*** empty log message ***

This commit is contained in:
travismccauley 2004-06-20 17:00:33 +00:00
parent 9501976593
commit ec0d7206f3
3 changed files with 506 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This build file requires a build.properties file with the following properties:
#provide location of working copy of lex-context-config.xml
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ jmeterhome=../jmeter
<!-- <property file="${user.home}/.${ant.project.name}-build.properties"/>
<property file="${user.home}/.build.properties"/>
--> <property file="build.properties"/>
<property file="build.properties"/>
<!-- Configure the custom Ant tasks for the Manager application
These tasks require catalina-ant.jar in $ANT_HOME/lib-->
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ jmeterhome=../jmeter
<fileset dir="${catalina.home}/common/lib">
<include name="servlet.jar"/>
<include name="*.jar"/>
<include name="mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar"/>
<!--point to org/thdl/users-->
@ -121,32 +123,35 @@ jmeterhome=../jmeter
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/thdl">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/commons">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/jwebunit">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/dlese-oai">
<!--<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/dlese-oai">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/oai-xmlbeans">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<target name="compile" description="Compile web application" depends="copy">
<mkdir dir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<javac srcdir="${thdluser.home}/src/java"
<javac destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes" classpathref="classpath" debug="on" listfiles="no">
<src path="${source}/java"/>
<include name="org/thdl/lex/**"/>
<exclude name="**/old/**"/>
<javac srcdir="${thdluser.home}/src/java" destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes" deprecation="on" classpathref="classpath" debug="on"></javac>
<javac destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes" classpathref="classpath" debug="on" listfiles="no">
<src path="${source}/java"/>
<include name="org/thdl/lex/**"/>
<exclude name="**/old/**"/>
<exclude name="**/test/**"/>
<exclude name="**/util/**"/>
<exclude name="**/LexSourceRepository.java/**"/>
<target name="javadoc" description="Create Javadocs">
<javadoc destdir="${build}/apidocs/" classpathref="classpath" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="THDL Tibetan Collaborative Dictionary API">
@ -192,14 +197,17 @@ jmeterhome=../jmeter
<remove url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}" path="${path}"/>
<target name="test" description="Run load and functional tests">
<java classname="org.thdl.lex.test.MainMenuTestCase" classpathref="classpath" fork="yes">
<target name="compile-test" description="Run load and functional tests" depends="compile">
<javac srcdir="${source}/java/test/org/thdl/lex" destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes" deprecation="on" classpathref="classpath" debug="on"></javac>
<target name="test" description="Run load and functional tests" depends="compile-test">
<java classname="org.thdl.lex.TestAll" classpathref="classpath" fork="yes">
<!-- <classpath>
<pathelement location="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<arg value="${ lex.username }"/>
<arg value="${ lex.password }"/>
<jvmarg value="-Djava.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.naming.ResourceFactory"/> --></java>
<target name="reload-test" description="Remove and Re-install web application" depends="reload">
@ -211,24 +219,18 @@ jmeterhome=../jmeter
<target name="jmeter">
<taskdef name="jmeter" classname="org.programmerplanet.ant.taskdefs.jmeter.JMeterTask"/>
<echo message="${jmeterhome}"/>
<target name="jmeter">
<taskdef name="jmeter" classname="org.programmerplanet.ant.taskdefs.jmeter.JMeterTask"/>
<echo message="${jmeterhome}"/>
<jmeter jmeterhome="../jmeter" testplan="${basedir}/loadtests/LoadTest.jmx" resultlog="${basedir}/loadtests/JMeterResults.jtl"/>
For the following task to work, jmeter.properties needs to have the following properties set thusly:
<xslt in="${basedir}/loadtests/JMeterResults.jtl" out="${basedir}/loadtests/JMeterResults.html" style="${jmeterhome}/extras/jmeter-results-report.xsl"/>
<target name="hbm2java" description="generate source code">
<!-- <tstamp prefix="now"/>
@ -241,7 +243,8 @@ jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml
<java classname="net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2java.CodeGenerator" classpathref="classpath" fork="yes">
<arg value="--output=${source}/java"/>
<arg value="--config=${basedir}/config/lex-codegen-cfg.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/LexComponent.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/util/LexComponentDataTransfer.hbm.xml"/>
<!-- <arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/LexComponent.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Author.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Dialect.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/EtymologyType.hbm.xml"/>
@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Source.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/SpecificDialect.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/SpellingType.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/TransitionalDataLabel.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/TransitionalDataLabel.hbm.xml"/> -->
@ -276,9 +279,9 @@ jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="--quiet"/>
