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package org.thdl.lex;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.thdl.users.ThdlUserRepository;
* Description of the Class
* @author travis
* @created December 15, 2003
public class LexFlatDataRepository {
int displayLanguage = 1;//this should default to the id for english from
// Languages table
private static LexFlatDataRepository instance;
HashMap users;
HashMap userRoles;
HashMap projectSubjects;
HashMap sources;
HashMap languages;
HashMap scripts;
HashMap literarySources;
HashMap transitionalDataLabels;
HashMap dialects;//represents merge table
HashMap majorDialectFamilies;
HashMap specificDialects;
HashMap functionsGeneral;
HashMap functionsSpecific;
HashMap spellingTypes;
HashMap phoneticsTypes;
HashMap relatedTermTypes;
HashMap etymologyTypes;
HashMap registers;
HashMap commentTypes;
* Gets the instance attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository class
* @return The instance value
public static LexFlatDataRepository getInstance() {
if (null == instance) {
instance = new LexFlatDataRepository();
return instance;
* Sets the transitionalDataLabels attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
public void setTransitionalDataLabels() {
String sql = "SELECT id, transitionalDataLabel FROM TransitionalDataLabels";
* Sets the transitionalDataLabels attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
* @param transitionalDataLabels
* The new transitionalDataLabels value
public void setTransitionalDataLabels(HashMap transitionalDataLabels) {
this.transitionalDataLabels = transitionalDataLabels;
* Gets the transitionalDataLabels attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
* @return The transitionalDataLabels value
public HashMap getTransitionalDataLabels() {
return transitionalDataLabels;
* Sets the literarySources attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param literarySources
* The new literarySources value
public void setLiterarySources(HashMap literarySources) {
this.literarySources = literarySources;
* Sets the literarySources attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setLiterarySources() {
String sql = "SELECT id, sourceNormalizedTitle FROM LiterarySources";
* Gets the literarySources attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The literarySources value
public HashMap getLiterarySources() {
return literarySources;
* Sets the users attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param users
* The new users value
public void setUsers(HashMap users) {
this.users = users;
* Sets the users attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public void setUsers() throws LexRepositoryException {
try {
ThdlUserRepository tr = ThdlUserRepository.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LexRepositoryException(e);
* Sets the projectSubjects attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param projectSubjects
* The new projectSubjects value
public void setProjectSubjects(HashMap projectSubjects) {
this.projectSubjects = projectSubjects;
* Sets the projectSubjects attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setProjectSubjects() {
String sql = "SELECT id, projectSubject FROM ProjectSubjects";
* Sets the sources attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param sources
* The new sources value
public void setSources(HashMap sources) {
this.sources = sources;
* Sets the sources attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setSources() {
String sql = "SELECT id, sourceTitle FROM Sources";
* Sets the languages attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param languages
* The new languages value
public void setLanguages(HashMap languages) {
this.languages = languages;
* Sets the languages attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setLanguages() {
String sql = "SELECT id,Language FROM Languages";
* Sets the scripts attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param scripts
* The new scripts value
public void setScripts(HashMap scripts) {
this.scripts = scripts;
* Sets the scripts attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setScripts() {
String sql = "SELECT id,script FROM Scripts";
* Gets the users attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The users value
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public HashMap getUsers() throws LexRepositoryException {
if (null == users) {
return users;
* Gets the projectSubjects attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The projectSubjects value
public HashMap getProjectSubjects() {
return projectSubjects;
* Gets the sources attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The sources value
public HashMap getSources() {
return sources;
* Gets the languages attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The languages value
public HashMap getLanguages() {
return languages;
* Gets the scripts attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The scripts value
public HashMap getScripts() {
return scripts;
* Sets the etymologyTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param etymologyTypes
* The new etymologyTypes value
public void setEtymologyTypes(HashMap etymologyTypes) {
this.etymologyTypes = etymologyTypes;
* Sets the etymologyTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setEtymologyTypes() {
String sql = "SELECT id, etymologyType FROM EtymologyTypes";
* Gets the etymologyTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The etymologyTypes value
public HashMap getEtymologyTypes() {
return etymologyTypes;
* Sets the spellingTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setSpellingTypes() {
String sql = "SELECT id, spellingType FROM SpellingTypes";
* Sets the spellingTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param spellingTypes
* The new spellingTypes value
public void setSpellingTypes(HashMap spellingTypes) {
this.spellingTypes = spellingTypes;
* Gets the spellingTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The spellingTypes value
public HashMap getSpellingTypes() {
return spellingTypes;
* Sets the phoneticsTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setPhoneticsTypes() {
String sql = "SELECT id, phoneticsType FROM PhoneticsTypes";
* Sets the phoneticsTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param phoneticsTypes
* The new phoneticsTypes value
public void setPhoneticsTypes(HashMap phoneticsTypes) {
this.phoneticsTypes = phoneticsTypes;
* Gets the phoneticsTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The phoneticsTypes value
public HashMap getPhoneticsTypes() {
return phoneticsTypes;
* Sets the relatedTermTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setRelatedTermTypes() {
