*** empty log message ***
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5 changed files with 923 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
package org.thdl.tib.input ;
import javax.swing.* ;
import javax.swing.text.* ;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants.FontConstants ;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout ;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints ;
import java.awt.Insets ;
import java.awt.Rectangle ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Component ;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent ;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener ;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent ;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock ;
class DictionaryFrame extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener
// the fields to display ..
protected JTextPane original ; // .. the original text - romanized and tibetan
protected JTextArea pronounciation ; // .. the pronounciation
protected DefaultListModel listModel ; //
protected JList entryList ; // .. list of dictionary keywords
protected JTextPane description ; // .. sequence of dictionary entries
protected JScrollPane descriptionPane ; //
protected JButton closeButton ;
protected Font fontSerif ;
protected Font fontSansSerif ;
protected ReentrantLock listLock ;
// entryList contains MyListElement-s instead of just String-s
// (we want a number to be associated with each element to store the position within description)
class MyListElement
MyListElement ( String theStr, int theData )
str = theStr ;
data = theData ;
public void setIntData ( int theData )
data = theData ;
public int getIntData ()
return data ;
public String toString ()
return str ;
protected String str ;
protected int data ;
DictionaryFrame ()
super ( "Dictionary" ) ;
init ( null ) ;
DictionaryFrame ( Component parent )
super ( "Dictionary" ) ;
init ( parent ) ;
void init ( Component parent )
listLock = new ReentrantLock () ;
fontSerif = new Font ( "serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ) ;
fontSansSerif = new Font ( "sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ) ;
// layout
GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout () ;
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints () ;
getContentPane ().setLayout ( gridbag ) ;
// children
original = new JTextPane () ;
pronounciation = new JTextArea ( "" ) ;
listModel = new DefaultListModel () ;
entryList = new JList ( listModel ) ;
entryList.addListSelectionListener ( this ) ;
description = new JTextPane () ;
descriptionPane = new JScrollPane ( description,
closeButton = new JButton ( "Close" ) ;
closeButton.setMnemonic ( 'c' ) ;
closeButton.addActionListener ( new ActionListener () { public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { closeWindow () ; } } ) ;
original.setEditable ( false ) ;
pronounciation.setEditable ( false ) ;
description.setEditable ( false ) ;
// add them
c.insets = new Insets ( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST ;
c.weightx = 1.0 ;
c.weighty = 0.0 ;
c.gridheight = 1 ;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL ;
gridbag.setConstraints ( original, c ) ;
getContentPane ().add ( original ) ;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST ;
c.weightx = 1.0 ;
c.weighty = 0.0 ;
c.gridheight = 1 ;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL ;
gridbag.setConstraints ( pronounciation, c ) ;
getContentPane ().add ( pronounciation ) ;
c.weighty = 1.0 ;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH ;
c.gridheight = 4 ;
c.weightx = 0.0 ;
c.gridwidth = 1 ;
gridbag.setConstraints ( entryList, c ) ;
getContentPane ().add ( entryList ) ;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH ;
c.gridheight = 4 ;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER ;
c.weightx = 3.0 ;
gridbag.setConstraints ( descriptionPane, c ) ;
getContentPane ().add ( descriptionPane ) ;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER ;
c.weightx = 1.0 ;
c.weighty = 0.0 ;
c.gridx = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
c.gridheight = 1 ;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE ;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL ;
gridbag.setConstraints ( closeButton, c ) ;
getContentPane ().add ( closeButton ) ;
// set fonts
original.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ;
pronounciation.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ;
entryList.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ;
description.setFont ( fontSansSerif ) ;
// we need F12 to toggle the visible state of the dictionary window
KeyAdapter keyAdapter = new KeyAdapter ()
public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent ev )
if ( KeyEvent.VK_F12 == ev.getKeyCode () ||
KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE == ev.getKeyCode () )
toggleVisible () ;
original.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ;
pronounciation.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ;
entryList.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ;
description.addKeyListener ( keyAdapter ) ;
// finish
pack () ;
// place the window on top of the parent frame, moving it slightly
if ( parent != null )
setLocation ( parent.getLocation ().x, parent.getLocation ().y ) ;
setSize ( 500, 500 ) ;
* toggle the visibility of this window
void toggleVisible ()
setVisible ( !isVisible () ) ;
void closeWindow ()
setVisible ( false ) ;
* clear all fields
public void reset ()
