
854 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package org.thdl.lex;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException;
import net.sf.hibernate.Query;
import net.sf.hibernate.Session;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.thdl.lex.component.ILexComponent;
import org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm;
* Description of the Class
* @author travis
* @created October 1, 2003
public class LexComponentRepository {
* Description of the Field
public final static String EXACT = "exact";
* Description of the Field
public final static String STARTS_WITH = "startsWith";
* Description of the Field
public final static String ANYWHERE = "anywhere";
private static long start;
private static long lastUpdate = now();
* Sets the lastUpdate attribute of the LexComponentRepository class
* @param last
* The new lastUpdate value
public static void setLastUpdate(long last) {
lastUpdate = last;
* Gets the lastUpdate attribute of the LexComponentRepository class
* @return The lastUpdate value
public static long getLastUpdate() {
return lastUpdate;
* Sets the start attribute of the LexComponentRepository object
* @param startTime
* The new start value
* @since
private static void setStart(long startTime) {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.thdl.lex");
logger.debug("Query start time: " + new java.util.Date(startTime));
start = startTime;
* Gets the start attribute of the LexComponentRepository object
* @return The start value
* @since
private static long getStart() {
return start;
* Gets the duration attribute of the LexComponentRepository class
* @return The duration value
private static long getDuration() {
long duration = now() - getStart();
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.thdl.lex");
logger.debug("Query finish: " + new java.util.Date(now()));
logger.debug("Query duration in ms: " + duration);
logger.info("Query duration: " + duration / 1000 + " seconds.");
return duration;
* Gets the session attribute of the LexComponentRepository class
* @return The session value
* @exception HibernateException
* Description of Exception
* @since
protected static Session getSession() throws HibernateException {
Session session = HibernateSession.currentSession();
if (!session.isConnected()) {
return session;
* Description of the Method
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
protected static void beginTransaction() throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @param commit
* Description of Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
* @since
protected static void endTransaction(boolean commit)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @return Description of the Returned Value
* @since
private static long now() {
return System.currentTimeMillis();
* Description of the Method
* @param comp
* Description of Parameter
* @return Description of the Returned Value
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of Exception
* @since
private static ITerm assertTerm(ILexComponent comp)
throws LexRepositoryException {
ITerm term = null;
try {
term = (ITerm) comp;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LexRepositoryException("Query Component was not a term.");
return term;
* Queries the database for Terms that start with the string in the term
* property of the queryComponent. Sets entry property the first hit
* returned.
* @param lexQuery
* Description of Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of Exception
* @since
public static void findTermsByTerm(LexQuery lexQuery)
throws LexRepositoryException {
ITerm term = assertTerm(lexQuery.getQueryComponent());
if (null == term.getTerm()) {
throw new LexRepositoryException("Query Component term was null.");
Query query = null;
Iterator it = null;
* String termForQuery = LexUtilities.hqlEscape( term.getTerm() );
* LexLogger.debug( "Escaped term string: " + termForQuery );
String termForQuery = term.getTerm();
if (lexQuery.getFindMode().equals(LexComponentRepository.STARTS_WITH)) {
termForQuery = termForQuery + "%";
} else if (lexQuery.getFindMode().equals(
LexComponentRepository.ANYWHERE)) {
termForQuery = "%" + termForQuery + "%";
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm as term WHERE term.term like :term AND term.deleted=0 ORDER BY term";
try {
query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
query.setString("term", termForQuery);
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
try {
it = query.iterate();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
if (it.hasNext()) {
term = (ITerm) it.next();
lexQuery.getResults().put(term.getMetaId(), term.getTerm());
} else {
while (it.hasNext()) {
term = (ITerm) it.next();
lexQuery.getResults().put(term.getMetaId(), term.getTerm());
* Description of the Method
* @param pk
* Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static ITerm findTermByPk(Integer pk) throws LexRepositoryException {
ITerm term = null;
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm as term WHERE term.metaId = "
+ pk.toString();
try {
Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
term = (ITerm) query.uniqueResult();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
return term;
public static List getAllTerms() throws LexRepositoryException {
List terms = null;
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm";
try {
Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
terms = query.list();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
return terms;
* Description of the Method
* @param lexQuery
* Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static Map findTermsByMeta(LexQuery lexQuery)
throws LexRepositoryException {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.thdl.lex");
ITerm term = assertTerm(lexQuery.getQueryComponent());
Map terms = new HashMap();
ILexComponent comp = null;
ITerm aTerm;
Query query = null;
Iterator it = null;
if (null == term.getMeta()) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(
"Query Component term.meta was null.");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Tibetan Dictionary begin query!");
String queryString = "select term from org.thdl.lex.component.Term as term "
//join term collections
+ " join term.pronunciations as pron "
+ " join term.etymologies as ety "
+ " join term.spellings as sp "
+ " join term.functions as func "
+ " join term.encyclopediaArticles as ency "
+ " join term.transitionalData as transData "
+ " join term.definitions as def "
+ " join term.glosses as glo "
+ " join term.keywords as key "
+ " join term.translationEquivalents as trans "
+ " join term.relatedTerms as rel "
+ " join term.passages as pass "
+ " join term.registers as reg "
//join def collections
+ " join def.subdefinitions as sub "
+ " join def.glosses as gloDef "
+ " join def.keywords as keyDef "
+ " join def.modelSentences as modDef "
+ " join def.translationEquivalents as transDef "
+ " join def.relatedTerms as relDef "
+ " join def.passages as passDef "
+ " join def.registers as regDef "
//join subdef collections