<arg value="--delimiter=;"/>
<arg value="--properties=${config}/hibernate.properties"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/LexComponent.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Author.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="--properties=${basedir}/hibernate.properties"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/util/LexComponentDataTransfer.hbm.xml"/>
<!--<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Author.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Dialect.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/EtymologyType.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Function.hbm.xml"/>
@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/Source.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/SpecificDialect.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/SpellingType.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/TransitionalDataLabel.hbm.xml"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/component/child/TransitionalDataLabel.hbm.xml"/>-->
@ -310,4 +313,24 @@ jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml
<target name="convert-to-new-mapping" description="convert old data to a new db mapping" depends="copy, compile">
<java classname="org.thdl.lex.ConvertDataToNewMapping" classpathref="classpath" fork="yes">
<pathelement location="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<arg value="${source}/java/org/thdl/lex/util/hibernate-data-transfer.cfg.xml"/>
<target name="importer" description="run the dictionary importer. " depends="copy, compile">
<java classname="org.thdl.lex.util.DictionaryImporter" classpathref="classpath" fork="yes">
<pathelement location="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<!-- Pass Command-line arguments to the Dictionary Importer. The first argument must always be the Hibernate config file. -->
<arg value="${source}/java/hibernate.cfg.xml"/>

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
* @exception HibernateException Description of Exception
* @since
private static Session getSession() throws HibernateException
protected static Session getSession() throws HibernateException
Session session = HibernateSession.currentSession();
if ( !session.isConnected() )
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
* @exception LexRepositoryException Description of the Exception
private static void beginTransaction() throws LexRepositoryException
protected static void beginTransaction() throws LexRepositoryException
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
* @exception LexRepositoryException Description of the Exception
* @since
private static void endTransaction( boolean commit ) throws LexRepositoryException
protected static void endTransaction( boolean commit ) throws LexRepositoryException
@ -226,10 +226,13 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
termForQuery = "%" + termForQuery + "%";
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm as term WHERE term.term like '" + termForQuery + "' AND term.deleted=0 ORDER BY term.term";
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm as term WHERE term like :term AND term.deleted=0 ORDER BY term";
query = getSession().createQuery( queryString );
query.setString( "term", termForQuery );
catch ( HibernateException he )
@ -292,6 +295,278 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
endTransaction( false );
return term;
public static List getAllTerms( ) throws LexRepositoryException
List terms = null;
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm";
Query query = getSession().createQuery( queryString );
terms = query.list();
catch ( HibernateException he )
throw new LexRepositoryException( he );
endTransaction( false );
return terms;
* Description of the Method
* @param lexQuery Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
* @exception LexRepositoryException Description of the Exception
public static Map findTermsByMeta( LexQuery lexQuery ) throws LexRepositoryException
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( "org.thdl.lex" );
ITerm term = assertTerm( lexQuery.getQueryComponent() );
Map terms = new HashMap();
ILexComponent comp = null;
ITerm aTerm;
Query query = null;
Iterator it = null;
setStart( now() );
if ( null == term.getMeta() )
throw new LexRepositoryException( "Query Component term.meta was null." );
if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
logger.debug( "Tibetan Dictionary begin query!" );
String queryString = "select term from org.thdl.lex.component.Term as term "
//join term collections
+ " join term.pronunciations as pron "
+ " join term.etymologies as ety "
+ " join term.spellings as sp "
+ " join term.functions as func "
+ " join term.encyclopediaArticles as ency "
+ " join term.transitionalData as transData "
+ " join term.definitions as def "
+ " join term.glosses as glo "
+ " join term.keywords as key "
+ " join term.translationEquivalents as trans "
+ " join term.relatedTerms as rel "
+ " join term.passages as pass "
+ " join term.registers as reg "
//join def collections
+ " join def.subdefinitions as sub "
+ " join def.glosses as gloDef "
+ " join def.keywords as keyDef "
+ " join def.modelSentences as modDef "
+ " join def.translationEquivalents as transDef "
+ " join def.relatedTerms as relDef "
+ " join def.passages as passDef "
+ " join def.registers as regDef "
//join subdef collections
+ " join sub.glosses as gloSub "
+ " join sub.keywords as keySub "
+ " join sub.modelSentences as modSub "
+ " join sub.translationEquivalents as transSub "
+ " join sub.relatedTerms as relSub "