// clear all fields
listLock.lock () ;
original.setText ( "" ) ;
pronounciation.setText ( "" ) ;
description.setText ( "" ) ;
listModel.clear () ;
listLock.unlock () ;
* isEmpty
public boolean isEmpty ()
return ( original.getText ().length () > 0 ? false : true ) ;
* set the original
* text - has the Wylie roman text
* realDoc - ref to the actual document being edited
* startPos, endPos - location of the text in the actual document being edited
public void setOriginal ( String text, DefaultStyledDocument realDoc, int startPos, int endPos )
AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument)original.getDocument () ;
SimpleAttributeSet as = new SimpleAttributeSet () ;
as.addAttribute ( FontConstants.Family, "serif" ) ;
doc.insertString ( doc.getLength (), text + " ", as ) ;
catch ( BadLocationException e )
// this should never happen
SimpleAttributeSet as1 = new SimpleAttributeSet () ;
for ( int pos = startPos; pos <= endPos; pos++ )
Element el = realDoc.getCharacterElement ( pos ) ;
doc.insertString ( doc.getLength (), realDoc.getText ( pos, 1 ), el.getAttributes () ) ;
catch ( BadLocationException e )
// this should never happen
* set the pronounciation field
public void setPronounciation ( String text )
// set the pronounciation field
pronounciation.setText ( text ) ;
* add a dictionary entry
public void addDescription ( String text )
// add the keyword to entryList. we assume the keyword is anything in the
// dictionary entry that precedes the first dash
listLock.lock () ;
Document doc = description.getDocument () ;
int len = doc.getLength() ;
if ( len > 0 )
doc.insertString ( len, "\n\n", null ) ;
len = doc.getLength () ;
int dashIndex = text.indexOf ( "-" ) ;
String keyword = text.substring ( 0, dashIndex - 1 ) ;
String entry = text.substring ( dashIndex + 1 ) ;
// add keyword to the list box
listModel.addElement ( new MyListElement ( keyword, len ) ) ;
SimpleAttributeSet attrSet = new SimpleAttributeSet () ;
StyleConstants.setBold ( attrSet, true ) ;
StyleConstants.setUnderline ( attrSet, true ) ;
// add entry to the list box
doc.insertString ( len, keyword, attrSet ) ;
len = doc.getLength () ;
StyleConstants.setBold ( attrSet, true ) ;
StyleConstants.setUnderline ( attrSet, false ) ;
doc.insertString ( len, entry, null ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
listLock.unlock () ;
* called when entryList selection changes
public void valueChanged ( ListSelectionEvent e )
// get the position of the dictionary entry identified
// by the selected entryList item.
listLock.lock () ;
MyListElement elem = ((MyListElement)entryList.getSelectedValue ()) ;
if ( null != elem )
int pos = elem.getIntData () ;
// make sure the part of description associated with the item
// is visible; TODO this doesn't work quite well
Rectangle rect = description.modelToView ( pos ) ;
rect.setSize ( (int)rect.getWidth (), descriptionPane.getHeight () - 10 ) ;
description.scrollRectToVisible ( rect ) ;
catch ( BadLocationException ble )
// this should never happen
System.err.println ( "DictionaryFrame.valueChanged .. Incorrect argument passed to modelToView." ) ;
listLock.unlock () ;
public void gotoList ()
entryList.requestFocusInWindow () ;
entryList.setSelectedIndex ( 0 ) ;
* unit test
public static void main ( String [] args )
new DictionaryFrame () ;
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package org.thdl.tib.input ;
class DictionaryLoadState
public static final int UNDEFINED = 0 ;
public static final int READY = 1 ;
public static final int ERROR = -1 ;
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@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
package org.thdl.tib.input ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.TibetanScanner ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.LocalTibetanScanner ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.RemoteTibetanScanner ;
import org.thdl.tib.scanner.Word ;
import org.thdl.tib.input.SettingsChangeListener ;
import org.thdl.tib.input.SettingsServiceProvider ;
import org.thdl.tib.input.DictionaryLoadState ;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.net.URL ;
import java.net.URLConnection ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Observer ;
import java.util.Observable ;
public class GlobalResourceHolder
protected static final int NUM_FONTS = 10 ;
protected static final String FONT_NAME_PREFIX = "TibetanMachineWeb" ;
private static boolean flagIsUsingLocalFonts = false ;
private static Font baseTMWFont [] = null ;
private static Font derivedTMWFont [] = null ;
private static HashMap nameToNumber = null ;
private static TibetanScanner tibetanScanner = null ;
private static SettingsServiceProvider settingsServiceProvider ;
private static boolean dictionaryValid = false ;
private static boolean dictionaryEnabled = false ;
private static boolean dictionaryLocal = false ;
private static String dictionaryPath = "" ;
private static int dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.UNDEFINED ;
private static Object dictionaryLoadLock = null ;
//static class Listener implements SettingsChangeListener
static class Listener implements Observer
* update
public void update ( Observable o, Object arg )
onSettingsChange ( ((Integer)arg).intValue () ) ;
* onSettingsChange
public void onSettingsChange ( int setting )
if ( null == GlobalResourceHolder.settingsServiceProvider )
return ;
if ( SettingsChangeListener.DICTIONARY_SETTINGS == setting )
// compare with the current settings
boolean newDictionaryEnabled = GlobalResourceHolder.
