updated addRecord method to use LexComponentRepository api to save

This commit is contained in:
travismccauley 2004-06-20 17:27:52 +00:00
parent ec0d7206f3
commit 2fa8b7f200
1 changed files with 263 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
package org.thdl.lex;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.thdl.lex.*;
import org.thdl.lex.component.*;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.Manipulate;
public class DictionaryImporter
private PrintWriter out;
private BufferedReader in;
private String delim;
private int delimiterType;
public final static int delimiterGeneric=0;
public final static int delimiterAcip=1;
public final static int delimiterDash=2;
public void doImport() throws Exception
String entrada, s1, s2, alternateWords[];
int marker, marker2, len, currentLine=1;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while ((entrada = in.readLine())!=null)
entrada = entrada.trim();
if (!entrada.equals(""))
/* this is needed to make sure that the dash used in reverse vowels with extended
wylie is not confused with the dash that separates definiendum and definition. */
case delimiterDash:
len = entrada.length();
while (marker>=0 && marker<len-1 && Manipulate.isVowel(entrada.charAt(marker+1)) && !Character.isWhitespace(entrada.charAt(marker-1)))
marker = entrada.indexOf('-', marker+1);
marker = entrada.indexOf(delim);
if (marker<0)
out.println("Error loading line " + currentLine);
s1 = Manipulate.deleteQuotes(entrada.substring(0,marker).trim());
s2 = Manipulate.deleteQuotes(entrada.substring(marker+delim.length()).trim());
if (!s2.equals(""))
// check if there are multiple entries for a single definition
marker2 = s1.indexOf(';');
if (marker2>0)
alternateWords = s1.split(";");
for (marker2=0; marker2<alternateWords.length; marker2++)
addRecord (s1, s2);
out.println( "Duration: " + ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start )/60000 + " minutes");
/** Main class to map the term and its definition to the Lex Component
object model. Doesn't work yet! */
public void addRecord(String term, String definition)
// displaying for debugging purposes only
out.println(term + " - " + definition);
//check to see if the term already exists
ITerm lexTerm = LexComponentRepository.loadTermByTerm( term );
//if it doesn't create a new term.
if ( null == lexTerm )
lexTerm = new Term();
lexTerm.setTerm( term );
lexTerm.setMeta( defaultMeta() );
//save the Term to the database. This step is necessary here to generate a unique id
LexComponentRepository.save( lexTerm );
//Andres, each term has a List object that holds all TransData components.
// If you need to get a specific one, you'll need to iterate through the list and find it by means of criteria in the Meta object..
// The RY dictionary had multiple entries for a single term which this dictionary does not.
//so I sometimes had to append transitional data text to an already created Trans Data object.
//If you don't need to do this, you can simply add a new TransitionalData component to each term and you should be fine.
/* TransitionalData trans = getTransData( lexTerm.getId() );
trans.setTransitionalDataLabel( new Short( "1" ) );
trans.setForPublicConsumption( "true" );
trans.setTermId( termParent.getId() );
String newText = null;
if (null != trans.getTransitionalDataText() )
newText = trans.getTransitionalDataText() + ". " + def.toString().trim();
newText = def.toString().trim();
trans.setTransitionalDataText( newText );
out.print( termParent.getTerm() + " ");
int subTarget = 30;
if ( trans.getTransitionalDataText().length() < 40 )
subTarget = trans.getTransitionalDataText().length();
out.print( trans.getTransitionalDataText().substring( 0, subTarget ) ); */
// create a new transData object to add the term if we're not using one that's already there.
TransitionalData trans = new TransitionalData( );
trans.setMeta( defaultMeta );
trans.setParentId( lexTerm.getMetaId() );
//add the new trans Data obj to the term.
lexTerm.getTransitionalData().add( trans );
//save the Term to the database.
LexComponentRepository.save( lexTerm );
public Meta defaultMeta() {
//use the file src/sql/import-updates.sql to add new metadata for use in this method.
Meta meta = new Meta();
meta.setCreatedBy( new Integer( 4 ) );
meta.setModifiedBy( new Integer( 4 ) );
meta.setCreatedByProjSub( new Integer( 16 ) );
meta.setModifiedByProjSub( new Integer( 16 ) );
meta.setSource( new Integer( 0 ) );
// meta.setTranslationOf( new Integer( 0 ) );
meta.setLanguage( new Integer( "0" ) );
meta.setDialect( new Integer( "0" ) );
meta.setScript( new Integer( "1" ) );
meta.setNote( "This entry comes from The Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Culture (www.rangjung.com)." );
return meta;
public DictionaryImporter(BufferedReader in, PrintWriter out)
this(in, out, delimiterDash);
public DictionaryImporter(BufferedReader in, PrintWriter out, int delimiterType)
/* If the delimiter type is acip the dash will be ignored anyway, the delimiter
will be ignored anyway. */
this (in, out, delimiterType, "-");
public DictionaryImporter(BufferedReader in, PrintWriter out, String delim)
this (in, out, delimiterGeneric, delim);
public DictionaryImporter(BufferedReader in, PrintWriter out, int delimiterType, String delim)
this.delim = delim;
this.in = in;
this.out = out;
this.delim = delim;
/* try
Torque.init( "./lex-torque.properties" );
catch ( Exception e )
public static void main( String[] args )
BufferedReader in=null;
PrintWriter out;
int argNum = args.length, currentArg=0;
String option;
boolean file=false;
if (argNum<=currentArg)
System.out.println("Syntax: DictionaryImporter [input-file] [output-file]");
while (args[currentArg].charAt(0)=='-')
option = args[currentArg].substring(1);
if (option.equals("xxx"))
if (argNum<=currentArg)
// use it if needed: args[currentArg];
switch (args.length-currentArg)
case 0: out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
case 1: out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
file = true;
out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(args[currentArg + 1]));
catch ( Exception e )
file = true;
if (file)
if (args[currentArg].indexOf("http://") >= 0)
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream((new URL(args[currentArg])).openStream())));
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(args[currentArg])));
new DictionaryImporter(in, out).doImport();
catch ( Exception e )