+ " join sub.passages as passSub "
+ " join sub.registers as regSub "
// join translation collections
/* + " join ety.translations as etyTrans "
+ " join term.definitions.translations as defTrans "
+ " join term.modelSentences.translations as modTrans "
+ " join term.passages.translations as passTrans "
+ " join def.subdefinition.translations as subTrans "
+ " join def.modelSentences.translations as modDefTrans "
+ " join def.passages.translations as passDefTrans "
+ " join sub.modelSentences.translations as modSubTrans "
+ " join sub.passages.translations as passSubTrans " */
//restrict by projectSubject in createdByProjSub
+ " where term.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pron.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ety.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sp.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or func.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ency.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transData.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or def.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or glo.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or key.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or rel.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pass.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or reg.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keyDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keySub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
/* + " or etyTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or defTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or subTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub" */
//restrict by projectSubject in modifiedByProjSub
+ " or term.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pron.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ety.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sp.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or func.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ency.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transData.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or def.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or glo.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or key.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or rel.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pass.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or reg.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keyDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keySub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
/* + " or etyTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or defTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or subTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub";*/
query = getSession().createQuery( queryString );
query.setMaxResults( 100 );
query.setInteger( "projSub", lexQuery.getQueryComponent().getMeta().getCreatedByProjSub().intValue() );
logger.debug( "About to list query" );
List list = query.list();
logger.debug( "results size: " + list.size() );
it = list.iterator();
logger.debug( "Starting to add terms to map" );
while ( it.hasNext() )
aTerm = (ITerm) comp;
logger.debug( "successfully cast comp to an ITerm" );
Integer id = aTerm.getMetaId();
String tm = aTerm.getTerm();
terms.put( id, tm );
catch ( HibernateException he )
throw new LexRepositoryException( he );
endTransaction( false );
lexQuery.setDuration( getDuration() );
return terms;
public static Map findTermsByMetaViaLc( LexQuery lexQuery ) throws LexRepositoryException
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( "org.thdl.lex" );
ITerm term = assertTerm( lexQuery.getQueryComponent() );
Map terms = new HashMap();
ILexComponent comp = null;
ITerm aTerm;
Query query = null;
Iterator it = null;
setStart( now() );
if ( null == term.getMeta() )
throw new LexRepositoryException( "Query Component term.meta was null." );
if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
logger.debug( "Tibetan Dictionary begin query!" );
String queryString = "from org.thdl.lex.component.LexComponent as comp where comp.meta.createdByProjSub=:projSub";
query = getSession().createQuery( queryString );
//query.setMaxResults( 100 );
query.setInteger( "projSub", lexQuery.getQueryComponent().getMeta().getCreatedByProjSub().intValue() );
logger.debug( "About to list query" );
List list = query.list();
logger.debug( "results size: " + list.size() );
it = list.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() )
logger.debug( "Starting quest for a term parent" );
comp = (ILexComponent) it.next();
int safetyFirst = 0;
parentSearch:while ( !( comp instanceof ITerm ) && comp != null )
logger.debug( "comp class: " + comp.getClass().getName() );
comp = comp.getParent();
if ( comp instanceof ITerm )
aTerm = (ITerm) comp;
terms.put( aTerm.getMetaId(), aTerm.getTerm() );
logger.debug( "successfully cast comp to an ITerm" );
catch ( ClassCastException cce )
logger.debug( "LCR caught ClassCastException Failed cast of " +comp.toString() + " to ITerm" );
throw cce;
if ( safetyFirst > 10 )
logger.debug( "could not find an ITerm parent for component: " + comp );
break parentSearch;
catch ( HibernateException he )
throw new LexRepositoryException( he );
endTransaction( false );
lexQuery.setDuration( getDuration() );
return terms;
@ -335,6 +610,26 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
endTransaction( false );
public static ITerm loadTermByTerm( String term ) throws LexRepositoryException
ITerm returnTerm = null;
