Added UI for EWTS->Tibetan conversions. GUI is disabled except in
debug mode for now. I tested against a really simple-but-real document, found a bug with '*', tried to implement TMW vowel code but I don't trust it yet. Differentiated EWTS code from ACIP where needed. Several bugs in ewts->tibetan have been exposed; see the TODO comments.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 150 additions and 34 deletions
@ -223,10 +223,13 @@ class ConvertDialog extends JDialog
JButton src = (JButton)ae.getSource();
if (src == browseOld) {
|| ACIP_TO_TMW.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem()))
|| WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem())
|| ACIP_TO_TMW.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem())
|| WYLIE_TO_TMW.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem()))
? acipff : rtfff);
} else {
|| WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem())
|| TMW_TO_ACIP_TEXT.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem())
|| TMW_TO_WYLIE_TEXT.equals((String)choices.getSelectedItem()))
? acipff : rtfff);
@ -457,7 +460,7 @@ class ConvertDialog extends JDialog
} else if (FIND_ALL_NON_TM == ct) {
newFileNamePrefix = "AllNonTM__";
newFileNameExtension = ".TXT";
} else if (TMW_TO_SAME_TWM == ct) {
} else if (TMW_TO_SAME_TMW == ct) {
newFileNamePrefix = "TMW_to_same_TMW__";
newFileNameExtension = ".RTF";
} else { // conversion mode
@ -471,13 +474,15 @@ class ConvertDialog extends JDialog
} else if (TMW_TO_ACIP_TEXT == ct) {
newFileNamePrefix = suggested_ACIP_prefix;
newFileNameExtension = ".TXT";
} else if (TMW_TO_UNI == ct || ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct) {
} else if (TMW_TO_UNI == ct || ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct
|| WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct) {
newFileNamePrefix = suggested_TO_UNI_prefix;
if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct)
if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct)
newFileNameExtension = ".TXT";
} else if (TM_TO_TMW == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct) {
} else if (TM_TO_TMW == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct
|| WYLIE_TO_TMW == ct) {
newFileNamePrefix = suggested_TO_TMW_prefix;
if (ACIP_TO_TMW == ct)
if (ACIP_TO_TMW == ct || WYLIE_TO_TMW == ct)
newFileNameExtension = ".RTF";
} else {
ThdlDebug.verify(TMW_TO_TM == ct);
@ -509,6 +514,7 @@ class ConvertDialog extends JDialog
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: we use for wylie (ewts) too...
public class ACIPFileFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
public boolean accept(File f)
@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ import java.awt.*;
@author Nathaniel Garson, Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library */
interface FontConverterConstants
final String TMW_TO_SAME_TWM = "TMW to the same TMW (for testing only) (RTF->RTF)";
final String WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT = "Wylie to Unicode (Text->Text)";
final String WYLIE_TO_TMW = "Wylie to TMW (Text->RTF)";
final String TMW_TO_SAME_TMW = "TMW to the same TMW (for testing only) (RTF->RTF)";
final String ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT = "ACIP to Unicode (Text->Text)";
final String ACIP_TO_TMW = "ACIP to TMW (Text->RTF)";
final String TMW_TO_ACIP = "TMW to ACIP (RTF->RTF)";
@ -42,6 +44,10 @@ interface FontConverterConstants
final String FIND_ALL_NON_TM = "Find all non-TM (in RTF)";
final String[] CHOICES = new String[] {
/* TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: once we're done debugging:
@ -58,7 +64,9 @@ interface FontConverterConstants
final String[] DEBUG_CHOICES = new String[] {
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import org.thdl.tib.text.*;
import org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.TConverter;
import org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.ACIPTraits;
import org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.EWTSTraits;
import org.thdl.tib.text.ttt.TTraits;
import java.util.ArrayList;
/** TibetanConverter is a command-line utility for converting to and
@ -71,6 +73,8 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
boolean convertToTMMode = false;
boolean convertACIPToUniMode = false;
boolean convertACIPToTMWMode = false;
boolean convertWylieToUniMode = false;
boolean convertWylieToTMWMode = false;
boolean convertToTMWMode = false;
boolean convertToWylieRTFMode = false;
boolean convertToWylieTextMode = false;
@ -116,6 +120,10 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
= args[numArgs - 2].equals("--acip-to-unicode"))
|| (convertACIPToTMWMode
= args[numArgs - 2].equals("--acip-to-tmw"))
|| (convertWylieToUniMode
= args[numArgs - 2].equals("--wylie-to-unicode"))
|| (convertWylieToTMWMode
= args[numArgs - 2].equals("--wylie-to-tmw"))
|| (convertToUnicodeMode
= args[numArgs - 2].equals("--to-unicode"))
|| (convertToWylieRTFMode
@ -147,6 +155,7 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
out.println(" | --to-tibetan-machine | --to-tibetan-machine-web");
out.println(" | --to-unicode | --to-wylie | --to-acip");
out.println(" | --to-wylie-text | --to-acip-text");
out.println(" | --wylie-to-unicode | --wylie-to-tmw");
out.println(" | --acip-to-unicode | --acip-to-tmw RTF_file|TXT_file");
out.println(" | TibetanConverter [--version | -v | --help | -h]");
@ -251,13 +260,17 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
} else if (convertToUnicodeMode) {
conversionTag = TMW_TO_UNI;
} else if (convertTmwToTmwMode) {
conversionTag = TMW_TO_SAME_TWM;
conversionTag = TMW_TO_SAME_TMW;
} else if (convertToTMWMode) {
conversionTag = TM_TO_TMW;
} else if (convertACIPToUniMode) {
conversionTag = ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT;
} else if (convertACIPToTMWMode) {
conversionTag = ACIP_TO_TMW;
} else if (convertWylieToUniMode) {
conversionTag = WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT;
} else if (convertWylieToTMWMode) {
conversionTag = WYLIE_TO_TMW;
} else {
conversionTag = TMW_TO_TM;
@ -294,20 +307,28 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
static int reallyConvert(InputStream in, PrintStream out, String ct,
String warningLevel, boolean shortMessages,
boolean colors) {
if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct) {
if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct
|| WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || WYLIE_TO_TMW == ct) {
try {
ArrayList al
= ACIPTraits.instance().scanner().scanStream(in, null,
1000 - 1),
= ((ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct)
? (TTraits)ACIPTraits.instance()
: (TTraits)EWTSTraits.instance()).scanner().scanStream(in, null,
ThdlOptions.getIntegerOption((ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct || ACIP_TO_TMW == ct)
? "thdl.most.errors.a.tibetan.acip.document.can.have"
: "thdl.most.errors.a.tibetan.ewts.document.can.have",
1000 - 1),
if (null == al)
return 47;
boolean embeddedWarnings = (warningLevel != "None");
boolean hasWarnings[] = new boolean[] { false };
if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct) {
if (!TConverter.convertToUnicodeText(ACIPTraits.instance(),
if (ACIP_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct
|| WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct) {
if (!TConverter.convertToUnicodeText((WYLIE_TO_UNI_TEXT == ct)
? (TTraits)EWTSTraits.instance()
: (TTraits)ACIPTraits.instance(),
al, out, null,
null, hasWarnings,
@ -315,8 +336,9 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
return 46;
} else {
if (ct != ACIP_TO_TMW) throw new Error("badness");
if (!TConverter.convertToTMW(ACIPTraits.instance(),
if (!TConverter.convertToTMW((WYLIE_TO_TMW == ct)
? (TTraits)EWTSTraits.instance()
: (TTraits)ACIPTraits.instance(),
al, out, null, null,
@ -402,7 +424,7 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
int exitCode = 0;
ThdlDebug.verify(((TMW_TO_TM == ct) ? 1 : 0)
+ ((TMW_TO_SAME_TWM == ct) ? 1 : 0)
+ ((TMW_TO_SAME_TMW == ct) ? 1 : 0)
+ ((TMW_TO_UNI == ct) ? 1 : 0)
+ ((TM_TO_TMW == ct) ? 1 : 0)
+ ((TMW_TO_ACIP == ct) ? 1 : 0)
@ -411,7 +433,7 @@ public class TibetanConverter implements FontConverterConstants {
+ ((TMW_TO_WYLIE_TEXT == ct) ? 1 : 0)
== 1);
long numAttemptedReplacements[] = new long[] { 0 };
if (TMW_TO_SAME_TWM == ct) {
if (TMW_TO_SAME_TMW == ct) {
// Identity conversion for testing
if (tdoc.identityTmwToTmwConversion(0,
@ -560,6 +560,7 @@ public final class ACIPTraits implements TTraits {
} else if (wowel.indexOf("'I") >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.I_VOWEL, context_added);
} else {
// TODO(dchandler): I don't understand why we go from else ifs to this form...
if (wowel.indexOf('\'') >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.A_VOWEL, context_added);
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ package org.thdl.tib.text.ttt;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.thdl.tib.text.DuffCode;
import org.thdl.tib.text.THDLWylieConstants;
import org.thdl.tib.text.TibTextUtils;
import org.thdl.tib.text.TibetanMachineWeb;
import org.thdl.util.ThdlDebug;
@ -154,7 +156,70 @@ public final class EWTSTraits implements TTraits {
public TTshegBarScanner scanner() { return EWTSTshegBarScanner.instance(); }
public void getDuffForWowel(ArrayList duff, DuffCode preceding, String wowel) {
throw new Error("TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]");
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: I have no confidence in this! test, test, test.
// Order matters here.
boolean context_added[] = new boolean[] { false };
if (wowel.equals(THDLWylieConstants.WYLIE_aVOWEL)) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.WYLIE_aVOWEL, context_added);
} else {
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: test vowel stacking
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.U_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.U_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.reverse_I_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.reverse_I_VOWEL, context_added);
} else if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.I_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.I_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.A_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.A_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.ai_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.ai_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.au_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.au_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.reverse_i_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.reverse_i_VOWEL, context_added);
} else if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.i_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.i_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.e_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.e_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.o_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.o_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf(THDLWylieConstants.u_VOWEL) >= 0) {
TibTextUtils.getVowel(duff, preceding, THDLWylieConstants.u_VOWEL, context_added);
if (wowel.indexOf("~X") >= 0) { // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: introduce THDLWylieConstants.blah
} else if (wowel.indexOf("X") >= 0) { // TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: introduce THDLWylieConstants.blah
// FIXME: Use TMW9.61, the "o'i" special combination, when appropriate.
if (wowel.indexOf('M') >= 0) {
DuffCode last = null;
if (duff.size() > 0) {
last = (DuffCode)duff.get(duff.size() - 1);
duff.remove(duff.size() - 1); // getBindu will add it back...
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: is this okay???? when is a bindu okay to be alone???
TibTextUtils.getBindu(duff, last);
if (wowel.indexOf('H') >= 0)
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: verify that no part of wowel is discarded! acip does that. 'jam~X I think we screw up, e.g.
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]:: are bindus are screwed up in the unicode output? i see (with tmuni font) lone bindus without glyphs to stack on
public String getUnicodeForWowel(String wowel) {
@ -218,12 +283,17 @@ public final class EWTSTraits implements TTraits {
public String getUnicodeFor(String l, boolean subscribed) {
// First, handle "\u0f71\u0f84\u0f86", "", "\u0f74", etc.
boolean already_done = true;
for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) {
if (!(l.charAt(0) >= '\u0f00' && l.charAt(0) <= '\u0fff')) {
char ch = l.charAt(i);
if ((ch < '\u0f00' || ch > '\u0fff')
&& '\n' != ch
&& '\r' != ch) {
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]: Is this the place
// where we want to interpret how newlines work???
already_done = false;
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ class EWTSTshegBarScanner extends TTshegBarScanner {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
int sl = sb.length();
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]:: '@#', in ewts->tmw, is not working
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]:: 'jamX 'jam~X one is not working in ->tmw mode
// TODO(DLC)[EWTS->Tibetan]:: dzaHsogs is not working
for (int i = 0; i < sl; i++) {
if (isValidInsideTshegBar(sb.charAt(i))) {
StringBuffer tbsb = new StringBuffer();
@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ class EWTSTshegBarScanner extends TTshegBarScanner {
al.add(new TString("EWTS", tbsb.toString(),
} else {
if (" /;|!:=_@#$%<>()\r\n\t".indexOf(sb.charAt(i)) >= 0)
if (" /;|!:=_@#$%<>()\r\n\t*".indexOf(sb.charAt(i)) >= 0)
al.add(new TString("EWTS", sb.substring(i, i+1),
@ -327,14 +327,16 @@ class TParseTree {
} else {
if (bestParse.hasStackWithoutVowel(pl, isLastStack)) {
if (bestParse.hasStackWithoutVowel(traits.isACIP(),
pl, isLastStack)) {
if (isLastStack[0]) {
if (ErrorsAndWarnings.isEnabled(502, warningLevel))
return ErrorsAndWarnings.getMessage(502, shortMessages,
} else {
throw new Error("Can't happen now that we stack greedily");
if (traits.isACIP())
throw new Error("Can't happen now that we stack greedily");
if (ErrorsAndWarnings.isEnabled(503, warningLevel))
@ -343,14 +345,16 @@ class TParseTree {
} else {
if (nip.get(0).hasStackWithoutVowel(pl, isLastStack)) {
if (nip.get(0).hasStackWithoutVowel(traits.isACIP(),
pl, isLastStack)) {
if (isLastStack[0]) {
if (ErrorsAndWarnings.isEnabled(502, warningLevel))
return ErrorsAndWarnings.getMessage(502, shortMessages,
} else {
throw new Error("Can't happen now that we stack greedily [2]");
if (traits.isACIP())
throw new Error("Can't happen now that we stack greedily [2]");
@ -193,14 +193,15 @@ class TStackList {
/** Returns true if and only if this stack list contains a stack
* that does not end in a vowel or disambiguator. Note that this
* is not erroneous for legal Tibetan like {BRTAN}, where {B} has
* is not erroneous for legal Tibetan like ACIP {BRTAN}, where {B} has
* no vowel, but it is a warning sign for Sanskrit stacks.
* @param isACIP true iff opl is ACIP (not EWTS)
* @param opl the pair list from which this stack list
* originated
* @param isLastStack if non-null, then isLastStack[0] will be
* set to true if and only if the very last stack is the only
* stack not to have a vowel or disambiguator on it */
boolean hasStackWithoutVowel(TPairList opl, boolean[] isLastStack) {
boolean hasStackWithoutVowel(boolean isACIP, TPairList opl, boolean[] isLastStack) {
int runningSize = 0;
// FIXME: MARDA is MARD==MAR-D to us, but is probably MAR+DA, warn -- see 838470
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
@ -213,15 +214,16 @@ class TStackList {
&& l.charAt(0) >= '0' && l.charAt(0) <= '9')) {
if (null != isLastStack) {
isLastStack[0] = (i + 1 == size());
if (!isLastStack[0]) {
if (!isLastStack[0] && isACIP) {
throw new Error("But we now stack greedily!");
return true;
if (runningSize != opl.sizeMinusDisambiguators())
if (runningSize != opl.sizeMinusDisambiguators()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("runningSize = " + runningSize + "; opl.sizeMinusDisambiguators = " + opl.sizeMinusDisambiguators() + "; opl (" + opl + ") is bad for this stack list (" + toString() + ")");
return false;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import org.thdl.tib.text.DuffCode;
* <p>It is very likely that classes that implement this interface
* will choose to use the design pattern 'singleton'. */
interface TTraits {
public interface TTraits {
/** Returns the disambiguator for this transliteration scheme,
* which had better be a string containing just one character
* lest {@link #disambiguatorChar()} become nonsensical for
Add table
Reference in a new issue