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// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: If EWTS still has 'v', warn about it if it looks like someone thinks that ACIP's usage of it for wa-zur is how EWTS does things.
package org.thdl.tib.text.ttt;
/** A factory for creating {@link TPairList TPairLists} from
* Strings of ACIP.
* @author David Chandler */
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: kill this class; put it all in TTraits.
class TPairListFactory {
/** This class is not instantiable. */
private TPairListFactory() { }
/** See {@link TTraits#breakTshegBarIntoChunks}. */
static TPairList[] breakACIPIntoChunks(String tt,
boolean specialHandlingForAppendages) {
TTraits ttraits = ACIPTraits.instance();
TPairList a = breakHelperACIP(tt, true, false, ttraits);
TPairList b = null;
if (specialHandlingForAppendages)
b = breakHelperACIP(tt, false, false, ttraits);
if (null != b && a.equals(b))
return new TPairList[] { a, null };
return new TPairList[] { a, b };
2004-04-17 15:48:50 +00:00
/** Helps {@link #breakACIPIntoChunks(String,boolean)}.
* @param tickIsVowel true if and only if you want to treat the
* ACIP {'} as an U+0F71 vowel instead of the full-sized
* consonant in special, "this might be an appendage like 'AM or
* 'ANG" circumstances
* @param weHaveSeenVowelAlready true if and only if, in our
* recursion, we've already found one vowel (not a disambiguator,
* but a vowel like "A", "E", "Um:", "m", "'U", etc.) */
private static TPairList breakHelperACIP(String acip, boolean tickIsVowel,
boolean weHaveSeenVowelAlready,
TTraits ttraits) {
// base case for our recursion:
if ("".equals(acip))
return new TPairList(ttraits);
StringBuffer acipBuf = new StringBuffer(acip);
int howMuchBuf[] = new int[1];
TPair head = getFirstConsonantAndVowel(acipBuf, howMuchBuf, ttraits);
int howMuch = howMuchBuf[0];
if (!tickIsVowel
&& null != head.getLeft()
&& null != head.getRight()
&& weHaveSeenVowelAlready
&& ttraits.isSuffix(head.getLeft()) // DKY'O should be two horizontal units, not three. -- {D}{KY'O}, not {D}{KY}{'O}.
&& head.getRight().startsWith("'")) {
head = new TPair(ttraits, head.getLeft(),
// Without this disambiguator, we are
// less efficient (8 parses, not 4) and
// we can't handle PA'AM'ANG etc.
howMuch = head.getLeft().length();
TPairList tail;
if ((tail
= breakHelperACIP(acipBuf.substring(howMuch),
|| (head.getRight() != null
&& !"+".equals(head.getRight())
&& !"-".equals(head.getRight())),
ttraits)).hasSimpleError()) {
for (int i = 1; i < howMuch; i++) {
// try giving i characters back if that leaves us with
// a legal head and makes the rest free of simple
// errors.
TPairList newTail = null;
TPair newHead;
if ((newHead = head.minusNRightmostTransliterationCharacters(i)).isLegal()
&& !(newTail
= breakHelperACIP(acipBuf.substring(howMuch - i),
|| (newHead.getRight() != null
&& !"+".equals(newHead.getRight())
&& !"-".equals(newHead.getRight())),
ttraits)).hasSimpleError()) {
return newTail;
// It didn't work. Return the first thing we'd thought
// of: head appended with tail. (I.e., fall through.)
return tail;
/** See {@link TTraits#breakTshegBarIntoChunks}. */
static TPairList[] breakEWTSIntoChunks(String ewts)
throws IllegalArgumentException
EWTSTraits traits = EWTSTraits.instance();
TPairList pl = breakHelperEWTS(ewts, traits);
TPairList npl = pl;
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: this crap ain't workin' for kaHM. But kaeM and kaMe shouldn't work, right? Figure out what EWTS really says...
