2003-02-01 05:08:02 +00:00
/ *
The contents of this file are subject to the THDL Open Community License
Version 1 . 0 ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License on the THDL web site
( http : //www.thdl.org/).
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " basis ,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the
License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the
License .
The Initial Developer of this software is the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital
Library ( THDL ) . Portions created by the THDL are Copyright 2001 - 2003 THDL .
All Rights Reserved .
Contributor ( s ) : ______________________________________ .
* /
package org.thdl.tib.bibl ;
import java.io.* ;
import java.awt.* ;
import javax.swing.* ;
import java.util.Hashtable ;
/ * *
* This interface contains all the constants used throughout the TiblEdit program . They are roughly organized
* according to type , but the organization could definitely be cleaned up some .
* /
public interface TibConstants
// File Constants
final String DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = System . getProperties ( ) . getProperty ( " user.dir " ) ;
2003-02-01 05:30:22 +00:00
final String BIN = java . io . File . separatorChar + " bin " + java . io . File . separatorChar ;
final String DATA_DIRECTORY = java . io . File . separatorChar + " data " + java . io . File . separatorChar ;
final String OUT_DIRECTORY = java . io . File . separatorChar + " data " + java . io . File . separatorChar ;
final String BIN_LOGIN = java . io . File . separatorChar + " bin " + java . io . File . separatorChar + " logs " + java . io . File . separatorChar ;
final String DIA_DATA = java . io . File . separatorChar + " bin " + java . io . File . separatorChar + " dia.dat " ;
final String TEMP_DIR = java . io . File . separatorChar + " bin " + java . io . File . separatorChar + " temp " + java . io . File . separatorChar ;
2003-02-01 05:08:02 +00:00
final String PREFS = " ttprefs.ini " ;
final String PREFS_DELIM = " = " ;
// Frame Constants
final String PROG_NAME = " TiblEdit: " ;
final String DEFAULT_HEADER = PROG_NAME + " An XML Editor for Tibetan Bibliographic Records " ;
// Menu Constants
// File Menu
final String FILE = " File " ;
final String OPENFILE = " Open " ;
final String TITLEOPENFILE = " Open by Title " ;
final String CLOSEFILE = " Close " ;
final String SAVE = " Save " ;
final String SAVEAS = " Save As " ;
final String EXPORT = " Export " ;
final String EXIT = " Exit " ;
// Edit Menu
final String EDIT = " Edit " ;
final String TRANS_EDIT = " Translation " ;
final String NORM_EDIT = " Normalized Title " ;
final String REMOVE_APP = " Remove Variants " ;
final String REMOVE_TITLE = " Remove Title " ;
final String REMOVE_EDITION = " Remove Edition " ;
// Insert Menu
final String INSERT = " Insert " ;
final String ED_INFO = " New Edition Info " ;
final String CRIT_TITLE = " Critical Title " ;
final String ED_TITLE = " Edition Title " ;
final String TITLE_DISC = " Insert Discussion " ;
final String INSERT_APP = " Variant Reading " ;
// View Menu
final String VIEW = " View " ;
final String TITLES_VIEW = " View Titles " ;
final String MASTER_ID_VIEW = " Master ID/Doxography " ;
final String USER_ID_VIEW = " Editor's Info " ;
final String EDCON = " Editions Consulted " ;
final String DIAC = " Diacritics " ;
final String ABOUT = " About TiblEdit " ;
// TibAction Constants (should these go in TibAction?
