work on a Linux console, e.g. The JUnit tests will too, though 'ant
check' still fails because we don't sneak the -Djava.awt.headless=true
into the process early enough.
which means that the command-line tool can finally function with a headless
graphics device. Hopefully it will speed things up, too. It also means that
entering Roman text into the TMW->Unicode conversion and TMW->TM
conversion will be easy.
faster than TMW->Unicode etc.; this is because many fewer replacements
are made (i.e., more text is replaced each time a replacement is
I must find a way to still preserve formatting but do many fewer
replacements in TMW->{Unicode,TM} and TM->TMW.
I've fixed that.
I've also added a couple of Unicode mappings to give a flavor for how
multi-codepoint mappings will be represented.
TM->TMW conversion takes about 1 second per thousand glyphs on my
noticed that formatting is mostly OK but sometimes gets bungled slightly.
I tried everything I could think of, and now I'm passing the buck to Java's
RTF support.
TMW_RTF_TO_THDL_WYLIE (now misnamed) support TMW->TM
conversion (but not TM->TMW). There is an automated test case for a
TMW->TM conversion.
I have full confidence in this conversion. Even the smallest glitch in the core
functionality (not formatting) would surprise me.
Note that the JUnit test TMW_RTF_TO_THDL_WYLIETest sometimes fails
due to one- or two-line diffs between the actual and expected outputs. This
is because Java's RTF support is not deterministic, I'm guessing, and is not
a real failure. I'm too lazy to make a more elaborate sed/diff mechanism
that works on all platforms, and that would complicate the build anyway.
brace problem upon opening any RTF document.
The TMW_RTF_TO_THDL_WYLIE test baselines changed because
I fixed (a while ago) some inconsistencies between the EWTS standard and
Conversion of TibetanMachineWeb8.40, @#, to Wylie now works correctly.
Unfortunately, though, typing @# doesn't produce 8.40, it still produces
8.38 and 8.39, two glyphs.
org.thdl.tib.input.TMW_RTF_TO_THDL_WYLIE. It converts RTF files
consisting of TMW characters to the corresponding THDL Extended Wylie.
It supports --find-some-non-tmw mode, which allows you to ensure that no
unusual characters will spoil the conversion. The converter has built-in
intelligence that allows it to handle Tahoma '{', '}', and '\\' characters
The converter works on mixed Roman/TMW also, but --find-some-non-tmw
and --find-all-non-tmw modes are not as useful.
Invoke org.thdl.tib.input.TMW_RTF_TO_THDL_WYLIE, which resides in
Jskad's jar, with no command-line options to see usage information.
Noted some failures. "Fixed" the code to do what I want it to do for
the (no sanskrit stacking, tibetan stacking) case [which is exercised
by this keyboard only].