2003-10-26 02:17:19 +00:00
/ *
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* /
package org.thdl.tib.text.ttt ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.StringTokenizer ;
2005-06-20 06:18:00 +00:00
import org.thdl.util.ThdlOptions ;
2003-10-26 02:17:19 +00:00
/ * * MidLexSubstitution is a hack that lets the end user clumsily fix
* the EWTS - to - Tibetan and ACIP - to - Tibetan converters without having
* to modify the source code .
* < p > If the converter isn ' t giving you what you want for some
* tsheg bar , then set up a replacement .
* < p > To do so , set the system property
* org . thdl . tib . text . ttt . ReplacementMap to be a comma - delimited list
* of " x=>y " pairs . For example , if you think BLKU , which parses
* as B + L + KU , should parse as B - L + KU , and you want KAsh to be parsed
* as K + sh because the input operators mistyped it , then set
* org . thdl . tib . text . ttt . ReplacementMap to
* " BLKU=>B-L+KU,KAsh=>K+sh " . Note that this will not cause
* B + L + KU to become B - L + KU - - we are doing the replacement during
* lexical analysis of the input file , not during parsing . And it
* will cause SBLKU to become SB - L + KU , which is parsed as S + B - L + KU ,
* probably not what you wanted . If you fear such things , you can
* see if they happen by setting the system property
* org . thdl . tib . text . ttt . VerboseReplacementMap to " true " , which will
* cause an informational message to be printed on the Java console
* every time a replacement is made .
* < p > Furthermore , you can use the regexp notation
* " ^BLKU$=>B-L+KU " . Note that regular expressions are not
* supported - - we ' re just borrowing the notation .
* " ^BLKU=>B-L+KU " means that BLKUM and BLKU will both be
* replaced , but SBLKU and SBLKUM will not be . The caret , '^' , means
* that we only match if BLKU is at the beginning . The dollar sign ,
* '$' , means that we only match if the pattern is at the end .
* " BLKU$=>B-L+KU " will cause SBLKU to be replaced , but not BLKUM .
* Note that performance is far better for ^ FOO$ than for ^ FOO , FOO$ ,
* or FOO alone .
* < p > Only one substitution is made per tsheg bar . ^ FOO$ - type
* mappings will be tried first , then ^ FOO , then FOO$ , then FOO .
* < p > Note that you cannot literally replace FOO with BAR using this
* - - F is not an ACIP character , so the lex will not get far enough
* to use this substitution mechanism . This is not a design flaw - -
* serious errors require user intervention ( and our user can use an
* awk script if he or she likes ) .
* @author David Chandler * /
final class MidLexSubstitution {
private MidLexSubstitution ( ) { throw new Error ( " not instantiable " ) ; }
/ * * substitutions that apply to whole tsheg bars only ,
i . e . ^ FOO$ = & gt ; BAR substitutions * /
private static HashMap wholeSubstMap = null ;
/** ^FOO=>BAR (but not ^FOO$=>BAR) substitutions */
private static ArrayList startSubstMap = null ;
/** FOO$=>BAR (but not ^FOO$=>BAR) substitutions */
private static ArrayList endSubstMap = null ;
/ * * FOO = & gt ; BAR ( but not ^ FOO$ = & gt ; BAR or FOO$ = & gt ; BAR or
^ FOO = & gt ; BAR ) substitutions * /
private static ArrayList anywhereSubstMap = null ;
private static boolean verbose = false ;
private static boolean inited = false ;
private static final String ARROW = " => " ;
/** Reads the system properties and initializes based on them. */
private static void init ( ) {
inited = true ;
verbose = ThdlOptions . getBooleanOption ( " org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap " ) ;
if ( verbose ) {
System . out . println ( " You have set org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap to true. You must be a power user. " ) ;
String rm = ThdlOptions . getStringOption ( " org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.ReplacementMap " , null ) ;
if ( null ! = rm ) {
StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer ( rm , " , " ) ;
while ( stok . hasMoreElements ( ) ) {
String mapping = stok . nextToken ( ) ;
String from , to ;
int arrowIndex = mapping . indexOf ( ARROW ) ;
if ( arrowIndex < 0 ) {
System . err . println ( " You went to the trouble of setting the property org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.ReplacementMap, but you had a mapping, \" " + mapping + " \" , in it without an arrow ( " + ARROW + " ). Aborting. " ) ;