String queryString = " FROM org.thdl.lex.component.ITerm as theTerm where theTerm.term = :term";
Query query = getSession().createQuery( queryString );
query.setString( "term", term );
returnTerm = (ITerm) query.uniqueResult();
catch ( HibernateException he )
throw new LexRepositoryException( he );
endTransaction( false );
return returnTerm;
* Description of the Method
@ -521,3 +816,126 @@ public class LexComponentRepository
/join term collections
+ " join term.pronunciations as pron "
+ " join term.etymologies as ety "
+ " join term.spellings as sp "
+ " join term.functions as func "
+ " join term.encyclopediaArticles as ency "
+ " join term.transitionalData as trans "
+ " join term.definitions as def "
+ " join term.glosses as glo "
+ " join term.keywords as key "
+ " join term.translationEquivalents as trans "
+ " join term.relatedTerms as rel "
+ " join term.passages as pass "
+ " join term.registers as reg "
join def collections
+ " join def.subdefinitions as sub "
+ " join def.glosses as gloDef "
+ " join def.keywords as keyDef "
+ " join def.modelSentences as modDef "
+ " join def.translationEquivalents as transDef "
+ " join def.relatedTerms as relDef "
+ " join def.passages as passDef "
+ " join def.registers as regDef "
join subdef collections
+ " join sub.glosses as gloSub "
+ " join sub.keywords as keySub "
+ " join sub.modelSentences as modSub "
+ " join sub.translationEquivalents as transSub "
+ " join sub.relatedTerms as relSub "
+ " join sub.passages as passSub "
+ " join sub.registers as regSub "
join translation collections
+ " join ety.translations as etyTrans "
+ " join term.definitions.translations as defTrans "
+ " join term.modelSentences.translations as modTrans "
+ " join term.passages.translations as passTrans "
+ " join def.subdefinition.translations as subTrans "
+ " join def.modelSentences.translations as modDefTrans "
+ " join def.passages.translations as passDefTrans "
+ " join sub.modelSentences.translations as modSubTrans "
+ " join sub.passages.translations as passSubTrans "
/restrict by projectSubject in createdByProjSub
+ " where term.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pron.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ety.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sp.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or func.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ency.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or def.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or glo.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or key.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or rel.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pass.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or reg.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or subDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keyDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regDef.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keySub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regSub.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or etyTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or defTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or subTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDefTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSubTrans.meta.createdByProjSub = :projSub"
/restrict by projectSubject in modifiedByProjSub
+ " or term.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pron.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ety.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or sp.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or func.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or ency.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or def.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or glo.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or key.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or trans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or rel.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or pass.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or reg.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or subDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keyDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regDef.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or gloSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or keySub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or transSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or relSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or regSub.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or etyTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or defTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or subTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passDefTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or modSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub"
+ " or passSubTrans.meta.modifiedByProjSub = :projSub";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
use lex;
--add TransitionalDataLabels
insert into TransitionalDataLabels values ( null, "Text That You Want To Appear In The Public Interface To Describe This Dictionary" );
--add some new project subjects
insert int ProjectSubjects( id, projectSubject, leader, participantList )
values ( null, "The Name Of The New Project Subject,bod yig med", 0, null );
select "+++++Display Newly inserted ids";
select id, transitionalDataLabel from TransitionalDataLabels order by id desc;
select id, projectSubject from ProjectSubjects order by id desc;