settingsServiceProvider.getDictionarySettingsEnabled () ;
boolean newDictionaryLocal = GlobalResourceHolder.
settingsServiceProvider.getDictionarySettingsLocal () ;
String newDictionaryPath = GlobalResourceHolder.
settingsServiceProvider.getDictionarySettingsPath () ;
if ( newDictionaryEnabled != GlobalResourceHolder.dictionaryEnabled ||
newDictionaryLocal != GlobalResourceHolder.dictionaryLocal ||
! newDictionaryPath.equals ( GlobalResourceHolder.dictionaryPath ) )
GlobalResourceHolder.dictionaryEnabled = newDictionaryEnabled ;
GlobalResourceHolder.dictionaryLocal = newDictionaryLocal ;
GlobalResourceHolder.dictionaryPath = newDictionaryPath ;
GlobalResourceHolder.tibetanScanner = GlobalResourceHolder.loadDictionaryScanner () ;
static Listener listenerObj = null ;
listenerObj = new Listener () ;
// we have no service provider until the client class is born
settingsServiceProvider = null ;
// init the font array
baseTMWFont = new Font [ NUM_FONTS ] ;
derivedTMWFont = new Font [ NUM_FONTS ] ;
// if TibetanMachineWeb fonts are not installed
// load the fonts from the .jar file and set
// the flag
if ( ! isTMWInstalled () )
setLocalFonts () ;
// initialize the dictionary stuff
tibetanScanner = null ;
dictionaryValid = false ;
dictionaryEnabled = false ;
dictionaryLocal = false ;
dictionaryPath = "" ;
dictionaryLoadLock = new Object () ;
public static Listener getListener ()
return listenerObj ;
public static int getDictionaryLoadState ()
int state ;
synchronized ( dictionaryLoadLock )
state = dictionaryLoadState ;
return state ;
public static void waitForDictionary ()
synchronized ( dictionaryLoadLock )
* loadDictionaryScanner
protected static TibetanScanner loadDictionaryScanner ()
//return new LocalTibetanScanner ( "F:/tmp/free/free" ) ;
TibetanScanner ts = null ;
if ( ! dictionaryEnabled )
return null ;
dictionaryValid = false ;
synchronized ( dictionaryLoadLock )
dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.UNDEFINED ;
if ( dictionaryLocal )
ts = new LocalTibetanScanner ( dictionaryPath ) ;
dictionaryValid = true ;
ts = new RemoteTibetanScanner ( dictionaryPath ) ;
dictionaryValid = true ;
dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.READY ;
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println ( "TibetanScanner.loadDictionaryScanner () --> " + e.toString () ) ;
dictionaryLoadState = DictionaryLoadState.ERROR ;
return ts ;
* isTMWInstalled ()
* returns true if TibetanMachineWeb fonts are
* installed on the system.
