
paxHeaders[paxXattr+k] = v
if len(paxHeaders) > 0 {
if !allowPax {
return errInvalidHeader
if err := tw.writePAXHeader(hdr, paxHeaders); err != nil {
return err
tw.nb = hdr.Size
tw.pad = (blockSize - (tw.nb % blockSize)) % blockSize
_, tw.err = tw.w.Write(header[:])
return tw.err
// splitUSTARPath splits a path according to USTAR prefix and suffix rules.
// If the path is not splittable, then it will return ("", "", false).
func splitUSTARPath(name string) (prefix, suffix string, ok bool) {
length := len(name)
if length <= nameSize || !isASCII(name) {
return "", "", false
} else if length > prefixSize+1 {
length = prefixSize + 1
} else if name[length-1] == '/' {
i := strings.LastIndex(name[:length], "/")
nlen := len(name) - i - 1 // nlen is length of suffix
plen := i // plen is length of prefix
if i <= 0 || nlen > nameSize || nlen == 0 || plen > prefixSize {
return "", "", false
return name[:i], name[i+1:], true
// writePaxHeader writes an extended pax header to the
// archive.
func (tw *Writer) writePAXHeader(hdr *Header, paxHeaders map[string]string) error {
// Prepare extended header
ext := new(Header)
ext.Typeflag = TypeXHeader
// Setting ModTime is required for reader parsing to
// succeed, and seems harmless enough.
ext.ModTime = hdr.ModTime
// The spec asks that we namespace our pseudo files
// with the current pid. However, this results in differing outputs
// for identical inputs. As such, the constant 0 is now used instead.
// golang.org/issue/12358
dir, file := path.Split(hdr.Name)
fullName := path.Join(dir, "PaxHeaders.0", file)
ascii := toASCII(fullName)
if len(ascii) > nameSize {
ascii = ascii[:nameSize]
ext.Name = ascii
// Construct the body
var buf bytes.Buffer
// Keys are sorted before writing to body to allow deterministic output.
var keys []string
for k := range paxHeaders {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, formatPAXRecord(k, paxHeaders[k]))
ext.Size = int64(len(buf.Bytes()))
if err := tw.writeHeader(ext, false); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := tw.Write(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
if err := tw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// formatPAXRecord formats a single PAX record, prefixing it with the
// appropriate length.
func formatPAXRecord(k, v string) string {
const padding = 3 // Extra padding for ' ', '=', and '\n'
size := len(k) + len(v) + padding
size += len(strconv.Itoa(size))
record := fmt.Sprintf("%d %s=%s\n", size, k, v)
// Final adjustment if adding size field increased the record size.
if len(record) != size {
size = len(record)
record = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s=%s\n", size, k, v)
return record
// Write writes to the current entry in the tar archive.
// Write returns the error ErrWriteTooLong if more than
// hdr.Size bytes are written after WriteHeader.
func (tw *Writer) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if tw.closed {
err = ErrWriteAfterClose
overwrite := false
if int64(len(b)) > tw.nb {
b = b[0:tw.nb]
overwrite = true
n, err = tw.w.Write(b)
tw.nb -= int64(n)
if err == nil && overwrite {
err = ErrWriteTooLong
tw.err = err
// Close closes the tar archive, flushing any unwritten
// data to the underlying writer.
func (tw *Writer) Close() error {
if tw.err != nil || tw.closed {
return tw.err
tw.closed = true
if tw.err != nil {
return tw.err
// trailer: two zero blocks
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
_, tw.err = tw.w.Write(zeroBlock[:])
if tw.err != nil {
return tw.err