System . exit ( 1 ) ;
from = mapping . substring ( 0 , arrowIndex ) ;
to = mapping . substring ( arrowIndex + ARROW . length ( ) ) ;
boolean atStartOnly = false ;
boolean atEndOnly = false ;
if ( from . length ( ) > 0 & & from . charAt ( 0 ) = = '^' ) {
atStartOnly = true ;
from = from . substring ( 1 ) ;
if ( from . length ( ) > 0 & & from . charAt ( from . length ( ) - 1 ) = = '$' ) {
atEndOnly = true ;
from = from . substring ( 0 , from . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
if ( from . length ( ) = = 0 ) {
System . err . println ( " You went to the trouble of setting the property org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.ReplacementMap, but you had a mapping, \" " + mapping + " \" , in it from the empty string to something. That's nonsense. Aborting. " ) ;
System . exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( atStartOnly ) {
if ( atEndOnly ) {
if ( null = = wholeSubstMap )
wholeSubstMap = new HashMap ( 2 ) ;
wholeSubstMap . put ( from , to ) ;
if ( verbose )
System . out . println ( " You have set org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap to true, so you will want to know that wholeSubstMap maps " + from + " to " + to + " . " ) ;
} else {
if ( null = = startSubstMap )
startSubstMap = new ArrayList ( 2 ) ;
startSubstMap . add ( new StringMapping ( from , to ) ) ;
if ( verbose )
System . out . println ( " You have set org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap to true, so you will want to know that startSubstMap maps " + from + " to " + to + " . " ) ;
} else {
if ( atEndOnly ) {
if ( null = = endSubstMap )
endSubstMap = new ArrayList ( 2 ) ;
endSubstMap . add ( new StringMapping ( from , to ) ) ;
if ( verbose )
System . out . println ( " You have set org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap to true, so you will want to know that endSubstMap maps " + from + " to " + to + " . " ) ;
} else {
if ( null = = anywhereSubstMap )
anywhereSubstMap = new ArrayList ( 2 ) ;
anywhereSubstMap . add ( new StringMapping ( from , to ) ) ;
if ( verbose )
System . out . println ( " You have set org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap to true, so you will want to know that anywhereSubstMap maps " + from + " to " + to + " . " ) ;
/ * * Returns the post - substitution value for tok , most often tok
itself . See the class comment to understand when tok will
change . * /
public static String getFinalValueForTibetanNonPunctuationToken ( String tok ) {
if ( ! inited ) init ( ) ;
String subst = null ;
if ( null ! = wholeSubstMap )
subst = ( String ) wholeSubstMap . get ( tok ) ;
if ( null = = subst & & null ! = startSubstMap ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < startSubstMap . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
StringMapping sm = ( StringMapping ) startSubstMap . get ( i ) ;
if ( tok . startsWith ( sm . from ) ) {
subst = sm . to + tok . substring ( sm . from . length ( ) ) ;
break ;
if ( null = = subst & & null ! = endSubstMap ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < endSubstMap . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
StringMapping sm = ( StringMapping ) endSubstMap . get ( i ) ;
if ( tok . endsWith ( sm . from ) ) {
subst = tok . substring ( 0 , tok . length ( ) - sm . from . length ( ) ) + sm . to ;
break ;
if ( null = = subst & & null ! = anywhereSubstMap ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < anywhereSubstMap . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
StringMapping sm = ( StringMapping ) anywhereSubstMap . get ( i ) ;
int toki = tok . indexOf ( sm . from ) ;
if ( toki > = 0 ) {
subst = tok . substring ( 0 , toki ) + sm . to + tok . substring ( toki + sm . from . length ( ) , tok . length ( ) ) ;
break ;
if ( null ! = subst ) {
if ( verbose & & null ! = subst ) {
System . out . println ( " Because org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.VerboseReplacementMap is true, you're being notified that " + tok + " is being replaced with " + subst ) ;
return subst ;
} else {
return tok ;
/** Simple from=>to mapping for non-null Strings. */
class StringMapping {
public String from , to ;
public StringMapping ( String from , String to ) {
this . from = from ;
this . to = to ;
2003-11-09 01:07:45 +00:00
// DLC NOW: defaults: KAsh=>K+sh, A=>?, '=>? (THESE ARE {A} AND {'} ALONE, NOT AS COMPONENTS OF A TSHEG-BAR.)