Evan Hazlett 562f1caa54
added server; initial cluster state
Signed-off-by: Evan Hazlett <ejhazlett@gmail.com>
2019-10-03 09:49:23 -04:00
.travis.yml added server; initial cluster state 2019-10-03 09:49:23 -04:00
go.mod added server; initial cluster state 2019-10-03 09:49:23 -04:00
LICENSE added server; initial cluster state 2019-10-03 09:49:23 -04:00
main.go added server; initial cluster state 2019-10-03 09:49:23 -04:00
README.md added server; initial cluster state 2019-10-03 09:49:23 -04:00


Build Status GoDoc

Package sanitized_anchor_name provides a func to create sanitized anchor names.

Its logic can be reused by multiple packages to create interoperable anchor names and links to those anchors.

At this time, it does not try to ensure that generated anchor names are unique, that responsibility falls on the caller.


go get -u github.com/shurcooL/sanitized_anchor_name


anchorName := sanitized_anchor_name.Create("This is a header")


// Output:
// this-is-a-header
