2002-10-06 18:23:27 +00:00
/ *
The contents of this file are subject to the THDL Open Community License
Version 1 . 0 ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License on the THDL web site
( http : //www.thdl.org/).
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " basis ,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the
License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the
License .
The Initial Developer of this software is the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital
Library ( THDL ) . Portions created by the THDL are Copyright 2001 THDL .
All Rights Reserved .
Contributor ( s ) : ______________________________________ .
* /
package org.thdl.util ;
import java.io.PrintStream ;
import java.io.FileOutputStream ;
2002-10-13 19:19:47 +00:00
import java.io.File ;
2002-10-06 18:23:27 +00:00
import org.thdl.util.TeeStream ;
/ * *
* This uninstantiable class provides assertions and the like in a
* JVM - version - independent fashion .
* @author David Chandler
* /
public class ThdlDebug {
/* FIXME: make this configurable. */
static final String contactMsg
= " Please visit http://thdltools.sf.net/ or contact thdltools-devel@lists.sourceforge.net and give us a bug report so that we can improve the quality of this software. " ;
/** Do not instantiate this class. */
private ThdlDebug ( ) { }
/ * * Throws an unchecked exception if condition is not true . Note that
* unlike a real assertion , this happens always . We can certainly
* use AspectJ ( with which I , DC , am intimately familiar ) to avoid
* the overhead of such things in release builds if performance
* becomes a real issue . * /
public static void verify ( boolean condition ) {
verify ( null , condition ) ;
/ * * Throws an unchecked exception if condition is not true . The
* exception ' s message will include the string msg if msg is not
* null . Note that unlike a real assertion , this happens always .
* We can certainly use AspectJ ( with which I , DC , am intimately
* familiar ) to avoid the overhead of such things in release
* builds if performance becomes a real issue .
* Throws a THDL - specific exception so that you can catch these
* specially in case you want to ignore them .
* @throws ThdlLazyException if condition is not true * /
public static void verify ( String msg , boolean condition )
throws ThdlLazyException
if ( ! condition ) {
throw new ThdlLazyException ( new Error ( ( ( msg = = null )
? " THDL Tools sanity check: "
: msg )
+ " An assertion failed. This means that there is a bug in this software. "
+ contactMsg ) ) ;
/ * * Call this from control - flow paths that are not well thought
* out . For example , if you have to catch an IOException , but
* you ' re fairly certain that it ' ll never be thrown , call this
* function if it is indeed thrown . Developers can set the
* THDL_DIE_EAGERLY property to true ( using < code > ' java
* - DTHDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE = true ' < / code > ) in order to test the
* code ' s robustness .
* Throws a THDL - specific exception so that you can catch these
* specially in case you want to ignore them .
* @throws ThdlLazyException if the THDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE system
* property is set to " true " * /
public static void noteIffyCode ( )
throws ThdlLazyException
/ * FIXME : find all calls to this function and rethink or shore
up the calling code . * /
if ( Boolean . getBoolean ( " THDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE " ) )
throw new ThdlLazyException ( new Error ( " You've reached some iffy code, some code that's not well thought-out. Because you invoked the Java runtime environment with the property THDL_DIE_ON_IFFY_CODE set to true (developers: use 'ant -Dthdl.die.on.iffy=false' to prevent this), the program is now aborting. " ) ) ;
/ * * Exits the program with a message that the CLASSPATH is not set
properly . * /
public static void handleClasspathError ( String whoseWhat , Throwable error ) {
System . err . println ( ( ( whoseWhat = = null ) ? " Your CLASSPATH " : whoseWhat )
+ " is not set properly. " ) ;
/* FIXME */
System . err . println ( " Note that Savant and QuillDriver CANNOT be invoked via the " ) ;
System . err . println ( " 'java -jar Savant-xyz.jar' option, because that silently ignores " ) ;
System . err . println ( " the CLASSPATH. This means that double-clicking them won't work " ) ;
System . err . println ( " either, because we don't set the JARs' manifest files to contain " ) ;
System . err . println ( " Class-path attributes. See installation instructions. " ) ; /* FIXME: we don't HAVE installation instructions, do we? */
System . err . println ( " " ) ;
System . err . println ( " Details: Missing class: "
+ ( ( error = = null )
? " unknown! " : error . getMessage ( ) ) ) ;
if ( Boolean . getBoolean ( " THDL_DEBUG " ) ) {
System . err . println ( " Details: Stack trace: "
+ ( ( error = = null )
? " unknown! " : error . getMessage ( ) ) ) ;
error . printStackTrace ( System . err ) ;
System . exit ( 1 ) ;
/ * * Sets it up so that a call to System . out or System . err prints
* to standard output / error but ALSO prints to the log file named
2002-10-13 19:19:47 +00:00
* ( prefix + suffix ) . Be sure the log file name is a relative
* path , because we may put this file into an arbitrary
* directory . * /
public static void attemptToSetUpLogFile ( String prefix , String suffix ) {
final String tempDirProp = " thdl.use.temp.file.directory.for.log " ;
final String logDirProp = " thdl.log.directory " ;
File logFile = null ;
if ( Boolean . getBoolean ( tempDirProp ) ) {
/ * The log file won ' t be named ' jskad . log ' , it ' ll be named
' jskad - SAKFJDS3134 . log ' , and they ' ll all just pile up ,
because we don ' t deleteOnExit . * /
/* First, ensure that the user hasn't set conflicting options. */
try {
if ( null ! = System . getProperty ( " thdl.log.directory " ) )
throw new Error ( " You cannot set the property "
+ tempDirProp + " and the property "
+ logDirProp
+ " at the same time because they both affect the same thing, the location of the log file. " ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
/* SecurityExceptions, e.g., will trigger this. */
/* Leave logDir null. */
} catch ( Error e ) {
throw e ;
/* Now, create the temporary file. */
try {
logFile = File . createTempFile ( prefix , suffix ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
noteIffyCode ( ) ;
} else {
/ * If the user has set the system property
thdl . log . directory , respect their choice . * /
String logDir = null ;
try {
logDir = System . getProperty ( logDirProp ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
/ * SecurityExceptions , e . g . , will trigger this . We
leave logDir null . * /
noteIffyCode ( ) ;
if ( null ! = logDir ) {
logFile = new File ( logDir , prefix + suffix ) ;
} else {
/ * Create the log file in the current directory . For
Windows users , this is often the desktop .
FIXME : by default , put the log file in a smarter place .
* /
logFile = new File ( prefix + suffix ) ;
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try {
PrintStream logFilePrintStream
= new PrintStream ( new FileOutputStream ( logFile ) ) ;
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System . out . println ( " Logging to "
+ logFile . getAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( )
+ " ; please include the contents of this file in any bug reports. " ) ;
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PrintStream psOut = new TeeStream ( System . out , logFilePrintStream ) ;
PrintStream psErr = new TeeStream ( System . err , logFilePrintStream ) ;
System . setErr ( psErr ) ;
System . setOut ( psOut ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
/* don't let this stop us. */
noteIffyCode ( ) ;
} ;