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: for "a\\0f86" e.g.:
if (pl.size() > 1) {
npl = new TPairList(traits, pl.size());
for (int i = pl.size() - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
TPair left = pl.get(i - 1);
TPair right = pl.get(i);
if (traits.aVowel().equals(left.getRight())
&& left.getLeft() == null
&& right.getLeft() == null
&& traits.isWowelThatRequiresAChen(right.getRight())) {
npl.prepend(new TPair(traits, traits.aVowel(), right.getRight()));
} else if (traits.aVowel().equals(left.getRight())
&& left.getLeft() != null
&& right.getLeft() == null
&& traits.isWowelThatRequiresAChen(right.getRight())
&& false /* TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: ewts kaM is bothersome now */) {
npl.prepend(new TPair(traits, left.getLeft(), right.getRight()));
} else {
if (i == 1)
TPairList nnpl;
if (true) {
// Collapse ( . wowel1) ( . wowel2) into (
// . wowel1+wowel2). Then collapse (* . a) ( . x) into (*
// . x). Also, if an a-chen (\u0f68) is implied, then
// insert it.
TPairList xnnpl = new TPairList(traits, pl.size());
for (int i = 0; i < npl.size(); ) {
TPair p = npl.get(i);
int set_i_to = i + 1;
if (p.getLeft() == null
&& p.getRight() != null
&& !traits.disambiguator().equals(p.getRight())
&& !"+".equals(p.getRight())) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(p.getRight());
for (int j = i + 1; j < npl.size(); j++) {
TPair p2 = npl.get(j);
if (p2.getLeft() == null
&& p2.getRight() != null
&& !traits.disambiguator().equals(p2.getRight())
&& !"+".equals(p2.getRight()))
sb.append("+" + p2.getRight());
set_i_to = j + 1;
} else {
p = new TPair(traits, traits.aVowel(), sb.toString());
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: Do we still have "ai" converting to the wrong thing. "ae"?
i = set_i_to;
nnpl = new TPairList(traits, pl.size());
// (* . a ) ( . x) ... ( . y) -> (* . a+x+...+y)
for (int i = 0; i < xnnpl.size(); ) {
TPair p = xnnpl.get(i);
int set_i_to = i + 1;
if (traits.aVowel().equals(p.getRight())) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(p.getRight());
for (int j = i + 1; j < xnnpl.size(); j++) {
TPair p2 = xnnpl.get(j);
if (p2.getLeft() == null
&& p2.getRight() != null
&& !traits.disambiguator().equals(p2.getRight())
&& !"+".equals(p2.getRight()))
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan] a+o+e is what we'll get.. maybe we want just o+e?
sb.append("+" + p2.getRight());
set_i_to = j + 1;
} else {
p = new TPair(traits, p.getLeft(), sb.toString());
if (false) { // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: bra is screwed up, do in it stacklist?
// EWTS does not think that kra is k+ra. Replace
// (consonant . ) with (consonant . DISAMBIGUATOR):
if (p.getRight() == null && p.getLeft() != null
&& i + 1 < xnnpl.size())
p = new TPair(traits, p.getLeft(), traits.disambiguator());
i = set_i_to;
} else {
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: this block is not executing. kill it after testing and thinking
nnpl = new TPairList(traits, pl.size());
for (int i = npl.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TPair p = npl.get(i);
if (p.getLeft() == null
&& p.getRight() != null
&& !traits.disambiguator().equals(p.getRight())
&& !"+".equals(p.getRight())) /* TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan] this should be equivalent to isWowel(p.getRight()) but o+o shows that's not true yet */
p = new TPair(traits, traits.aVowel(), p.getRight());
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: do you still have "ai" converting to the wrong thing? ("ae" also?)
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: this nnpl crap was before getFirstConsonantAndVowel got fixed. Try killing it!
return new TPairList[] {
nnpl, null
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: doc
private static TPairList breakHelperEWTS(String ewts, TTraits ttraits) {
// base case for our recursion:
if ("".equals(ewts))
return new TPairList(ttraits);
StringBuffer ewtsBuf = new StringBuffer(ewts);
int howMuchBuf[] = new int[1];
TPair head = getFirstConsonantAndVowel(ewtsBuf, howMuchBuf, ttraits);
int howMuch = howMuchBuf[0];
TPairList tail;
if ((tail = breakHelperEWTS(ewtsBuf.substring(howMuch),
ttraits)).hasSimpleError()) {
for (int i = 1; i < howMuch; i++) {
// try giving i characters back if that leaves us with
// a legal head and makes the rest free of simple
// errors.