protected static boolean isTMWInstalled ()
String [] familyNames =
GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment ().getAvailableFontFamilyNames () ;
int mask = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0; i < familyNames.length; i++ )
String family = familyNames [i] ;
if ( family.startsWith ( FONT_NAME_PREFIX ) )
int fontNum = 0 ;
if ( family == FONT_NAME_PREFIX )
fontNum = 1 ;
fontNum = Character.digit ( family.charAt ( family.length () - 1 ), 10 ) ;
if ( fontNum < 0 || fontNum > NUM_FONTS )
fontNum = 0 ;
if ( fontNum > 0 )
mask |= ( 1 << (fontNum-1) ) ;
if ( ( ( 1 << NUM_FONTS ) - 1 ) == mask )
return true ;
return false ;
* setLocalFonts ()
* loads the fonts from Fonts directory in
* the .jar file, if the dir exists
protected static void setLocalFonts ()
nameToNumber = new HashMap () ;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; i++ )
String suffix = ((i>0)?String.valueOf (i):"") ;
URL url =
GlobalResourceHolder.class.getResource ( "/Fonts/TibetanMachineWeb/timwn" + suffix + ".ttf" ) ;
if ( null != url )
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection () ;
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream () ;
baseTMWFont [i] = Font.createFont ( Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, is ) ;
is.close () ;
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println ( "Failed to load fonts from JAR !" ) ;
flagIsUsingLocalFonts = false ;
return ;
// we use a hash map to translate font names into their numbers (indices)
nameToNumber.put ( FONT_NAME_PREFIX + ( ( 0 == i ) ? "" : String.valueOf (i) ), new Integer ( i ) ) ;
flagIsUsingLocalFonts = true ;
* setFontSize
* notifies the GlobalResource about the most probably used font size
protected static void setFontSize ( int fontSize )
if ( !flagIsUsingLocalFonts )
return ;
if ( null == derivedTMWFont [0] || fontSize != derivedTMWFont [0].getSize () )
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; i++ )
derivedTMWFont [i] = baseTMWFont [i].deriveFont ( Font.PLAIN, fontSize ) ;
* getFont ( fontName, size )
public static Font getFont ( String fontName, int fontSize )
Integer intObj = (Integer)nameToNumber.get ( fontName ) ;
if ( intObj != null )
int fontNum = intObj.intValue () ;
return getFont ( fontNum, fontSize ) ;
return null ;
* getFont ( fontNum, size )
public static Font getFont ( int fontNum, int fontSize )
Font font = null ;
if ( flagIsUsingLocalFonts )
if ( null == derivedTMWFont [fontNum] || fontSize != derivedTMWFont [fontNum].getSize () )
font = derivedTMWFont [fontNum] = baseTMWFont [fontNum].deriveFont ( Font.PLAIN, fontSize ) ;
return font ;
* isUsingLocalFonts ()
* returns true if the app should use the fonts from the package .jar file
* (==> fonts are not installed on the system)
public static boolean isUsingLocalFonts ()
return flagIsUsingLocalFonts ;
* getTibetanScanner ()
* returns the dictionary scanner object or null
public static TibetanScanner getTibetanScanner ()
return tibetanScanner ;
public static void setSettingsServiceProvider ( SettingsServiceProvider theSettingsServiceProvider )
settingsServiceProvider = theSettingsServiceProvider ;
theSettingsServiceProvider.getObservable ().addObserver ( listenerObj ) ;
public static void removeSettingsServiceProvider
( SettingsServiceProvider theSettingsServiceProvider )
settingsServiceProvider = null ;
theSettingsServiceProvider.getObservable ().deleteObserver ( listenerObj ) ;
public static boolean isDictionaryValid ()
return dictionaryValid ;
public static boolean isDictionaryEnabled ()
return dictionaryEnabled ;
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
The contents of this file are subject to the THDL Open Community License
Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License on the THDL web site
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the
The Initial Developer of this software is the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital
Library (THDL). Portions created by the THDL are Copyright 2001 THDL.
All Rights Reserved.
Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
package org.thdl.tib.input;
* @author Michal Podhorecki */
public interface SettingsChangeListener
public static final int DICTIONARY_SETTINGS = 1 ;
void onSettingsChange ( int setting ) ;
} // interface SettingsChangeListener
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
The contents of this file are subject to the THDL Open Community License
Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License on the THDL web site
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific terms governing rights and limitations under the
The Initial Developer of this software is the Tibetan and Himalayan Digital
Library (THDL). Portions created by the THDL are Copyright 2001 THDL.
All Rights Reserved.
Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
package org.thdl.tib.input;
import java.util.Observable ;
* @author Edward Garrett, Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library */
public interface SettingsServiceProvider
boolean getDictionarySettingsEnabled () ;
boolean getDictionarySettingsLocal () ;
String getDictionarySettingsPath () ;
Observable getObservable () ;
} // interface SettingsServiceProvider
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