String sql = "SELECT id, relatedTermType FROM RelatedTermTypes";
* Sets the relatedTermTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param relatedTermTypes
* The new relatedTermTypes value
public void setRelatedTermTypes(HashMap relatedTermTypes) {
this.relatedTermTypes = relatedTermTypes;
* Gets the relatedTermTypes attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The relatedTermTypes value
public HashMap getRelatedTermTypes() {
return relatedTermTypes;
* Sets the registers attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setRegisters() {
String sql = "SELECT id, register FROM Registers";
* Sets the registers attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param registers
* The new registers value
public void setRegisters(HashMap registers) {
this.registers = registers;
* Gets the registers attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The registers value
public HashMap getRegisters() {
return registers;
* Sets the functionsGeneral attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
public void setFunctionsGeneral() {
String sql = "SELECT id, functionGeneral FROM FunctionsGeneral";
* Sets the functionsGeneral attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param functionsGeneral
* The new functionsGeneral value
public void setFunctionsGeneral(HashMap functionsGeneral) {
this.functionsGeneral = functionsGeneral;
* Gets the functionsGeneral attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @return The functionsGeneral value
public HashMap getFunctionsGeneral() {
return functionsGeneral;
* Sets the majorDialectFamilies attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
public void setMajorDialectFamilies() {
String sql = "SELECT id, majorDialectFamily FROM MajorDialectFamilies";
* Sets the majorDialectFamilies attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
* @param majorDialectFamilies
* The new majorDialectFamilies value
public void setMajorDialectFamilies(HashMap majorDialectFamilies) {
this.majorDialectFamilies = majorDialectFamilies;
* Gets the majorDialectFamilies attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
* @return The majorDialectFamilies value
public HashMap getMajorDialectFamilies() {
return majorDialectFamilies;
// accessor methods for HashMap items
* Gets the user attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param userId
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The user value
* @exception LexRepositoryException
* Description of the Exception
public String getUser(int userId) throws LexRepositoryException {
return (String) getUsers().get(new Integer(userId));
* Gets the projectSubject attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param projSubId
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The projectSubject value
public String getProjectSubject(int projSubId) {
return (String) getProjectSubjects().get(new Integer(projSubId));
* Gets the source attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param sourceId
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The source value
public String getSource(int sourceId) {
return (String) getSources().get(new Integer(sourceId));
* Gets the language attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param langId
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The language value
public String getLanguage(int langId) {
return (String) getLanguages().get(new Integer(langId));
* Gets the script attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param scriptId
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The script value
public String getScript(int scriptId) {
return (String) getScripts().get(new Integer(scriptId));
* Gets the literarySource attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param litSourceId
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The literarySource value
public String getLiterarySource(int litSourceId) {
return (String) getLiterarySources().get(new Integer(litSourceId));
* Gets the etymologyType attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param etymType
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The etymologyType value
public String getEtymologyType(int etymType) {
return (String) getEtymologyTypes().get(new Integer(etymType));
* Gets the spellingType attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param varType
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The spellingType value
public String getSpellingType(int varType) {
return (String) getSpellingTypes().get(new Integer(varType));
* Gets the register attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param reg
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The register value
public String getRegister(int reg) {
return (String) getRegisters().get(new Integer(reg));
* Gets the functionGeneral attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param funcGen
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The functionGeneral value
public String getFunctionGeneral(int funcGen) {
return (String) getFunctionsGeneral().get(new Integer(funcGen));
* Gets the majorDialectFamily attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository object
* @param dial
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The majorDialectFamily value
public String getMajorDialectFamily(int dial) {
return (String) getMajorDialectFamilies().get(new Integer(dial));
* Gets the transitionalDataLabel attribute of the LexFlatDataRepository
* object
* @param label
* Description of the Parameter
* @return The transitionalDataLabel value
public String getTransitionalDataLabel(int label) {
return (String) getTransitionalDataLabels().get(new Integer(label));
* Description of the Method
* @param sql
* Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
public HashMap createMap(String sql) {
ResultSet rs = null;
HashMap map = new HashMap();
try {
LexRepository lr = LexRepository.getInstance();
Connection con = lr.getDataSource().getConnection();
rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
if (null != rs) {
int i = 0;
Integer key = null;
String value = "";
while (rs.next()) {
i = rs.getInt(1);
key = new Integer(i);
value = rs.getString(2);
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
for (int x = 3; x <= columnCount; x++) {
value = value + " " + rs.getString(x);
map.put(key, value);
} catch (LexRepositoryException lre) {
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return map;
* Constructor for the LexFlatDataRepository object
public LexFlatDataRepository() {
* The main program for the LexFlatDataRepository class
* @param args
* The command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
LexFlatDataRepository lfdr = new LexFlatDataRepository();
//System.out.println( lfdr.getUser( 1 ) );