final String CONTROLLER = " controller " ;
final String FRAME = " frame " ;
final String CURR_DIR = " current directory " ;
final String [ ] NGDIVS = { " Atiyoga " , " Anuyoga " , " Mah \ u0101yoga " , " Unclassified " } ;
final String [ ] NGSIGS = { " Ng1 " , " Ng2 " , " Ng3 " , " Ng4 " } ;
final String OTHER = " Other Edition " ;
final String EDS_CORR = " Editor's Correction " ;
final String [ ] OTHER_EDS = { " Tk " , " Dg " , " Kg " , " Wa " , " Bg " , OTHER } ;
final int SELDIV = 0 ;
final String GEN = " General " ;
// Button labels
final String SUBMIT = " Submit Translations " ;
final String ENTER = " Enter " ;
final String CANCEL = " Cancel " ;
final String ADD_DOX = " Add Doxographical Sub-category " ;
// Labels & Headers
final String LABEL_SPACE = " " ;
final String CROSSREF = " Cross-references: " ;
final String NORM_TITLE_HEAD = " Normalized Title \ n " ;
final String NORM_TIB_LABEL = " Normalized Title (Tib): " ;
final String NORM_ENG_LABEL = " Normalized Title (Eng): " ;
final String TITLE_LINE_HEAD = " \ nTitle Line \ n " ;
final String EOC_TITLES_HEAD = " \ nEnd of Chapter Titles \ n " ;
final String NON_TIB_TITLE_HEAD = " \ nNon-Tibetan Title \ n " ;
final String CHAP_TITLES_HEAD = " \ nChapter Titles \ n " ;
final String CLOSE_TITLE_HEAD = " Back Titles " ;
final String NON_TIB_HEAD = " \ nNon-Tibetan Title \ n " ;
final String SRCS_LABEL = " Sources: " ;
final String ENTER_PLACE = " \ n " ;
final String ENTER_TRANS_PHRASE = " \ nEnter Translation: " ;
final String ENTER_TITLE_PHRASE = " \ nEnter Title: " ;
final String ENTER_NORMALIZED_PHRASE = " Normalized title: " ;
final String ENTER_NORM_TRANS_PHRASE = " Translation: " ;
final String DOX_WINDOW_TITLE = " Doxographic Classification/Master ID Number " ;
final String DISC_DIA_TITLE = " Discussion Entry Form " ;
final String SEPARATOR = " ------------------------------------ \ n " ;
// Fonts
final String BASE_FONT_NAME = " Arial Unicode MS " ;
int BASE_FONT_SIZE = 14 ;
int HEAD_FONT_SIZE = 16 ;
int TEXT_HEAD_SIZE = 18 ;
final Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font ( BASE_FONT_NAME , Font . PLAIN , BASE_FONT_SIZE ) ;
final Font TITLE_FONT = new Font ( BASE_FONT_NAME , Font . ITALIC , BASE_FONT_SIZE ) ;
final Font MENU_FONT = new Font ( BASE_FONT_NAME , Font . PLAIN , 12 ) ;
final Font BOLD_FONT = new Font ( BASE_FONT_NAME , Font . BOLD , BASE_FONT_SIZE ) ;
final Font HEAD_FONT = new Font ( BASE_FONT_NAME , Font . BOLD , HEAD_FONT_SIZE ) ;
// Styles (names)
final String BOLD = " bold " ;
final String ITALIC = " italics " ;
// Sizes
final Dimension TIBPANEL_SIZE = new Dimension ( 10 , 10 ) ;
final Dimension BUTTON_SIZE = new Dimension ( 100 , 30 ) ;
final Dimension SHORT_LABEL_SIZE = new Dimension ( 100 , 75 ) ;
final Dimension LABEL_SIZE = new Dimension ( 500 , 75 ) ;
final Dimension ED_SCROLL_SIZE = new Dimension ( 400 , 400 ) ;
final Dimension BUTT_PANEL_SIZE = new Dimension ( 500 , 500 ) ;
final Dimension DEFAULT_PANEL_SIZE = new Dimension ( 550 , 600 ) ;
final int TTFCOLS = 30 ;
final int TEXT_FIELD_SIZE = 15 ;
// Colors
final Color DEFAULT_BGCOLOR = new Color ( 250 , 250 , 250 ) ; // 250,235,215); // antique white
final Color DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = new Color ( 200 , 180 , 200 ) ;
final Color LIST_COLOR = Color . blue ;
final Color TEXT_COLOR = Color . black ;
// Insets & Borders
final Insets DEFAULT_INSETS = new Insets ( 10 , 0 , 10 , 10 ) ;
final Insets LIST_INSETS = new Insets ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 1000 ) ;
final Insets MAIN_MARGINS = new Insets ( 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ) ;
final Insets BUT_MARGINS = new Insets ( 25 , 25 , 25 , 25 ) ;
// Integer Constants (choices)
final int NORM = 1 ; // Normalized title choice & normal display mode choice
final int TITLELINE = 2 ; // Title line choice
final int EOC = 3 ; // End of chapter titles choice.
final int CLOSING = 4 ; // Closing section titles.
final int NONTIBET = 5 ; // Non-Tibetan title choice.
final int CHAPS = 6 ; // Chapter titles.
// Display Modes
final int ENTER_TRANS = 2 ; // for entering a translation
final int NEW_TITLE = 3 ; // for entering a new title
final int NEW_AP = 4 ; // for entering a new app
final int CANCEL_NEW_APP = 5 ; // When a new app entry is cancelled.
final int SHOW_AP = 6 ; // when showing an old app
final int ENTER_NORMALIZED = 7 ; // when entering a normalized title.
final int CANC = 8 ; // for cancelling
final int DO_TRANS = 9 ; // for editing a translation
final String YES = " yes " ;
final String NO = " no " ;
final String IS_FILE_LIST = " filelist " ;
final String AP_CHECK = " Checking app! " ;
final String ED_TITLE_REM = " Removing Edition Title " ;
// Observer types and hashkeys
final String TABLE = " table " ;
final String APP_SUBMIT = " Submit App " ;
final String REDISPLAY = " Redisplay " ;
// also uses AP for app and TYPE for type keys.
final String RECENT = " recent_file " ;
final int RECENT_FILE_SIZE = 8 ;
// XML Constants
// sigla constants
final String NG = " Ng " ;
final String TB = " Tb " ;
final String TK = " Tk " ;
final String DG = " Dg " ;
final String BG = " Bg " ;
final String KG = " Kg " ;
final String [ ] EDNAMES = { " Master " , " mTshams brag " , " gTing skyes " , " sDe dge " , " Bai ro'i rgyud 'bum " , " sKyid grong " } ;
// Element and Attribute Constants
final String TIBL = " tibbibl " ; // Element/root name
final String ID = " id " ; // Attribute name
final String LVL = " level " ; // Attribute name on Tibbibls (either, volume, text, chapter)
final String ED = " edition " ; // Attribute value
final String SIG = " sigla " ; // Attribute value
final String CLASS = " class " ; // Attribute value
final String LET = " letter " ; // Attribute value
final String TXT = " text " ; // Attribute value
final String CHAPTER = " Chapter " ; // Attribute value
final String DIV = " div1 " ; // Element name part
final String TYPE = " type " ; // Attribute name
final String SUBTYPE = " subtype " ; // Attribute name
final String TEXT = " text " ; // Attribute value for DIVs 3 or 4.
final String TIBBIBL = " tibbibl " ; // Element name for text's root element.
final String TITLE = " title " ; // Element name
final String NORM_TITLE = " Normalized title " ; // Attribute value (TYPE)
final String FOREIGN = " foreign " ; // Element name
final String LANG = " lang " ; // Attribute name
final String TIB = " tib " ; // Attribute value
final String ENG = " eng " ; // Attribute value
final String N = " n " ; // Attribute name
final String P = " p " ; // Element name
final String TITLEGRP = " titlegrp " ; // Element that holds all the titles
final String TDECL = " titledecl " ; // Element name
final String TLIST = " titlelist " ; // Element name
final String HEAD = " head " ; // Element name
final String CONTROL = " controlinfo " ; // ELement name
final String SID = " sysid " ; // Element name
final String RESPDECL = " respdecl " ; // Element name
final String RESPSTM = " respStmt " ; // Element name
final String RESP = " resp " ; // Element name
final String PERSNAME = " persname " ; // Element name
final String NAME = " name " ; // Element name
final String DATE = " date " ; // Element name
final String REVDESC = " revisiondesc " ; // Element name
final String TRANS = " Translator " ; // Element content
final String TRANS_JOB = " Translated and Edited titles. " ; // Element content
final String CHANGE = " change " ; // Element name
final String LIST = " list " ; // Element name
final String ITEM = " item " ; // Element name
final String TIDDECL = " tibiddecl " ; // Element name
final String TID = " tibid " ; // Element name
final String ALT = " altid " ; // Element name
final String PHYSDEC = " physdecl " ; // Element name
final String PAGIN = " pagination " ; // Element name
final String AP = " app " ; // Element name
final String LM = " lem " ; // Element name
final String EXPAN = " expan " ; // Element name
final String ABBR = " abbr " ; // Element name
final String INTDECL = " intelldecl " ; // Element name
final String DOX = " doxography " ; // Element name
final String DOXTYPE = " Doxography " ; // Attribute value for doxogrpahy name elements
final String CATEG = " category " ; // Attribute value for Type of Doxography
final String RELAT = " relation " ; // Attribute value for Type of Doxography
final String SRC = " source " ; // Element name
final String SYS = " system " ; // Attribute name
final String NUMB = " number " ; // Attribute value on TIBID
final String TXTHEAD = " text header " ; // Attribute value for TITLE type
final String TITLELN = " title line " ; // Attribute value for Title subtype
final String WIT = " wit " ; // Attribute name
final String RDG = " rdg " ; // Element name
final String TINFO = " titleinfo " ; // Element name
