clean check'. Right now there are tests to ensure that typing certain
sequences of keys in the Extended Wylie keyboard gives the expected
Extended Wylie back when "Tools/Convert Tibetan to Wylie" is invoked.
The syntactically illegal d.wa now converts to Tibetan and then back
to d.wa (not dwa, as it did); likewise with the illegal g.wa. wa
doesn't take any prefixes, but I prefer clean end-to-end
behavior. (jeskd doesn't go end-to-end, though.)
Note that you cannot successfully run the DuffPane tests on a Linux
box unless your DISPLAY variable is set correctly. Thus, my nightly
builds will fail with an Error (as opposed to a Failure).
Jskad/extensions. If you're lazy, you can move them to
extensions/drop-ins, but the correct thing to do is to move x*.jar to
$ANT_HOME/lib [next to vamp.jar, if you're already set up for Java Web
Start builds]. This is a side effect of improving the nightly builds.
Nightly builds now feature an HTML summary of the JUnit test results,
a datestamp, and full API docs in two flavors.
If you use a patched vamp.jar [e-mail me] that can run when an X11
display is not available (there is not an analogous problem for
Windows servers, I suspect), all you have to do to put up a nightly
builds site is to set up CVS access so that no password is requires
using SSH public-key crypto ( documents how to do so well) and
then use the following daily cron job on your Unix box:
#! /bin/sh
renice +19 -p $$ >/dev/null 2>&1
su -l joe-user /bin/sh -c /var/www/thdl/nightly/
where joe-user is an unprivileged user who has installed Ant properly
(see the updated BuildSystems.html on the developer's site off of and set himself up a Jskad sandbox with a Fonts
sandbox underneath it in, e.g., /var/www/thdl/nightly/Jskad. Here's
#! /bin/sh
if test ! -d $DEST; then \
echo "$DEST does not exist ($DATE)." >> history; exit 1; fi
(cd $JSKAD && ant dc-nightly-build \
&& rm -fr ${DEST}/* \
&& cp dist/ $DEST \
&& cd $DEST \
&& unzip
if test $? != 0; then echo "NIGHTLY BUILDS FAILED on $DATE" >> $HISTORY; exit 2; fi
echo "Success on start=$DATE end=$DDDATE" >> $HISTORY
exit 0
Smart*, which are accessed via reflection. Cleaned up the
code a bit so that it would compile in so doing.
Changed the 'options.txt' preferences file to reflect the new method
of selecting media players.
be specified on the command line via
'ant -Djnlp.codebase=""'.
This means that dist/ no longer contains .jnlp files; they are created by Ant
At present, dist/*.jnlp refer to my own personal web server, and the build
system is aware of my personal keystore because creating a JWS release
involves signing JARs. It will be very simple to change this once we have
a real PKI certificate and once we deploy on
Note that Savant and QuillDriver's releases are only half-done right now;
they do not include the XML and JMF libraries yet.