+ " join sub.glosses as gloSub "
+ " join sub.keywords as keySub "
+ " join sub.modelSentences as modSub "
+ " join sub.translationEquivalents as transSub "
+ " join sub.relatedTerms as relSub "
+ " join sub.passages as passSub "
+ " join sub.registers as regSub "
// join translation collections
* + " join ety.translations as etyTrans " + " join
* term.definitions.translations as defTrans " + " join
* term.modelSentences.translations as modTrans " + " join
* term.passages.translations as passTrans " + " join
* def.subdefinition.translations as subTrans " + " join
* def.modelSentences.translations as modDefTrans " + " join
* def.passages.translations as passDefTrans " + " join
* sub.modelSentences.translations as modSubTrans " + " join
* sub.passages.translations as passSubTrans "
//restrict by projectSubject in createdByProjSub
+ " where term.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pron.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ety.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sp.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or func.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ency.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transData.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or def.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or glo.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or key.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or rel.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pass.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or reg.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keyDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keySub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
* + " or etyTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* defTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* subTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
//restrict by projectSubject in modifiedByProjSub
+ " or term.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pron.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ety.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sp.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or func.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ency.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transData.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or def.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or glo.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or key.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or rel.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pass.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or reg.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keyDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keySub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
* + " or etyTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* defTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* subTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub";
+ "";
try {
query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
query.setInteger("projSub", lexQuery.getQueryComponent().getMeta()
logger.debug("About to list query");
List list = query.list();
logger.debug("results size: " + list.size());
it = list.iterator();
logger.debug("Starting to add terms to map");
while (it.hasNext()) {
aTerm = (ITerm) comp;
logger.debug("successfully cast comp to an ITerm");
Integer id = aTerm.getMetaId();
String tm = aTerm.getTerm();
terms.put(id, tm);
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
return terms;
public static Map findTermsByMetaViaLc(LexQuery lexQuery)
throws LexRepositoryException {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.thdl.lex");
ITerm term = assertTerm(lexQuery.getQueryComponent());
Map terms = new HashMap();
ILexComponent comp = null;
ITerm aTerm;
Query query = null;
Iterator it = null;
if (null == term.getMeta()) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(
"Query Component term.meta was null.");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Tibetan Dictionary begin query!");
String queryString = "from org.thdl.lex.component.LexComponent as comp where comp.meta.createdByProjSub=:projSub";
try {
query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
//query.setMaxResults( 100 );
query.setInteger("projSub", lexQuery.getQueryComponent().getMeta()
logger.debug("About to list query");
List list = query.list();
logger.debug("results size: " + list.size());
it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
logger.debug("Starting quest for a term parent");
comp = (ILexComponent) it.next();
int safetyFirst = 0;
parentSearch: while (!(comp instanceof ITerm) && comp != null) {
logger.debug("comp class: " + comp.getClass().getName());
comp = comp.getParent();
if (comp instanceof ITerm) {
try {
aTerm = (ITerm) comp;
terms.put(aTerm.getMetaId(), aTerm.getTerm());
logger.debug("successfully cast comp to an ITerm");
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
.debug("LCR caught ClassCastException Failed cast of "
+ comp.toString() + " to ITerm");
throw cce;
if (safetyFirst > 10) {
.debug("could not find an ITerm parent for component: "
+ comp);
break parentSearch;
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
return terms;
* Description of the Method
* @param term
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of Exception
* @since
public static void loadTerm(ITerm term) throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
getSession().load(term, term.getMetaId());
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @param lexQuery
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void loadTermByPk(LexQuery lexQuery)
throws LexRepositoryException {
ITerm term = assertTerm(lexQuery.getQueryComponent());
if (!lexQuery.getResults().containsKey(term.getMetaId())) {
lexQuery.getResults().put(term.getMetaId(), term.getTerm());
public static ITerm loadTermByTerm(String term)
throws LexRepositoryException {
ITerm returnTerm = null;
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm as theTerm where theTerm.term = :term";
try {
Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
query.setString("term", term);
returnTerm = (ITerm) query.uniqueResult();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
return returnTerm;
* Description of the Method
* @param component
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void loadByPk(ILexComponent component)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
getSession().load(component, component.getMetaId());
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @param component
* Description of the Parameter
* @param pk
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void loadByPk(ILexComponent component, Integer pk)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
getSession().load(component, pk);
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Gets the recentTerms attribute of the LexComponentRepository class