final String TDIV = " titlediv " ; // Element name
final String TITEM = " titleitem " ;
final String DESIG = " designation " ;
final String CORRESP = " corresp " ; // Attribute name
final String FRONT = " front " ;
final String BODY = " body " ;
final String BACK = " back " ;
final String NONTIB = " nontibet " ;
final String ORIG_LANG = " Original language " ; // Attribute value
final String TEXT_HEAD = " text header " ; // Attribute value for type of title
final String RS = " rs " ; // Element name
final String DISC = " discussion " ; // Element name
final String SUMMARY = " summary " ; // Disc Element Type attribute
final String SECTIONS = " sections " ; // Element name
final String TIBANAL = " tibanal " ; // Element name
final String NUM = " num " ; // Element name
final String VOL = " volume " ; // Attribute value;
final String NOTE = " note " ; // Element name
final String HI = " hi " ; // Element name
final String CIT = " cit " ; // Element name (changed to QUOTE)
final String QUOTE = " quote " ; // Element name
final String REND = " rend " ; // Attribute name;
final String INFO = " info " ; // Attribute (rend) value;
final String CREATOR = " creator " ; // attribute value in control info
final String CONTROL_SOURCE = " source " ; // attribute value in control info
final String CRIT_ED_LABEL = " crited " ; // Attribute value in control info
final String CRIT_ED_DESC = " Critical Editing " ; // element text phrase for control info
final String EDCONS = " Editions consulted " ; // Rend value of Source for editions consulted.
final String MASTER_SIGLA = " Ng " ; // Sigla for the Master edition
final String ATIYOGA = " a ti yo ga " ; // Tibetan spelling
final String ANUYOGA = " a nu yo ga " ;
final String MAHAYOGA = " ma h \ u0101 yo ga " ;
final String MISC = " Miscellaneous " ;
final String UNCLASSED = " Unclassified " ;
final String NOTFOUND = " not found " ; // Attribute value for type on RDG elements
// The following three use partial strings that are unique but allow to do indexOf to ignore capitalization and punctuation.
final String NOT_SPEC = " specified " ; // Contents of a title element when title missing.
final String NO_TITLE = " title given " ; // Contents of a title element when none is given.1z
final String UNTITLED = " ntitled " ; // Contents of untitled chapter. U not included to match all cases (Don't know why I didn't use equalsIgnoreCase()? Check it out!)
final String BRIEF = " Brief " ; // Type attribute value for discussion, brief means no paragraphs.
final String FULL = " Full " ; // Type attribute value for discussion, full means with paragraphs (changed value to long, more descriptive).
final String SIGLA_DELIM = " " ; // delimits between sigla in a wit attribute
final String DATE_DELIM = " - " ;
final String DOX_DELIM = " . " ; // delimits between dox numbers in ID
final String DOX_CAT_DELIM = " : " ; // delimits between names of dox categories.
final org . jdom . Element NO_ELEM = new org . jdom . Element ( " null " ) ;
// To take up a place in vector when there is no element associated with a string/style run in TextPanel
// Constants for Edition Attributes
final String ED_NAME = " EDITION_LETTER " ;
final String ED_SIGLA = " EDITION_SIGLA " ;
final String VOL_NUM = " VOLUME_NUMBER " ;
final String VOL_LET = " TIB_LETTER " ;
final String TEXT_NUM = " TEXT_NUMBER " ;
final String VOL_TEXT = " VOL_TEXT_NUMBER " ;
final String PAGE_RANGE = " PAGINATION " ;
final org . jdom . Attribute TYPE_ED = new org . jdom . Attribute ( TYPE , ED ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute TYPE_VOL = new org . jdom . Attribute ( TYPE , VOL ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute TYPE_TEXT = new org . jdom . Attribute ( TYPE , TXT ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute TYPE_CLASS = new org . jdom . Attribute ( TYPE , CLASS ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute SYS_LET = new org . jdom . Attribute ( SYS , LET ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute SYS_SIG = new org . jdom . Attribute ( SYS , SIG ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute SYS_NUM = new org . jdom . Attribute ( SYS , NUM ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute LANG_TIB = new org . jdom . Attribute ( LANG , TIB ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute LANG_ENG = new org . jdom . Attribute ( LANG , ENG ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute CORRESP_NG = new org . jdom . Attribute ( CORRESP , NG ) ;
final org . jdom . Attribute TYPE_DOX = new org . jdom . Attribute ( TYPE , DOX ) ;
// Char Constants
final char BAD_PARA = ( ( char ) ( 10 ) ) ; // Para mark in data file is not understood.