TPairList newTail = null;
TPair newHead;
if ((newHead = head.minusNRightmostTransliterationCharacters(i)).isLegal()
&& !(newTail
= breakHelperEWTS(ewtsBuf.substring(howMuch - i), ttraits)).hasSimpleError()) {
return newTail;
// It didn't work. Return the first thing we'd thought
// of: head appended with tail. (I.e., fall through.)
return tail;
private static String GetInitialVowel(TTraits ttraits, String tx,
String startOfVowel) {
if (null == startOfVowel) startOfVowel = "";
boolean startsWithPlus = false;
if (!"".equals(startOfVowel)
&& (!ttraits.vowelsMayStack()
|| (tx.length() < 1 || !(startsWithPlus = tx.substring(0, 1).equals("+")))))
return ("".equals(startOfVowel) ? null : startOfVowel);
if (startsWithPlus)
tx = tx.substring(1);
for (int i = Math.min(ttraits.maxWowelLength(), tx.length()); i >= 1; i--) {
String t = tx.substring(0, i);
if (ttraits.isWowel(t)
|| (ttraits.isACIP()
// Or these, which we massage into "Am", "Am:", and
// "A:" because I didn't think {Pm} should be treated
// like {PAm} originally:
&& ("m".equals(t) || "m:".equals(t) || ":".equals(t)))) {
// If this is followed by +wowel[+wowel[+wowel... in EWTS then that's part of the vowel also:
return GetInitialVowel(ttraits,
startOfVowel + (startsWithPlus ? "+" : "") + t);
return null;
/** Returns the largest TPair we can make from the transliteration
* starting from the left. This will return a size zero pair if
* and only if tx is the empty string; otherwise, it may return a
* pair with either the left or right component empty. [FOR
* ACIP:] This mutates tx when we run into {NA+YA}; it mutates tx
* into {N+YA}. For {NE+YA}, it does not mutate tx or behave
* intelligently. A later phase will need to turn that into
* {N+YE} or an error or whatever you like. howMuch[0] will be
* set to the number of characters of tx that this call has
* consumed. */
private static TPair getFirstConsonantAndVowel(StringBuffer tx, // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: function name needs ACIP in it?
int howMuch[],
TTraits ttraits) {
// To handle EWTS "phywa\\u0f84\u0f86" [yes that's two slashes
// and then one slash], for example, we need to make the wowel
// (the getRight() field of the returned TPair) contain
// everything that it should.
// It can't hurt in ACIP, though I don't recall if ACIP's lexer
// allows Unicode characters.
TPair og = helpGetFirstConsonantAndVowel(tx, howMuch, ttraits);
int len = tx.length();
StringBuffer x = null;
while (howMuch[0] < len) {
if (isUnicodeWowelChar(tx.charAt(howMuch[0]))) {
if (null == x) x = new StringBuffer(); // rarely happens
if (x.length() > 0) x.append('+');
} else {
// In EWTS, deal with M, ~M`, etc. They're much like
// UnicodeWowelCharacters.
if (ttraits instanceof EWTSTraits) {
EWTSTraits tt = (EWTSTraits)ttraits;
while (howMuch[0] < len) {
int howMuchExtra[] = new int[] { 0 };
TPair p
= helpGetFirstConsonantAndVowel(new StringBuffer(tx.substring(howMuch[0])),
if (p.getLeft() == null
&& p.getRight() != null
&& tt.isWowelThatRequiresAChen(p.getRight())) {
if (null == x) x = new StringBuffer(); // rarely happens
String extra;
if (x.length() > 0) x.append('+');
x.append(extra = tx.substring(howMuch[0], howMuch[0] + howMuchExtra[0]));
// System.out.println("extra is " + extra); TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]
howMuch[0] += howMuchExtra[0];
} else {
if (null != x)
return new TPair(ttraits, og.getLeft(),
(null == og.getRight() || ttraits.aVowel().equals(og.getRight()))
? x.toString()
: (og.getRight() + "+" + x.toString()));
return og;
private static TPair helpGetFirstConsonantAndVowel(StringBuffer tx, // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: function name needs ACIP in it?
int howMuch[],
TTraits ttraits) {
// Note that it is *not* the case that if tx.substring(0, N)
// is legal (according to TPair.isLegal()), then
// tx.substring(0, N-1) is legal for all N. For example,
// think of ACIP's {shA} and {KshA}. However, 's' is the only
// tricky fellow in ACIP, so in ACIP it is true that
// tx.substring(0, N-1) is either legal or ends with 's' if
// tx.substring(0, N) is legal.
// We don't, however, use this approach. We just try to find
// a consonant of length 3, and then, failing that, of length
// 2, etc. Likewise with vowels. This avoids the issue.
int i, xl = tx.length();
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: nasty special case!
if (false && !ttraits.isACIP() /* TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: isEWTS! */
&& xl >= 2 && tx.charAt(0) == 'a' && (tx.charAt(1) == 'i' || tx.charAt(1) == 'u')) {
howMuch[0] = 2;
return new TPair(ttraits, null, tx.substring(0, 2));
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: test that "au" alone is \u0f68\u0f7d, "ai" alone is \u0f68\u0f7b in EWTS.
if (0 == xl) {
howMuch[0] = 0;
return new TPair(ttraits, null, null);
if (tx.charAt(0) == ttraits.disambiguatorChar()) {
howMuch[0] = 1;
return new TPair(ttraits, null, ttraits.disambiguator());
char ch = tx.charAt(0);
// Numbers never appear in stacks, so if you see 1234, that's
// like seeing 1-2-3-4. Though in EWTS you can have '0\u0f19'
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: test case: 0e should have a-chen and 0\u0f74 should go through without errors.
if (xl > 1 && ttraits.isUnicodeWowel(tx.charAt(1))) {
howMuch[0] = 2;
return new TPair(ttraits, tx.substring(0, 1), tx.substring(1, 2));
howMuch[0] = 1; // not 2...
return new TPair(ttraits, tx.substring(0, 1), (xl == 1) ? null : ttraits.disambiguator());
String l = null, r = null;
for (i = Math.min(ttraits.maxConsonantLength(), xl); i >= 1; i--) {
String t = null;
if (ttraits.isConsonant(t = tx.substring(0, i))
|| (ttraits.vowelAloneImpliesAChen() // handle EWTS {a+yo}
&& ttraits.aVowel().equals(tx.substring(0, i))
&& i < xl && tx.substring(i, i + i).equals("+"))) {
l = t;
int ll = (null == l) ? 0 : l.length();
if (null != l && xl > ll && tx.charAt(ll) == ttraits.disambiguatorChar()) {
howMuch[0] = l.length() + 1;
return new TPair(ttraits, l, ttraits.disambiguator());
if (null != l && xl > ll && tx.charAt(ll) == '+') {
howMuch[0] = l.length() + 1;
return new TPair(ttraits, l, "+");
int mod = 0;
r = GetInitialVowel(ttraits, tx.substring(ll), null);
if (ttraits.isACIP()) {
// Treat {BATA+SA'I} like {BAT+SA'I}: // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: in EWTS???
int z;
if (null != l
&& ttraits.aVowel().equals(r)
&& ((z = ll + ttraits.aVowel().length()) < xl)
&& tx.charAt(z) == '+') {
howMuch[0] = l.length() + 1;
return new TPair(ttraits, l, "+");
// Allow Pm to mean PAm, P: to mean PA:, Pm: to mean PAm:. /* TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: in EWTS? */
if ("m".equals(r)) { r = "Am"; mod = -1; }
if (":".equals(r)) { r = "A:"; mod = -1; }
if ("m:".equals(r)) { r = "Am:"; mod = -1; }
if (":m".equals(r)) { r = "A:m"; mod = -1; } // not seen, though...
// what if we see a character that's not part of any wowel or
// consonant? We return it.
if (null == l && null == r) {
howMuch[0] = 1; // not 2...
// add a disambiguator to avoid exponential running time:
return new TPair(ttraits, tx.substring(0, 1),
(xl == 1) ? null : ttraits.disambiguator());
howMuch[0] = (((l == null) ? 0 : l.length())
+ ((r == null) ? 0 : r.length())
+ mod);
return new TPair(ttraits, l, r);
} // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]:
private static boolean isUnicodeWowelChar(char ch) {
return ((ch >= '\u0f71' && ch <= '\u0f84')
|| "\u0f35\u0f37\u0f18\u0f19\u0f3e\u0f3f\u0f86\u0f87\u0fc6".indexOf(ch) >= 0);
// TODO(dchandler): should we really allow "phywa\\u0f18", or
// does \u0f18 only combine with digits?
// FIXME: test for nested comments
// FIXME: see Translit directory on ACIP v4 CD-ROM