There are now two ways to specify servlet classes, and the second

is completely general.
This commit is contained in:
dchandler 2002-10-24 13:53:27 +00:00
parent f6bcc49119
commit 002f49323a
1 changed files with 12 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
Set this property to the directory containing j2ee.jar:
<property name="j2ee.sdk.home" location="F:\Program Files\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib"/>
<property name="tomcat.servlet.jar"
<!-- Set to true for more output when running the tools and if you
want the code to abort when it reaches poorly thought-out
@ -273,10 +275,11 @@
<target name="tt-servlet-compile"
description="compiles the servlet form of the Translation Tool if you've set the j2ee.sdk.home property correctly" >
<path id="ttsc.class.path">
<pathelement location="${j2ee.sdk.home}/j2ee.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${tomcat.servlet.jar}"/>
<path refid="entire.class.path"/>
<antcall target="our-internal-javac-task">
@ -402,7 +405,7 @@
<target name="tt-servlet-dist" depends="tt-servlet-compile"
description="generates the servlet translation tool's binary distribution." >
<!-- Put everything in ${ttservletbin} into the JAR file -->
<jar jarfile="${dist}/lib/DictionarySearchServlet-${my.jar.suffix}.jar"
@ -650,8 +653,13 @@
<target name="ttsc-init" depends="init"
description="used internally to set a property when the J2EE SDK is installed in a place where we can find it. In that case, we can build servlets.">
<available file="${j2ee.sdk.home}/j2ee.jar" property="found.j2ee.jar"/>
description="used internally to set a property when the J2EE SDK or Tomcat's servlet.jar is installed in a place where we can find it. In that case, we can build servlets.">
<condition property="found.servlet.classes">
<available file="${j2ee.sdk.home}/j2ee.jar"/>
<available file="${tomcat.servlet.jar}"/>