final char SPACE = ' ' ; // A space to replace it with.
// Messages
final String TTITLE_TITLE = " Java Title Translation Program " ;
final String RUNTIME_ERROR = " A runtime error has occurred in " ;
final String EDITOR_NAME_MESSAGE = " Please your initials for identification. " ;
final String EDITOR_NAME_TITLE = " Editor Identification " ;
final String DATE_MESSAGE = " Is today's date: " ;
final String DATE_TITLE = " Confirm Date " ;
final String INPUT_DATE_MESSAGE = " Please enter the date (YYYY-MM-DD): " ;
final String INPUT_DATE_TITLE = " Enter Today's Date " ;
final String OPEN_TITLE = " Open XML Tibbibl Record " ;
final String TEXT_LIST_HEAD = " List of Texts in Tb Volume " ;
final String EX1 = " \" 1 " + DOX_DELIM + " 3 " + DOX_DELIM + " 6 \" " ;
final String EX2 = " \" sems sde " + DOX_CAT_DELIM + " sna tshogs \" " ;
// JOptionPane Messages
final String JOP_ERROR = Integer . toString ( JOptionPane . ERROR_MESSAGE ) ;
final String JOP_INFO = Integer . toString ( JOptionPane . INFORMATION_MESSAGE ) ;
final String JOP_WARN = Integer . toString ( JOptionPane . WARNING_MESSAGE ) ;
final String JOP_QUEST = Integer . toString ( JOptionPane . QUESTION_MESSAGE ) ;
final String JOP_YESNOCANCEL = Integer . toString ( JOptionPane . YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION ) ;
final String [ ] OPEN_ERROR = { " Could not open the XML file: \ n " ,
" Unable to open file! " ,
final String [ ] DO_ALL_TITLES = { " Add this translation for all identical titles " +
" in this text? " ,
" Use Translation for Identical Titles? " ,
final String [ ] ED_EXISTS_MESSAGE = { " The sigla you have entered has " +
" already been added to the list of sources. " ,
" Duplicate Sigla Error " ,
final String NEW_ED_INFO = " New Edition Information " ;
final String ED_STRING = " Edition's name " ;
final String ED_SIG = " Edition Sigla " ;
final String ED_TEXT_NUM = " Edition Text Number " ;
final String ED_VOL_NUM = " Edition Volume Number " ;
final String ED_VOL_LET = " Edition Volume Letter " ;
final String VOL_TEXT_NUM = " Text Number in Volume " ;
final String FULL_TEXT_PAGE = " Full Pagination of Text " ;
final String TITLE_PAGE = " New Title's Pagination " ;
final String NEW_ED_TITLE_INFO = " New Edition Title Information " ;
final String [ ] NEW_ED_TITLE_INFO_SPECS = { ED_SIG , TITLE_PAGE } ;
final String GET_DESIG = " Chapter Designation of Title Source " ;
final String GET_DESIG_QUESTION = " Enter the chapter number for the source of this title: " ;
final String TLIST_WARN_TITLE = " Insertion Not Allowed! " ;
final String TLIST_WARN = " An edition title cannot be inserted into a list of End-of-Chapter titles. " +
" \ nUse Insert Title List under the insertion menu instead. " ;
final String EDITORS_INFO = " Editor's Information " ;
final String EDITORS_NAME = " Your name " ;
final String EDITORS_INITIALS = " Your full initials " ;
final String NOT_SPEC_TITLE = " Not Specified Title " ;
final String NOT_SPEC_MESSAGE = " The title you have chosen as the base for a critical title \ n " +
" is \" Not specified. \" If you wish to enter a title from another source, \ n " +
" use 'Insert Edition Title' from the Insert Menu. Then, use that as the \ n " +
" basis of a critical title and translation. " ;
final String NO_TITLE_TITLE = " No Title Given " ;
final String NO_TITLE_MESSAGE = " The title you have chosen as the base for a critical title \ n " +
" informs us there was \" No title given. \" If you wish to enter a title from another source, \ n " +
" use 'Insert Edition Title' from the Insert Menu. Then, use that as the \ n " +
" basis of a critical title and translation. " ;
final String NOT_SAVED_TITLE = " Not Saved! " ;
final String NOT_SAVED_MESSAGE = " Do wish to save changes you have made to this file? " ;
final String INV_TRANS_TITLE = " Cannot Edit Translation " ;
final String INV_TRANS = " The cursor is not placed in a valid title or translation for editing. \ n " +
" The cursor must be positioned in a master version of a title (Ng) or in \ n " +
" its translation for the Edit Translation option. " ;
final String RENAME_FILE_TITLE = " Tibbibl File Renamed! " ;
final String RENAME_FILE = " The Tibbibl file has been renamed to match the change in its Master ID. \ n " +
" The new file name is: " ;
final String SAVED_FILE_TITLE = " Tibbibl File Saved! " ;
final String SAVED_FILE = " The Tibbibl file has been saved under a name that matches its Master ID. \ n " +
" The file name is: " ;
final String FILE_EXISTS_TITLE = " File Already Exists! " ;
final String FILE_EXISTS = " The file name generated for this text already exists. \ n " +
" Do you wish to replace the existing file? \ n " +
" (If you choose, 'no' another name will be automatically generated for this text.) \ n " +
" File name: " ;
final String ED_EXISTS_TITLE = " Rewrite Edition Info? " ;
final String ED_EXISTS = " The edition you entered is already found in this texts identification information. \ n " +
" Do you wish to replace this information? " ;
final String REMOVE_APP_TITLE = " Remove Variants at Cursor? " ;
final String REMOVE_APP_MESS = " Do you want to remove the variant readings at the cursor position? \ n " +
" They will be replaced by the main reading now showing. " ;
final String NO_SELECT_TITLE = " No Text Selected for Variant Readings " ;
final String NO_SELECTION = " You have not selected any text. You must select a range of text \ n " +
" to which the variant readings will apply. " ;
final String CREATE_FILE_LIST_TITLE = " No File List! " ;
final String CREATE_FILE_LIST = " No file list has been created. \ nWould you like to build the file list? \ n " +
" This may take some time... " ;
final String REMOVE_ED_TITLE_TITLE = " Remove Added Title? " ;
final String REMOVE_ED_TITLE_MESS = " Do you wish to remove this title which you have added? " ;
final String REMOVE_ED_ERROR_TITLE = " Cannot Remove Title! " ;
final String REMOVE_ED_ERROR_MESS = " The title selected was not entered by you and so cannot be removed by you. " ;
final String DEL_EDS_TITLE = " Delete Inserted Edition! " ;
final String DEL_EDS_MESS = " In the table below, double click on the row \ nfor the edition you wish to remove. \ n " +
" (You can only remove editions that you have added.) " ;
final String TLIST_ADD_TITLE = " Cannot Add Edition Title " ;
final String TLIST_ADD_MESS = " A new edition title cannot be added to end of chapter titles. \ n " +
" You can still create a master version of this title and provide alternate readings \ n " +
" By double clicking on the existing title and using the \" Insert Variant Reading \" option. " ;
final String NORM_AP_TITLE = " Cannot Add Reading to Normalized Title " ;
final String NORM_AP_MESS = " You cannot add a reading to the normalized title. \ n " +
" The normalized title is an assigned normative title not necessarily \ n " +
" Found in the text itself. Thus, variant readings cannot be added to it. " ;
final String ED_ID_TITLE = " Editor's Identification Information Required! " ;
final String ED_ID_MESS = " This program cannot function properly unless the user properly identifies him or herself. \ n " +
" Please enter your full name and your 2 or 3-letter editor initials/ID in the following window. \ n " +
" (To quit the program without entering your information, press cancel in the next window.) " ;
final String [ ] ED_ID_REQUIRED = { ED_ID_MESS , ED_ID_TITLE , JOP_ERROR } ;