* @param limit
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The recentTerms value
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static List getRecentTerms(int limit) throws LexRepositoryException {
Query query = null;
List results = null;
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm ORDER BY modifiedOn DESC LIMIT "
+ limit;
try {
query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
results = query.list();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
return results;
* Description of the Method
* @param component
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void save(ILexComponent component)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @param component
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void update(ILexComponent component)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @param component
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void remove(ILexComponent component)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @param component
* Description of the Parameter
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public static void refresh(ILexComponent component)
throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* Description of the Method
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of Exception
* @since
public static void cleanup() throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(he);
* /join term collections + " join term.pronunciations as pron " + " join
* term.etymologies as ety " + " join term.spellings as sp " + " join
* term.functions as func " + " join term.encyclopediaArticles as ency " + "
* join term.transitionalData as trans " + " join term.definitions as def " + "
* join term.glosses as glo " + " join term.keywords as key " + " join
* term.translationEquivalents as trans " + " join term.relatedTerms as rel " + "
* join term.passages as pass " + " join term.registers as reg " join def
* collections + " join def.subdefinitions as sub " + " join def.glosses as
* gloDef " + " join def.keywords as keyDef " + " join def.modelSentences as
* modDef " + " join def.translationEquivalents as transDef " + " join
* def.relatedTerms as relDef " + " join def.passages as passDef " + " join
* def.registers as regDef " join subdef collections + " join sub.glosses as
* gloSub " + " join sub.keywords as keySub " + " join sub.modelSentences as
* modSub " + " join sub.translationEquivalents as transSub " + " join
* sub.relatedTerms as relSub " + " join sub.passages as passSub " + " join
* sub.registers as regSub " join translation collections + " join
* ety.translations as etyTrans " + " join term.definitions.translations as
* defTrans " + " join term.modelSentences.translations as modTrans " + " join
* term.passages.translations as passTrans " + " join
* def.subdefinition.translations as subTrans " + " join
* def.modelSentences.translations as modDefTrans " + " join
* def.passages.translations as passDefTrans " + " join
* sub.modelSentences.translations as modSubTrans " + " join
* sub.passages.translations as passSubTrans " /restrict by projectSubject in
* createdByProjSub + " where term.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* pron.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or ety.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or sp.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* func.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or ency.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or trans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* def.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or glo.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or key.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* trans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or rel.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or pass.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* reg.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or subDef.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or gloDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* keyDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or modDef.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or transDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* relDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or passDef.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or regDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* gloSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or keySub.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or modSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* transSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* relSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or passSub.meta.createdByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or regSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* etyTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* defTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* subTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" /restrict by projectSubject in
* modifiedByProjSub + " or term.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* pron.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or ety.meta.modifiedByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or sp.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* func.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or ency.meta.modifiedByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or trans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* def.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or glo.meta.modifiedByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or key.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* trans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or rel.meta.modifiedByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or pass.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* reg.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or subDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub =
* :projSub" + " or gloDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* keyDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* transDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* relDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* regDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* gloSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* keySub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* transSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* relSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* regSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* etyTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* defTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* subTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* modSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub" + " or
* passSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub";